360 research outputs found

    Designing concept mapping models with neural architecture search

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    Artificial neural networks are widely used in all sorts of applications, many of which directly impact the public’s lives. For all of their qualities, these systems have a major flaw: their black-box nature impedes us from interpreting their behavior, which harms public trust and their overall applicability. Explainable AI is a field that focuses on developing interpretable AI systems. However, the current solutions for black-box models do not provide fully accurate or easy-to-understand explanations. Concept mapping, proposed by Sousa Ribeiro and Leite [60], promises to do both. In this method, classifiers - dubbed mapping networks - are used to map a black-box model’s sub-symbolic internal representations into symbolic, human-understandable ontology concepts, opening the way to explainability. However, little investigation was done in the original work on consistently designing quality architectures for concept mapping. In this dissertation, we fill the existing knowledge gaps by conducting extensive empirical evaluation of architectures for concept mapping. We create a custom-made image classification dataset designed to facilitate observing how the black-box model’s task affects concept mapping. Further, we employ a custom adaption of differentiable architecture search (DARTS [33]) to automatically find good architectures. Our adaption of DARTS for concept mapping proves capable of consistently learning exemplary architectures and shows more resilience to context changes than manual trial-and-error.A rede neuronal artificial tem tido vasto uso em todo o tipo de aplicaçÔes, muitas das quais tĂȘm um impacto direto na vida pĂșblica. Apesar de todas as suas qualidades, estes sistemas tĂȘm uma fraqueza crucial: a sua natureza opaca impede-nos de interpretar o seu comportamento, algo que tem um impacto negativo na sua aceitação publica e aplicabilidade. Explainable AI Ă© uma ĂĄrea que se foca em desenvolver sistemas de inteligĂȘncia artificial interpretĂĄveis, mas muitas das soluçÔes atuais para modelos opacos nĂŁo providenciam justificaçÔes acertadas ou fĂĄceis de entender. Mapeamento de conceitos, proposto por Sousa Ribeiro e Leite, promete ambos. Neste mĂ©todo, classificadores adicionais - chamados de redes mapeadoras - sĂŁo criados para mapear as representaçÔes internas subsimbĂłlicas de um modelo em conceitos pertencentes a uma ontologia: simbĂłlicos e passĂ­veis de compreensĂŁo humana. Todavia, pouca investigação foi feita no trabalho original sobre as arquitecturas destas peças instrumentais, as redes mapeadoras. Nesta dissertação, preenchemos as atuais brechas de conhecimento realizando extensos testes empĂ­ricos sobre arquitecturas para mapeamento de conceitos. Usamos um dataset de classificação de imagens, gerado por nĂłs especificamente para facilitar a observação de como o mapeamento de conceitos Ă© afetado pela tarefa do modelo original. Para alĂ©m disso, usamos uma versĂŁo de procura de arquiteturas diferencial (DARTS [33]), adaptada para aprender automaticamente boas arquitecturas mapeadoras. Essa nossa adaptação prova ser capaz de consistentemente encontrar arquitecturas competentes, e demonstra uma maior resiliĂȘncia a mudanças de contexto do que o mĂ©todo original de tentativa e erro

    Comparison of reasoners for large ontologies in the OWL 2 EL profile

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    This paper provides a survey to and a comparison of state-of-the-art Semantic Web reasoners that succeed in classifying large ontologies expressed in the tractable OWL 2 EL profile. Reasoners are characterized along several dimensions: The first dimension comprises underlying reasoning characteristics, such as the employed reasoning method and its correctness as well as the expressivity and worst-case computational complexity of its supported language and whether the reasoner supports incremental classification, rules, justifications for inconsistent concepts and ABox reasoning tasks. The second dimension is practical usability: whether the reasoner implements the OWL API and can be used via OWLlink, whether it is available as Protégé plugin, on which platforms it runs, whether its source is open or closed and which license it comes with. The last dimension contains performance indicators that can be evaluated empirically, such as classification, concept satisfiability, subsumption checking and consistency checking performance as well as required heap space and practical correctness, which is determined by comparing the computed concept hierarchies with each other. For the very large ontology SNOMED CT, which is released both in stated and inferred form, we test whether the computed concept hierarchies are correct by comparing them to the inferred form of the official distribution. The reasoners are categorized along the defined characteristics and benchmarked against well-known biomedical ontologies. The main conclusion from this study is that reasoners vary significantly with regard to all included characteristics, and therefore a critical assessment and evaluation of requirements is needed before selecting a reasoner for a real-life application

    Reasoning-Supported Quality Assurance for Knowledge Bases

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    The increasing application of ontology reuse and automated knowledge acquisition tools in ontology engineering brings about a shift of development efforts from knowledge modeling towards quality assurance. Despite the high practical importance, there has been a substantial lack of support for ensuring semantic accuracy and conciseness. In this thesis, we make a significant step forward in ontology engineering by developing a support for two such essential quality assurance activities

    Minimal Definition Signatures: Computation and Application to Ontology Alignment

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    In computer science, ontologies define a domain to facilitate knowledge representation and sharing, in a machine processable way. Ontologies approximate an actual world representation, and thus ontologies will differ for many reasons. Therefore knowledge sharing, and in general semantic interoperability, is inherently hindered or even precluded between heterogenous ontologies. Ontology matching addresses this fundamental issue by producing alignments, i.e. sets of correspondences that describe relations between semantically related entities of different ontologies. However, alignments are typically incomplete. In order to support and improve ontology alignment, and semantic interoperability in general, this thesis exploits the notion of implicit definability. Implicit definability is a semantic property of ontologies, signatures, and concepts (and roles) stating that whenever the signature is fixed under a given ontology then the definition of a particular concept (or role) is also fixed. This thesis introduces the notion of minimal definition signature (MDS) from which a given entity is implicitly definable, and presents a novel approach that provides an efficient way to compute in practice all MDSs of the definable entities. Furthermore, it investigates the application of MDSs in the context of alignment generation, evaluation, and negotiation (whereby agents cooperatively establish a mutually acceptable alignment to support opportunistic communication within open environments). As implicit definability permits defined entities to be removed without semantic loss, this thesis argues, that if the meaning of the defined entity is wholly fixed by the terms of its definition, only the terms in the definition are required to be mapped in order to map the defined entity itself; thus implicit definability entails a new type of definability-based correspondence correspondence. Therefore this thesis defines and explores the properties of definability- based correspondences, and extends several ontology alignment evaluation metrics in order to accommodate their assessment. As task signature coverage is a prerequisite of many knowledge-based tasks (e.g. service invocation), a definability-based, efficient approximation approach to obtaining minimal signature cover sets is presented. Moreover, this thesis outlines a specific alignment negotiation approach and shows that by considering definability, agents are better equipped to: (i) determine whether an alignment provides the necessary coverage to achieve a particular task (align the whole ontology, formulate a message or query); (ii) adhere to privacy and confidentiality constraints; and (iii) minimalise the cardinality of the resulting mutual alignment

    Semantically defined Analytics for Industrial Equipment Diagnostics

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    In this age of digitalization, industries everywhere accumulate massive amount of data such that it has become the lifeblood of the global economy. This data may come from various heterogeneous systems, equipment, components, sensors, systems and applications in many varieties (diversity of sources), velocities (high rate of changes) and volumes (sheer data size). Despite significant advances in the ability to collect, store, manage and filter data, the real value lies in the analytics. Raw data is meaningless, unless it is properly processed to actionable (business) insights. Those that know how to harness data effectively, have a decisive competitive advantage, through raising performance by making faster and smart decisions, improving short and long-term strategic planning, offering more user-centric products and services and fostering innovation. Two distinct paradigms in practice can be discerned within the field of analytics: semantic-driven (deductive) and data-driven (inductive). The first emphasizes logic as a way of representing the domain knowledge encoded in rules or ontologies and are often carefully curated and maintained. However, these models are often highly complex, and require intensive knowledge processing capabilities. Data-driven analytics employ machine learning (ML) to directly learn a model from the data with minimal human intervention. However, these models are tuned to trained data and context, making it difficult to adapt. Industries today that want to create value from data must master these paradigms in combination. However, there is great need in data analytics to seamlessly combine semantic-driven and data-driven processing techniques in an efficient and scalable architecture that allows extracting actionable insights from an extreme variety of data. In this thesis, we address these needs by providing: ‱ A unified representation of domain-specific and analytical semantics, in form of ontology models called TechOnto Ontology Stack. It is highly expressive, platform-independent formalism to capture conceptual semantics of industrial systems such as technical system hierarchies, component partonomies etc and its analytical functional semantics. ‱ A new ontology language Semantically defined Analytical Language (SAL) on top of the ontology model that extends existing DatalogMTL (a Horn fragment of Metric Temporal Logic) with analytical functions as first class citizens. ‱ A method to generate semantic workflows using our SAL language. It helps in authoring, reusing and maintaining complex analytical tasks and workflows in an abstract fashion. ‱ A multi-layer architecture that fuses knowledge- and data-driven analytics into a federated and distributed solution. To our knowledge, the work in this thesis is one of the first works to introduce and investigate the use of the semantically defined analytics in an ontology-based data access setting for industrial analytical applications. The reason behind focusing our work and evaluation on industrial data is due to (i) the adoption of semantic technology by the industries in general, and (ii) the common need in literature and in practice to allow domain expertise to drive the data analytics on semantically interoperable sources, while still harnessing the power of analytics to enable real-time data insights. Given the evaluation results of three use-case studies, our approach surpass state-of-the-art approaches for most application scenarios.Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung sammeln die Industrien ĂŒberall massive Daten-mengen, die zum Lebenselixier der Weltwirtschaft geworden sind. Diese Daten können aus verschiedenen heterogenen Systemen, GerĂ€ten, Komponenten, Sensoren, Systemen und Anwendungen in vielen Varianten (Vielfalt der Quellen), Geschwindigkeiten (hohe Änderungsrate) und Volumina (reine DatengrĂ¶ĂŸe) stammen. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in der FĂ€higkeit, Daten zu sammeln, zu speichern, zu verwalten und zu filtern, liegt der eigentliche Wert in der Analytik. Rohdaten sind bedeutungslos, es sei denn, sie werden ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ zu verwertbaren (GeschĂ€fts-)Erkenntnissen verarbeitet. Wer weiß, wie man Daten effektiv nutzt, hat einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil, indem er die Leistung steigert, indem er schnellere und intelligentere Entscheidungen trifft, die kurz- und langfristige strategische Planung verbessert, mehr benutzerorientierte Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbietet und Innovationen fördert. In der Praxis lassen sich im Bereich der Analytik zwei unterschiedliche Paradigmen unterscheiden: semantisch (deduktiv) und Daten getrieben (induktiv). Die erste betont die Logik als eine Möglichkeit, das in Regeln oder Ontologien kodierte DomĂ€nen-wissen darzustellen, und wird oft sorgfĂ€ltig kuratiert und gepflegt. Diese Modelle sind jedoch oft sehr komplex und erfordern eine intensive Wissensverarbeitung. Datengesteuerte Analysen verwenden maschinelles Lernen (ML), um mit minimalem menschlichen Eingriff direkt ein Modell aus den Daten zu lernen. Diese Modelle sind jedoch auf trainierte Daten und Kontext abgestimmt, was die Anpassung erschwert. Branchen, die heute Wert aus Daten schaffen wollen, mĂŒssen diese Paradigmen in Kombination meistern. Es besteht jedoch ein großer Bedarf in der Daten-analytik, semantisch und datengesteuerte Verarbeitungstechniken nahtlos in einer effizienten und skalierbaren Architektur zu kombinieren, die es ermöglicht, aus einer extremen Datenvielfalt verwertbare Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. In dieser Arbeit, die wir auf diese BedĂŒrfnisse durch die Bereitstellung: ‱ Eine einheitliche Darstellung der DomĂ€nen-spezifischen und analytischen Semantik in Form von Ontologie Modellen, genannt TechOnto Ontology Stack. Es ist ein hoch-expressiver, plattformunabhĂ€ngiger Formalismus, die konzeptionelle Semantik industrieller Systeme wie technischer Systemhierarchien, Komponenten-partonomien usw. und deren analytische funktionale Semantik zu erfassen. ‱ Eine neue Ontologie-Sprache Semantically defined Analytical Language (SAL) auf Basis des Ontologie-Modells das bestehende DatalogMTL (ein Horn fragment der metrischen temporĂ€ren Logik) um analytische Funktionen als erstklassige BĂŒrger erweitert. ‱ Eine Methode zur Erzeugung semantischer workflows mit unserer SAL-Sprache. Es hilft bei der Erstellung, Wiederverwendung und Wartung komplexer analytischer Aufgaben und workflows auf abstrakte Weise. ‱ Eine mehrschichtige Architektur, die Wissens- und datengesteuerte Analysen zu einer föderierten und verteilten Lösung verschmilzt. Nach unserem Wissen, die Arbeit in dieser Arbeit ist eines der ersten Werke zur EinfĂŒhrung und Untersuchung der Verwendung der semantisch definierten Analytik in einer Ontologie-basierten Datenzugriff Einstellung fĂŒr industrielle analytische Anwendungen. Der Grund fĂŒr die Fokussierung unserer Arbeit und Evaluierung auf industrielle Daten ist auf (i) die Übernahme semantischer Technologien durch die Industrie im Allgemeinen und (ii) den gemeinsamen Bedarf in der Literatur und in der Praxis zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, der es der Fachkompetenz ermöglicht, die Datenanalyse auf semantisch inter-operablen Quellen voranzutreiben, und nutzen gleichzeitig die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der Analytik, um Echtzeit-Daten-einblicke zu ermöglichen. Aufgrund der Evaluierungsergebnisse von drei AnwendungsfĂ€llen Übertritt unser Ansatz fĂŒr die meisten Anwendungsszenarien Modernste AnsĂ€tze

    Using structural and semantic methodologies to enhance biomedical terminologies

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    Biomedical terminologies and ontologies underlie various Health Information Systems (HISs), Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and health administrative systems. Moreover, the proliferation of interdisciplinary research efforts in the biomedical field is fueling the need to overcome terminological barriers when integrating knowledge from different fields into a unified research project. Therefore well-developed and well-maintained terminologies are in high demand. Most of the biomedical terminologies are large and complex, which makes it impossible for human experts to manually detect and correct all errors and inconsistencies. Automated and semi-automated Quality Assurance methodologies that focus on areas that are more likely to contain errors and inconsistencies are therefore important. In this dissertation, structural and semantic methodologies are used to enhance biomedical terminologies. The dissertation work is divided into three major parts. The first part consists of structural auditing techniques for the Semantic Network of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), which serves as a vocabulary knowledge base for biomedical research in various applications. Research techniques are presented on how to automatically identify and prevent erroneous semantic type assignments to concepts. The Web-based adviseEditor system is introduced to help UMLS editors to make correct multiple semantic type assignments to concepts. It is made available to the National Library of Medicine for future use in maintaining the UMLS. The second part of this dissertation is on how to enhance the conceptual content of SNOMED CT by methods of semantic harmonization. By 2015, SNOMED will become the standard terminology for EH R encoding of diagnoses and problem lists. In order to enrich the semantics and coverage of SNOMED CT for clinical and research applications, the problem of semantic harmonization between SNOMED CT and six reference terminologies is approached by 1) comparing the vertical density of SNOM ED CT with the reference terminologies to find potential concepts for export and import; and 2) categorizing the relationships between structurally congruent concepts from pairs of terminologies, with SNOMED CT being one terminology in the pair. Six kinds of configurations are observed, e.g., alternative classifications, and suggested synonyms. For each configuration, a corresponding solution is presented for enhancing one or both of the terminologies. The third part applies Quality Assurance techniques based on “Abstraction Networks” to biomedical ontologies in BioPortal. The National Center for Biomedical Ontology provides B ioPortal as a repository of over 350 biomedical ontologies covering a wide range of domains. It is extremely difficult to design a new Quality Assurance methodology for each ontology in BioPortal. Fortunately, groups of ontologies in BioPortal share common structural features. Thus, they can be grouped into families based on combinations of these features. A uniform Quality Assurance methodology design for each family will achieve improved efficiency, which is critical with the limited Quality Assurance resources available to most ontology curators. In this dissertation, a family-based framework covering 186 BioPortal ontologies and accompanying Quality Assurance methods based on abstraction networks are presented to tackle this problem

    Toward Shared Understanding : An Argumentation Based Approach for Communication in Open Multi-Agent Systems

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    Open distributed computing applications are becoming increasingly commonplace nowadays. In many cases, these applications are composed of multiple autonomous agents, each with its own aims and objectives. In such complex systems, communication between these agents is usually essential for them to perform their task, to coordinate their actions and share their knowledge. However, successful and meaningful communication can only be achieved by a shared understanding of each other's messages. Therefore efficient mechanisms are needed to reach a mutual understanding when exchanging expressions from each other's world model and background knowledge. We believe the de facto mechanisms for achieving this are ontologies, and this is the area explored in this thesis [88]. However, supporting shared understanding mechanisms for open distributed applications is a major research challenge. Specifically, one consequence of a system being open is the heterogeneity of the agents. Agents may have conflicting goals, or may be heterogeneous with respect to their beliefs or their knowledge. Forcing all agents to use a common vocabulary defined in one or more shared ontologies is, thus, an oversimplified solution, particularly when these agents are designed and deployed independently of each other. This thesis proposes a novel approach to overcome vocabulary heterogeneity, where the agents dynamically negotiate the meaning of the terms they use to communicate. While many proposals for aligning two agent ontologies have been presented in the literature as the current standard approaches to resolve heterogeneity, they are lacking when dealing with important features of agents and their environment. Motivated by the hypothesis that ontology alignment approaches should reflect the characteristics of autonomy and rationality that are typical of agents, and should also be tailored to the requirements of an open environment, such as dynamism, we propose a way for agents to define and agree upon the semantics of the terms used at run-time, according to their interests and preferences. Since agents are autonomous and represent different stakeholders, the process by which they come to an agreement will necessarily only come through negotiation. By using argumentation theory, agents generate and exchange different arguments, that support or reject possible mappings between vocabularies, according to their own preferences. Thus, this work provides a concrete instantiation of the meaning negotiation process that we would like agents to achieve, and that may lead to shared understanding. Moreover, in contrast to current ontology alignment approaches, the choice of a mapping is based on two clearly identified elements: (i) the argumentation framework, which is common to all agents, and (ii) the preference relations, which are private to each agent. Despite the large body of work in the area of semantic interoperabiJity, we are not aware of any research in this area that has directly addressed these important requirements for open Multi-Agent Systems as we have done in this thesis. Supplied by The British Library - 'The world's knowledge

    Incomplete Innovation and the Premature Disruption of Legal Services

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    Article published in the Michigan State Law Review

    Qualitative models for space system engineering

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    The objectives of this project were: (1) to investigate the implications of qualitative modeling techniques for problems arising in the monitoring, diagnosis, and design of Space Station subsystems and procedures; (2) to identify the issues involved in using qualitative models to enhance and automate engineering functions. These issues include representing operational criteria, fault models, alternate ontologies, and modeling continuous signals at a functional level of description; and (3) to develop a prototype collection of qualitative models for fluid and thermal systems commonly found in Space Station subsystems. Potential applications of qualitative modeling to space-systems engineering, including the notion of intelligent computer-aided engineering are summarized. Emphasis is given to determining which systems of the proposed Space Station provide the most leverage for study, given the current state of the art. Progress on using qualitative models, including development of the molecular collection ontology for reasoning about fluids, the interaction of qualitative and quantitative knowledge in analyzing thermodynamic cycles, and an experiment on building a natural language interface to qualitative reasoning is reported. Finally, some recommendations are made for future research
