5 research outputs found

    A new software development for Fuzzy Multicriteria decision‐making

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    In this paper, software for Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) problems has been developed and tested on two real problems. FMCDM methods are widely used when imprecise data or linguistic variables exist in the problem. Using FMCDM methods may help improve decision‐making problems and lead to more accurate models. Although these methods are more involved in terms of computing due to fuzzy calculations in MCDM algorithms, fuzziness offers advantages over classical algorithms. Thus appropriate software is of great importance in applying FMCDM methods. The major aim of this study is to develop software and to test it on two real military problems which are solved by an ideal points algorithm and an outranking method. The results and outputs are discussed with sensitivity analyses. Santrauka Aprašomos programos, skirtos daugiakriteriniam sprendimų priėmimui esant neapibrėžtumams, kūrimas ir jos pritaikymas sprendžiant dvi realias problemas. Neapibrėžtųjų aibių daugiakriteriniai metodai plačiai taikomi, kai esama netikslių duomenų arba lingvistinių kintamųjų. Taikant šiuos metodus galima lengviau išspręsti sprendimo priėmimo problemas, sudaryti tikslesnius modelius. Nors tokiu atveju reikia daugiau skaičiavimų siekiant taikyti neapibrėžtąsias aibes daugiakriteriniuose sprendimų priėmimo algoritmuose, tačiau galimybė įvertinti neapibrėžtumus suteikia pranašumų, palyginti su klasikiniais metodais. Taigi neapibrėžtųjų aibių daugiakriteriniams metodams labai svarbu tinkama programinė įranga. Svarbiausias šio tyrimo tikslas – sukurti programinę įrangą ir testuoti ją sprendžiant dvi tikras karines problemas – idealiųjų taškų agoritmą ir rangavimų metodą. Rezultatai aptarti atlikus jautrumo analizę. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: neapibrėžtųjų aibių daugiakriterinis sprendimų priėmimas (NADSP), idealieji taškai, rangavimas, programinė įranga


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    This study evaluates the assignment system by FMCDM for Turkish Army Forces (TAF). TAF personnel are assigned to Garrisons (a headquarter or a certain geographical place in Turkey), for fixed periods. Selecting the optimal Garrison is an important problem for personnel, and is based on a number of alternatives and criteria. The system includes eight city centers, evaluated as alternatives. For defining the criteria, a questionnaire is designed and applied to army officers and sergeants. The criteria weights are determined by four randomly selected experts. Experts described the weights depending on their assessments, which may vary depending on their own necessities, experiences and priorities. They used linguistic weights, such as "very good, good, medium, low, very low". Hence, the assessments are away from certainty. This uncertainty implies fuzziness in weights. Besides, the criteria were determined by factor analysis, applied on the responses of the questionnaire, which also gives a sense of uncertainty. In the analysis under imprecision judgements, the criteria weights are presented as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers to get more reasonable and realistic solutions. Ideal and anti-ideal points are calculated for different optimism indexes and the final results are obtained based on these points. It is observed that different optimality indexes changed the rankings of alternatives.Fuzzy sets, multicriteria decision making, FMCDM

    Conference proceedings of the 14th International Postgraduate Research Conference 2019 : contemporary and future directions in the Built Environment

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    Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Postgraduate Research Conference 2019: Contemporary and Future Directions in the Built Environmen