91 research outputs found

    Devon: Deformable Volume Network for Learning Optical Flow

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    State-of-the-art neural network models estimate large displacement optical flow in multi-resolution and use warping to propagate the estimation between two resolutions. Despite their impressive results, it is known that there are two problems with the approach. First, the multi-resolution estimation of optical flow fails in situations where small objects move fast. Second, warping creates artifacts when occlusion or dis-occlusion happens. In this paper, we propose a new neural network module, Deformable Cost Volume, which alleviates the two problems. Based on this module, we designed the Deformable Volume Network (Devon) which can estimate multi-scale optical flow in a single high resolution. Experiments show Devon is more suitable in handling small objects moving fast and achieves comparable results to the state-of-the-art methods in public benchmarks

    Deep Learning for Depth, Ego-Motion, Optical Flow Estimation, and Semantic Segmentation

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    Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is crucial for robot perception. Visual odometry (VO) is one of the essential components for SLAM, which can estimate the depth map of scenes and the ego-motion of a camera in unknown environments. Most previous work in this area uses geometry-based approaches. Recently, deep learning methods have opened a new door for this area. At present, most research under deep learning frameworks focuses on improving the accuracy of estimation results and reducing the dependence of enormous labelled training data. This thesis presents the work for exploring the deep learning technologies to estimate different tasks, such as depth, ego-motion, optical flow, and semantic segmentation, under the VO framework. Firstly, a stacked generative adversarial network is proposed to estimate the depth and ego-motion. It consists of a stack of GAN layers, of which the lowest layer estimates the depth and ego-motion while the higher layers estimate the spatial features. It can also capture the temporal dynamics due to the use of a recurrent representation across the layers. Secondly, digging into the internal network structure design, a novel recurrent spatial-temporal network(RSTNet)is proposed to estimate depth and ego-motion and optical flow and dynamic objects. This network can extract and retain more spatial and temporal features. Thedynamicobjectsaredetectedbyusingopticalflowdifferencebetweenfullflow and rigid flow. Finally, a semantic segmentation network is proposed, producing semantic segmentation results together with depth and ego-motion estimation results. All of the proposed contributions are tested and evaluated on open public datasets. The comparisons with other methods are provided. The results show that our proposed networks outperform the state-of-the-art methods of depth, ego-motion, and dynamic objects estimations

    Robot Localization and Mapping Final Report -- Sequential Adversarial Learning for Self-Supervised Deep Visual Odometry

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    Visual odometry (VO) and SLAM have been using multi-view geometry via local structure from motion for decades. These methods have a slight disadvantage in challenging scenarios such as low-texture images, dynamic scenarios, etc. Meanwhile, use of deep neural networks to extract high level features is ubiquitous in computer vision. For VO, we can use these deep networks to extract depth and pose estimates using these high level features. The visual odometry task then can be modeled as an image generation task where the pose estimation is the by-product. This can also be achieved in a self-supervised manner, thereby eliminating the data (supervised) intensive nature of training deep neural networks. Although some works tried the similar approach [1], the depth and pose estimation in the previous works are vague sometimes resulting in accumulation of error (drift) along the trajectory. The goal of this work is to tackle these limitations of past approaches and to develop a method that can provide better depths and pose estimates. To address this, a couple of approaches are explored: 1) Modeling: Using optical flow and recurrent neural networks (RNN) in order to exploit spatio-temporal correlations which can provide more information to estimate depth. 2) Loss function: Generative adversarial network (GAN) [2] is deployed to improve the depth estimation (and thereby pose too), as shown in Figure 1. This additional loss term improves the realism in generated images and reduces artifacts

    Enhancing endoscopic navigation and polyp detection using artificial intelligence

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one most common and deadly forms of cancer. It has a very high mortality rate if the disease advances to late stages however early diagnosis and treatment can be curative is hence essential to enhancing disease management. Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for CRC screening and early therapeutic treatment. The effectiveness of colonoscopy is highly dependent on the operator’s skill, as a high level of hand-eye coordination is required to control the endoscope and fully examine the colon wall. Because of this, detection rates can vary between different gastroenterologists and technology have been proposed as solutions to assist disease detection and standardise detection rates. This thesis focuses on developing artificial intelligence algorithms to assist gastroenterologists during colonoscopy with the potential to ensure a baseline standard of quality in CRC screening. To achieve such assistance, the technical contributions develop deep learning methods and architectures for automated endoscopic image analysis to address both the detection of lesions in the endoscopic image and the 3D mapping of the endoluminal environment. The proposed detection models can run in real-time and assist visualization of different polyp types. Meanwhile the 3D reconstruction and mapping models developed are the basis for ensuring that the entire colon has been examined appropriately and to support quantitative measurement of polyp sizes using the image during a procedure. Results and validation studies presented within the thesis demonstrate how the developed algorithms perform on both general scenes and on clinical data. The feasibility of clinical translation is demonstrated for all of the models on endoscopic data from human participants during CRC screening examinations

    Depth Estimation Using 2D RGB Images

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    Single image depth estimation is an ill-posed problem. That is, it is not mathematically possible to uniquely estimate the 3rd dimension (or depth) from a single 2D image. Hence, additional constraints need to be incorporated in order to regulate the solution space. As a result, in the first part of this dissertation, the idea of constraining the model for more accurate depth estimation by taking advantage of the similarity between the RGB image and the corresponding depth map at the geometric edges of the 3D scene is explored. Although deep learning based methods are very successful in computer vision and handle noise very well, they suffer from poor generalization when the test and train distributions are not close. While, the geometric methods do not have the generalization problem since they benefit from temporal information in an unsupervised manner. They are sensitive to noise, though. At the same time, explicitly modeling of a dynamic scenes as well as flexible objects in traditional computer vision methods is a big challenge. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, a hybrid method, which benefits from both, is proposed here by extending traditional geometric models’ abilities to handle flexible and dynamic objects in the scene. This is made possible by relaxing geometric computer vision rules from one motion model for some areas of the scene into one for every pixel in the scene. This enables the model to detect even small, flexible, floating debris in a dynamic scene. However, it makes the optimization under-constrained. To change the optimization from under-constrained to over-constrained while maintaining the model’s flexibility, ”moving object detection loss” and ”synchrony loss” are designed. The algorithm is trained in an unsupervised fashion. The primary results are in no way comparable to the current state of the art. Because the training process is so slow, it is difficult to compare it to the current state of the art. Also, the algorithm lacks stability. In addition, the optical flow model is extremely noisy and naive. At the end, some solutions are suggested to address these issues

    Optical Flow and Deep Learning Based Approach to Visual Odometry

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    Visual odometry is a challenging approach to simultaneous localization and mapping algorithms. Based on one or two cameras, motion is estimated from features and pixel differences from one set of frames to the next. A different but related topic to visual odometry is optical flow, which aims to calculate the exact distance and direction every pixel moves in consecutive frames of a video sequence. Because of the frame rate of the cameras, there are generally small, incremental changes between subsequent frames, in which optical flow can be assumed to be proportional to the physical distance moved by an egocentric reference, such as a camera on a vehicle. Combining these two issues, a visual odometry system using optical flow and deep learning is proposed. Optical flow images are used as input to a convolutional neural network, which calculates a rotation and displacement based on the image. The displacements and rotations are applied incrementally in sequence to construct a map of where the camera has traveled. The system is trained and tested on the KITTI visual odometry dataset, and accuracy is measured by the difference in distances between ground truth and predicted driving trajectories. Different convolutional neural network architecture configurations are tested for accuracy, and then results are compared to other state-of-the-art monocular odometry systems using the same dataset. The average translation error from this system is 10.77%, and the average rotation error is 0.0623 degrees per meter. This system also exhibits at least a 23.796x speedup over the next fastest odometry estimation system
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