3,809 research outputs found

    A new approach of top-down induction of decision trees for knowledge discovery

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    Top-down induction of decision trees is the most popular technique for classification in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. Quinlan developed the basic induction algorithm of decision trees, ID3 (1984), and extended to C4.5 (1993). There is a lot of research work for dealing with a single attribute decision-making node (so-called the first-order decision) of decision trees. Murphy and Pazzani (1991) addressed about multiple-attribute conditions at decision-making nodes. They show that higher order decision-making generates smaller decision trees and better accuracy. However, there always exist NP-complete combinations of multiple-attribute decision-makings.;We develop a new algorithm of second-order decision-tree inductions (SODI) for nominal attributes. The induction rules of first-order decision trees are combined by \u27AND\u27 logic only, but those of SODI consist of \u27AND\u27, \u27OR\u27, and \u27OTHERWISE\u27 logics. It generates more accurate results and smaller decision trees than any first-order decision tree inductions.;Quinlan used information gains via VC-dimension (Vapnik-Chevonenkis; Vapnik, 1995) for clustering the experimental values for each numerical attribute. However, many researchers have discovered the weakness of the use of VC-dim analysis. Bennett (1997) sophistically applies support vector machines (SVM) to decision tree induction. We suggest a heuristic algorithm (SVMM; SVM for Multi-category) that combines a TDIDT scheme with SVM. In this thesis it will be also addressed how to solve multiclass classification problems.;Our final goal for this thesis is IDSS (Induction of Decision Trees using SODI and SVMM). We will address how to combine SODI and SVMM for the construction of top-down induction of decision trees in order to minimize the generalized penalty cost

    Multi-test Decision Tree and its Application to Microarray Data Classification

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    Objective: The desirable property of tools used to investigate biological data is easy to understand models and predictive decisions. Decision trees are particularly promising in this regard due to their comprehensible nature that resembles the hierarchical process of human decision making. However, existing algorithms for learning decision trees have tendency to underfit gene expression data. The main aim of this work is to improve the performance and stability of decision trees with only a small increase in their complexity. Methods: We propose a multi-test decision tree (MTDT); our main contribution is the application of several univariate tests in each non-terminal node of the decision tree. We also search for alternative, lower-ranked features in order to obtain more stable and reliable predictions. Results: Experimental validation was performed on several real-life gene expression datasets. Comparison results with eight classifiers show that MTDT has a statistically significantly higher accuracy than popular decision tree classifiers, and it was highly competitive with ensemble learning algorithms. The proposed solution managed to outperform its baseline algorithm on 1414 datasets by an average 66 percent. A study performed on one of the datasets showed that the discovered genes used in the MTDT classification model are supported by biological evidence in the literature. Conclusion: This paper introduces a new type of decision tree which is more suitable for solving biological problems. MTDTs are relatively easy to analyze and much more powerful in modeling high dimensional microarray data than their popular counterparts

    Batch and incremental learning of decision trees

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    Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree with Multiple Resource Constraints

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    Resource constraints are commonly found in classification tasks. For example, there could be a budget limit on implementation and a deadline for finishing the classification task. Applying the top-down approach for tree induction in this situation may have significant drawbacks. In particular, it is difficult, especially in an early stage of tree induction, to assess an attribute’s contribution to improving the total implementation cost and its impact on attribute selection in later stages because of the deadline constraint. To address this problem, we propose an innovative algorithm, namely, the Cost-Sensitive Associative Tree (CAT) algorithm. Essentially, the algorithm first extracts and retains association classification rules from the training data which satisfy resource constraints, and then uses the rules to construct the final decision tree. The approach has advantages over the traditional top-down approach, first because only feasible classification rules are considered in the tree induction and, second, because their costs and resource use are known. In contrast, in the top-down approach, the information is not available for selecting splitting attributes. The experiment results show that the CAT algorithm significantly outperforms the top-down approach and adapts very well to available resources.Cost-sensitive learning, mining methods and algorithms, decision trees

    Finding Optimal Reduct for Rough Sets by Using a Decision Tree Learning Algorithm

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    Rough Set theory is a mathematical theory for classification based on structural analysis of relational data. It can be used to find the minimal reduct. Minimal reduct is the minimal knowledge representation for the relational data. The theory has been successfully applied to various domains in data mining. However, a major limitation in Rough Set theory is that finding the minimal reduct is an NP-hard problem. C4.5 is a very popular decision tree-learning algorithm. It is very efficient at generating a decision tree. This project uses the decision tree generated by C4.5 to find the optimal reduct for a relational table. This method does not guarantee finding a minimal reduct, but test results show that the optimal reduct generated by this approach is equivalent or very close to the minimal reduct

    Integrating Information Theory Measures and a Novel Rule-Set-Reduction Tech-nique to Improve Fuzzy Decision Tree Induction Algorithms

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    Machine learning approaches have been successfully applied to many classification and prediction problems. One of the most popular machine learning approaches is decision trees. A main advantage of decision trees is the clarity of the decision model they produce. The ID3 algorithm proposed by Quinlan forms the basis for many of the decision trees’ application. Trees produced by ID3 are sensitive to small perturbations in training data. To overcome this problem and to handle data uncertainties and spurious precision in data, fuzzy ID3 integrated fuzzy set theory and ideas from fuzzy logic with ID3. Several fuzzy decision trees algorithms and tools exist. However, existing tools are slow, produce a large number of rules and/or lack the support for automatic fuzzification of input data. These limitations make those tools unsuitable for a variety of applications including those with many features and real time ones such as intrusion detection. In addition, the large number of rules produced by these tools renders the generated decision model un-interpretable. In this research work, we proposed an improved version of the fuzzy ID3 algorithm. We also introduced a new method for reducing the number of fuzzy rules generated by Fuzzy ID3. In addition we applied fuzzy decision trees to the classification of real and pseudo microRNA precursors. Our experimental results showed that our improved fuzzy ID3 can achieve better classification accuracy and is more efficient than the original fuzzy ID3 algorithm, and that fuzzy decision trees can outperform several existing machine learning algorithms on a wide variety of datasets. In addition our experiments showed that our developed fuzzy rule reduction method resulted in a significant reduction in the number of produced rules, consequently, improving the produced decision model comprehensibility and reducing the fuzzy decision tree execution time. This reduction in the number of rules was accompanied with a slight improvement in the classification accuracy of the resulting fuzzy decision tree. In addition, when applied to the microRNA prediction problem, fuzzy decision tree achieved better results than other machine learning approaches applied to the same problem including Random Forest, C4.5, SVM and Knn

    Finding Cost-Efficient Decision Trees

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    Decision trees have been a popular machine learning technique for some time. Labelled data, examples each with a vector of values in a feature space, are used to create a structure that can assign a class to unseen examples with their own vector of values. Decision trees are simple to construct, easy to understand on viewing, and have many desirable properties such as resistance to errors and noise in real world data. Decision trees can be extended to include costs associated with each test, allowing a preference over the feature space. The problem of minimizing the expected-cost of a decision tree is known to be NP-complete. As a result, most approaches to decision tree induction rely on a heuristic. This thesis extends the methods used in past research to look for decision trees with a smaller expected-cost than those found using a simple heuristic. In contrast to the past research which found smaller decision trees using exact approaches, I find that exact approaches in general do not find lower expected-cost decision trees than heuristic approaches. It is the work of this thesis to show that the success of past research on the simpler problem of minimizing decision tree size is partially dependent on the conversion of the data to binary form. This conversion uses the values of the attributes as binary tests instead of the attributes themselves when constructing the decision tree. The effect of converting data to binary form is examined in detail and across multiple measures of data to show the extent of this effect and to reiterate the effect is mostly on the number of leaves in the decision tree
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