18,443 research outputs found

    An Ontology for Product-Service Systems

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    Industries are transforming their business strategy from a product-centric to a more service-centric nature by bundling products and services into integrated solutions to enhance the relationship between their customers. Since Product- Service Systems design research is currently at a rudimentary stage, the development of a robust ontology for this area would be helpful. The advantages of a standardized ontology are that it could help researchers and practitioners to communicate their views without ambiguity and thus encourage the conception and implementation of useful methods and tools. In this paper, an initial structure of a PSS ontology from the design perspective is proposed and evaluated

    Co-creative pricing (CCP) : a conceptual development of consumers’ participation in pricing practicing in services

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    Keskustelu yhteisestĂ€ arvonluonnista on saavuttanut yhĂ€ laajempaa huomiota niin nykypĂ€ivĂ€n tieteellisteoreettisessa markkinointikirjallisuudessa kuin kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€. Suosiosta huolimatta keskustelusta on jÀÀnyt miltei tyystin huomioimatta arvokĂ€sitteen erĂ€s varsin oleellinen ulottuvuus: hinta. SiitĂ€ syystĂ€ on ensiarvoisen tĂ€rkeÀÀ tutkia hinnan merkitys arvokĂ€sitteen, yhdessĂ€ tuottamisen ja hinnan muodostamassa suhteiden kolmiossa, sillĂ€ vaihdannassa hinta on yksi arvonmuodostuksen tĂ€rkeimmistĂ€ osatekijöistĂ€. Toissijaisia tutkimusmenetelmiĂ€ kĂ€yttĂ€en, tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tarkoitus on pyrkiĂ€ kĂ€sitteellistĂ€mÀÀn yhteinen hinnanluonti arvon lisÀÀjĂ€nĂ€. NiinikÀÀn tutkimus tarjoaa mallinnuksen niistĂ€ vallitsevista olosuhteista, jotka ovat arvon muodostuksessa vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttömiĂ€. Esitetty malli perustaa juurensa palvelumarkkinoinnin Service-Dominant Logic -ajattelusta, muodostaen fuusion yhdessĂ€ ARA-mallin ja markkinointikeskustelussa vallalla olevan elĂ€mysmarkkinointiajattelun kanssa. Tutkimus edistÀÀ yhteisen arvonluonnin tieteellistĂ€ keskustelua syventĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ jo olemassa olevaa tietoa arvon muodostuksesta. LisĂ€ksi, tutkimus edistÀÀ kĂ€ytĂ€nnön tietĂ€mystĂ€ esittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ eksploratiivisen avauksen hinnoittelun dynaamisesta yhteisajattelusta haastamalla markkinoijia ajattelemaan myös hinnoittelua uudesta innovatiivisesta yhteiseen arvonluontiin perustuvasta nĂ€kökulmasta. Nykyajan asiakkaat ovat yhĂ€ halukkaampia, pystyvĂ€mpiĂ€ sekĂ€ resursseiltaan rikkaampia osallistumaan hinnoittelupÀÀtöksiin kuin aikaisemmin. YhdessĂ€ tuotettu arvo hinnoittelun kautta tarjoaa vaihtoehtoisen ajattelutavan pitkÀÀn vallinneelle yritysten sisÀÀnpĂ€in suuntautuneelle hinnoitteluajattelulle ja esittÀÀ, ettĂ€ kÀÀntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ katse asiakkaan suuntaan, saavutetaan todellinen arvo, sellaisena kuin asiakas sen mÀÀrittelee. Tutkimuksessa esiin tuotu ajattelutapa tarjoaa uusia mahdollisuuksia vaihtoehtoisille hinnoittelumenetelmille sekĂ€ palveluinnovaatioille.Co-creation debate has increasingly become a key topic in the contemporary services marketing theory and practice. Domains of co-creation and value have thus far attracted plenty of academic interest, however, there is an evident deficiency of one essential dimension of value: price. In the triangular relation of co-creation, value and price, it is of high importance to research the role of price, as it is one of the prime components contributing to the formation of value in an exchange. Using secondary research methods, this research works towards a conceptualization of CCP and offers a model of the conditions that need to be in place for value through CCP to occur. The model builds its foundations on Service-Dominant Logic debate. Combined together with the ARA model, and the prevalent thinking of experiential marketing, the work contributes to the academic co-creation literature by adding to the knowledge of value creation. Further, it presents an explorative opening of dynamic pricing thinking for practitioners by challenging the marketers to think their pricing from an innovative co-creation based view. Co-created pricing offers an alternative logic to inwardly focused value creation of the firm and suggests that by turning the focus on the customer, the true value, as perceived by the customer, is captured. Today’s customers are increasingly willing, capable and rich in their resources to participate in pricing decisions, thereby offering an opportunity for alternative pricing methods and service innovations

    Individualising M-Commerce Services by Semantic User Situation Modelling

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    An AmI-Based Software Architecture Enabling Evolutionary Computation in Blended Commerce: The Shopping Plan Application

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    This work describes an approach to synergistically exploit ambient intelligence technologies, mobile devices, and evolutionary computation in order to support blended commerce or ubiquitous commerce scenarios. The work proposes a software architecture consisting of three main components: linked data for e-commerce, cloud-based services, and mobile apps. The three components implement a scenario where a shopping mall is presented as an intelligent environment in which customers use NFC capabilities of their smartphones in order to handle e-coupons produced, suggested, and consumed by the abovesaid environment. The main function of the intelligent environment is to help customers define shopping plans, which minimize the overall shopping cost by looking for best prices, discounts, and coupons. The paper proposes a genetic algorithm to find suboptimal solutions for the shopping plan problem in a highly dynamic context, where the final cost of a product for an individual customer is dependent on his previous purchases. In particular, the work provides details on the Shopping Plan software prototype and some experimentation results showing the overall performance of the genetic algorithm

    Open semantic service networks

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    Online service marketplaces will soon be part of the economy to scale the provision of specialized multi-party services through automation and standardization. Current research, such as the *-USDL service description language family, is already deïŹning the basic building blocks to model the next generation of business services. Nonetheless, the developments being made do not target to interconnect services via service relationships. Without the concept of relationship, marketplaces will be seen as mere functional silos containing service descriptions. Yet, in real economies, all services are related and connected. Therefore, to address this gap we introduce the concept of open semantic service network (OSSN), concerned with the establishment of rich relationships between services. These networks will provide valuable knowledge on the global service economy, which can be exploited for many socio-economic and scientiïŹc purposes such as service network analysis, management, and control


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    While market segmentation and the associated idea of target marketing are not new, there are questions about how the strategy of market segmentation and target marketing is being used in retail agribusiness firms. Previous research has demonstrated that distinct groups of farmers/customers exist (Alexander). However, retail crop input firms tend to be of modest size and are geographically bound. Both lack of resources and confinement to a specific geographic market present challenges for successful implementation of a market segmentation/target marketing strategy (Stolp). In this study, market segmentation/target marketing practices were explored in two types of crop input retailers: independently owned and operated firms (9 firms) and agricultural cooperatives (11 firms). A number of questions related to market segmentation/target marketing strategy were assessed via a web-based survey and telephone interviews. Referencing Best's seven-step framework, market segmentation is compared and contrasted by firm type; gaps in market segmentation strategy execution are identified; and challenges to implementing a market segmentation strategy are considered. Results show that market segmentation/target marketing was employed by 85% of the crop input retailers in the sample. Key gaps identified in market segmentation strategy execution include measuring market segment attractiveness; evaluating market segment profitability; developing a product-price positioning strategy for a tailored offering; expanding the positioning strategy to include promotional and sales elements of the marketing-mix; and evaluating the progress/success with each target market segment. Addressing these key gaps will aid industry professionals as they work to serve the needs of a continuously evolving farmer/customer base.market segmentation, target marketing, crop inputs, distribution channel, retailer
