77 research outputs found

    Recent Advances of Local Mechanisms in Computer Vision: A Survey and Outlook of Recent Work

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    Inspired by the fact that human brains can emphasize discriminative parts of the input and suppress irrelevant ones, substantial local mechanisms have been designed to boost the development of computer vision. They can not only focus on target parts to learn discriminative local representations, but also process information selectively to improve the efficiency. In terms of application scenarios and paradigms, local mechanisms have different characteristics. In this survey, we provide a systematic review of local mechanisms for various computer vision tasks and approaches, including fine-grained visual recognition, person re-identification, few-/zero-shot learning, multi-modal learning, self-supervised learning, Vision Transformers, and so on. Categorization of local mechanisms in each field is summarized. Then, advantages and disadvantages for every category are analyzed deeply, leaving room for exploration. Finally, future research directions about local mechanisms have also been discussed that may benefit future works. To the best our knowledge, this is the first survey about local mechanisms on computer vision. We hope that this survey can shed light on future research in the computer vision field

    Your "Flamingo" is My "Bird": Fine-Grained, or Not

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    Whether what you see in Figure 1 is a "flamingo" or a "bird", is the question we ask in this paper. While fine-grained visual classification (FGVC) strives to arrive at the former, for the majority of us non-experts just "bird" would probably suffice. The real question is therefore -- how can we tailor for different fine-grained definitions under divergent levels of expertise. For that, we re-envisage the traditional setting of FGVC, from single-label classification, to that of top-down traversal of a pre-defined coarse-to-fine label hierarchy -- so that our answer becomes "bird"-->"Phoenicopteriformes"-->"Phoenicopteridae"-->"flamingo". To approach this new problem, we first conduct a comprehensive human study where we confirm that most participants prefer multi-granularity labels, regardless whether they consider themselves experts. We then discover the key intuition that: coarse-level label prediction exacerbates fine-grained feature learning, yet fine-level feature betters the learning of coarse-level classifier. This discovery enables us to design a very simple albeit surprisingly effective solution to our new problem, where we (i) leverage level-specific classification heads to disentangle coarse-level features with fine-grained ones, and (ii) allow finer-grained features to participate in coarser-grained label predictions, which in turn helps with better disentanglement. Experiments show that our method achieves superior performance in the new FGVC setting, and performs better than state-of-the-art on traditional single-label FGVC problem as well. Thanks to its simplicity, our method can be easily implemented on top of any existing FGVC frameworks and is parameter-free.Comment: Accepted as an oral of CVPR2021. Code: https://github.com/PRIS-CV/Fine-Grained-or-No

    Delving into Multimodal Prompting for Fine-grained Visual Classification

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    Fine-grained visual classification (FGVC) involves categorizing fine subdivisions within a broader category, which poses challenges due to subtle inter-class discrepancies and large intra-class variations. However, prevailing approaches primarily focus on uni-modal visual concepts. Recent advancements in pre-trained vision-language models have demonstrated remarkable performance in various high-level vision tasks, yet the applicability of such models to FGVC tasks remains uncertain. In this paper, we aim to fully exploit the capabilities of cross-modal description to tackle FGVC tasks and propose a novel multimodal prompting solution, denoted as MP-FGVC, based on the contrastive language-image pertaining (CLIP) model. Our MP-FGVC comprises a multimodal prompts scheme and a multimodal adaptation scheme. The former includes Subcategory-specific Vision Prompt (SsVP) and Discrepancy-aware Text Prompt (DaTP), which explicitly highlights the subcategory-specific discrepancies from the perspectives of both vision and language. The latter aligns the vision and text prompting elements in a common semantic space, facilitating cross-modal collaborative reasoning through a Vision-Language Fusion Module (VLFM) for further improvement on FGVC. Moreover, we tailor a two-stage optimization strategy for MP-FGVC to fully leverage the pre-trained CLIP model and expedite efficient adaptation for FGVC. Extensive experiments conducted on four FGVC datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our MP-FGVC.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey

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    Fine-grained image analysis (FGIA) is a longstanding and fundamental problem in computer vision and pattern recognition, and underpins a diverse set of real-world applications. The task of FGIA targets analyzing visual objects from subordinate categories, e.g., species of birds or models of cars. The small inter-class and large intra-class variation inherent to fine-grained image analysis makes it a challenging problem. Capitalizing on advances in deep learning, in recent years we have witnessed remarkable progress in deep learning powered FGIA. In this paper we present a systematic survey of these advances, where we attempt to re-define and broaden the field of FGIA by consolidating two fundamental fine-grained research areas -- fine-grained image recognition and fine-grained image retrieval. In addition, we also review other key issues of FGIA, such as publicly available benchmark datasets and related domain-specific applications. We conclude by highlighting several research directions and open problems which need further exploration from the community.Comment: Accepted by IEEE TPAM

    Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Progressive Patch Learning

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    Most of the existing semantic segmentation approaches with image-level class labels as supervision, highly rely on the initial class activation map (CAM) generated from the standard classification network. In this paper, a novel "Progressive Patch Learning" approach is proposed to improve the local details extraction of the classification, producing the CAM better covering the whole object rather than only the most discriminative regions as in CAMs obtained in conventional classification models. "Patch Learning" destructs the feature maps into patches and independently processes each local patch in parallel before the final aggregation. Such a mechanism enforces the network to find weak information from the scattered discriminative local parts, achieving enhanced local details sensitivity. "Progressive Patch Learning" further extends the feature destruction and patch learning to multi-level granularities in a progressive manner. Cooperating with a multi-stage optimization strategy, such a "Progressive Patch Learning" mechanism implicitly provides the model with the feature extraction ability across different locality-granularities. As an alternative to the implicit multi-granularity progressive fusion approach, we additionally propose an explicit method to simultaneously fuse features from different granularities in a single model, further enhancing the CAM quality on the full object coverage. Our proposed method achieves outstanding performance on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset e.g., with 69.6$% mIoU on the test set), which surpasses most existing weakly supervised semantic segmentation methods. Code will be made publicly available here https://github.com/TyroneLi/PPL_WSSS.Comment: TMM2022 accepte
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