1,221 research outputs found

    Recent Trends in In-silico Drug Discovery

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    A Drug designing is a process in which new leads (potential drugs) are discovered which have therapeutic benefits in diseased condition. With development of various computational tools and availability of databases (having information about 3D structure of various molecules) discovery of drugs became comparatively, a faster process. The two major drug development methods are structure based drug designing and ligand based drug designing. Structure based methods try to make predictions based on three dimensional structure of the target molecules. The major approach of structure based drug designing is Molecular docking, a method based on several sampling algorithms and scoring functions. Docking can be performed in several ways depending upon whether ligand and receptors are rigid or flexible. Hotspot grafting, is another method of drug designing. It is preferred when the structure of a native binding protein and target protein complex is available and the hotspots on the interface are known. In absence of information of three Dimensional structure of target molecule, Ligand based methods are used. Two common methods used in ligand based drug designing are Pharmacophore modelling and QSAR. Pharmacophore modelling explains only essential features of an active ligand whereas QSAR model determines effect of certain property on activity of ligand. Fragment based drug designing is a de novo approach of building new lead compounds using fragments within the active site of the protein. All the candidate leads obtained by various drug designing method need to satisfy ADMET properties for its development as a drug. In-silico ADMET prediction tools have made ADMET profiling an easier and faster process. In this review, various softwares available for drug designing and ADMET property predictions have also been listed

    Improving protein docking with binding site prediction

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    Protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions are fundamental as many proteins mediate their biological function through these interactions. Many important applications follow directly from the identification of residues in the interfaces between protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions, such as drug design, protein mimetic engineering, elucidation of molecular pathways, and understanding of disease mechanisms. The identification of interface residues can also guide the docking process to build the structural model of protein-protein complexes. This dissertation focuses on developing computational approaches for protein-ligand and protein-protein binding site prediction and applying these predictions to improve protein-protein docking. First, we develop an automated approach LIGSITEcs to predict protein-ligand binding site, based on the notion of surface-solvent-surface events and the degree of conservation of the involved surface residues. We compare our algorithm to four other approaches, LIGSITE, CAST, PASS, and SURFNET, and evaluate all on a dataset of 48 unbound/bound structures and 210 bound-structures. LIGSITEcs performs slightly better than the other tools and achieves a success rate of 71% and 75%, respectively. Second, for protein-protein binding site, we develop metaPPI, a meta server for interface prediction. MetaPPI combines results from a number of tools, such as PPI_Pred, PPISP, PINUP, Promate, and SPPIDER, which predict enzyme-inhibitor interfaces with success rates of 23% to 55% and other interfaces with 10% to 28% on a benchmark dataset of 62 complexes. After refinement, metaPPI significantly improves prediction success rates to 70% for enzyme-inhibitor and 44% for other interfaces. Third, for protein-protein docking, we develop a FFT-based docking algorithm and system BDOCK, which includes specific scoring functions for specific types of complexes. BDOCK uses family-based residue interface propensities as a scoring function and obtains improvement factors of 4-30 for enzyme-inhibitor and 4-11 for antibody-antigen complexes in two specific SCOP families. Furthermore, the degrees of buriedness of surface residues are integrated into BDOCK, which improves the shape discriminator for enzyme-inhibitor complexes. The predicted interfaces from metaPPI are integrated as well, either during docking or after docking. The evaluation results show that reliable interface predictions improve the discrimination between near-native solutions and false positive. Finally, we propose an implicit method to deal with the flexibility of proteins by softening the surface, to improve docking for non enzyme-inhibitor complexes

    Improving protein docking with binding site prediction

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    Protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions are fundamental as many proteins mediate their biological function through these interactions. Many important applications follow directly from the identification of residues in the interfaces between protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions, such as drug design, protein mimetic engineering, elucidation of molecular pathways, and understanding of disease mechanisms. The identification of interface residues can also guide the docking process to build the structural model of protein-protein complexes. This dissertation focuses on developing computational approaches for protein-ligand and protein-protein binding site prediction and applying these predictions to improve protein-protein docking. First, we develop an automated approach LIGSITEcs to predict protein-ligand binding site, based on the notion of surface-solvent-surface events and the degree of conservation of the involved surface residues. We compare our algorithm to four other approaches, LIGSITE, CAST, PASS, and SURFNET, and evaluate all on a dataset of 48 unbound/bound structures and 210 bound-structures. LIGSITEcs performs slightly better than the other tools and achieves a success rate of 71% and 75%, respectively. Second, for protein-protein binding site, we develop metaPPI, a meta server for interface prediction. MetaPPI combines results from a number of tools, such as PPI_Pred, PPISP, PINUP, Promate, and SPPIDER, which predict enzyme-inhibitor interfaces with success rates of 23% to 55% and other interfaces with 10% to 28% on a benchmark dataset of 62 complexes. After refinement, metaPPI significantly improves prediction success rates to 70% for enzyme-inhibitor and 44% for other interfaces. Third, for protein-protein docking, we develop a FFT-based docking algorithm and system BDOCK, which includes specific scoring functions for specific types of complexes. BDOCK uses family-based residue interface propensities as a scoring function and obtains improvement factors of 4-30 for enzyme-inhibitor and 4-11 for antibody-antigen complexes in two specific SCOP families. Furthermore, the degrees of buriedness of surface residues are integrated into BDOCK, which improves the shape discriminator for enzyme-inhibitor complexes. The predicted interfaces from metaPPI are integrated as well, either during docking or after docking. The evaluation results show that reliable interface predictions improve the discrimination between near-native solutions and false positive. Finally, we propose an implicit method to deal with the flexibility of proteins by softening the surface, to improve docking for non enzyme-inhibitor complexes

    Manifold optimization methods for macromolecular docking

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThis thesis develops efficient algorithms for local optimization problems encountered in predictive docking of biological macromolecules. Predictive docking, defined as computationally obtaining a model of the bound complex from the coordinates of the two component molecules, is one of the fundamental and challenging problems in computational structural biology. Docking methods generally search for the minima of an energy or scoring function that estimates the binding free energy or, more frequently, the interaction energy, of the two molecules. These energy functions generally have large numbers of local minima, resulting in extremely rugged energy landscapes. Therefore, independently of the algorithm used for sampling the conformational space, virtually all docking algorithms include some type of local continuous minimization of the energy function. Most state-of-the-art algorithms allow for the free movement of all atoms of the two molecules and rely on the minimization of the energy function to enforce structural constraints of the molecules. In contrast this thesis exploits the partial or complete rigidity of the molecules when defining the conformational space. As a result, the local optimization problems are formulated as optimization problems on appropriately defined manifolds. In the case of rigid docking, a novel manifold representation of rigid motions of a body is introduced that resolves many of the optimization difficulties associated with the commonly used manifold for this purposed , the so-called Special Euclidean group, SE(3). These difficulties arise from a coupling that SE(3) introduces between the rotational and translational move of the body. The new representation decouples these moves and results in a more appropriate and flexible optimization algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is an order of magnitude more efficient than the current state-of-the-art algorithms. The proposed manifold optimization approach is then extended to the case of flexible docking. The novel manifold representation of rigid motions is combined with the so-called internal coordinate representation of flexible moves to define a new manifold to which the original manifold optimization algorithm can be directly extended. Computational results show that the resulting optimization algorithm is substantially more efficient than energy minimization using a traditional all-atom optimization algorithm while producing solutions of comparable quality. It is shown that the application of the proposed local optimization algorithm as one of the components of a multi-stage refinement protocol for protein-protein docking contributes significantly to the refinement stage by helping to move the distribution of docking decoys closer to the corresponding bound structures. Finally, it is shown that the approach of the thesis can be substantially generalized to address the problem of minimization of a cost function that depends on the location and poses of one or more rigid bodies, or bodies that consist of rigid parts hinged together. This is a formulation used in a number of engineering applications other than molecular docking

    Development of a normal mode-based geometric simulation approach for investigating the intrinsic mobility of proteins

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    Specific functions of biological systems often require conformational transitions of macromolecules. Thus, being able to describe and predict conformational changes of biological macromolecules is not only important for understanding their impact on biological function, but will also have implications for the modelling of (macro)molecular complex formation and in structure-based drug design approaches. The “conformational selection model” provides the foundation for computational investigations of conformational fluctuations of the unbound protein state. These fluctuations may reveal conformational states adopted by the bound proteins. The aim of this work is to incorporate directional information in a geometry-based approach, in order to sample biologically relevant conformational space extensively. Interestingly, coarse-grained normal mode (CGNM) approaches, e.g., the elastic network model (ENM) and rigid cluster normal mode analysis (RCNMA), have emerged recently and provide directions of intrinsic motions in terms of harmonic modes (also called normal modes). In my previous work and in other studies it has been shown that conformational changes upon ligand binding occur along a few low-energy modes of unbound proteins and can be efficiently calculated by CGNM approaches. In order to explore the validity and the applicability of CGNM approaches, a large-scale comparison of essential dynamics (ED) modes from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and normal modes from CGNM was performed over a dataset of 335 proteins. Despite high coarse-graining, low frequency normal modes from CGNM correlate very well with ED modes in terms of directions of motions (average maximal overlap is 0.65) and relative amplitudes of motions (average maximal overlap is 0.73). In order to exploit the potential of CGNM approaches, I have developed a three-step approach for efficient exploration of intrinsic motions of proteins. The first two steps are based on recent developments in rigidity and elastic network theory. Initially, static properties of the protein are determined by decomposing the protein into rigid clusters using the graph-theoretical approach FIRST at an all-atom representation of the protein. In a second step, dynamic properties of the molecule are revealed by the rotations-translations of blocks approach (RTB) using an elastic network model representation of the coarse-grained protein. In the final step, the recently introduced idea of constrained geometric simulations of diffusive motions in proteins is extended for efficient sampling of conformational space. Here, the low-energy (frequency) normal modes provided by the RCNMA approach are used to guide the backbone motions. The NMSim approach was validated on hen egg white lysozyme by comparing it to previously mentioned simulation methods in terms of residue fluctuations, conformational space explorations, essential dynamics, sampling of side-chain rotamers, and structural quality. Residue fluctuations in NMSim generated ensemble is found to be in good agreement with MD fluctuations with a correlation coefficient of around 0.79. A comparison of different geometry-based simulation approaches shows that FRODA is restricted in sampling the backbone conformational space. CONCOORD is restricted in sampling the side-chain conformational space. NMSim sufficiently samples both the backbone and the side-chain conformations taking experimental structures and conformations from the state of the art MD simulation as reference. The NMSim approach is also applied to a dataset of proteins where conformational changes have been observed experimentally, either in domain or functionally important loop regions. The NMSim simulations starting from the unbound structures are able to reach conformations similar to ligand bound conformations (RMSD 0.7) between the RMS fluctuations derived from NMSim generated structures and two experimental structures are observed. Furthermore, intrinsic fluctuations in NMSim simulation correlate with the region of loop conformational changes observed upon ligand binding in 2 out of 3 cases. The NMSim generated pathway of conformational change from the unbound structure to the ligand bound structure of adenylate kinase is validated by a comparison to experimental structures reflecting different states of the pathway as proposed by previous studies. Interestingly, the generated pathway confirms that the LID domain closure precedes the closing of the NMPbind domain, even if no target conformation is provided in NMSim. Hence, the results in this study show that, incorporating directional information in the geometry-based approach NMSim improves the sampling of biologically relevant conformational space and provides a computationally efficient alternative to state of the art MD simulations.Konformationsänderungen von Proteinen sind häufig eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für deren biologische Funktion. Die genaue Charakterisierung und Vorhersage dieser Konformationsänderungen ist für das Verständnis ihres Einflusses auf die Funktion erforderlich. Eines der dafür am häufigsten verwendeten und genauesten computergestützten Verfahren ist die Molekulardynamik-Simulationen (MD Simulationen). Diese sind jedoch nach wie vor sehr rechenintensiv und durchmustern den Konformationsraum nur in begrenztem Maße. Daher wurden Anstrengungen unternommen, alternative geometriebasierte Methoden (wie etwa CONCOORD oder FRODA) zu entwickeln, die auf einer reduzierten Darstellung von Proteinen beruhen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Richtungsinformationen in einen geometriebasierten Ansatz zu integrieren, und so den biologisch relevanten Konformationsraum erschöpfend zu durchmustern. Diese Idee führte kürzlich zur Entwicklung von „coarse-grained normal mode“ (CGNM) Methoden, wie zum Beispiel dem „elastic network model“ (ENM) und der von mir in vorangegangenen Arbeiten entwickelte „rigid cluster normal mode analysis“ (RCNMA). Beide Methoden liefern die gewünschte Richtungsinformation der intrinsischen Bewegungen eines Proteins in Form von harmonischen Moden (auch Normalmoden). Um die Aussagekraft, Robustheit und breite Anwendbarkeit solcher CGNM Verfahren zu untersuchen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Dissertation ein umfangreicher Vergleich zwischen „essential dynamics“ (ED) Moden aus MD Simulationen und Normalmoden aus CGNM Berechnungen durchgeführt. Der zugrundeliegende Datensatz enthielt 335 Proteine. Obwohl die CGNM Verfahren eine stark vereinfachte Darstellung für Proteine verwenden, korrelieren die niederfrequenten Moden dieser Verfahren bezüglich ihrer Bewegungs-Richtung (durchschnittliche maximale Überschneidung: 0,65) und -Amplitude (durchschnittliche maximale Überschneidung: 0,73) sehr gut mit ED Moden. Im Durchschnitt beschreibt das erste Viertel der Normalmoden 85 % des Raumes, der durch die ersten fünf ED Moden aufgespannt wird. Um die Leistungsfähigkeit von CGNM Verfahren genauer zu bestimmen, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie eine dreistufige Methode zur Untersuchung der intrinsischen Dynamik von Proteinen entwickelt. Die ersten beiden Stufen basieren auf neusten Entwicklungen in der Rigiditäts-Theorie und der Beschreibung von elastischen Netzwerken. Diese sind im RCNMA Ansatz verwirklich und ermöglichen die Bestimmung der Normalmoden. Im letzten Schritt werden die Bewegungen des Proteinrückgrates entlang der mittels RCNMA erzeugten niederenergetischen Normalmoden ausgerichtet. Die Seitenkettenkonformrationen werden dabei durch Diffusionsbewegungen hin zu energetisch günstigen Rotameren erzeugt. Dies ist ein iterativer Prozess, bestehend aus mehreren kleineren Schritten, in denen jeweils intermediäre Konformationen erzeugt werden. Zur Validierung des NMSim Ansatzes wurde dieser mit den anderen zuvor genannten Simulationsmethoden am Beispiel von Lysozym verglichen. Die Fluktuationen der Aminosäurereste aus dem mit NMSim erzeugten Ensemble stimmen mit berechneten Fluktuationen aus der MD Simulation gut überein (Korrelationskoeffizient R = 0,79). Ein Vergleich der unterschiedlichen geometriebasierten Simulationsansätze zeigt, dass bei FRODA die Durchmusterung des Konformationsraumes des Proteinrückrates unzureichend ist. Bei CONCOORD ist hingegen die Durchmusterung des Konformationsraumes der Seitenketten unzureichend. NMSim hingegen durchmustert sowohl den Konformationsraum des Proteinrückrates als auch den der Seitenketten angemessen, wenn man die experimentell und mittels MD Simulationen erzeugten Konformationen als Referenz verwendet. Der NMSim Ansatz wurde ebenfalls auf einen Datensatz von Proteinen angewendet, für die Konformationsänderungen in Domänen oder in funktionell wichtigen Schleifenregionen experimentell beobacht wurden. In Übereinstimmung mit dem Konformations-Selektions-Modell ist der NMSim Ansatz bei vier von fünf Proteinen, die eine Domänenbewegung aufweisen, in der Lage, ausgehend von der ungebundenen Struktur neue Konformationen zu erzeugen, die der ligandgebundenen Konformation entsprechen (RMSD 0,7) zwischen der RMS Fluktuation der durch NMSim erzeugten Konformationen und jeweils zwei experimentellen Strukturen erreicht. Hingegen korrelieren die intrinischen Fluktuationen der NMSim Simulation in zwei von drei Fällen mit dem Bereich der ligandinduzierten Konformationsänderung in den Schleifen. Der mit NMSim generierte Pfad für die Konformationsänderungen von der ungebundenen Struktur zur ligandgebundenen Struktur der Adenylat-Kinase wurde durch den Vergleich zu experimentellen Strukturen validiert, die verschiedene Zustände des Pfades widerspiegeln. Die unterschiedlichen Kristallstrukturen, die entlang der Konformationsänderungen von der ungebundenen zur ligandgebundenen Struktur liegen, werden auf dem von NMSim erzeugten Pfad durchmustert. Interessanterweise bestätigt der generierte Pfad, dass die Schließbewegung der LID Domäne derjenigen der NMPbind Domäne vorangeht, sogar wenn keine Zielkonformation für die NMSim Simulation verwendet wurde

    Theoretical-experimental study on protein-ligand interactions based on thermodynamics methods, molecular docking and perturbation models

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    The current doctoral thesis focuses on understanding the thermodynamic events of protein-ligand interactions which have been of paramount importance from traditional Medicinal Chemistry to Nanobiotechnology. Particular attention has been made on the application of state-of-the-art methodologies to address thermodynamic studies of the protein-ligand interactions by integrating structure-based molecular docking techniques, classical fractal approaches to solve protein-ligand complementarity problems, perturbation models to study allosteric signal propagation, predictive nano-quantitative structure-toxicity relationship models coupled with powerful experimental validation techniques. The contributions provided by this work could open an unlimited horizon to the fields of Drug-Discovery, Materials Sciences, Molecular Diagnosis, and Environmental Health Sciences

    An enhanced-sampling MD-based protocol for molecular docking

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    Understanding molecular recognition of small molecules by proteins in atomistic detail is key for drug design. Molecular docking is a widely used computational method to mimic ligand-protein association in silico. However, predicting conformational changes occurring in proteins upon ligand binding is still a major challenge. Ensemble docking approaches address this issue by considering a set of different conformations of the protein obtained either experimentally or from computer simulations, e.g. from molecular dynamics. However, holo structures prone to host (the correct) ligands are generally poorly sampled by standard molecular dynamics simulations of the unbound (apo) protein. In order to address this limitation, we introduce a computational approach based on metadynamics simulations called ensemble docking with enhanced sampling of pocket shape (EDES) that allows holo-like conformations of proteins to be generated by exploiting only their apo structures. This is achieved by defining a set of collective variables able to sample different shapes of the binding site, ultimately mimicking the steric effect due to the ligand. In this work, we assessed the method on re-docking and cross-docking calculations. In first case, we selected three different protein targets undergoing different extent of conformational changes upon binding and, for each of them, we docked the experimental ligand conformation into an ensemble of receptor structures generated by EDES. In the second case, in the contest of a blind docking challenge, we generated the 3D structures of a set of different ligands of the same receptor and docked them into a set of EDES-generated conformations of that receptor. In all cases, for both re-docking and cross-docking experiments, our protocol generates a significant fraction of structures featuring a low RMSD from the experimental holo geometry of the receptor. Moreover, ensemble docking calculations using those conformations yielded in almost all cases to native-like poses among the top-ranked ones. Finally, we also tested an improved EDES recipe on a further target, known to be extremely challenging due to its extended binding region and the large extent of conformational changes accompanying the binding of its ligands
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