29 research outputs found

    Perception-Aware Perching on Powerlines With Multirotors

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    Multirotor aerial robots are becoming widely used for the inspection of powerlines. To enable continuous, robust inspection without human intervention, the robots must be able to perch on the powerlines to recharge their batteries. Highly versatile perching capabilities are necessary to adapt to the variety of configurations and constraints that are present in real powerline systems. This letter presents a novel perching trajectory generation framework that computes perception-aware, collision-free, and dynamically-feasible maneuvers to guide the robot to the desired final state. Trajectory generation is achieved via solving a Nonlinear Programming problem using the Primal-Dual Interior Point method. The problem considers the full dynamic model of the robot down to its single rotor thrusts and minimizes the final pose and velocity errors while avoiding collisions and maximizing the visibility of the powerline during the maneuver. The generated maneuvers consider both the perching and the posterior recovery trajectories. The framework adopts costs and constraints defined by efficient mathematical representations of powerlines, enabling online onboard execution in resource-constrained hardware. The method is validated on-board an agile quadrotor conducting powerline inspection and various perching maneuvers with final pitch values of up to 180 ∘ . The developed code is available online at: https://github.com/grvcPerception/pa_powerline_perchin

    Model Predictive Control for Micro Aerial Vehicles: A Survey

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    This paper presents a review of the design and application of model predictive control strategies for Micro Aerial Vehicles and specifically multirotor configurations such as quadrotors. The diverse set of works in the domain is organized based on the control law being optimized over linear or nonlinear dynamics, the integration of state and input constraints, possible fault-tolerant design, if reinforcement learning methods have been utilized and if the controller refers to free-flight or other tasks such as physical interaction or load transportation. A selected set of comparison results are also presented and serve to provide insight for the selection between linear and nonlinear schemes, the tuning of the prediction horizon, the importance of disturbance observer-based offset-free tracking and the intrinsic robustness of such methods to parameter uncertainty. Furthermore, an overview of recent research trends on the combined application of modern deep reinforcement learning techniques and model predictive control for multirotor vehicles is presented. Finally, this review concludes with explicit discussion regarding selected open-source software packages that deliver off-the-shelf model predictive control functionality applicable to a wide variety of Micro Aerial Vehicle configurations

    Survey on Aerial Multirotor Design: a Taxonomy Based on Input Allocation

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    This paper reviews the impact of multirotor aerial vehicles designs on their abilities in terms of tasks and system properties. We propose a general taxonomy to characterize and describe multirotor aerial vehicles and their design, which we apply exhaustively on the vast literature available. Thanks to the systematic characterization of the designs we exhibit groups of designs having the same abilities in terms of achievable tasks and system properties. In particular, we organize the literature review based on the number of atomic actuation units and we discuss global properties arising from their choice and spatial distribution in the designs. Finally, we provide a discussion on the common traits of the designs found in the literature and the main future open problems

    Performance, Precision, and Payloads: Adaptive Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotors

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    Agile quadrotor flight in challenging environments has the potential to revolutionize shipping, transportation, and search and rescue applications. Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) has recently shown promising results for agile quadrotor control, but relies on highly accurate models for maximum performance. Hence, model uncertainties in the form of unmodeled complex aerodynamic effects, varying payloads and parameter mismatch will degrade overall system performance. In this letter, we propose L1 -NMPC, a novel hybrid adaptive NMPC to learn model uncertainties online and immediately compensate for them, drastically improving performance over the non-adaptive baseline with minimal computational overhead. Our proposed architecture generalizes to many different environments from which we evaluate wind, unknown payloads, and highly agile flight conditions. The proposed method demonstrates immense flexibility and robustness, with more than 90% tracking error reduction over non-adaptive NMPC under large unknown disturbances and without any gain tuning. In addition, the same controller with identical gains can accurately fly highly agile racing trajectories exhibiting top speeds of 70 km/h, offering tracking performance improvements of around 50% relative to the non-adaptive NMPC baseline

    Conception d’un quadrirotor à rotors inclinables pour le suivi de trajectoires agressives

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    RÉSUMÉ Les quadrirotors sont des plateformes robotiques aériennes peu coûteuses et agiles. Plusieurs applications sont envisageables avec ces robots tels que l’exploration des mines ou les opérations de reconnaissance et sauvetage. Ces missions nécessitent de naviguer dans des environnements encombrés et imprédictibles. Le véhicule utilisé doit pouvoir éviter rapidement des obstacles tout en circulant à haute vitesse. Le quadrirotor étant sous-actionné est limité dans son agressivité puisqu’il doit s’incliner avant d’accélérer. De plus, les contrôleurs conventionnels utilisés ne prédisent pas le comportement qu’aura le véhicule durant la trajectoire en utilisant sa dynamique ce qui l’empêche de planifier assidument les manœuvres complexes. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif principal de ce mémoire est de s’affranchir de ces deux limitations en développant un quadrirotor capable d’incliner ses moteurs pour accélérer plus rapidement et d’utiliser un contrôleur prédictif pour le suivi de trajectoire. Plus spécifiquement, une modification au design conventionnel du quadrirotor est proposée par l’ajout d’un seul actuateur pour permettre des manœuvres agressives dans un seul axe. Puis, un ILQR qui est un contrôleur prédictif sans optimisation numérique, est développé. Celui-ci tient compte de l’état à jour du quadrirotor pour la linéarisation et la résolution du problème de contrôle optimal. En premier lieu, le modèle dynamique du quadrirotor à moteurs inclinables est présenté. Puis, une loi de contrôle basé sur un schéma de contrôle en cascade avec une boucle régulant la dynamique en translation à l’aide d’un ILQR et une autre la dynamique en rotation avec un régulateur PD sont implémentées. Ensuite, la solution proposée est testée en simulation et comparée aux approches conventionnelles tant en termes de conception mécanique qu’en asservissement. L’erreur en suivi de trajectoire est diminuée de plus de 1483% avec un impact supérieur de l’ajout de l’inclinaison des moteurs. Enfin, un prototype expérimental est conçu avec des pièces électroniques et mécaniques standards et largement accessibles. La différence entre le design conventionnel et le quadrirotor à moteurs inclinables est étudiée sur des trajectoires agressives. L’erreur diminue de plus de 26% avec l’ajout d’un actionneur alors qu’en simulation pour la même trajectoire l’erreur diminue de 38% ce qui indique que la même tendance est conservée.----------ABSTRACT Quadrotors are cost-effective and agile aerial robotic platforms. Numerous applications are possible with these robots like mines exploration or search and rescue operations. Nevertheless, these missions require navigating through cluttered and unpredictable environments. The vehicle used for these operations must be able to avoid newly located obstacles fast while travelling at high speeds for time critical missions. Quadrotors are underactuated systems and therefore limited in their overall maneuvers because they need to tilt their whole body before accelerating in a direction. Also, conventional controllers used with these systems don’t predict the behavior of the vehicle during a trajectory by using the systems dynamics which prevents them from planning diligently complex maneuvers. In this context, the main objective of this master thesis is to mitigate these two limitations by developing a quadrotor able to tilt his motors thrust to accelerate faster and to use a predictive controller for the trajectory tracking problem. Specifically, a modification to the conventional quadrotor mechanical system is proposed by adding a single actuator to enable aggressive motions in a single axis. Then, an ILQR, which is a predictive controller and does not require parameter optimization, is developed. The latter is a state- dependent controller who behaves as a nonlinear controller by considering the known updated state of the vehicle to solve the optimal control problem. First, the dynamic model of the quadrotor with tilting motors is found. Then, a control law based on a cascade control scheme with a loop for the translational dynamics regulated by an ILQR controller and another loop for the rotational dynamics with a PD controller is implemented. Afterwards, the proposed solution is tested in simulations and compared with conventional approaches in terms of mechanical design and control. Trajectory tracking error is reduced by more than 1483% with the tilting motors modification having a superior impact on performance. Finally, an experimental prototype is designed with standard electronic and mechanical pieces available off-the-shelf. The difference between the conventional design and the quadrotor with tilting motors is studied on this custom-made quadrotor on aggressive trajectories. The error has decreased by more than 26% by adding an actuator while in simulation for the same trajectory this error decrease by 38% which indicates that the same trend is maintained

    Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotor Fault-Tolerant Control

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    The mechanical simplicity, hover capabilities, and high agility of quadrotors lead to a fast adaption in the industry for inspection, exploration, and urban aerial mobility. On the other hand, the unstable and underactuated dynamics of quadrotors render them highly susceptible to system faults, especially rotor failures. In this work, we propose a fault-tolerant controller using nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to stabilize and control a quadrotor subjected to the complete failure of a single rotor. Differently from existing works, which either rely on linear assumptions or resort to cascaded structures neglecting input constraints in the outer-loop, our method leverages full nonlinear dynamics of the damaged quadrotor and considers the thrust constraint of each rotor. Hence, this method could effectively perform upset recovery from extreme initial conditions. Extensive simulations and real-world experiments are conducted for validation, which demonstrates that the proposed NMPC method can effectively recover the damaged quadrotor even if the failure occurs during aggressive maneuvers, such as flipping and tracking agile trajectories.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Safe and accurate MAV Control, navigation and manipulation

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    This work focuses on the problem of precise, aggressive and safe Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) navigation as well as deployment in applications which require physical interaction with the environment. To address these issues, we propose three different MAV model based control algorithms that rely on the concept of receding horizon control. As a starting point, we present a computationally cheap algorithm which utilizes an approximate linear model of the system around hover and is thus maximally accurate for slow reference maneuvers. Aiming at overcoming the limitations of the linear model parameterisation, we present an extension to the first controller which relies on the true nonlinear dynamics of the system. This approach, even though computationally more intense, ensures that the control model is always valid and allows tracking of full state aggressive trajectories. The last controller addresses the topic of aerial manipulation in which the versatility of aerial vehicles is combined with the manipulation capabilities of robotic arms. The proposed method relies on the formulation of a hybrid nonlinear MAV-arm model which also takes into account the effects of contact with the environment. Finally, in order to enable safe operation despite the potential loss of an actuator, we propose a supervisory algorithm which estimates the health status of each motor. We further showcase how this can be used in conjunction with the nonlinear controllers described above for fault tolerant MAV flight. While all the developed algorithms are formulated and tested using our specific MAV platforms (consisting of underactuated hexacopters for the free flight experiments, hexacopter-delta arm system for the manipulation experiments), we further discuss how these can be applied to other underactuated/overactuated MAVs and robotic arm platforms. The same applies to the fault tolerant control where we discuss different stabilisation techniques depending on the capabilities of the available hardware. Even though the primary focus of this work is on feedback control, we thoroughly describe the custom hardware platforms used for the experimental evaluation, the state estimation algorithms which provide the basis for control as well as the parameter identification required for the formulation of the various control models. We showcase all the developed algorithms in experimental scenarios designed to highlight the corresponding strengths and weaknesses as well as show that the proposed methods can run in realtime on commercially available hardware.Open Acces

    Visual guidance of unmanned aerial manipulators

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    The ability to fly has greatly expanded the possibilities for robots to perform surveillance, inspection or map generation tasks. Yet it was only in recent years that research in aerial robotics was mature enough to allow active interactions with the environment. The robots responsible for these interactions are called aerial manipulators and usually combine a multirotor platform and one or more robotic arms. The main objective of this thesis is to formalize the concept of aerial manipulator and present guidance methods, using visual information, to provide them with autonomous functionalities. A key competence to control an aerial manipulator is the ability to localize it in the environment. Traditionally, this localization has required external infrastructure of sensors (e.g., GPS or IR cameras), restricting the real applications. Furthermore, localization methods with on-board sensors, exported from other robotics fields such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), require large computational units becoming a handicap in vehicles where size, load, and power consumption are important restrictions. In this regard, this thesis proposes a method to estimate the state of the vehicle (i.e., position, orientation, velocity and acceleration) by means of on-board, low-cost, light-weight and high-rate sensors. With the physical complexity of these robots, it is required to use advanced control techniques during navigation. Thanks to their redundancy on degrees-of-freedom, they offer the possibility to accomplish not only with mobility requirements but with other tasks simultaneously and hierarchically, prioritizing them depending on their impact to the overall mission success. In this work we present such control laws and define a number of these tasks to drive the vehicle using visual information, guarantee the robot integrity during flight, and improve the platform stability or increase arm operability. The main contributions of this research work are threefold: (1) Present a localization technique to allow autonomous navigation, this method is specifically designed for aerial platforms with size, load and computational burden restrictions. (2) Obtain control commands to drive the vehicle using visual information (visual servo). (3) Integrate the visual servo commands into a hierarchical control law by exploiting the redundancy of the robot to accomplish secondary tasks during flight. These tasks are specific for aerial manipulators and they are also provided. All the techniques presented in this document have been validated throughout extensive experimentation with real robotic platforms.La capacitat de volar ha incrementat molt les possibilitats dels robots per a realitzar tasques de vigilància, inspecció o generació de mapes. Tot i això, no és fins fa pocs anys que la recerca en robòtica aèria ha estat prou madura com per començar a permetre interaccions amb l’entorn d’una manera activa. Els robots per a fer-ho s’anomenen manipuladors aeris i habitualment combinen una plataforma multirotor i un braç robòtic. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és formalitzar el concepte de manipulador aeri i presentar mètodes de guiatge, utilitzant informació visual, per dotar d’autonomia aquest tipus de vehicles. Una competència clau per controlar un manipulador aeri és la capacitat de localitzar-se en l’entorn. Tradicionalment aquesta localització ha requerit d’infraestructura sensorial externa (GPS, càmeres IR, etc.), limitant així les aplicacions reals. Pel contrari, sistemes de localització exportats d’altres camps de la robòtica basats en sensors a bord, com per exemple mètodes de localització i mapejat simultànis (SLAM), requereixen de gran capacitat de còmput, característica que penalitza molt en vehicles on la mida, pes i consum elèctric son grans restriccions. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi proposa un mètode d’estimació d’estat del robot (posició, velocitat, orientació i acceleració) a partir de sensors instal·lats a bord, de baix cost, baix consum computacional i que proporcionen mesures a alta freqüència. Degut a la complexitat física d’aquests robots, és necessari l’ús de tècniques de control avançades. Gràcies a la seva redundància de graus de llibertat, aquests robots ens ofereixen la possibilitat de complir amb els requeriments de mobilitat i, simultàniament, realitzar tasques de manera jeràrquica, ordenant-les segons l’impacte en l’acompliment de la missió. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes lleis de control, juntament amb la descripció de tasques per tal de guiar visualment el vehicle, garantir la integritat del robot durant el vol, millorar de l’estabilitat del vehicle o augmentar la manipulabilitat del braç. Aquesta tesi es centra en tres aspectes fonamentals: (1) Presentar una tècnica de localització per dotar d’autonomia el robot. Aquest mètode està especialment dissenyat per a plataformes amb restriccions de capacitat computacional, mida i pes. (2) Obtenir les comandes de control necessàries per guiar el vehicle a partir d’informació visual. (3) Integrar aquestes accions dins una estructura de control jeràrquica utilitzant la redundància del robot per complir altres tasques durant el vol. Aquestes tasques son específiques per a manipuladors aeris i també es defineixen en aquest document. Totes les tècniques presentades en aquesta tesi han estat avaluades de manera experimental amb plataformes robòtiques real

    A Contribution to the Design of Highly Redundant Compliant Aerial Manipulation Systems

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    Es ist vorhersehbar, dass die Luftmanipulatoren in den nächsten Jahrzehnten für viele Aufgaben eingesetzt werden, die entweder zu gefährlich oder zu teuer sind, um sie mit herkömmlichen Methoden zu bewältigen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neuartige Lösung für die Gesamtsteuerung von hochredundanten Luftmanipulationssystemen vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden auf eine Referenzkonfiguration angewendet, die als universelle Plattform für die Durchführung verschiedener Luftmanipulationsaufgaben etabliert wird. Diese Plattform besteht aus einer omnidirektionalen Drohne und einem seriellen Manipulator. Um den modularen Regelungsentwurf zu gewährleisten, werden zwei rechnerisch effiziente Algorithmen untersucht, um den virtuellen Eingang den Aktuatorbefehlen zuzuordnen. Durch die Integration eines auf einem künstlichen neuronalen Netz basierenden Diagnosemoduls und der rekonfigurierbaren Steuerungszuordnung in den Regelkreis, wird die Fehlertoleranz für die Drohne erzielt. Außerdem wird die Motorsättigung durch Rekonfiguration der Geschwindigkeits- und Beschleunigungsprofile behandelt. Für die Beobachtung der externen Kräfte und Drehmomente werden zwei Filter vorgestellt. Dies ist notwendig, um ein nachgiebiges Verhalten des Endeffektors durch die achsenselektive Impedanzregelung zu erreichen. Unter Ausnutzung der Redundanz des vorgestellten Luftmanipulators wird ein Regler entworfen, der nicht nur die Referenz der Endeffektor-Bewegung verfolgt, sondern auch priorisierte sekundäre Aufgaben ausführt. Die Wirksamkeit der vorgestellten Lösungen wird durch umfangreiche Tests überprüft, und das vorgestellte Steuerungssystem wird als sehr vielseitig und effektiv bewertet.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 System Design and Modeling 4 Reconfigurable Control Allocation 5 Fault Diagnostics For Free Flight 6 Force and Torque Observer 7 Trajectory Generation 8 Hybrid Task Priority Control 9 System Integration and Performance Evaluation 10 ConclusionIn the following decades, aerial manipulators are expected to be deployed in scenarios that are either too dangerous for human beings or too expensive to be accomplished by traditional methods. This thesis presents a novel solution for the overall control of highly redundant aerial manipulation systems. The results are applied to a reference configuration established as a universal platform for performing various aerial manipulation tasks. The platform consists of an omnidirectional multirotor UAV and a serial manipulator. To ensure modular control design, two computationally efficient algorithms are studied to allocate the virtual input to actuator commands. Fault tolerance of the aerial vehicle is achieved by integrating a diagnostic module based on an artificial neural network and the reconfigurable control allocation into the control loop. Besides, the risk of input saturation of individual rotors is minimized by predicting and reconfiguring the speed and acceleration responses. Two filter-based observers are presented to provide the knowledge of external forces and torques, which is necessary to achieve compliant behavior of the end-effector through an axis-selective impedance control in the outer loop. Exploiting the redundancy of the proposed aerial manipulator, the author has designed a control law to achieve the desired end-effector motion and execute secondary tasks in order of priority. The effectiveness of the proposed designs is verified with extensive tests generated by following Monte Carlo method, and the presented control scheme is proved to be versatile and effective.:1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 3 System Design and Modeling 4 Reconfigurable Control Allocation 5 Fault Diagnostics For Free Flight 6 Force and Torque Observer 7 Trajectory Generation 8 Hybrid Task Priority Control 9 System Integration and Performance Evaluation 10 Conclusio

    Multi-resolution mapping and planning for UAV navigation in attitude constrained environments

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    In this thesis we aim to bridge the gap between high quality map reconstruction and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) SE(3) motion planning in challenging environments with narrow openings, such as disaster areas, which requires attitude to be considered. We propose an efficient system that leverages the concept of adaptive-resolution volumetric mapping, which naturally integrates with the hierarchical decomposition of space in an octree data structure. Instead of a Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF), we adopt mapping of occupancy probabilities in log-odds representation, which allows representation of both surfaces, as well as the entire free, i.e.\ observed space, as opposed to unobserved space. We introduce a method for choosing resolution -on the fly- in real-time by means of a multi-scale max-min pooling of the input depth image. The notion of explicit free space mapping paired with the spatial hierarchy in the data structure, as well as map resolution, allows for collision queries, as needed for robot motion planning, at unprecedented speed. Our mapping strategy supports pinhole cameras as well as spherical sensor models. Additionally, we introduce a first-of-a-kind global minimum cost path search method based on A* that considers attitude along the path. State-of-the-art methods incorporate attitude only in the refinement stage. To make the problem tractable, our method exploits an adaptive and coarse-to-fine approach using global and local A* runs, plus an efficient method to introduce the UAV attitude in the process. We integrate our method with an SE(3) trajectory optimisation method based on a safe-flight-corridor, yielding a complete path planning pipeline. We quantitatively evaluate our mapping strategy in terms of mapping accuracy, memory, runtime performance, and planning performance showing improvements over the state-of-the-art, particularly in cases requiring high resolution maps. Furthermore, extensive evaluation is undertaken using the AirSim flight simulator under closed loop control in a set of randomised maps, allowing us to quantitatively assess our path initialisation method. We show that it achieves significantly higher success rates than the baselines, at a reduced computational burden.Open Acces