91 research outputs found

    Kinematic Galileo and GPS Performances in Aerial, Terrestrial, and Maritime Environments

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    On 15 December 2016, the European Commission (EC) declared the provision of the Galileo Initial Services (IS). This marked a historical milestone in the Galileo program, towards the reaching of its Full Operational Capability. This allows users to navigate with performance-accuracy levels either matching or exceeding those obtained with other GNSS. Under the delegation of the EC, the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has assumed the role of the Galileo Service Provider. As part of this service provision, the primary mission of the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) is to provide the EUSPA and the EC with independent means for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Galileo services, the quality of the signals in space, and the performance of other GNSS. This mission includes significant contributions from cooperating entities in the European Union (EU) Member States (MS), Norway and Switzerland. In particular, for a detailed assessment of the Galileo performance, these contributions include (but are not limited to) periodic dynamic campaigns in three different environments (aerial, terrestrial, and maritime). These campaigns were executed in the frame of the GRC-MS Project and use multi-constellation receivers to compare the navigation performance obtained with different GNSS. The objective of this paper is to present the numerical results obtained from these campaigns, together with several considerations about the experimental setup, the methodology for the estimation of the reference («actual») trajectory, and the reasons for possible performance degradations

    Analysis of Precipitable Water Vapour in Angola Using GNSS Observations

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    For accurate weather predictions and analysis of extreme events, a good estimate of the amount of water content in the atmosphere is essential. This information is provided by several techniques like radiosondes that measure this parameter at various heights. However, most of them are very limited spatially and temporarily or suffer from measurement specific constraints. To complement these techniques, Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) can be measured with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) at CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) networks. when the temperature and pressure are also known at the station location. PWV can be derived from the delay in the GNSS signal when it passes through the troposphere. In the framework of SUGGEST-AFRICA, it is being implemented a system to use the national GNSS stations for the automatic computation of PWV in Angola. Thus, this dissertation intends to describe the necessary steps to develop a system to be used for supporting meteorological and climate applications in Angola. SUGGEST-AFRICA also funded the installation of 5 weather stations, collocated with GNSS stations in Angola namely: Benguela, Cabinda, Cuito, Luanda and Namibe, in order to obtain pressure and temperature which is necessary to obtain the PWV estimates. When there are no nearby meteorological stations, the potential alternative is to use values from global/regional models. Methodologies have been optimized to passive and actively access the GNSS data; the PWV estimations are computed using PPP (Precise Point Positioning), which permits the estimation of each station separately; solutions have been validated using internal values. In addition, analyses are presented to evaluate the reliability of the network. This work presents preliminary results for the variation of the ZTD data available all around the territory in Angola and how they relate to the seasonal variations in water vapour. Also, presents preliminary results for the time-series variation of PWV in the Luanda station (collocated by the SEGAL group). This study is supported by SUGGEST-AFRICA, funded by Fundação Aga Khan and FCT. It uses computational resources provided by C4G – Collaboratory for Geosciences (PINFRA/22151/2016). It is also supported by project FCT/UIDB/50019/2020 – IDL funded by FCT.Para precisão da previsão do tempo e análise de eventos extremos é fundamental uma boa estimativa do vapor da água na atmosfera. O vapor da água na atmosfera é fornecido por várias técnicas como radio sondagem que mede este parâmetro em várias alturas. No entanto, muito dessas técnicas são limitadas devido a resolução espacial e temporal ou sofrem restrições específicas de medição. Para completar estas limitações encontrado nas demais técnicas, o vapor da água precipitável (PWV) pode ser medido pelo GNSS (Sistemas de navegação global por satélite) CORS (Rede nacional de estações de referência de operação continua). PWV pode ser obtido a partir do atraso do sinal de GNSS através da troposfera, quando a temperatura e a pressão também são conhecidas derivado da localização duma estação meteorológica. No âmbito da SUGGEST-ÁFRICA, esta ser implementado um sistema de modo a calcular o PWV de uma maneira automática em Angola. Assim, nesta dissertação pretende descrever os passos necessários para desenvolver tal sistema a ser utilizado para apoiar aplicações meteorológicas e climáticas em Angola. SUGGEST-ÁFRICA também financiou a instalação de 5 estações meteorológicas, colocada com estações GNSS em Angola, nomeadamente: Benguela, Cabinda, Cuito, Luanda e Namibe, a fim de obter a pressão e a temperatura necessárias para obter as estimativas PWV. Aconselha-se o uso dos modelos globais/regionais para aquisição de valores de pressão e temperatura quando não existe dados nas estações meteorológicas adjacentes. As metodologias foram otimizadas para o acesso passivo e ativo dos dados GNSS; a estimação do vapor de água precipitável é calculada usando a técnica PPP (Posicionamento do ponto preciso), que permite a determinação de cada estação individualmente e separadamente; as soluções foram validadas usando valor interno. Além disso, são apresentadas análises para avaliar a fiabilidade da rede. Este trabalho, também apresenta resultados preliminares para a variação de todo dados do ZTD disponível em Angola e a forma como se relacionam com as variações sazonais do vapor de água. Também, apresenta variação da série temporal do PWV na estação meteorológica de Luanda (instalado pela SEGAL). Este estudo é suportado pela SUGGEST-ÁFRICA, financiado pela fundação Aga Khan e FCT. Utiliza recurso computacional fornecido pela C4G – Colaboração de Geociências (PINFRA/ 22151/2016). Também é apoiado pelo projecto FCT/UIDB/50019/2020 – IDL financiado pela FCT

    System Development of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Implementation of an Autonomous Navigation Module in a Mine Environment

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    There are numerous benefits to the insights gained from the exploration and exploitation of underground mines. There are also great risks and challenges involved, such as accidents that have claimed many lives. To avoid these accidents, inspections of the large mines were carried out by the miners, which is not always economically feasible and puts the safety of the inspectors at risk. Despite the progress in the development of robotic systems, autonomous navigation, localization and mapping algorithms, these environments remain particularly demanding for these systems. The successful implementation of the autonomous unmanned system will allow mine workers to autonomously determine the structural integrity of the roof and pillars through the generation of high-fidelity 3D maps. The generation of the maps will allow the miners to rapidly respond to any increasing hazards with proactive measures such as: sending workers to build/rebuild support structure to prevent accidents. The objective of this research is the development, implementation and testing of a robust unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) that will operate in mine environments for extended periods of time. To achieve this, a custom skid-steer four-wheeled UGV is designed to operate in these challenging underground mine environments. To autonomously navigate these environments, the UGV employs the use of a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and tactical grade inertial measurement unit (IMU) for the localization and mapping through a tightly-coupled LiDAR Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping framework (LIO-SAM). The autonomous navigation module was implemented based upon the Fast likelihood-based collision avoidance with an extension to human-guided navigation and a terrain traversability analysis framework. In order to successfully operate and generate high-fidelity 3D maps, the system was rigorously tested in different environments and terrain to verify its robustness. To assess the capabilities, several localization, mapping and autonomous navigation missions were carried out in a coal mine environment. These tests allowed for the verification and tuning of the system to be able to successfully autonomously navigate and generate high-fidelity maps

    Methods for Improving Performance in Consumer Grade GNSS Receivers

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    Viimeisten kolmen vuosikymmenen aikana satelliittinavigointi on kehittynyt ammatti ja sotilaskäyttäjien tekniikasta kaikkien saatavilla olevaksi tekniikaksi. Varsinkin viimeisen 15 vuoden aikana, kun vastaanottimet alkoivat pienentyä ja halpenivat, on lisääntynyt määrä yrityksiä, jotka toimittavat GPS-laitteita satoihin erilaisiin sovelluksiin. Kaikille moderneille tekniikoille on myös tyypillistä, että tutkimukseen ja siihen liittyvään vastaanottimien kehittämiseen on käytetty valtavasti rahaa, mikä on johtanut huomattavaan parantumiseen vastaanottimen suorituskyvyssä. GPS-vastaanottimien kehitystyön lisäksi uusien maailmanlaajuisten satelliittinavigointijärjestelmien, kuten venäläisen GLONASS, kiinalaisen BeiDou- ja eurooppalaisen Galileo-järjestelmien käyttöönotto tarjoaa entistä enemmän mahdollisuuksia suorituskyvyn parantamiseen. Sekä GPS että nämä uudet järjestelmät ovat myös ottaneet käyttöön uudentyyppisiä signaalirakenteita, jotka voivat tarjota parempilaatuisia havaintoja ja siten parantaa kaikkien vastaanottimien suorituskykyä. Lopuksi menetelmät, kuten PPP ja RTK, jotka aiemmin olivat varattu ammattikäyttäjille, ovat tulleet kuluttajamarkkinoille mahdollistaen ennennäkemättömän suorituskyvyn jokaiselle satelliittinavigointivastaanottimien käyttäjälle. Tässä opinnäytetyössä arvioidaan tämän kehityksen vaikutusta sekä suorituskykyyn että vastaanottimen arkkitehtuuriin. Työssä esitellään yksityiskohtaisesti FGI:ssä kehitetyn ohjelmistopohjaisen vastaanottimen, FGI-GSRx:n. Tämän vastaanottimen avulla on työssä arvioitu miten sekä uudet konstellaatiot että uudet nykyaikaiset signaalit ja niitten seurantamenetelmät vaikuttavat suorituskykyyn ja vastaanotin arkkitehtuuriin. Tämän lisäksi on arvioitu PPP- ja RTK-tarkkuuspaikannusmenetelmien vaikutus FinnRefCORS-verkkoa käyttäen useiden erityyppisten vastaanottimien kanssa, mukaan lukien kuluttajalaatuiset vastaanottimet. Tulokset osoittavat, että enemmän konstellaatioita ja signaaleja käytettäessä paikannusratkaisun tarkkuus paranee 3 metristä 1,4 metriin hyvissä olosuhteissa ja yli 10-kertaiseksi tiheästi rakennetuissa kaupungeissa, jossa käytettävissä olevien signaalien määrä kasvaa kertoimella 2 käytettäessä kolmea konstellaatiota. Uusia moderneja modulaatiotekniikoita, kuten BOC-modulaatiota, käytettäessä tulokset osoittavat Galileo-ratkaisun tarkkuuden paranevan lähes 25%:lla ja esitelty uusi signaalinkäsittelymenetelmä lisää tällaisen tarkkuuden saatavuutta 50%:sta lähes 100%:iin. Lopuksi tarkkuuspaikannusmenetelmien tulokset osoittavat, että 15 cm:n tarkkuus on saavutettavissa, mikä on merkittävä parannus verrattuna 1,4 metrin tarkkuuteen. Näiden parannusten saavuttamiseksi on olennaista, että itse vastaanotin on mukautettu hyödyntämään näitä uusia signaaleja ja konstellaatioita. Tämä tarkoittaa, että nykyaikaisten kuluttajamarkkinoiden vastaanottimien suunnittelu on haastavaa ja monissa tapauksissa ohjelmistopohjainen vastaanotin olisi parempi ja halvempi valinta kuin uusien mikropiirien kehittäminen.For the last three decades, satellite navigation has evolved from being a technology for professional and military users to a technology available for everyone. Especially during the last 15 years, since the receivers started getting smaller and cheaper, there has been an increasing number of companies delivering Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled devices for hundreds of different kind of applications. Typical for any modern technology, there has also been an enormous amount of money spent on research and accompanied receiver development resulting in an immense increase in receiver performance. In addition to the development efforts on GPS receivers the introduction of new global navigation satellite systems such as the Russian Globalnaja Navigatsionnaja Sputnikovaja Sistema (GLONASS), the Chinese BeiDou, and the European Galileo systems offers even more opportunities for improved performance. Both GPS and these new systems have also introduced new types of signal structures that can provide better quality observations and even further improve the performance of all receivers. Finally, methods like Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) that earlier were reserved for professional users have entered into the consumer market enabling never before seen performance for every user of satellite navigation receivers. This thesis will assess the impact of this development on both performance as well as on receiver architecture. The design of the software defined receiver developed at FGI, the FGI-GSRx, is presented in detail in this thesis. This receiver has then been used to assess the impact of using multiple constellations as well as new novel signal processing methods for modern signals. To evaluate the impact of PPP and RTK methods the FinnRef Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network has been used together with several different types of receivers including consumer grade off the shelf receivers. The results show that when using more constellations and signals the accuracy of the positioning solution improves from3 meters to 1.4 meters in open sky conditions and by more than a factor 10 in severe urban canyons. For severe urban canyons the available also increases by a factor 2 when using three constellations. When using new modern modulation techniques like high order BOC results show an accuracy improvement for a Galileo solution of almost 25 % and the presented new signal processing method increase the availability of such an accuracy from 50 % to almost 100 %. Finally, results from precise point positioning methods show that an accuracy of 15 cm is achievable, which is a significant improvement compared to an accuracy of 1.4 m for a standalone multi constellation solution. To achieve these improvements, it is essential that the receiver itself is adapted to make use of these new signals and constellations. This means that the design of modern consumer market receivers is challenging and in many cases a software define receiver would be a better and cheaper choice than developing new Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)’s

    Moose-habitat relationships in the Yaak River drainage northwestern Montana

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    Research on implementation of IMO instruments by China Hydrographic Office

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    Comparative linear accuracy of cone beam CT derived 3D images in orthodontic analysis.

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    Objective . To compare the in vitro reliability and accuracy of linear measurements between cephalometric landmarks on CBCT 3D images with varying basis projection images to direct measurements on human skulls. Methods . Sixteen linear dimensions between anatomical sites marked on 19 human skulls were directly measured. Skulls were imaged with CBCT at three settings: 153, 306, and 612 basis projections. The mean absolute error and modality mean of linear measurements between landmarks on 3D images were compared to the anatomic truth. Results . No difference in mean absolute error between the scan settings was found. The average skull absolute error between marked reference points were less than the distances between unmarked reference sites. Conclusion . CBCT measurements were consistent between scan sequences and for direct measurements between marked reference points. Reducing the number of projections for 3D reconstruction did not lead to reduced dimensional accuracy and potentially provides reduced patient radiation exposure

    Generic Multisensor Integration Strategy and Innovative Error Analysis for Integrated Navigation

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    A modern multisensor integrated navigation system applied in most of civilian applications typically consists of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers, IMUs (Inertial Measurement Unit), and/or other sensors, e.g., odometers and cameras. With the increasing availabilities of low-cost sensors, more research and development activities aim to build a cost-effective system without sacrificing navigational performance. Three principal contributions of this dissertation are as follows: i) A multisensor kinematic positioning and navigation system built on Linux Operating System (OS) with Real Time Application Interface (RTAI), York University Multisensor Integrated System (YUMIS), was designed and realized to integrate GNSS receivers, IMUs, and cameras. YUMIS sets a good example of a low-cost yet high-performance multisensor inertial navigation system and lays the ground work in a practical and economic way for the personnel training in following academic researches. ii) A generic multisensor integration strategy (GMIS) was proposed, which features a) the core system model is developed upon the kinematics of a rigid body; b) all sensor measurements are taken as raw measurement in Kalman filter without differentiation. The essential competitive advantages of GMIS over the conventional error-state based strategies are: 1) the influences of the IMU measurement noises on the final navigation solutions are effectively mitigated because of the increased measurement redundancy upon the angular rate and acceleration of a rigid body; 2) The state and measurement vectors in the estimator with GMIS can be easily expanded to fuse multiple inertial sensors and all other types of measurements, e.g., delta positions; 3) one can directly perform error analysis upon both raw sensor data (measurement noise analysis) and virtual zero-mean process noise measurements (process noise analysis) through the corresponding measurement residuals of the individual measurements and the process noise measurements. iii) The a posteriori variance component estimation (VCE) was innovatively accomplished as an advanced analytical tool in the extended Kalman Filter employed by the GMIS, which makes possible the error analysis of the raw IMU measurements for the very first time, together with the individual independent components in the process noise vector