13 research outputs found

    Geometric Properties of Central Catadioptric Line Images and Their Application in Calibration

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    In central catadioptric systems, lines in a scene are projected to conic curves in the image. This work studies the geometry of the central catadioptric projection of lines and its use in calibration. It is shown that the conic curves where the lines are mapped possess several projective invariant properties. From these properties, it follows that any central catadioptric system can be fully calibrated from an image of three or more lines. The image of the absolute conic, the relative pose between the camera and the mirror, and the shape of the reflective surface can be recovered using a geometric construction based on the conic loci where the lines are projected. This result is valid for any central catadioptric system and generalizes previous results for paracatadioptric sensors. Moreover, it is proven that systems with a hyperbolic/elliptical mirror can be calibrated from the image of two lines. If both the shape and the pose of the mirror are known, then two line images are enough to determine the image of the absolute conic encoding the camera’s intrinsic parameters. The sensitivity to errors is evaluated and the approach is used to calibrate a real camer

    A Fisher-Rao metric for paracatadioptric images of lines

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    In a central paracatadioptric imaging system a perspective camera takes an image of a scene reflected in a paraboloidal mirror. A 360° field of view is obtained, but the image is severely distorted. In particular, straight lines in the scene project to circles in the image. These distortions make it diffcult to detect projected lines using standard image processing algorithms. The distortions are removed using a Fisher-Rao metric which is defined on the space of projected lines in the paracatadioptric image. The space of projected lines is divided into subsets such that on each subset the Fisher-Rao metric is closely approximated by the Euclidean metric. Each subset is sampled at the vertices of a square grid and values are assigned to the sampled points using an adaptation of the trace transform. The result is a set of digital images to which standard image processing algorithms can be applied. The effectiveness of this approach to line detection is illustrated using two algorithms, both of which are based on the Sobel edge operator. The task of line detection is reduced to the task of finding isolated peaks in a Sobel image. An experimental comparison is made between these two algorithms and third algorithm taken from the literature and based on the Hough transform

    Relating vanishing points to catadioptric camera calibration

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    This paper presents the analysis and derivation of the geometric relation between vanishing points and camera parameters of central catadioptric camera systems. These vanishing points correspond to the three mutually orthogonal directions of 3D real world coordinate system (i.e. X, Y and Z axes). Compared to vanishing points (VPs) in the perspective projection, the advantages of VPs under central catadioptric projection are that there are normally two vanishing points for each set of parallel lines, since lines are projected to conics in the catadioptric image plane. Also, their vanishing points are usually located inside the image frame. We show that knowledge of the VPs corresponding to XYZ axes from a single image can lead to simple derivation of both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the central catadioptric system. This derived novel theory is demonstrated and tested on both synthetic and real data with respect to noise sensitivity

    Fast Central Catadioptric Line Extraction

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    International audienceLines are particularly important features for different tasks such as calibration, structure from motion, 3D reconstruction in computer vision. However, line detection in catadioptric images is not trivial because the projection of a 3D line is a conic eventually degenerated. If the sensor is calibrated, it has been already demonstrated that each conic can be described by two parameters. In this way, some methods based on the adaptation of conventional line detection methods have been proposed. However, most of these methods suffer from the same disadvantages than in the perspective case (computing time, accuracy, robustness, ...). In this paper, we then propose a new method for line detection in central catadioptric image comparable to the polygonal approximation approach. With this method, only two points of a chain allows to extract with a very high accuracy a catadioptric line. Moreover , this algorithm is particularly fast and is applicable in realtime. We also present experimental results with some quantitative and qualitative evaluations in order to show the quality of the results and the perspectives of this method

    Plane-Based Calibration of Central Catadioptric Cameras

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    International audienceWe present a novel calibration technique for all central catadioptric cameras using images of planar grids. We adopted the well-known sphere camera model to describe the catadioptric projection. We show that, using the so-called lifted coordinates, a linear relation mapping the grid points to the corresponding points on the image plane can be written as a 6 × 6 matrix Hcata , which acts like the classical 3 × 3 ho- mography for perspective cameras. We show how to compute the image of the absolute conic (IAC) from at least 3 homo- graphies and how to recover from it the intrinsic parameters of the catadioptric camera. In the case of paracatadioptric cameras one such homography is enough to estimate the IAC, thus allowing the calibration from a single image

    Multi-view geometry of 1D radial cameras and its application to omnidirectional camera calibration

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    Image Geometry

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    International audienc

    Noncentral catadioptric systems with quadric mirrors : geometry and calibration

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotécnica (Informática) apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraNesta dissertação de doutoramento estudamos e analisamos a geometria dos sistema catadióptricos não-centrais compostos por uma câmara pinhole ou ortográfica e um espelho curvo, cuja forma é uma quádrica não degenerada, incluindo elipsóides, que podem ser esferas, hiperbolóides e parabolóides. A geometria destes sistemas de visão é parameterizada, analisando o fenómeno de formação da imagem, e é composta pelos parâmetros intrínsecos da câmara, os parâmetros da superfície do espelho e a posição e orientação da câmara em relação ao espelho e ao sistema de referência do mundo. A formação da imagem é estudada numa perspectiva puramente geométrica, focando principalmente o modelo de projecção e a calibração do sistema de visão. As principais contribuições deste trabalho incluem a demonstração de que num sistema catadióptrico não-central com um câmara em perspectiva e uma quádrica não degenerada, o ponto de reflexão na superfície do espelho (projectando na imagem qualquer ponto 3D do mundo) pertence a uma curva quártica que é dada pela intersecção de duas superfícies quádricas. O correspondente modelo de projecção é também desenvolvido e é expresso através de uma equação não linear implícita, dependente de um único parâmetro. Relativamente `a calibração destes sistemas de visão, foi desenvolvido um método de calibração, assumindo o conhecimento dos parâmetros intrínsecos da câmara em perspectiva e de um conjunto de pontos 3D expressos em coordenadas locais (estrutura 3D do mundo). Informação acerca do contorno aparente do espelho é também usada para melhorar a precisão da estimação. Um outro método de calibração é proposto, assumindo uma calibração prévia do sistema no sentido de um modelo geral de câmara (correspondências entre pontos na imagem e raios incidentes no espaço). Adicionalmente, a posição e orientação (pose) da câmara em relação ao espelho e ao sistema de referência do mundo são estimadas usando métricas algébricas e equações lineares (escritas para um método de calibração que também é apresentado). Considera-se a câmara como pré-calibrada. São desenvolvidas e apresentadas experiências com simulações extensivas e também com imagens reais de forma a testar a robustez e precisão dos métodos apresentados. As principais conclusões apontam para o facto de estes sistemas de visão serem altamente não lineares e a sua calibração ser possível com boa precisão, embora difícil de alcançar com precisão muito elevada, especialmente se o sistema de visão tem como objectivo aplicações direccionadas para a precisão. Apesar disso, pode observar-se que a informação da estrutura do mundo pode ser complementada com informação adicional, tal como o contorno aparente da quádrica, de forma a melhorar a qualidade dos resultados de calibração. Na verdade, o uso do contorno aparente do espelho pode, por si, melhorar drasticamente a precisão da estimação.In this PhD thesis we study and analyze the geometry of noncentral catadioptric systems composed by a pinhole or orthographic camera and a non-ruled quadric shaped mirror, that is to say an ellipsoid, which can be a sphere, a hyperboloid or a paraboloid surface. The geometry of these vision systems is parameterized by analyzing the image formation and is composed by the intrinsic parameters of the camera, the parameters of the mirror surface and the poses of the camera in relation to the mirror and to the world reference frames. Image formation is studied in a purely geometrical way, focusing mainly on the projection model and on the calibration of the vision system. The main contributions include the proof that in a noncentral catadioptric system with a perspective camera and a non degenerate quadric the reflection point on the surface (projecting any given 3D world point to the image) is on the quartic curve that is the intersection of two quadrics. The projection model related to the previous definition of the reflection point is also derived and is expressed as an implicit non linear function on a single unknown. In what concerns the calibration of these vision systems, we developed a calibration method assuming the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the perspective camera and of some 3D points in a local reference frame (structure) . Information about the apparent contour is also used to enhance the accuracy of the estimation. Another calibration method is proposed, assuming a previous calibration of the system in the sense of a general camera model (correspondences between image points and incident lines in space). Additionally, the camera-mirror and camera-world poses are estimated using algebraic metrics and linear equations (derived for a calibration method that is also presented). The camera is considered to be pre-calibrated. Experiments with extensive simulations and also using real images are performed to test the robustness and accuracy of the methods presented. The main conclusions are that these vision systems are highly non linear and that their calibration is possible with good accuracy but difficult to achieve with very high accuracy, specially if the vision system is aimed at being used for accuracy-driven applications. Nevertheless it is observed that structure of the world can be complemented with some additional information as the quadric apparent contour in order to improve the quality of the calibration results. Actually, the use of the apparent contour can dramatically improve the accuracy of the estimation

    Omnidirectional Stereo Vision for Autonomous Vehicles

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    Environment perception with cameras is an important requirement for many applications for autonomous vehicles and robots. This work presents a stereoscopic omnidirectional camera system for autonomous vehicles which resolves the problem of a limited field of view and provides a 360° panoramic view of the environment. We present a new projection model for these cameras and show that the camera setup overcomes major drawbacks of traditional perspective cameras in many applications

    Reconstruction active et passive en vision par ordinateur

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal