9,758 research outputs found

    ENMat international projects: FP7 NMP coordination action: 2BFUNTEX

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    Boosting collaboration between research centres and industry to enhance rapid industrial uptake of innovative functional textile structures and textile-related materials in a mondial market 2BFUNTEX will exploit the untapped potential in functional textile structures and textile related materials. It will bring together all innovation actors in the field fostering a multidisciplinary approach between universities, research institutes, SMEs and sector associations. The 2BFUNTEX team will identify technological gaps and eliminate barriers resulting in a faster industrial uptake of added value functional materials with new functionalities and improved performance and resulting in creation of new business worldwide. Technological needs will be mapped, new joint international research disciplines will be identified and multidisciplinary lab teams will be created. International cooperation will be favoured to exploit the worldwide market expansion potential. Industry will be involved at all stages of the process. The inventory will enlarge the team of important textile universities and renowned materials research centres and will identify new collaborations. Synergy will be reinforced and created which will enable to identify and develop new functional materials. Training materials regarding functional materials for research and industrial purposes will be developed and implemented to allow a common language regarding functional textile structures and text ile related materials, and will increase the number of well-trained people in this field. Further, the 2BFUNTEX partners will organise and participate in conferences, workshops and brokerage events. Along with a website with an extensive database comprising all information gained throughout the project, collaboration will be boosted and rapid industrial uptake catalysed and enhanced. The project duration will be 4 years and the consortium includes 26 partners from 16 countries. Start date : 01/01/2012 More information: Ir. Els Van der Burght Department of Textiles/Ghent University [email protected] [email protected] URL: http://www.2bfuntex.e

    The role of policies and the contribution of cluster agency in the development of biotech open innovation ecosystem

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    Building on the open innovation and cluster literature, our research describes how innovation policies contribute to the development of open innovation dynamics in biotech clusters. Particularly, we address the role and impact of cluster agency by adopting a contextualized perspective. We carry out comparative case studies of the main five Spanish biotech clusters by combining longitudinal data extracted from secondary sources with primary data obtained from relevant stakeholders. Our study shows that clusters policies do not yield uniform effects; the impact in terms of patterns of collaboration and (open) innovation dynamics is path dependent. The characteristics of the local texture significantly contribute to the observed open innovation ecosystems. As such, these findings imply a plea for contextualizing regional policy initiatives

    ENMat international projects: FP7 NMP large collaborative project: 3D-LightTrans

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    Large scale manufacturing technology for high-performance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites The goal of the 3D-LightTrans project is to provide groundbreaking, highly flexible, efficient and adaptable low-cost technologies for the manufacturing of integral large scale 3D textile reinforced plastic composites, including innovative approaches for the individual processes and its integration in complete manufacturing chains, which will enable to shift them from its current position in cost intensive, small series niche markets, to broadly extended mass product applications, not only in transportation, but also in other key sectors, like health and leisure. To fulfil this goal, the 3DLightTrans manufacturing chains will be based on multimaterial semifinished fabrics, processed to deep draped prefixed multilayered and multifunctional 3D -textile preforms, which will be processed into composites by a thermoforming process. By integrating these new, innovative process steps with full automation in -nowadays mostly manually performed- complex handling operations, it will be possible to obtain a fully automated and highly adaptable manufacturing chain to achieve integral large scale 3D composites. 3D-LightTrans will open the way to a totally new concept for the design, manufacturing and application of composites for low-cost mass products in a wide range of sectors. The Consortium brings together multidisciplinary research teams involving European leading companies, including industrial stakeholders from machine tools and machine automation and several OEM active in the field of processing of flexible materials and composite manufacturing, as well as from the application sector, and extensive expertise from well known research specialists in the area of materials, production research and technical textiles in particular. Start date : 01/04/2011 Project duration : 4 years More information: Dr. Erich Kny Austrian Institute of Technology, [email protected] URL: http://www.3d-lighttrans.com

    Barcelona data sheet. 2009

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    In recent years, several contributions have been focused on a new sort of productive systems that share some characteristics with Marshallian industrial districts. These contributions have analysed the competitiveness of these new areas and how have been promoted by policy makers. In this line, the Marshallian concept of industrial district has been increasingly related to high technology and innovation in order to analysis technological districts or clusters. The aim of this research is to show how these new areas have characteristics are not similar to those shown by traditional industrial districts. Therefore, framework and techniques for analysis that have been traditionally used for industrial districts must be adapted for identifying technological districts. Specifically, some reflections about the framework analysis of sector and spatial units are introduced in the first part of this research as well as those techniques that can be useful to identify and analyse technological districts. Next, the analysis is focused on the identification of technological districts in Spain. A multivariate analysis will be applied to calculate a synthetic index that will be used to identify those areas with a high degree of specialization in high and medium technology activities. This synthetic index will collect data about those technological activities that are involved not only in manufacturing but also in activities of innovation and R&D. Until now, there have been not many attempts to identify technological clusters through the application of quantitative methodologies; therefore, the purpose of this research is to contribute to the enhancement of knowledge about these areas in Spain. Keywords: technological districts, clusters, location, spatial agglomerations.

    History of IAEVG 1951-2011: chronicle, policies and achievements of the global guidance community

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    Die Internationale Vereinigung für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung (IAEVG, AIOSP) ist der weltweit größte und älteste internationale Verband von Beraterinnen und Beratern im Bereich Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung. Sie setzt sich für die professionelle Weiterentwicklung der Beratung und für gleichen Zugang aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu qualitätsvoller, von ausgebildeten Beratungsfachkräften durchgeführter Bildungs-, Berufs- und Beschäftigungsberatung ein. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung der Anfänge der Berufsberatung als soziale Dienstleistung wird die Geschichte der Internationalen Vereinigung für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung IAEVG von der Gründung 1951 bis zum Jahr 2011 in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Jahr für Jahr) mit den wichtigsten verbandsbezogenen Aktivitäten, fachlichen Veranstaltungen (Konferenzen, Seminaren) und wissenschaftlichen Studien im Rahmen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit in diesem Bereich beschrieben. Dabei spielt die Kooperation mit den wichtigsten internationalen Organisationen UNESCO, ILO, EU, OECD etc. und die dabei gegebenen fachlichen Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung als soziale und ökonomisch wichtige Dienstleistung eine herausragende Rolle. Ergänzt wir der Text durch die Wiedergabe von wichtigen Grundsatzdokumenten des Verbandes zur Bildungs- und Berufsberatung (policy statements) und fachlichen Entwicklungen (Internationale Ethische Standards, Internationale Kompetenzen etc. und Listen über internationale Konferenzen und wissenschaftliche Studien der Vereinigung. Der Text ist in englischer Sprache verfasst.The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance IAEVG developed from its early beginnings 1951 as a practitioners' initiative after World War II to a widely recognised global network in the new millennium. This publication documents the rise and development of international cooperation in the field of educational and vocational guidance from 1951 to 2011 and gives a chronological overview of the history, personnel and key events of IAEVG. It describes the policy achievements in strengthening professionalism of guidance. The historical part is based on several documents which the author found in the archives as well as on reports, publications and personal memories from his longstanding personal service in the Board and Executive Committee of IAEVG. Through the historical chronicle and the reprinting of important documents on policies and professional developments of the association the reader receives an impression of the vitality of IAEVG and its valuable contributions to career guidance development over the years and across the globe

    Rowing against the wind: how do times of austerity shape academic entrepreneurship in unfriendly environments?

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    [EN] Academic spin-offs (ASOs) help universities transfer knowledge or technology through business projects developed by academic staff. This investigation aims at analyzing the critical factors for spin-off creation at universities operating in crisis-raven, entrepreneurship-unfriendly environments. Such factors revolve around four types of resources: environmental, institutional, organizational, and personal. Focusing on a Southern European context, as an example of an unfriendly environment affected by economic crisis, an entrepreneurial university (the Technical University of Valencia in Spain, UPV) is our research setting. Through a case study approach, we examine the potential of UPV as a springboard for ASOs. Our results show an adverse local environment, a rather favorable influence of institutional and organizational drivers, and a mixed role of personal factors. Our findings illustrate that UPV consistently supports spin-off creation due to a greater (rather positive) reflexivity from its institutional, organizational and personal resources than the (negative) imprinting of the unfriendly environment. This helps counter-balance the structural unfriendliness for academic entrepreneurship, and trigger a crisis-led risk-taking attitude by academic staff. Hence, UPV should continue with its current strategy of supporting academic entrepreneurship, and might transfer best practices to other universities also affected by unfavorable environmental conditions. Generally speaking, we would advise universities facing adverse circumstances to develop rules and mechanisms for academic entrepreneurship, carefully revise and improve malfunctions, and become involved throughout the whole process of spin-off development. All in all, our study advances understanding of how the different drivers for ASO creation can be revamped by universities located in unfriendly environments, having in mind the key role that universities play in fostering social and economic development through academic entrepreneurship in such environments.The authors would like to thank the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (grant PAID-06-12-0916), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant ECO2011-29863), for their financial support for this research.Seguí-Mas, E.; Oltra, V.; Tormo-Carbó, G.; Sarrión Viñes, F. (2017). Rowing against the wind: how do times of austerity shape academic entrepreneurship in unfriendly environments?. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 1-42. doi:10.1007/s11365-017-0478-zS142Acs, Z. J., Audretsch, D. B., & Lehmann, E. E. (2013). The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 41, 757–774.Alemany, L. (2011). 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    Framework Architecture Design for Emergency Response System

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    Emergency management is essential to mitigate the effects of unforeseen situations. However, this task is complex due to the large amount of information and complex procedures to be handled. To address these challenges, it is necessary to have tools that allow flexible responses to problems classified as knowledge-intensive procedures (KIP). In this sense, we propose the design of a framework for an Emergency Response System (ERS) based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that integrates Adaptive Case Management (ACM) and Business Process Modelling (BPM). This framework is characterised by its interoperability with devices and collaborative systems, which allows the creation and association of content related to emergency management, thus improving usability. In addition, it is designed to be scalable, allowing the incorporation of new modular functionalities. Once the development of the framework has been completed, future lines of research will be opened for its validation and comparison with other ERS