5 research outputs found

    Seguimiento de trayectorias en manipuladores rob贸ticos usando differential flatness

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    Este documento propone una aplicaci贸n con Differential Flatness para el problema de seguimiento de trayectorias en manipuladores rob贸ticos. Para cada coordenada generalizada, se proponen sus trayectorias como una funci贸n en el tiempo donde deben encontrar las entradas correspondientes para garantizar el seguimiento. Se demuestra que la posici贸n de cada coordenada generalizada del manipulador rob贸tico y sus correspondientes derivadas son salidas planas que, en conjunto con un controlador PD pueden determinar, con algunas restricciones, los valores de fuerza para conseguir un movimiento en el manipulador con una m铆nima desviaci贸n a lo largo del trayecto, tanto en movimientos planos como en el espacio.This paper proposes applying differential flatness to robot manipulator trajectory tracking. The trajectories for each generalised coordinate are proposed as a function and the corresponding input must be found to guarantee tracking. It is shown that the position in the generalised coordinates and their derivatives are flat inputs which, together with a PD controller, could determine (with some restrictions) manipulator movement having minimal deviation throughout its trajectory in both plane movements and in space

    A numerical control algorithm for a B-double truck-trailer with steerable trailer wheels and active hitch angles. Part 2: reversing

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    The authors have previously proposed a solution to the twin problems of wheel scuffing and off-tracking of B-double truck鈥搕railer vehicles thereby reducing tyre wear and environmental damage as well as improving maneuverability. The solution to the scuffing problem requires that trailer axles in excess of one per trailer must have steerable wheels. However, if all trailer wheels are steerable, then the off-tracking problem can also be solved. The previous work devised an algorithm for a B-double in forward motion, whereby an on-board computer would be used to calculate the correct wheel and hitch angles and a control system would implement these angles. The purpose of the present technical note is to complete the study of a numerical algorithm for navigating a B-double truck鈥搕railer vehicle by considering travel in the reverse direction. In this case the angle of the front wheels of the truck must also be controlled by the on-board computer. The algorithm for determining the effective angle of the truck鈥檚 steerable wheels is derived using an innovative combination of vector geometry and calculus and completes the total control system for these B-double vehicles. The paper concludes with a simulation study of the control algorithm demonstrating its versatility for reversing along twisting paths and effectiveness in reducing off-tracking

    Propuesta de radios de giro para el dise帽o vial urbano en Colombia, caso camiones articulados

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    Actualmente Colombia no cuenta con una normativa propia que permita establecer los radios de giro de los veh铆culos articulados existentes que circulan a nivel nacional y m谩s espec铆ficamente a nivel urbano, para elaboraci贸n de dise帽os. Los radios empleados actualmente son los contemplados por la normativa AASHTO 2004, los cuales presentan cierta diferencia con respecto al parque automotor propio de Colombia, por otro lado, se debe garantizar el espacio necesario para la maniobra de giro de estos veh铆culos, sin tener que recurrir a maniobras adicionales, garantizando operaciones constantes y reduciendo en proporciones importantes las congestiones vehiculares.El presente art铆culo plantea una metodolog铆a que permita dar soluci贸n a una de las principales problem谩ticas en cuanto a operaci贸n vehicular que a nivel urbano se presenta, los radios de giro requeridos y las dimensiones de los veh铆culos articulados C3-S2 y C3-S3, que circulan a nivel urbano, a partir de dichas dimensiones y con estudios de campo, determinar los respectivos radios de giro y sus plantillas correspondientes, a fin de complementar el parque automotor existente en Colombia, para optimizar y mejorar algunos dise帽os viales en el pa铆s

    Dynamic path following controllers for planar mobile robots

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    In the field of mobile robotics, many applications require feedback control laws that provide perfect path following. Previous work has shown that transverse feedback linearization is an effective approach to designing path following controllers that achieve perfect path following and path invariance. This thesis uses transverse feedback linearization and augments it with dynamic extension to present a framework for designing path following controllers for certain kinematic models of mobile robots. This approach can be used to design path following controllers for a large class of paths. While transverse feedback linearization makes the desired path attractive and invariant, dynamic extension allows the closed-loop system to achieve the desired motion along the path. In particular, dynamic extension can be used to make the mobile robot track a desired velocity or acceleration profile while moving along a path

    Simulaci贸 de vehicles amb remolc

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    El treball final de grau se centra en l鈥檈studi cinem脿tic de vehicles articulats i la realitzaci贸 de simulacions utilitzant el programari MATLAB. S鈥檃nalitza en profunditat el concepte d鈥檕ff tracking i s鈥檌dentifiquen els factors que influeixen en aquest fenomen, destacant i demostrant la influ猫ncia de la longitud dels xassissos i el radi de gir. A m茅s, es van explorar possibles solucions i mesures de mitigaci贸 per abordar els desafiaments associats a l鈥檕ff tracking en la conducci贸 de vehicles a remolcEl trabajo de final de grado se centra en el estudio cinem谩tico de veh铆culos articulados y la realizaci贸n de simulaciones utilizando el software MATLAB. Se analiza en profundiad el concepto de off tracking y se identifican los factores que influyen en este fen贸meno, destacando y demostrando la influencia de la longitud de los chasis y el radio de giro. Adem谩s, se exploraron posibles soluciones y medidas de mitigaci贸n para abordar los desaf铆os asociados al off tracking en la conducci贸n de veh铆culos a remolqueThe final degree thesis focuses on the kinematic study of articulated vehicles and the performance of simulations using MATLAB software. The concept of off tracking is analysed in depth and the factors influencing this phenomenon are identified, highlighting and demonstrating the influence of chassis length and turning radius. In addition, possible solutions and mitigation measures to address the challenges associated with off tracking in towed vehicle driving are explore