36 research outputs found

    Low-Effort Specification Debugging and Analysis

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    Reactive synthesis deals with the automated construction of implementations of reactive systems from their specifications. To make the approach feasible in practice, systems engineers need effective and efficient means of debugging these specifications. In this paper, we provide techniques for report-based specification debugging, wherein salient properties of a specification are analyzed, and the result presented to the user in the form of a report. This provides a low-effort way to debug specifications, complementing high-effort techniques including the simulation of synthesized implementations. We demonstrate the usefulness of our report-based specification debugging toolkit by providing examples in the context of generalized reactivity(1) synthesis.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2014, arXiv:1407.493

    SAT-Based Synthesis Methods for Safety Specs

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    Automatic synthesis of hardware components from declarative specifications is an ambitious endeavor in computer aided design. Existing synthesis algorithms are often implemented with Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), inheriting their scalability limitations. Instead of BDDs, we propose several new methods to synthesize finite-state systems from safety specifications using decision procedures for the satisfiability of quantified and unquantified Boolean formulas (SAT-, QBF- and EPR-solvers). The presented approaches are based on computational learning, templates, or reduction to first-order logic. We also present an efficient parallelization, and optimizations to utilize reachability information and incremental solving. Finally, we compare all methods in an extensive case study. Our new methods outperform BDDs and other existing work on some classes of benchmarks, and our parallelization achieves a super-linear speedup. This is an extended version of [5], featuring an additional appendix.Comment: Extended version of a paper at VMCAI'1

    Diagnosis and Repair for Synthesis from Signal Temporal Logic Specifications

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    We address the problem of diagnosing and repairing specifications for hybrid systems formalized in signal temporal logic (STL). Our focus is on the setting of automatic synthesis of controllers in a model predictive control (MPC) framework. We build on recent approaches that reduce the controller synthesis problem to solving one or more mixed integer linear programs (MILPs), where infeasibility of a MILP usually indicates unrealizability of the controller synthesis problem. Given an infeasible STL synthesis problem, we present algorithms that provide feedback on the reasons for unrealizability, and suggestions for making it realizable. Our algorithms are sound and complete, i.e., they provide a correct diagnosis, and always terminate with a non-trivial specification that is feasible using the chosen synthesis method, when such a solution exists. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the synthesis of controllers for various cyber-physical systems, including an autonomous driving application and an aircraft electric power system

    Dynamics-Based Reactive Synthesis and Automated Revisions for High-Level Robot Control

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    The aim of this work is to address issues where formal specifications cannot be realized on a given dynamical system subjected to a changing environment. Such failures occur whenever the dynamics of the system restrict the robot in such a way that the environment may prevent the robot from progressing safely to its goals. We provide a framework that automatically synthesizes revisions to such specifications that restrict the assumed behaviors of the environment and the behaviors of the system. We provide a means for explaining such modifications to the user in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. Integral to the framework is a new algorithm for synthesizing controllers for reactive specifications that include a discrete representation of the robot's dynamics. The new approach is demonstrated with a complex task implemented using a unicycle model.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Heuristics for the refinement of assumptions in generalized reactivity formulae

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    Reactive synthesis is concerned with automatically generating implementations from formal specifications. These specifications are typically written in the language of generalized reactivity (GR(1)), a subset of linear temporal logic capable of expressing the most common industrial specification patterns, and describe the requirements about the behavior of a system under assumptions about the environment where the system is to be deployed. Oftentimes no implementation exists which guarantees the required behavior under all possible environments, typically due to missing assumptions (this is usually referred to as unrealizability). To address this issue, new assumptions need to be added to complete the specification, a problem known as assumptions refinement. Since the space of candidate assumptions is intractably large, searching for the best solutions is inherently hard. In particular, new methods are needed to (i) increase the effectiveness of the search procedures, measured as the ratio between the number of solutions found and of refinements explored; and (ii) improve the results' quality, defined as the weakness of the solutions. In this thesis we propose a set of heuristics to meet these goals, and a methodology to assess and compare assumptions refinement methods based on quantitative metrics. The heuristics are in the form of algorithms to generate candidate refinements during the search, and quantitative measures to assess the quality of the candidates. We first discuss a heuristic method to generate assumptions that target the cause of unrealizability. This is done by selecting candidate refinement formulas based on Craig's interpolation. We provide a formal underpinning of the technique and evaluate it in terms of our new metric of effectiveness, as defined above, whose value is improved with respect to the state of the art. We demonstrate this on a set of popular benchmarks of embedded software. We then provide a formal, quantitative characterization of the permissiveness of environment assumptions in the form of a weakness measure. We prove that the partial order induced by this measure is consistent with the one induced by implication. The key advantage of this measure is that it allows for prioritizing candidate solutions, as we show experimentally. Lastly, we propose a notion of minimal refinements with respect to the observed counterstrategies. We demonstrate that exploring minimal refinements produces weaker solutions, and reduces the amount of computations needed to explore each refinement. However, this may come at the cost of reducing the effectiveness of the search. To counteract this effect, we propose a hybrid search approach in which both minimal and non-minimal refinements are explored.Open Acces

    Synthesizing stream control

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    For the management of reactive systems, controllers must coordinate time, data streams, and data transformations, all joint by the high level perspective of their control flow. This control flow is required to drive the system correctly and continuously, which turns the development into a challenge. The process is error-prone, time consuming, unintuitive, and costly. An attractive alternative is to synthesize the system instead, where the developer only needs to specify the desired behavior. The synthesis engine then automatically takes care of all the technical details. However, while current algorithms for the synthesis of reactive systems are well-suited to handle control, they fail on complex data transformations due to the complexity of the comparably large data space. Thus, to overcome the challenge of explicitly handling the data we must separate data and control. We introduce Temporal Stream Logic (TSL), a logic which exclusively argues about the control of the controller, while treating data and functional transformations as interchangeable black-boxes. In TSL it is possible to specify control flow properties independently of the complexity of the handled data. Furthermore, with TSL at hand a synthesis engine can check for realizability, even without a concrete implementation of the data transformations. We present a modular development framework that first uses synthesis to identify the high level control flow of a program. If successful, the created control flow then is extended with concrete data transformations in order to be compiled into a final executable. Our results also show that the current synthesis approaches cannot replace existing manual development work flows immediately. During the development of a reactive system, the developer still may use incomplete or faulty specifications at first, that need the be refined after a subsequent inspection. In the worst case, constraints are contradictory or miss important assumptions, which leads to unrealizable specifications. In both scenarios, the developer needs additional feedback from the synthesis engine to debug errors for finally improving the system specification. To this end, we explore two further possible improvements. On the one hand, we consider output sensitive synthesis metrics, which allow to synthesize simple and well structured solutions that help the developer to understand and verify the underlying behavior quickly. On the other hand, we consider the extension of delay, whose requirement is a frequent reason for unrealizability. With both methods at hand, we resolve the aforementioned problems and therefore help the developer in the development phase with the effective creation of a safe and correct reactive system.Um reaktive Systeme zu regeln müssen Steuergeräte Zeit, Datenströme und Datentransformationen koordinieren, die durch den übergeordneten Kontrollfluss zusammengefasst werden. Die Aufgabe des Kontrollflusses ist es das System korrekt und dauerhaft zu betreiben. Die Entwicklung solcher Systeme wird dadurch zu einer Herausforderung, denn der Prozess ist fehleranfällig, zeitraubend, unintuitiv und kostspielig. Eine attraktive Alternative ist es stattdessen das System zu synthetisieren, wobei der Entwickler nur das gewünschte Verhalten des Systems festlegt. Der Syntheseapparat kümmert sich dann automatisch um alle technischen Details. Während aktuelle Algorithmen für die Synthese von reaktiven Systemen erfolgreich mit dem Kontrollanteil umgehen können, versagen sie jedoch, sobald komplexe Datentransformationen hinzukommen, aufgrund der Komplexität des vergleichsweise großen Datenraums. Daten und Kontrolle müssen demnach getrennt behandelt werden, um auch große Datenräumen effizient handhaben zu können. Wir präsentieren Temporal Stream Logic (TSL), eine Logik die ausschließlich die Kontrolle einer Steuerung betrachtet, wohingegen Daten und funktionale Datentransformationen als austauschbare Blackboxen gehandhabt werden. In TSL ist es möglich Kontrollflusseigenschaften unabhängig von der Komplexität der zugrunde liegenden Daten zu beschreiben. Des Weiteren kann ein auf TSL beruhender Syntheseapparat die Realisierbarkeit einer Spezifikation prüfen, selbst ohne die konkreten Implementierungen der Datentransformationen zu kennen. Wir präsentieren ein modulares Grundgerüst für die Entwicklung. Es verwendet zunächst den Syntheseapparat um den übergeordneten Kontrollfluss zu erzeugen. Ist dies erfolgreich, so wird der resultierende Kontrollfluss um die konkreten Implementierungen der Datentransformationen erweitert und anschließend zu einer ausführbare Anwendung kompiliert. Wir zeigen auch auf, dass bisherige Syntheseverfahren bereits existierende manuelle Entwicklungsprozesse noch nicht instantan ersetzen können. Im Verlauf der Entwicklung ist es auch weiterhin möglich, dass der Entwickler zunächst unvollständige oder fehlerhafte Spezifikationen erstellt, welche dann erst nach genauerer Betrachtung des synthetisierten Systems weiter verbessert werden können. Im schlimmsten Fall sind Anforderungen inkonsistent oder wichtige Annahmen über das Verhalten fehlen, was zu unrealisierbaren Spezifikationen führt. In beiden Fällen benötigt der Entwickler zusätzliche Rückmeldungen vom Syntheseapparat, um Fehler zu identifizieren und die Spezifikation schlussendlich zu verbessern. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuchen wir zwei mögliche Erweiterungen. Zum einen betrachten wir ausgabeabhängige Metriken, die es dem Entwickler erlauben einfache und wohlstrukturierte Lösungen zu synthetisieren die verständlich sind und deren Verhalten einfach zu verifizieren ist. Zum anderen betrachten wir die Erweiterung um Verzögerungen, welche eine der Hauptursachen für Unrealisierbarkeit darstellen. Mit beiden Methoden beheben wir die jeweils zuvor genannten Probleme und helfen damit dem Entwickler während der Entwicklungsphase auch wirklich das reaktive System zu kreieren, dass er sich auch tatsächlich vorstellt

    Compositional synthesis of reactive systems

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    Synthesis is the task of automatically deriving correct-by-construction implementations from formal specifications. While it is a promising path toward developing verified programs, it is infamous for being hard to solve. Compositionality is recognized as a key technique for reducing the complexity of synthesis. So far, compositional approaches require extensive manual effort. In this thesis, we introduce algorithms that automate these steps. In the first part, we develop compositional synthesis techniques for distributed systems. Providing assumptions on other processes' behavior is fundamental in this setting due to inter-process dependencies. We establish delay-dominance, a new requirement for implementations that allows for implicitly assuming that other processes will not maliciously violate the shared goal. Furthermore, we present an algorithm that computes explicit assumptions on process behavior to address more complex dependencies. In the second part, we transfer the concept of compositionality from distributed to single-process systems. We present a preprocessing technique for synthesis that identifies independently synthesizable system components. We extend this approach to an incremental synthesis algorithm, resulting in more fine-grained decompositions. Our experimental evaluation shows that our techniques automate the required manual efforts, resulting in fully automated compositional synthesis algorithms for both distributed and single-process systems.Synthese ist die Aufgabe korrekte Implementierungen aus formalen Spezifikation abzuleiten. Sie ist zwar ein vielversprechender Weg für die Entwicklung verifizierter Programme, aber auch dafür bekannt schwer zu lösen zu sein. Kompositionalität gilt als eine Schlüsseltechnik zur Verringerung der Komplexität der Synthese. Bislang erfordern kompositionale Ansätze einen hohen manuellen Aufwand. In dieser Dissertation stellen wir Algorithmen vor, die diese Schritte automatisieren. Im ersten Teil entwickeln wir kompositionale Synthesetechniken für verteilte Systeme. Aufgrund der Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Prozessen ist es in diesem Kontext von grundlegender Bedeutung, Annahmen über das Verhalten der anderen Prozesse zu treffen. Wir etablieren Delay-Dominance, eine neue Anforderung für Implementierungen, die es ermöglicht, implizit anzunehmen, dass andere Prozesse das gemeinsame Ziel nicht böswillig verletzen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir einen Algorithmus vor, der explizite Annahmen über das Verhalten anderer Prozesse ableitet, um komplexere Abhängigkeiten zu berücksichtigen. Im zweiten Teil übertragen wir das Konzept der Kompositionalität von verteilten auf Einzelprozesssysteme. Wir präsentieren eine Vorverarbeitungmethode für die Synthese, die unabhängig synthetisierbare Systemkomponenten identifiziert. Wir erweitern diesen Ansatz zu einem inkrementellen Synthesealgorithmus, der zu feineren Dekompositionen führt. Unsere experimentelle Auswertung zeigt, dass unsere Techniken den erforderlichen manuellen Aufwand automatisieren und so zu vollautomatischen Algorithmen für die kompositionale Synthese sowohl für verteilte als auch für Einzelprozesssysteme führen