15 research outputs found

    Development of Financial Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Finance Model

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    Expansive economic, production and commercial development today has made businesses and enterprises to have active presence and contribution in network-based and chain economy. Although focusing on this approach has brought some privileges and productivities for the firms which are members of networks and supply chains, it has been accompanied by various problems and complexities for financial crisis management, cash flow and flow capital amount of the foundations and their commercial partners. To overcome such problem, besides developing the concepts of supply chain management and logistics, Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) was also promoted to minimize inefficiencies of financial flow in supply chain using financial, engineering and management approaches, and to provide an effective management ground for cash inventory and flow capital all throughout the supply chain by making use of various tools and techniques of supply chain finance and/or SCF. Hence, by changing approach and role of financial services provider from just supplier of financial resources as the commercial partners of economic and commercial firms, it caused that a major part of managerial duties of financial flow of chain enterprises could be defined in collaboration with financial services provider, and they may be executed in a more desirable manner considering the capacities and capabilities of banks and financial institutes. Thus, regarding the significance of financial flow management in the chain and benefitting the principles and fundamentals of research by fact finding and case study, it was tried to present a framework to make use of financial flow management and its principles and fundamentals effectively by reviewing evidences as well as applicable experiences in this area. The present paper emphasized that as logistic services providers are responsible in supply chains to improve inventory level; financial services providers also have the same role concerning liquidity level in the chains. Therefore, by making coordination and integrity in the inventory flows, information and financial flows through supply chain, we can handle financial risks and provide more stable value flow in supply chain till distribution, and create a ground better for materializing objectives of the firms which are members of supply chain. Keywords: Financial Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Finance, Supply Chain Management, Financial Services Providers. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-1-0

    Blockchain, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and accounting information systems (AIS):Research on e-procurement and system integration

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    Accounting information systems (AISs), the core module of any enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, are usually designed as centralised systems. Nowadays, the continuous development and applications of blockchain, or more broadly—distributed ledger technology (DLT), can change the architecture, overcome and improve some limitations of centralised systems, most notably security and privacy. An increasing number of authors are suggesting the application of blockchain technologies in management, accounting and ERPs. This paper aims to examine the emerging literature on this field, and an immediate result is that blockchain applications can have significant benefits. The paper’s innovative contribution and considerable objective are to examine if blockchain can be successfully integrated with AIS and ERPs. We find that blockchain can facilitate integration at multiple levels and better serve various purposes as auditing compliance. To demonstrate that, we analyse e-procurement systems and operations using case study research methodology. The findings suggest that DLT, decentralised finance (DeFI), and financial technology (FinTech) applications can facilitate integrating AISs and ERP systems and yield significant benefits for efficiency, productivity and security

    Käyttöpääoman optimointi toimitusketjussa

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    Yritysten toimenpiteet käyttöpääoman suhteen vaikuttavat niiden selviytymismahdollisuuksiin taloudellisesti epävakaina aikoina. Käyttöpääoman merkitys korostuu laskusuhdanteissa, jolloin likviditeetti on entistä suurempi huolenaihe. Tutkimuksessa käyttöpääomahallintaa tarkastellaan vallitsevan taloustilanteen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, että mitkä ovat käyttöpääomahallinnan kehittämiskeinot toimitusketjussa. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin kvalitatiivisen tutkimusmenetelmän avulla. Tutkimusaineiston keruutavaksi valittiin puolistrukturoitu haastattelu ja tiedonkeruu toteutettiin teemahaastatteluilla. Haastateltavia yrityksiä tutkielmassa on kuusi valmistavan teollisuuden yritystä. Empiirisen aineiston avulla selvitettiin millaisilla toimenpiteillä käyttöpääoman eri osa-alueita kehitetään haastateltavissa yrityksissä ja mitkä ovat olleet käyttöpääomahallinnan kehittämisen vaikutukset toimitusketjussa. Tutkimustulokset antoivat viitteitä siitä, että kaikkiaan viidellä eri keinolla voidaan kehittää käyttöpääomahallintaa ja niillä olevan joko suora tai epäsuora vaikutus yrityksen kannattavuuteen. Ensimmäiset kolme keinoa viittaavat käyttöpääomahallinnan suoriin kehittämiskeinoihin ja ne koostuvat kassavirtasyklin osakomponenteista, joita ovat varastonhallinta, myyntisaamisten hallinta sekä ostovelkojen hallinta. Käyttöpääomahallinnan neljännen ja viidennen kehittämiskeinon muodostavat toimittajakentän supistaminen sekä toimittajayhteistyön kehittäminen. Nämä keinot ovat kassavirtasykliin kuulumattomia osa-alueita, jonka vuoksi ne ovat käyttöpääomahallinnan epäsuoria kehittämiskeinoja. Hankintatoimen roolin muuttuminen strategisemmaksi on aiheuttanut sen, että käyttöpääomahallintaa pyritään parantamaan entistä integroidumman toimittajayhteistyön kautta. Tutkimuksessa suoritettujen haastattelujen perusteella yrityksen käyttöpääomahallintaa ei enää pelkästään kehitetä suorin keinoin, kuten varastonhallinnalla tai maksuehtoja kehittämällä, vaan toimitusketjussa olevien yhteistyökumppanien lukumäärällä ja yhteistyön laadulla on selkeä yhteys käyttöpääomahallintaan ja siten kannattavuuteen. Tutkimuksessa päästiin siihen tulokseen, että käyttöpääoman optimointipotentiaalin hyödyntäminen edellyttää strategisten kumppanuuksien luomista toimitusketjussa.siirretty Doriast

    Fraud prevention through segregation of duties: authorization model in SAP GRC Access Control

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    The occurrence of cases motivated by fraud is becoming more prevalent in companies with weak internal control policies and security vulnerabilities. On one hand, internal fraud is usually carried out by top management or accounting positions which have higher privileges, and thus, more capabilities in the system to commit fraud. On the other hand, external fraud is managed by hackers who gain access to the internal information system through stealing employee credentials. This project presents a solution to prevent fraud in companies. This proposal consists in controlling and managing user’s authorizations through an Access Control principle: Segregation of Duties. Following this security philosophy, it is defined a role based architecture. Furthermore, a detailed process on Segregation of Duties is carried out from a risk-based approach. Conflicts among critical tasks lead to significant risks in the system. Those risks become the core of the study. With an emphasis on risk management lifecycle, it is described every phase developed for achieving an implementation that complies with Segregation of Duties. Based on the design proposed, it is depicted the methodology of a project, by using a tool that integrates and streamline risks, compliance, corporate governance and access control policies, which is SAP GRC Access Control. Taking into consideration the security measures defined, costs of its implementation were calculated to be compared with the great losses occasioned by fraud and data breaches. The results showed that the percentage invested in security is almost imperceptible, ranging from 0.002% to 0.7% of the economic losses that fraud involves. Finally, from the results presented and the methodology of the project performed, conclusions and recommendations are presented for enterprises to avoid fraud, through its detection and control.Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Administración de Empresa

    Glossary, acronyms, abbreviations: Space transportation system and associated payloads

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    A glossary of terms (and definitions) in current usage for the Space Transportation System (STS) and Associated Payloads is presented

    Glossary, Acronyms, Abbreviations: Space transportation system and associated payloads

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    A glossary of terms (and definitions) in current usage for the space transportation system and associated payloads, as well as acronyms and abbreviations, are presented

    Applications of Contemporary Management Approaches in Supply Chains

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    In today's rapidly changing business environment, strong influence of globalization and information technologies drives practitioners and researchers of modern supply chain management, who are interested in applying different contemporary management paradigms and approaches, to supply chain process. This book intends to provide a guide to researchers, graduate students and practitioners by incorporating every aspect of management paradigms into overall supply chain functions such as procurement, warehousing, manufacturing, transportation and disposal. More specifically, this book aims to present recent approaches and ideas including experiences and applications in the field of supply chains, which may give a reference point and useful information for new research and to those allied, affiliated with and peripheral to the field of supply chains and its management

    STS and Cargo Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    Definitions are provided, and acronyms and abbreviations are explained

    Space Transportation System and associated payloads: Glossary, acronyms, and abbreviations

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    A collection of acronyms now in everyday use in the Shuttle world are listed. It is a combination of lists that were prepared at the Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers and by the Air Force