658 research outputs found

    Robust Shared Objects for Non-Volatile Main Memory

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    Research in concurrent in-memory data structures has focused almost exclusively on models where processes are either reliable, or may fail by crashing permanently. The case where processes may recover from failures has received little attention because recovery from conventional volatile memory is impossible in the event of a system crash, during which both the state of main memory and the private states of processes are lost. Future hardware architectures are likely to include various forms of non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM), creating new opportunities to design robust main memory data structures that can recover from system crashes. In this paper we advance the theoretical foundations of such data structures in two ways. First, we review several known variations of Herlihy and Wing\u27s linearizability property that were proposed in the context of message passing systems but also apply in our NVRAM-based model, we discuss the limitations of these properties with respect to our specific goals, and we propose an alternative correctness condition called recoverable linearizability. Second, we discuss techniques for implementing shared objects that satisfy such properties with a focus on wait-free implementations. Specifically, we demonstrate how to achieve different variations of linearizability in our model by transforming two classic wait-free constructions

    Impossibility of Strongly-Linearizable Message-Passing Objects via Simulation by Single-Writer Registers

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    A key way to construct complex distributed systems is through modular composition of linearizable concurrent objects. A prominent example is shared registers, which have crash-tolerant implementations on top of message-passing systems, allowing the advantages of shared memory to carry over to message-passing. Yet linearizable registers do not always behave properly when used inside randomized programs. A strengthening of linearizability, called strong linearizability, has been shown to preserve probabilistic behavior, as well as other "hypersafety" properties. In order to exploit composition and abstraction in message-passing systems, it is crucial to know whether there exist strongly-linearizable implementations of registers in message-passing. This paper answers the question in the negative: there are no strongly-linearizable fault-tolerant message-passing implementations of multi-writer registers, max-registers, snapshots or counters. This result is proved by reduction from the corresponding result by Helmi et al. The reduction is a novel extension of the BG simulation that connects shared-memory and message-passing, supports long-lived objects, and preserves strong linearizability. The main technical challenge arises from the discrepancy between the potentially minuscule fraction of failures to be tolerated in the simulated message-passing algorithm and the large fraction of failures that can afflict the simulating shared-memory system. The reduction is general and can be viewed as the inverse of the ABD simulation of shared memory in message-passing

    Strong Memory Consistency For Parallel Programming

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    Correctly synchronizing multithreaded programs is challenging, and errors can lead to program failures (e.g., atomicity violations). Existing memory consistency models rule out some possible failures, but are limited by depending on subtle programmer-defined locking code and by providing unintuitive semantics for incorrectly synchronized code. Stronger memory consistency models assist programmers by providing them with easier-to-understand semantics with regard to memory access interleavings in parallel code. This dissertation proposes a new strong memory consistency model based on ordering-free regions (OFRs), which are spans of dynamic instructions between consecutive ordering constructs (e.g. barriers). Atomicity over ordering-free regions provides stronger atomicity than existing strong memory consistency models with competitive performance. Ordering-free regions also simplify programmer reasoning by limiting the potential for atomicity violations to fewer points in the program’s execution. This dissertation explores both software-only and hardware-supported systems that provide OFR serializability

    Enabling Highly-Scalable Remote Memory Access Programming with MPI-3 One Sided

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    Accelerating Transactional Memory by Exploiting Platform Specificity

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is one of the most promising alternatives to lock-based concurrency, but there still remain obstacles that keep TM from being utilized in the real world. Performance, in terms of high scalability and low latency, is always one of the most important keys to general purpose usage. While most of the research in this area focuses on improving a specific single TM implementation and some default platform (a certain operating system, compiler and/or processor), little has been conducted on improving performance more generally, and across platforms.We found that by utilizing platform specificity, we could gain tremendous performance improvement and avoid unnecessary costs due to false assumptions of platform properties, on not only a single TM implementation, but many. In this dissertation, we will present our findings in four sections: 1) we discover and quantify hidden costs from inappropriate compiler instrumentations, and provide sug- gestions and solutions; 2) we boost a set of mainstream timestamp-based TM implementations with the x86-specific hardware cycle counter; 3) we explore compiler opportunities to reduce the transaction abort rate, by reordering read-modify-write operations — the whole technique can be applied to all TM implementations, and could be more effective with some help from compilers; and 4) we coordinate the state-of-the-art Intel Haswell TSX hardware TM with a software TM “Cohorts”, and develop a safe and flexible Hybrid TM, “HyCo”, to be our final performance boost in this dissertation.The impact of our research extends beyond Transactional Memory, to broad areas of concurrent programming. Some of our solutions and discussions, such as the synchronization between accesses of the hardware cycle counter and memory loads and stores, can be utilized to boost concurrent data structures and many timestamp-based systems and applications. Others, such as discussions of compiler instrumentation costs and reordering opportunities, provide additional insights to compiler designers. Our findings show that platform specificity must be taken into consideration to achieve peak performance

    Distributed Multi-writer Multi-reader Atomic Register with Optimistically Fast Read and Write

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    A distributed multi-writer multi-reader (MWMR) atomic register is an important primitive that enables a wide range of distributed algorithms. Hence, improving its performance can have large-scale consequences. Since the seminal work of ABD emulation in the message-passing networks [JACM '95], many researchers study fast implementations of atomic registers under various conditions. "Fast" means that a read or a write can be completed with 1 round-trip time (RTT), by contacting a simple majority. In this work, we explore an atomic register with optimal resilience and "optimistically fast" read and write operations. That is, both operations can be fast if there is no concurrent write. This paper has three contributions: (i) We present Gus, the emulation of an MWMR atomic register with optimal resilience and optimistically fast reads and writes when there are up to 5 nodes; (ii) We show that when there are > 5 nodes, it is impossible to emulate an MWMR atomic register with both properties; and (iii) We implement Gus in the framework of EPaxos and Gryff, and show that Gus provides lower tail latency than state-of-the-art systems such as EPaxos, Gryff, Giza, and Tempo under various workloads in the context of geo-replicated object storage systems

    Transactional memory on heterogeneous architectures

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    Tesis Leida el 9 de Marzo de 2018.Si observamos las necesidades computacionales de hoy, y tratamos de predecir las necesidades del mañana, podemos concluir que el procesamiento heterogéneo estará presente en muchos dispositivos y aplicaciones. El motivo es lógico: algoritmos diferentes y datos de naturaleza diferente encajan mejor en unos dispositivos de cómputo que en otros. Pongamos como ejemplo una tecnología de vanguardia como son los vehículos inteligentes. En este tipo de aplicaciones la computación heterogénea no es una opción, sino un requisito. En este tipo de vehículos se recolectan y analizan imágenes, tarea para la cual los procesadores gráficos (GPUs) son muy eficientes. Muchos de estos vehículos utilizan algoritmos sencillos, pero con grandes requerimientos de tiempo real, que deben implementarse directamente en hardware utilizando FPGAs. Y, por supuesto, los procesadores multinúcleo tienen un papel fundamental en estos sistemas, tanto organizando el trabajo de otros coprocesadores como ejecutando tareas en las que ningún otro procesador es más eficiente. No obstante, los procesadores tampoco siguen siendo dispositivos homogéneos. Los diferentes núcleos de un procesador pueden ofrecer diferentes características en términos de potencia y consumo energético que se adapten a las necesidades de cómputo de la aplicación. Programar este conjunto de dispositivos es una tarea compleja, especialmente en su sincronización. Habitualmente, esta sincronización se basa en operaciones atómicas, ejecución y terminación de kernels, barreras y señales. Con estas primitivas de sincronización básicas se pueden construir otras estructuras más complejas. Sin embargo, la programación de estos mecanismos es tediosa y propensa a fallos. La memoria transaccional (TM por sus siglas en inglés) se ha propuesto como un mecanismo avanzado a la vez que simple para garantizar la exclusión mutua

    Tailoring Transactional Memory to Real-World Applications

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    Transactional Memory (TM) promises to provide a scalable mechanism for synchronizationin concurrent programs, and to offer ease-of-use benefits to programmers. Since multiprocessorarchitectures have dominated CPU design, exploiting parallelism in program