43 research outputs found

    The open maritime traffic analysis dataset

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    Ships traverse the world’s oceans for a diverse range of reasons, including the bulk transportation of goods and resources, carriage of people, exploration and fishing. The size of the oceans and the fact that they connect a multitude of different countries provide challenges in ensuring the safety of vessels at sea and the prevention of illegal activities. To assist with the tracking of ships at sea, the International Maritime Organisation stipulates the use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) on board ships. The AIS system periodically broadcasts details of a ship’s position, speed and heading, along with other parameters corresponding to the ship’s type, size and set destination. The availability of AIS data has led to a large effort to develop automated systems which could identify and be used to prevent undesirable incidents at sea. For example, detecting when ships are in danger of colliding, running aground, engaged in illegal activity, traveling at unsafe speeds, or otherwise attempting manoeuvres that exceed their physical capabilities. Despite this interest, there is a lack of a publicly available ‘standard’ dataset that can be used to benchmark different approaches. As such, each new approach to automated maritime activity modelling is tested using a different dataset to previous work, making the comparison of technique efficacy problematic. In this paper a new public dataset of shipping tracks is introduced, containing data for four vessel types: cargo, tanker, fishing and passenger. Each track corresponds to a leg of a vessel’s journey within an area of interest located around the west coast of Australia. The tracks in the dataset have been validated according to a set of rules, consisting of journeys at minimum 10 hours long, with no missing data. The tracks cover a three-year period (2018 to 2020) and are further categorised by month, allowing for the analysis of seasonal variations in shipping. The intention of releasing this dataset is to allow researchers developing methods for maritime behaviour analysis and classification to compare their techniques on a standard set of data. As an example of how this dataset can be used, we use it to build a model of ‘expected’ behaviour trained on data for three vessel categories: cargo, tanker, and passenger vessels, using a convolutional autoencoder architecture. We then demonstrate how this model of ship behaviour can be used to test new data that was not used to build the model to determine whether a track fits the model or is an anomaly. Specifically, we verify that the behaviour of fishing vessels, whose movement patterns are quite different to those of the other three vessel types, is classified as an anomaly when presented to the trained model

    End-to-end anomaly detection in stream data

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    Nowadays, huge volumes of data are generated with increasing velocity through various systems, applications, and activities. This increases the demand for stream and time series analysis to react to changing conditions in real-time for enhanced efficiency and quality of service delivery as well as upgraded safety and security in private and public sectors. Despite its very rich history, time series anomaly detection is still one of the vital topics in machine learning research and is receiving increasing attention. Identifying hidden patterns and selecting an appropriate model that fits the observed data well and also carries over to unobserved data is not a trivial task. Due to the increasing diversity of data sources and associated stochastic processes, this pivotal data analysis topic is loaded with various challenges like complex latent patterns, concept drift, and overfitting that may mislead the model and cause a high false alarm rate. Handling these challenges leads the advanced anomaly detection methods to develop sophisticated decision logic, which turns them into mysterious and inexplicable black-boxes. Contrary to this trend, end-users expect transparency and verifiability to trust a model and the outcomes it produces. Also, pointing the users to the most anomalous/malicious areas of time series and causal features could save them time, energy, and money. For the mentioned reasons, this thesis is addressing the crucial challenges in an end-to-end pipeline of stream-based anomaly detection through the three essential phases of behavior prediction, inference, and interpretation. The first step is focused on devising a time series model that leads to high average accuracy as well as small error deviation. On this basis, we propose higher-quality anomaly detection and scoring techniques that utilize the related contexts to reclassify the observations and post-pruning the unjustified events. Last but not least, we make the predictive process transparent and verifiable by providing meaningful reasoning behind its generated results based on the understandable concepts by a human. The provided insight can pinpoint the anomalous regions of time series and explain why the current status of a system has been flagged as anomalous. Stream-based anomaly detection research is a principal area of innovation to support our economy, security, and even the safety and health of societies worldwide. We believe our proposed analysis techniques can contribute to building a situational awareness platform and open new perspectives in a variety of domains like cybersecurity, and health

    A semi-supervised deep learning model for ship encounter situation classification

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    Maritime safety is an important issue for global shipping industries. Currently, most of collision accidents at sea are caused by the misjudgement of the ship’s operators. The deployment of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) can greatly reduce ships’ reliance on human operators by using an automated intelligent collision avoidance system to replace human decision-making. To successfully develop such a system, the capability of autonomously identifying other ships and evaluating their associated encountering situation is of paramount importance. In this paper, we aim to identify ships’ encounter situation modes using deep learning methods based upon the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. First, a segmentation process is developed to divide each ship’s AIS data into different segments that contain only one encounter situation mode. This is different to the majority of studies that have proposed encounter situation mode classification using hand-crafted features, which may not reflect the actual ship’s movement states. Furthermore, a number of present classification tasks are conducted using substantial labelled AIS data followed by a supervised training paradigm, which is not applicable to our dataset as it contains a large number of unlabelled AIS data. Therefore, a method called Semi-Supervised Convolutional Encoder–Decoder Network (SCEDN) for ship encounter situation classification based on AIS data is proposed. The structure of the network is not only able to automatically extract features from AIS segments but also share training parameters for the unlabelled data. The SCEDN uses an encoder–decoder convolutional structure with four channels for each segment (distance, speed, Time to the Closed Point of Approach (TCPA) and Distance to the Closed Point of Approach (DCPA)) been developed. The performance of the SCEDN model are evaluated by comparing to several baselines with the experimental results demonstrating a higher accuracy can be achieved by our proposed model

    Fishing Trawler Event Detection: An Important Step Towards Digitization of Sustainable Fishing

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    Detection of anomalies within data streams is an important task that is useful for different important societal challenges such as in traffic control and fraud detection. To be able to perform anomaly detection, unsupervised analysis of data is an important key factor, especially in domains where obtaining labelled data is difficult or where the anomalies that should be detected are often changing or are not clearly definable at all. In this article, we present a complete machine learning based pipeline for real-time unsupervised anomaly detection that can handle different input data streams simultaneously. We evaluate the usefulness of the proposed method using three wellknown datasets (fall detection, crime detection, and sport event detection) and a completely new and unlabelled dataset within the domain of commercial fishing. For all datasets, our method outperforms the baselines significantly and is able to detect relevant anomalies while simultaneously having low numbers of false positives. In addition to the good detection performance, the presented system can operate in real-time and is also very flexible and easy to expand

    Dutkat: A Privacy-Preserving System for Automatic Catch Documentation and Illegal Activity Detection in the Fishing Industry

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    United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 14 aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans and their resources for the benefit of people and the planet. This includes protecting marine ecosystems, preventing pollution, and overfishing, and increasing scientific understanding of the oceans. Achieving this goal will help ensure the health and well-being of marine life and the millions of people who rely on the oceans for their livelihoods. In order to ensure sustainable fishing practices, it is important to have a system in place for automatic catch documentation. This thesis presents our research on the design and development of Dutkat, a privacy-preserving, edge-based system for catch documentation and detection of illegal activities in the fishing industry. Utilising machine learning techniques, Dutkat can analyse large amounts of data and identify patterns that may indicate illegal activities such as overfishing or illegal discard of catch. Additionally, the system can assist in catch documentation by automating the process of identifying and counting fish species, thus reducing potential human error and increasing efficiency. Specifically, our research has consisted of the development of various components of the Dutkat system, evaluation through experimentation, exploration of existing data, and organization of machine learning competitions. We have also implemented it from a compliance-by-design perspective to ensure that the system is in compliance with data protection laws and regulations such as GDPR. Our goal with Dutkat is to promote sustainable fishing practices, which aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal 14, while simultaneously protecting the privacy and rights of fishing crews

    Unsupervised marine vessel trajectory prediction using LSTM network and wild bootstrapping techniques

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    Increasing intensity in maritime traffic pushes the requirement in better preventionoriented incident management system. Observed regularities in data could help to predict vessel movement from previous vessels trajectory data and make further movement predictions under specific traffic and weather conditions. However, the task is burden by the fact that the vessels behave differently in different geographical sea regions, sea ports, and their trajectories depends on the vessel type as well. The model must learn spatio-temporal patterns representing vessel trajectories and should capture vessel’s position relation to both space and time. The authors of the paper proposes new unsupervised trajectory prediction with prediction regions at arbitrary probabilities using two methods: LSTM prediction region learning and wild bootstrapping. Results depict that both the autoencoder-based and wild bootstrapping region prediction algorithms can predict vessel trajectory and be applied for abnormal marine traffic detection by evaluating obtained prediction region in an unsupervised manner with desired prediction probability.&nbsp

    Machine Learning for Enhanced Maritime Situation Awareness: Leveraging Historical AIS Data for Ship Trajectory Prediction

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    In this thesis, methods to support high level situation awareness in ship navigators through appropriate automation are investigated. Situation awareness relates to the perception of the environment (level 1), comprehension of the situation (level 2), and projection of future dynamics (level 3). Ship navigators likely conduct mental simulations of future ship traffic (level 3 projections), that facilitate proactive collision avoidance actions. Such actions may include minor speed and/or heading alterations that can prevent future close-encounter situations from arising, enhancing the overall safety of maritime operations. Currently, there is limited automation support for level 3 projections, where the most common approaches utilize linear predictions based on constant speed and course values. Such approaches, however, are not capable of predicting more complex ship behavior. Ship navigators likely facilitate such predictions by developing models for level 3 situation awareness through experience. It is, therefore, suggested in this thesis to develop methods that emulate the development of high level human situation awareness. This is facilitated by leveraging machine learning, where navigational experience is artificially represented by historical AIS data. First, methods are developed to emulate human situation awareness by developing categorization functions. In this manner, historical ship behavior is categorized to reflect distinct patterns. To facilitate this, machine learning is leveraged to generate meaningful representations of historical AIS trajectories, and discover clusters of specific behavior. Second, methods are developed to facilitate pattern matching of an observed trajectory segment to clusters of historical ship behavior. Finally, the research in this thesis presents methods to predict future ship behavior with respect to a given cluster. Such predictions are, furthermore, on a scale intended to support proactive collision avoidance actions. Two main approaches are used to facilitate these functions. The first utilizes eigendecomposition-based approaches via locally extracted AIS trajectory segments. Anomaly detection is also facilitated via this approach in support of the outlined functions. The second utilizes deep learning-based approaches applied to regionally extracted trajectories. Both approaches are found to be successful in discovering clusters of specific ship behavior in relevant data sets, classifying a trajectory segment to a given cluster or clusters, as well as predicting the future behavior. Furthermore, the local ship behavior techniques can be trained to facilitate live predictions. The deep learning-based techniques, however, require significantly more training time. These models will, therefore, need to be pre-trained. Once trained, however, the deep learning models will facilitate almost instantaneous predictions

    Reliable Navigational Scene Perception for Autonomous Ships in Maritime Environment

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    Due to significant advances in robotics and transportation, research on autonomous ships has attracted considerable attention. The most critical task is to make the ships capable of accurately, reliably, and intelligently detecting their surroundings to achieve high levels of autonomy. Three deep learning-based models are constructed in this thesis to perform complex perceptual tasks such as identifying ships, analysing encounter situations, and recognising water surface objects. In this thesis, sensors, including the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and cameras, provide critical information for scene perception. Specifically, the AIS enables mid-range and long-range detection, assisting the decision-making system to take suitable and decisive action. A Convolutional Neural Network-Ship Movement Modes Classification (CNN-SMMC) is used to detect ships or objects. Following that, a Semi- Supervised Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network (SCEDN) is developed to classify ship encounter situations and make a collision avoidance plan for the moving ships or objects. Additionally, cameras are used to detect short-range objects, a supplementary solution to ships or objects not equipped with an AIS. A Water Obstacle Detection Network based on Image Segmentation (WODIS) is developed to find potential threat targets. A series of quantifiable experiments have demonstrated that these models can provide reliable scene perception for autonomous ships

    Composite event recognition for maritime monitoring

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    Τα συστήματα θαλάσσιας επιτήρησης υποστηρίζουν την ασφαλέστερη ναυτιλία, καθώς επιτρέπουν την ανίχνευση σε πραγματικό χρόνο, επικίνδυνες, ύποπτες και παράνομες δραστηριοτήτες σκαφών. Η πρόθεση αυτής της πτυχιακής είναι η ανάπτυξη μίας αρχιτεκτονικής συστημάτων εστιασμένη στην θαλάσσια επιτήρηση, καθώς και ενός συνόλου “μοτίβων”, ικανά να εφράσουν αποτελεσματικά ναυτιλιακές δραστηριότητες και συμβάντα. Σε αυτή την δουλεία χρησιμοποιούμε ως μήχανη αναγνωρίσης γεγονότων τον Λογισμό Γεγονότων Πραγματικού Χρόνου, μία σύγχρονη υλοποιήση σε γλώσσα Λογικού Προγραμματισμού, του Λογισμού Γεγονότων, καθώς επίσης ένα εργαλείο συμπίεσης τροχιών και ένα εργαλείο ευρέσης χωρικών σχέσεων. Για να βελτιώσουμε περαιτέρω την απόδοση της μηχανής αναγνωρίσης γεγονότων, δημιουργήσαμε ένα γενικό μηχανισμό δυναμικής θεμελίωσης ο οποίος φαίνεται να είναι αποτελεσματικός στα ναυτιλιακά δεδομένα. Επιπλεόν, μέσω της συνεργάσιας μας με τους ειδικούς του δημιουργήσαμε ένα σύνολο από μοτιβά ναυτιλιακής δραστηριότητας, τα οποία και χρησιμοποιούμε στην πειραματική ανάλυση του συστήματος. Για την αξιολόγηση της προτεινόμενης αρχιτεκτονικής εστιάζουμε σε απόδοση και σε ακρίβεια, χρησιμοποιώντας δύο μορφές ροών πραγματικών δεδομένων πλοιών.Maritime monitoring systems support safe shipping as they allow for the real-time detection of dangerous, suspicious and illegal vessel activities. The intent of this thesis was the development of a composite event recognition engine for maritime monitoring and the construction of a set of patterns expressing effectively maritime activities in the Event Calculus. In this work, we use the Run-Time Event Calculus, a modern Prolog implementation of the Event Calculus along with tools allowing the compression of data streams, and the spatio-temporal link discovery. Additionally, to further improve the performance of recognition engine we extended the Run-Time Event Calculus with a dynamic grounding mechanism. Moreover, to increase the accuracy of the proposed system, we have been collaborating with domain experts in order to construct effective patterns of maritime activity. We evaluated our system in terms of predictive accuracy and efficiency using real kinematic vessel data