278 research outputs found

    Optical fibre local area networks

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    Experience with fibre channel in the environment of the ATLAS DAQ protoype "-1" project

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    Fibre Channel equipment has been evaluated in the environment of the ATLAS DAQ prototype "-1". Fibre Channel PCI and PMC cards have been tested on PwerPC-based VME processor boards running LynxOS and on Pentium-based personal computers running Windows NT. The performance in terms of overhead and bandwidth has been measured in point-to-point, arbitrated loop and fabric configuration with a Fibre Ch annel switch. The possible used of the equipment for event building in the ATLAS DAQ prototype "-1" has been studied

    Sistema de monitorització Open Source : projecte d'empresa per Computer Technology Catalunya

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    L'objectiu del projecte consisteix en l'estudi, simulació i implantació d'un conjunt d'aplicacions que permeten tenir un control sobre possibles problemes que puguin succeir a la nostra xarxa. Aquest projecte és la solució als problemes de detecció d'errors en el funcionament de les infraestructures de networking de les que disposen els nostres clients

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Bakalářská práce shrnuje absolvování individuální odborné praxe ve společnosti Pramet Tools, s.r.o. na oddělení informatiky na pozici síťového správce. Mým úkolem bude řešit každodenní problémy a požadavky uživatelů, řešit problémy vzniklé expanzí počítačové sítě. Jako hlavní dlouhodobý předmět práce jsem dostal výběr a následnou implementaci systému pro monitorování a hlášení chyb komplexní výpočetní a komunikační infrastruktury podniku. K hlavnímu úkolu praxe chci, díky jeho obsáhlosti, přistupovat systematicky a řešení rozdělit do několika etap: seznámení s místní síťovou infrastrukturou, průzkum dostupných monitorovacích systémů, výběr systému, implementace systému, test základní funkcionality, přidání monitorovaných zařízení, grafické zobrazení měřených veličin, měření a vyhodnocení zatížení sítě a prostředků vzniklé přidáním monitorovacího systému. Jako výsledek mé práce by měl vzniknout robustní, komplexní a centrální monitorovací systém, který bude spuštěný jako služba na serveru a který nahradí stávající separátní monitorovací aplikace. Systém bude schopný informovat administrátora o vzniklém problému.The bachelor thesis summarizes the completion of individual professional practice in Pramet Tools, s.r.o. in the IT department as a computer network administrator. My task will be to solve everyday problems and user requirements, to solve the problems caused by the expansion of the computer network. The main long-term subject of my thesis is to select and implement the system for monitoring and reporting errors of complex computing and communication infrastructure of the company. I want to separate the main task into several stages: to discover local network infrastructure, survey available monitoring systems, system selection, system implementation, basic functionality test, addition of monitored devices, graphical representation of measured values, measurement and assessing the network load and resources generated by adding a monitoring system. As a result of my work, a robust, comprehensive and central monitoring system should be created, which will run as a service on the server and replace the existing separate monitoring applications. The system will be able to inform the administrator of a problem.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Service management for multi-domain Active Networks

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    The Internet is an example of a multi-agent system. In our context, an agent is synonymous with network operators, Internet service providers (ISPs) and content providers. ISPs mutually interact for connectivity's sake, but the fact remains that two peering agents are inevitably self-interested. Egoistic behaviour manifests itself in two ways. Firstly, the ISPs are able to act in an environment where different ISPs would have different spheres of influence, in the sense that they will have control and management responsibilities over different parts of the environment. On the other hand, contention occurs when an ISP intends to sell resources to another, which gives rise to at least two of its customers sharing (hence contending for) a common transport medium. The multi-agent interaction was analysed by simulating a game theoretic approach and the alignment of dominant strategies adopted by agents with evolving traits were abstracted. In particular, the contention for network resources is arbitrated such that a self-policing environment may emerge from a congested bottleneck. Over the past 5 years, larger ISPs have simply peddled as fast as they could to meet the growing demand for bandwidth by throwing bandwidth at congestion problems. Today, the dire financial positions of Worldcom and Global Crossing illustrate, to a certain degree, the fallacies of over-provisioning network resources. The proposed framework in this thesis enables subscribers of an ISP to monitor and police each other's traffic in order to establish a well-behaved norm in utilising limited resources. This framework can be expanded to other inter-domain bottlenecks within the Internet. One of the main objectives of this thesis is also to investigate the impact on multi-domain service management in the future Internet, where active nodes could potentially be located amongst traditional passive routers. The advent of Active Networking technology necessitates node-level computational resource allocations, in addition to prevailing resource reservation approaches for communication bandwidth. Our motivation is to ensure that a service negotiation protocol takes account of these resources so that the response to a specific service deployment request from the end-user is consistent and predictable. To promote the acceleration of service deployment by means of Active Networking technology, a pricing model is also evaluated for computational resources (e.g., CPU time and memory). Previous work in these areas of research only concentrate on bandwidth (i.e., communication) - related resources. Our pricing approach takes account of both guaranteed and best-effort service by adapting the arbitrage theorem from financial theory. The central tenet for our approach is to synthesise insights from different disciplines to address problems in data networks. The greater parts of research experience have been obtained during direct and indirect participation in the 1ST-10561 project known as FAIN (Future Active IP Networks) and ACTS-AC338 project called MIAMI (Mobile Intelligent Agent for Managing the Information Infrastructure). The Inter-domain Manager (IDM) component was integrated as an integral part of the FAIN policy-based network management systems (PBNM). Its monitoring component (developed during the MIAMI project) learns about routing changes that occur within a domain so that the management system and the managed nodes have the same topological view of the network. This enabled our reservation mechanism to reserve resources along the existing route set up by whichever underlying routing protocol is in place

    Дослідження впливу методів економії ємності на продуктивність системи зберігання даних

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    Магістерська дисертація містить Дисертація містить 111 сторінjr, 54 рисунки, 34 таблиць, 2 додатки та 20 посилань на використані літературні джерела. Об’єктом дослідження є система зберігання даних. Предметом дослідження є дослідження впливу методів економії ємності на продуктивність систем зберігання даних. Метою дисертації є розробка методики конфігурування системи зберігання даних. Актуальність. У зв’язку з постійним збільшенням кількості даних у світі, виникла потреба у створенні апаратного рішення, яке буде здатне зберігати та керувати великими обсягами даних. Станом на сьогодні, даний прилад носить назву: система зберігання даних або СЗД. Але, як і будь-який прилад, системи зберігання даних мають обмеження, які зумовлені фізичними параметрами самого приладу. Як правило, для СЗД – це кількість дисків, які можуть працювати в рамках однієї системи. Саме тому алгоритми компресії та дедублікації даних стали невід’ємною частиною СЗД, адже даний функціонал дозволяє збільшити кількість інформації, що зберігається.Master's dissertation for the degree of "master" on the theme: "Research of the impact of capacity saving methods on the performance of the storage system." The dissertation contains 111 page, 54 figures, 34 tables, 2 appendices, 20 sources. The object of research is storage system. The subject of research is is research of the impact of capacity saving methods on the performance of the storage system The purpose of this thesis is to design and develop a software tool for source code flowcharting. The work has an added goal of creating reusable infrastructure. Relevance. Due to the ever-increasing amount of data in the world, there is a need to create a hardware solution that will be able to store and manage large amounts of data. As of today, this device is called: storage system, but like any device, storage systems have limitations that are due to the physical parameters of the device itself. As a rule, for storage it is quantity of disks which can work within one system. That is why data compression and deduplication algorithms have become an integral part of the storage system, as this functionality allows you to increase the amount of stored information

    Supervisión de la Instalación y Montaje de los Sistemas de Comunicaciones Voz, Data, CCTV y CATV con la Tecnología CAT7A en el Nuevo Hospital San Juan de Dios de la Ciudad de Pisco

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    En este trabajo – informe de experiencia profesional haremos llegar una descripción de los sistemas de comunicación (DATA, VOZ, CCTV Y CATV) instalados en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de la ciudad de Pisco. El sistema consta de una red de Cableado Estructurado Categoría 7A, y de un backbone de Fibra Óptica Multimodo 50/125 um. El Cableado Estructurado que fue implementado fue diseñado conforme a los Estándares ANSI/TIA/EIA e ISO 11801. Estos Estándares definen la estructura del Sistema de Cableado de la siguiente manera: Facilidades de Entrada Cuarto de Equipos Cableado Backbone Cuarto de Telecomunicaciones Cableado Horizontal Área de Trabajo Finalmente se realizará una descripción de las pruebas de certificación de cableado estructurado de fibra óptica y la red de cobre (Cable Categoría 7A). PALABRAS CLAVES Cableado estructurado, fibra óptica, data, voz, cctv y catv

    Building high-performance web-caching servers

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