1,625 research outputs found

    An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Circuit Switched Network-on-Chip

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    Network-on-Chip (NoC) is an energy-efficient on-chip communication architecture for multi-tile System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures. The SoC architecture, including its run-time software, can replace inflexible ASICs for future ambient systems. These ambient systems have to be flexible as well as energy-efficient. To find an energy-efficient solution for the communication network we analyze three wireless applications. Based on their communication requirements we observe that revisiting of the circuit switching techniques is beneficial. In this paper we propose a new energy-efficient reconfigurable circuit-switched Network-on-Chip. By physically separating the concurrent data streams we reduce the overall energy consumption. The circuit-switched router has been synthesized and analyzed for its power consumption in 0.13 Âżm technology. A 5-port circuit-switched router has an area of 0.05 mm2 and runs at 1075 MHz. The proposed architecture consumes 3.5 times less energy compared to its packet-switched equivalen

    An Energy and Performance Exploration of Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    In this paper, we explore the designs of a circuit-switched router, a wormhole router, a quality-of-service (QoS) supporting virtual channel router and a speculative virtual channel router and accurately evaluate the energy-performance tradeoffs they offer. Power results from the designs placed and routed in a 90-nm CMOS process show that all the architectures dissipate significant idle state power. The additional energy required to route a packet through the router is then shown to be dominated by the data path. This leads to the key result that, if this trend continues, the use of more elaborate control can be justified and will not be immediately limited by the energy budget. A performance analysis also shows that dynamic resource allocation leads to the lowest network latencies, while static allocation may be used to meet QoS goals. Combining the power and performance figures then allows an energy-latency product to be calculated to judge the efficiency of each of the networks. The speculative virtual channel router was shown to have a very similar efficiency to the wormhole router, while providing a better performance, supporting its use for general purpose designs. Finally, area metrics are also presented to allow a comparison of implementation costs

    Energy Model of Networks-on-Chip and a Bus

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    A Network-on-Chip (NoC) is an energy-efficient onchip communication architecture for Multi-Processor Systemon-Chip (MPSoC) architectures. In earlier papers we proposed two Network-on-Chip architectures based on packet-switching and circuit-switching. In this paper we derive an energy model for both NoC architectures to predict their energy consumption per transported bit. Both architectures are also compared with a traditional bus architecture. The energy model is primarily needed to find a near optimal run-time mapping (from an energy point of view) of inter-process communication to NoC link

    The Octopus switch

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    This chapter1 discusses the interconnection architecture of the Mobile Digital Companion. The approach to build a low-power handheld multimedia computer presented here is to have autonomous, reconfigurable modules such as network, video and audio devices, interconnected by a switch rather than by a bus, and to offload as much as work as possible from the CPU to programmable modules placed in the data streams. Thus, communication between components is not broadcast over a bus but delivered exactly where it is needed, work is carried out where the data passes through, bypassing the memory. The amount of buffering is minimised, and if it is required at all, it is placed right on the data path, where it is needed. A reconfigurable internal communication network switch called Octopus exploits locality of reference and eliminates wasteful data copies. The switch is implemented as a simplified ATM switch and provides Quality of Service guarantees and enough bandwidth for multimedia applications. We have built a testbed of the architecture, of which we will present performance and energy consumption characteristics

    The Chameleon Architecture for Streaming DSP Applications

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    We focus on architectures for streaming DSP applications such as wireless baseband processing and image processing. We aim at a single generic architecture that is capable of dealing with different DSP applications. This architecture has to be energy efficient and fault tolerant. We introduce a heterogeneous tiled architecture and present the details of a domain-specific reconfigurable tile processor called Montium. This reconfigurable processor has a small footprint (1.8 mm2^2 in a 130 nm process), is power efficient and exploits the locality of reference principle. Reconfiguring the device is very fast, for example, loading the coefficients for a 200 tap FIR filter is done within 80 clock cycles. The tiles on the tiled architecture are connected to a Network-on-Chip (NoC) via a network interface (NI). Two NoCs have been developed: a packet-switched and a circuit-switched version. Both provide two types of services: guaranteed throughput (GT) and best effort (BE). For both NoCs estimates of power consumption are presented. The NI synchronizes data transfers, configures and starts/stops the tile processor. For dynamically mapping applications onto the tiled architecture, we introduce a run-time mapping tool

    A Scalable and Adaptive Network on Chip for Many-Core Architectures

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    In this work, a scalable network on chip (NoC) for future many-core architectures is proposed and investigated. It supports different QoS mechanisms to ensure predictable communication. Self-optimization is introduced to adapt the energy footprint and the performance of the network to the communication requirements. A fault tolerance concept allows to deal with permanent errors. Moreover, a template-based automated evaluation and design methodology and a synthesis flow for NoCs is introduced

    Automated Hardware Prototyping for 3D Network on Chips

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    Vor mehr als 50 Jahren stellte IntelÂź MitbegrĂŒnder Gordon Moore eine Prognose zum Entwicklungsprozess der Transistortechnologie auf. Er prognostizierte, dass sich die Zahl der Transistoren in integrierten Schaltungen alle zwei Jahre verdoppeln wird. Seine Aussage ist immer noch gĂŒltig, aber ein Ende von Moores Gesetz ist in Sicht. Mit dem Ende von Moore’s Gesetz mĂŒssen neue Aspekte untersucht werden, um weiterhin die Leistung von integrierten Schaltungen zu steigern. Zwei mögliche AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr "More than Moore” sind 3D-Integrationsverfahren und heterogene Systeme. Gleichzeitig entwickelt sich ein Trend hin zu Multi-Core Prozessoren, basierend auf Networks on chips (NoCs). Neben dem Ende des Mooreschen Gesetzes ergeben sich bei immer kleiner werdenden TechnologiegrĂ¶ĂŸen, vor allem jenseits der 60 nm, neue Herausforderungen. Eine Schwierigkeit ist die WĂ€rmeableitung in großskalierten integrierten Schaltkreisen und die daraus resultierende Überhitzung des Chips. Um diesem Problem in modernen Multi-Core Architekturen zu begegnen, muss auch die Verlustleistung der Netzwerkressourcen stark reduziert werden. Diese Arbeit umfasst eine durch Hardware gesteuerte Kombination aus Frequenzskalierung und Power Gating fĂŒr 3D On-Chip Netzwerke, einschließlich eines FPGA Prototypen. DafĂŒr wurde ein Takt-synchrones 2D Netzwerk auf ein dreidimensionales asynchrones Netzwerk mit mehreren Frequenzbereichen erweitert. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde ein skalierbares Online-Power-Management System mit geringem Ressourcenaufwand entwickelt. Die Verifikation neuer Hardwarekomponenten ist einer der zeitaufwendigsten Schritte im Entwicklungsprozess hochintegrierter digitaler Schaltkreise. Um diese Aufgabe zu beschleunigen und um eine parallele Softwareentwicklung zu ermöglichen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein automatisiertes und benutzerfreundliches Tool fĂŒr den Entwurf neuer Hardware Projekte entwickelt. Eine grafische BenutzeroberflĂ€che zum Erstellen des gesamten Designablaufs, vom Erstellen der Architektur, Parameter Deklaration, Simulation, Synthese und Test ist Teil dieses Werkzeugs. Zudem stellt die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Architektur fĂŒr die Erstellung eines Prototypen eine besondere Herausforderung dar. FrĂŒhere Arbeiten haben es versĂ€umt, eine schnelles und unkompliziertes Prototyping, insbesondere von Architekturen mit mehr als 50 Prozessorkernen, zu realisieren. Diese Arbeit umfasst eine Design Space Exploration und FPGA-basierte Prototypen von verschiedenen 3D-NoC Implementierungen mit mehr als 80 Prozessoren

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    High Performance and Power Efficient On-Chip Network Designs through Multiple Injection Ports

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    Las redes dentro de un chip se estån convirtiendo en el elemento principal de los sistemas multiprocesador. A medida que aumenta la escala de integración, mås elementos de cómputo (procesadores) se incluyen en el mismo chip. Estos componentes se interconectan con una red dentro del chip que debe ofrecer latencias de transmisión ultra bajas (orden de nanosegundos) y anchos de banda elevados. El diseño, pues, de una red eficiente dentro del chip juega un papel fundamental. En la presente tesis se analizan diferentes alternativas de diseño de las redes en el chip. En particular, se hace uso de la posibilidad de utilizar diferentes puertos de inyección desde los procesadores con el fin de obtener diferentes mejoras. En primer lugar, las prestaciones aumentan al tener procesadores con distintas alternativas de inyección de tråfico. En segundo lugar, ademås aumenta la tolerancia a fallos frente a defectos de fabricación (mas importantes conforme avanza la tecnología). Y en tercer lugar, permite una política de apagado de componentes mås agresiva que nos permita un ahorro significativo de energía. Hemos evaluado diferentes topologías derivadas del mecanismo de inyección en términos de prestaciones, coste de implementación, y ahorro de consumo. Ademås, hemos desarrollado simuladores específicos para las distintas técnicas utilizadas. Cada topología diseñada supone una mejora respecto a la anterior, y por supuesto, teniendo en cuenta las topologías existentes. En resumen, nuestro esfuerzo se centra en conseguir un excelente compromiso entre prestaciones, consumo y tolerancia a fallos dentro de una red en chip. Para la primera propuesta (topología NR-Mesh), se alcanzan mejoras en prestaciones de un 7\% y hasta de un 75\% en reducción de consumo de media, comparado con la malla 2D o malla de 2 dimensiones. Para la siguiente propuesta, la malla concentrada paralela (PC-Mesh), el beneficio en prestaciones que se obtiene es de hasta un 20\%, así cómo de un 60\% en reducción deCamacho Villanueva, J. (2012). High Performance and Power Efficient On-Chip Network Designs through Multiple Injection Ports [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat PolitÚcnica de ValÚncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18235Palanci
