998 research outputs found

    Formation of a Wireless Communication System Based on a Swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Проблематика. На даний час бурхливо розвивається новий напрямок в техніці рухомих систем, пов'язаний із застосуванням множини/групи рухомих багатофункціональних вузлів, які можуть створювати різні просторово-розподілені структури для різних застосувань: від розважальних шоу, до розвідувальної мережі. Йдеться про техніку малих безпілотних літальних апаратів(БЛА), частіше званих дронами, та їх використання в області побудови телекомунікаційних систем. Мета. Метою роботи є розробка основних принципів і стратегій для формування неоднорідної безпроводової системи зв'язку на базі рою безпілотних літаючих апаратів. Методи. Досліджуються структурно-функціональні методи побудови безпроводової мережі. Результати. Представлені сценарії централізованої і розподіленої побудови безпроводової мережі керування рою БЛА, проведена оцінка ускладнення функціональності вузлів рою в разі розподіленого сценарію. Розроблено схему поетапної реалізації життєвого циклу рою БЛА для послуг зв'язку. Представлений«молекулярний» сценарій просторової самоорганізації дронів-вузлів рою, який може бути реалізований за допомогою процедур«ланцюжка» і«спалаху». Запропоновано побудови деяких стратегій управління роєм: централізоване і децентралізоване з Ведучим, колективне само керування з обміном інформацією, децентралізоване керування з прогнозуванням, самоорганізація без обміну інформацією. Висновки. Розроблено основні принципи і стратегії формування неоднорідної безпроводової системи зв'язку на базі рою безпілотних літаючих апаратів. Розроблено стратегію колективного управління роєм дронів.Background. Currently, a new direction in the technology of mobile systems is rapidly developing, associated with the use of a set / group of mobile multifunctional elements that can create different spatially-distributed structures for various applications: from entertainment shows to intelligence networks. This is a technique of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), often called drones, and their use in the field of building telecommunication systems. Objective. The aim of the work is to develop the basic principles and strategies for the formation of a heterogeneous wireless communication system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles. Methods. We study the structural and functional methods of building a wireless network. Results. Scenarios of centralized and distributed building of a wireless network of control of a swarm of UAVs are presented, assessment of the complexity of the functionality of swarm nodes inthe case of a distributed scenario is carried out. A schemeof phased implementation of the life cycle of a UAV swarm for communication services has been developed. The “molecular” scenario of spatial self-organization of the swarm-nodes of the swarm is presented, which can beimplemented using the “chain” and “flash” procedures. The proposed construction of some strategies for managing the swarm: centralized and decentralized with the Leader, collective self-management with information sharing,decentralized management withforecasting, self-organization without information sharing. Conclusions. The basic principles and strategies for the formation of a heterogeneous wireless communication system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles have been developed. A collective management strategy for a swarm of drones was developed. Keywords:swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles; drone swarm; communication system; life cycle; control network.Проблематика. В настоящее время очень бурно развивается новое направление в технике подвижных систем, связанное с применением множества/группы подвижных многофункциональных элементов, которые могут создавать различные пространственно-распределенные структуры для различных применений: от развлекательных шоу, до разведывательной сети. Речь идет о технике малых беспилотных летающих аппаратов(БЛА), чаще называемых дронами, и их использование в области построения телекоммуникационных систем. Цель. Целью работы является разработка основных принципов и стратегий для формирования неоднородной беспроводной системы связи на базе роя беспилотных летающих аппаратов. Методы. Исследуются структурно-функциональные методы построения беспроводной сети. Результаты. Представлены сценарии централизованного и распределенного построения беспроводной сети управления роя БЛА, проведена оценка усложнения функциональности узлов роя в случае распределенного сценария. Разработана схема поэтапной реализации жизненного цикла роя БЛА для услуг связи. Представлен«молекулярный» сценарий пространственной самоорганизации дронов-узлов роя, который может быть реализован посредством процедур

    Avionics Architectures for Exploration: Ongoing Efforts in Human Spaceflight

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    The field of Avionics is advancing far more rapidly in terrestrial applications than in spaceflight applications. Spaceflight Avionics are not keeping pace with expectations set by terrestrial experience, nor are they keeping pace with the need for increasingly complex automation and crew interfaces as we move beyond Low Earth Orbit. NASA must take advantage of the strides being made by both space-related and terrestrial industries to drive our development and sustaining costs down. This paper describes ongoing efforts by the Avionics Architectures for Exploration (AAE) project chartered by NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Program to evaluate new avionic architectures and technologies, provide objective comparisons of them, and mature selected technologies for flight and for use by other AES projects. The AAE project team includes members from most NASA centers, and from industry. It is our intent to develop a common core avionic system that has standard capabilities and interfaces, and contains the basic elements and functionality needed for any spacecraft. This common core will be scalable and tailored to specific missions. It will incorporate hardware and software from multiple vendors, and be upgradeable in order to infuse incremental capabilities and new technologies. It will maximize the use of reconfigurable open source software (e.g., Goddard Space Flight Center's (GSFC's) Core Flight Software (CFS)). Our long-term focus is on improving functionality, reliability, and autonomy, while reducing size, weight, and power. Where possible, we will leverage terrestrial commercial capabilities to drive down development and sustaining costs. We will select promising technologies for evaluation, compare them in an objective manner, and mature them to be available for future programs. The remainder of this paper describes our approach, technical areas of emphasis, integrated test experience and results as of mid-2014, and future plans. As a part of the AES Program, we are encouraged to set aggressive goals and fall short if necessary, rather than to set our sights too low. We are also asked to emphasize providing our personnel with hands-on experience in development, integration, and testing. That we have embraced both of these philosophies will be evident in the descriptions below

    Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms

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    This deliverable describes the work done in task 3.1, Middleware analysis: Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms from work package 3, Middleware Implementation. The document is divided in four parts: The introduction with application scenarios and middleware requirements, Catnets middleware architecture, evaluation of existing middleware toolkits, and conclusions. -- Die Arbeit definiert Anforderungen an Grid und Peer-to-Peer Middleware Architekturen und analysiert diese auf ihre Eignung für die prototypische Umsetzung der Katallaxie. Eine Middleware-Architektur für die Umsetzung der Katallaxie in Application Layer Netzwerken wird vorgestellt.Grid Computing

    The evolution of business analytics : based on case study research

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    While business analytics is becoming more significant and widely used by companies from increasing industries, for many the concept remains a complex illusion. The field of business analytics is considerably generic and fragmented, leaving managers confused and ultimately inhibited to make valuable decisions. This paper presents an evolutionary depiction of business analytics, using real-world case studies to illustrate a distinct overview that describes where the phenomenon was derived from, where it currently stands, and where it is heading towards. This paper provides eight case studies, representing three different eras: yesterday (1950s to 1990s), today (2000s to 2020s), and tomorrow (2030s to 2050s). Through cross-case analysis we have identified concluding patterns that lay as foundation for the discussion on future development within business analytics. We argue based on our findings that automatization of business processes will most likely continue to increase. AI is expanding in numerous areas, each specializing in a complex task, previously reserved by professionals. However, patterns show that new occupations linked to artificial intelligence will most probably be created. For the training of intelligent systems, data will most likely be requested more than ever. The increasing data will likely cause complications in current data infrastructures, causing the need for stronger networks and systems. The systems will need to process, store, and manage the great amount of various data types in real-time, while maintaining high security. Furthermore, data privacy concerns have become more significant in recent years, although, the case study research indicates that it has not limited corporations access to data. On the contrary, corporations, people, and devices will most likely become even more connected than ever before.nhhma

    Space Station Systems: a Bibliography with Indexes (Supplement 8)

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    This bibliography lists 950 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between July 1, 1989 and December 31, 1989. Its purpose is to provide helpful information to researchers, designers and managers engaged in Space Station technology development and mission design. Coverage includes documents that define major systems and subsystems related to structures and dynamic control, electronics and power supplies, propulsion, and payload integration. In addition, orbital construction methods, servicing and support requirements, procedures and operations, and missions for the current and future Space Station are included

    Proof-of-Concept Application - Annual Report Year 1

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    In this document the Cat-COVITE Application for use in the CATNETS Project is introduced and motivated. Furthermore an introduction to the catallactic middleware and Web Services Agreement (WS-Agreement) concepts is given as a basis for the future work. Requirements for the application of Cat-COVITE with in catallactic systems are analysed. Finally the integration of the Cat-COVITE application and the catallactic middleware is described. --Grid Computing

    Space station systems: A bibliography with indexes (supplement 3)

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    This bibliography lists 780 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1, 1986 and June 30, 1986. Its purpose is to provide helpful information to the researcher, manager, and designer in technology development and mission design according to system, interactive analysis and design, structural and thermal analysis and design, structural concepts and control systems, electronics, advanced materials, assembly concepts, propulsion, and solar power satellite system. The coverage includes documents that define major systems and subsystems, servicing and support requirements, procedures and operations, and missions for the current and future space station

    Responsible AI Pattern Catalogue: A Collection of Best Practices for AI Governance and Engineering

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    Responsible AI is widely considered as one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time and is key to increase the adoption of AI. Recently, a number of AI ethics principles frameworks have been published. However, without further guidance on best practices, practitioners are left with nothing much beyond truisms. Also, significant efforts have been placed at algorithm-level rather than system-level, mainly focusing on a subset of mathematics-amenable ethical principles, such as fairness. Nevertheless, ethical issues can arise at any step of the development lifecycle, cutting across many AI and non-AI components of systems beyond AI algorithms and models. To operationalize responsible AI from a system perspective, in this paper, we present a Responsible AI Pattern Catalogue based on the results of a Multivocal Literature Review (MLR). Rather than staying at the principle or algorithm level, we focus on patterns that AI system stakeholders can undertake in practice to ensure that the developed AI systems are responsible throughout the entire governance and engineering lifecycle. The Responsible AI Pattern Catalogue classifies the patterns into three groups: multi-level governance patterns, trustworthy process patterns, and responsible-AI-by-design product patterns. These patterns provide systematic and actionable guidance for stakeholders to implement responsible AI

    Space station systems: A bibliography with indexes (supplement 9)

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    This bibliography lists 1,313 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1, 1989 and June 30, 1989. Its purpose is to provide helpful information to researchers, designers and managers engaged in Space Station technology development and mission design. Coverage includes documents that define major systems and subsystems related to structures and dynamic control, electronics and power supplies, propulsion, and payload integration. In addition, orbital construction methods, servicing and support requirements, procedures and operations, and missions for the current and future Space Station are included