7 research outputs found

    Vulnerabilities in first-generation RFID-enabled credit cards

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    Credit cards ; Radio frequency identification systems

    A survey of RFID privacy approaches

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    A bewildering number of proposals have offered solutions to the privacy problems inherent in RFID communication. This article tries to give an overview of the currently discussed approaches and their attribute

    Membership Privacy for Fully Dynamic Group Signatures

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    Group signatures present a compromise between the traditional goals of digital signatures and the need for signer privacy, allowing for the creation of unforgeable signatures in the name of a group which reveal nothing about the actual signer's identity beyond their group membership. An important consideration that is absent in prevalent models is that group membership itself may be sensitive information, especially if group membership is dynamic, i.e. membership status may change over time. We address this issue by introducing formal notions of membership privacy for fully dynamic group signature schemes, which can be easily integrated into the most expressive models of group signature security to date. We then propose a generic construction for a fully dynamic group signature scheme with membership privacy that is based on signatures with flexible public key (SFPK) and signatures on equivalence classes (SPSEQ). Finally, we devise novel techniques for SFPK to construct a highly efficient standard model scheme (i.e. without random oracles) that provides shorter signatures than even the non-private state-of-the-art from standard assumptions. This shows that, although the strictly stronger security notions we introduce have been completely unexplored in the study of fully dynamic group signatures so far, they do not come at an additional cost in practice

    Älykäs tunnistauminen ja käyttöoikeuksien hallinta monimuotoisessa verkotetussa maailmassa

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    Our living environments are full of various connected computing devices. These environments in homes, offices, public spaces, transportation etc. are gaining abilities to acquire and apply knowledge about the environment and its users in order to improve users' experience in that environment. However, before smart adaptive solutions can be deployed in critical applications, authentication and authorization mechanisms are needed to provide protection against various security threats. These mechanisms must be able to interoperate and share information with different devices. The thesis focuses to questions on how to facilitate the interoperability of authentication and authorization solutions and how to enable adaptability and smartness of these solutions. To address questions, this thesis explores existing authentication and authorizations solutions. Then the thesis builds new reusable, interoperable, and adaptive security solutions. The smart space concept, based on semantic web technologies and publish-and-subscribe architecture, is recognized as a prominent approach for interoperability. We contribute by proposing solutions, which facilitate implementation of smart access control applications. An essential enabler for smart spaces is a secure platform for information sharing. This platform can be based on various security protocols and frameworks, providing diverse security levels. We survey security-levels and feasibility of some key establishment protocols and solutions for authentication and authorization. We also study ecosystem and adaptation issues as well as design and implement a fine-grained and context-based reusable security model, which enables development of self-configuring and adaptive authorization solutions.Ympäristöt, joissa elämme, ovat täynnä erilaisia verkkolaitteita. Nämä koteihin, toimistoihin, julkisiin tiloihin ja ajoneuvoihin muodostuvat ympäristöt ovat oppimassa hyödyntämään ympäriltä saatavilla olevaa tietoa ja sopeuttamaan toimintaansa parantaakseen käyttäjän kokemusta näistä ympäristössä. Älykkäiden ja sopeutuvien tilojen käyttöönotto kriittisissä sovelluksissa vaatii kuitenkin tunnistautumis- ja käyttöoikeuksien hallintamenetelmiä tietoturvauhkien torjumiseksi. Näiden menetelmien pitää pystyä yhteistoimintaan ja mahdollistaa tiedonvaihto erilaisten laitteiden kanssa. Tämä lisensiaatin tutkimus keskittyy kysymyksiin, kuinka helpottaa tunnistautumis- ja käyttöoikeusratkaisujen yhteensopivuutta ja kuinka mahdollistaa näiden ratkaisujen sopeutumiskyky ja älykäs toiminta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan olemassa olevia menetelmiä. Tämän jälkeen kuvataan toteutuksia uusista tietoturvaratkaisuista, jotka ovat uudelleenkäytettäviä, eri laitteiden kanssa yhteensopivia ja eri vaatimuksiin mukautuvia. Älytilat, jotka perustuvat semanttisten web teknologioiden ja julkaise-ja-tilaa arkkitehtuurin hyödyntämiseen, tunnistetaan työssä lupaavaksi yhteensopivuuden tuovaksi ratkaisuksi. Tutkimus esittää ratkaisuja, jotka helpottavat älykkäiden tunnistautumis- ja käyttöoikeuksien hallintaratkaisujen kehitystä. Oleellinen yhteensopivuuden mahdollistaja on tietoturvallinen yhteensopivuusalusta. Tämä alusta voi perustua erilaisiin avaintenhallinta ja tunnistautumisprotokolliin sekä käyttöoikeuksien hallintakehyksiin. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan joidenkin olemassa olevien ratkaisujen käytettävyyttä ja tietoturvatasoa. Tutkimuksessa myös tutkitaan ekosysteemi- ja sopeutumiskysymyksiä sekä toteutetaan hienojakoinen ja kontekstiin perustuva uudelleen käytettävä tietoturvamalli, joka mahdollistaa itsesääntyvien ja mukautuvien käyttöoikeuksien hallinta sovellusten toteuttamisen

    Managing Identity Management Systems

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    Although many identity management systems have been proposed, in- tended to improve the security and usability of user authentication, major adoption problems remain. In this thesis we propose a range of novel schemes to address issues acting as barriers to adoption, namely the lack of interoper- ation between systems, simple adoption strategies, and user security within such systems. To enable interoperation, a client-based model is proposed supporting in- terworking between identity management systems. Information Card systems (e.g. CardSpace) are enhanced to enable a user to obtain a security token from an identity provider not supporting Information Cards; such a token, after en- capsulation at the client, can be processed by an Information Card-enabled relying party. The approach involves supporting interoperation at the client, while maximising transparency to identity providers, relying parties and iden- tity selectors. Four specific schemes conforming to the model are described, each of which has been prototyped. These schemes enable interoperation be- tween an Information Card-enabled relying party and an identity provider supporting one of Liberty, Shibboleth, OpenID, or OAuth. To facilitate adoption, novel schemes are proposed that enable Informa- tion Card systems to support password management and single sign on. The schemes do not require any changes to websites, and provide a simple, intu- itive user experience through use of the identity selector interface. They fa- miliarise users with Information Card systems, thereby potentially facilitating their future adoption. To improve user security, an enhancement to Information Card system user authentication is proposed. During user authentication, a one-time pass- word is sent to the user's mobile device which is then entered into the com- puter by the user. Finally, a universal identity management tool is proposed, designed to support a wide range of systems using a single user interface. It provides a consistent user experience, addresses a range of security issues (e.g. phishing), and provides greater user control during authentication.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo