14 research outputs found

    Fiat-Shamir for highly sound protocols is instantiable

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    The Fiat–Shamir (FS) transformation (Fiat and Shamir, Crypto '86) is a popular paradigm for constructing very efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments and signature schemes from a hash function and any three-move interactive protocol satisfying certain properties. Despite its wide-spread applicability both in theory and in practice, the known positive results for proving security of the FS paradigm are in the random oracle model only, i.e., they assume that the hash function is modeled as an external random function accessible to all parties. On the other hand, a sequence of negative results shows that for certain classes of interactive protocols, the FS transform cannot be instantiated in the standard model. We initiate the study of complementary positive results, namely, studying classes of interactive protocols where the FS transform does have standard-model instantiations. In particular, we show that for a class of “highly sound” protocols that we define, instantiating the FS transform via a q-wise independent hash function yields NIZK arguments and secure signature schemes. In the case of NIZK, we obtain a weaker “q-bounded” zero-knowledge flavor where the simulator works for all adversaries asking an a-priori bounded number of queries q; in the case of signatures, we obtain the weaker notion of random-message unforgeability against q-bounded random message attacks. Our main idea is that when the protocol is highly sound, then instead of using random-oracle programming, one can use complexity leveraging. The question is whether such highly sound protocols exist and if so, which protocols lie in this class. We answer this question in the affirmative in the common reference string (CRS) model and under strong assumptions. Namely, assuming indistinguishability obfuscation and puncturable pseudorandom functions we construct a compiler that transforms any 3-move interactive protocol with instance-independent commitments and simulators (a property satisfied by the Lapidot–Shamir protocol, Crypto '90) into a compiled protocol in the CRS model that is highly sound. We also present a second compiler, in order to be able to start from a larger class of protocols, which only requires instance-independent commitments (a property for example satisfied by the classical protocol for quadratic residuosity due to Blum, Crypto '81). For the second compiler we require dual-mode commitments. We hope that our work inspires more research on classes of (efficient) 3-move protocols where Fiat–Shamir is (efficiently) instantiable

    Does Fiat-Shamir Require a Cryptographic Hash Function?

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    The Fiat-Shamir transform is a general method for reducing interaction in public-coin protocols by replacing the random verifier messages with deterministic hashes of the protocol transcript. The soundness of this transformation is usually heuristic and lacks a formal security proof. Instead, to argue security, one can rely on the random oracle methodology, which informally states that whenever a random oracle soundly instantiates Fiat-Shamir, a hash function that is ``sufficiently unstructured\u27\u27 (such as fixed-length SHA-2) should suffice. Finally, for some special interactive protocols, it is known how to (1) isolate a concrete security property of a hash function that suffices to instantiate Fiat-Shamir and (2) build a hash function satisfying this property under a cryptographic assumption such as Learning with Errors. In this work, we abandon this methodology and ask whether Fiat-Shamir truly requires a cryptographic hash function. Perhaps surprisingly, we show that in two of its most common applications --- building signature schemes as well as (general-purpose) non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments --- there are sound Fiat-Shamir instantiations using extremely simple and non-cryptographic hash functions such as sum-mod-p or bit decomposition. In some cases, we make idealized assumptions about the interactive protocol (i.e., we invoke the generic group model), while in others, we argue soundness in the plain model. At a high level, the security of each resulting non-interactive protocol derives from hard problems already implicit in the original interactive protocol. On the other hand, we also identify important cases in which a cryptographic hash function is provably necessary to instantiate Fiat-Shamir. We hope that this work leads to an improved understanding of the precise role of the hash function in the Fiat-Shamir transformation

    Efficient NIZKs from LWE via Polynomial Reconstruction and ``MPC in the Head

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    All existing works building non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments for NP\mathsf{NP} from the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption have studied instantiating the Fiat-Shamir paradigm on a parallel repetition of an underlying honest-verifier zero knowledge (HVZK) Σ\Sigma protocol, via an appropriately built correlation-intractable (CI) hash function from LWE. This technique has inherent efficiency losses that arise from parallel repetition. In this work, we show how to make use of the more efficient ``MPC in the Head\u27\u27 technique for building an underlying honest-verifier protocol upon which to apply the Fiat-Shamir paradigm. To make this possible, we provide a new and more efficient construction of CI hash functions from LWE, using efficient algorithms for polynomial reconstruction as the main technical tool. We stress that our work provides a new and more efficient ``base construction\u27\u27 for building LWE-based NIZK arguments for NP\mathsf{NP}. Our protocol can be the building block around which other efficiency-focused bootstrapping techniques can be applied, such as the bootstrapping technique of Gentry et al. (Journal of Cryptology 2015)

    Optimally Sound Sigma Protocols Under DCRA

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    Given a well-chosen additively homomorphic cryptosystem and a Σ\Sigma protocol with a linear answer, Damgård, Fazio, and Nicolosi proposed a non-interactive designated-verifier zero knowledge argument in the registered public key model that is sound under non-standard complexity-leveraging assumptions. In 2015, Chaidos and Groth showed how to achieve the weaker yet reasonable culpable soundness notion under standard assumptions but only if the plaintext space order is prime. It makes use of Σ\Sigma protocols that satisfy what we call the \emph{optimal culpable soundness}. Unfortunately, most of the known additively homomorphic cryptosystems (like the Paillier Elgamal cryptosystem that is secure under the standard Decisional Composite Residuosity Assumption) have composite-order plaintext space. We construct optimally culpable sound Σ\Sigma protocols and thus culpably sound non-interactive designated-verifier zero knowledge protocols for NP under standard assumptions given that the least prime divisor of the plaintext space order is large

    Two-round nn-out-of-nn and Multi-Signatures and Trapdoor Commitment from Lattices

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    Although they have been studied for a long time, distributed signature protocols have garnered renewed interest in recent years in view of novel applications to topics like blockchains. Most recent works have focused on distributed versions of ECDSA or variants of Schnorr signatures, however, and in particular, little attention has been given to constructions based on post-quantum secure assumptions like the hardness of lattice problems. A few lattice-based threshold signature and multi-signature schemes have been proposed in the literature, but they either rely on hash-and-sign lattice signatures (which tend to be comparatively inefficient), use expensive generic transformations, or only come with incomplete security proofs. In this paper, we construct several lattice-based distributed signing protocols with low round complexity following the Fiat–Shamir with Aborts (FSwA) paradigm of Lyubashevsky (Asiacrypt 2009). Our protocols can be seen as distributed variants of the fast Dilithium-G signature scheme and the full security proof can be made assuming the hardness of module SIS and LWE problems. A key step to achieving security (unexplained in some earlier papers) is to prevent the leakage that can occur when parties abort after their first message—which can inevitably happen in the Fiat–Shamir with Aborts setting. We manage to do so using homomorphic commitments. Exploiting the similarities between FSwA and Schnorr-style signatures, our approach makes the most of observations from recent advancements in the discrete log setting, such as Drijvers et al.’s seminal work on two-round multi-signatures (S&P 2019). In particular, we observe that the use of commitment not only resolves the subtle issue with aborts, but also makes it possible to realize secure two-round nn-out-of-nn distributed signing and multi-signature in the plain public key model, by equipping the commitment with a trapdoor feature. The construction of suitable trapdoor commitment from lattices is a side contribution of this paper

    Two results on spontaneous anonymous group signatures.

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    Chan Kwok Leong.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-78).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 2 --- Preliminaries --- p.4Chapter 2.1 --- Notation --- p.4Chapter 2.2 --- Cryptographic Primitives --- p.5Chapter 2.2.1 --- Symmetric Key Cryptography --- p.5Chapter 2.2.2 --- Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem --- p.6Chapter 2.2.3 --- Secure Hash Function --- p.7Chapter 2.2.4 --- Digital Signature --- p.8Chapter 2.2.5 --- Digital Certificate and Public Key Infrastructure --- p.8Chapter 2.3 --- Provable Security and Security Model --- p.9Chapter 2.3.1 --- Mathematics Background --- p.9Chapter 2.3.2 --- One-Way Function --- p.10Chapter 2.3.3 --- Candidate One-way Functions --- p.12Chapter 2.4 --- Proof Systems --- p.15Chapter 2.4.1 --- Zero-knowledge Protocol --- p.15Chapter 2.4.2 --- Proof-of-Knowledge Protocol --- p.17Chapter 2.4.3 --- Honest-Verifier Zero-Knowledge (HVZK) Proof of Knowl- edge Protocols (PoKs) --- p.18Chapter 2.5 --- Security Model --- p.19Chapter 2.5.1 --- Random Oracle Model --- p.19Chapter 2.5.2 --- Generic group model (GGM) --- p.20Chapter 3 --- Signature Scheme --- p.21Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.21Chapter 3.2 --- Security Notation for Digital Signature --- p.23Chapter 3.3 --- Security Proof for Digital Signature --- p.24Chapter 3.3.1 --- Random Oracle Model for Signature Scheme --- p.24Chapter 3.3.2 --- Adaptive Chosen Message Attack --- p.24Chapter 3.4 --- Schnorr Identification and Schnorr Signature --- p.25Chapter 3.4.1 --- Schnorr's ROS assumption --- p.26Chapter 3.5 --- Blind Signature --- p.27Chapter 4 --- Spontaneous Anonymous Group (SAG) Signature --- p.30Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.30Chapter 4.2 --- Background --- p.30Chapter 4.2.1 --- Group Signature --- p.30Chapter 4.2.2 --- Threshold Signature --- p.31Chapter 4.3 --- SAG signatures --- p.33Chapter 4.4 --- Formal Definitions and Constructions --- p.35Chapter 4.4.1 --- Ring-type construction --- p.36Chapter 4.4.2 --- CDS-type construction --- p.36Chapter 4.5 --- Discussion --- p.37Chapter 5 --- Blind Spontaneous Anonymous Signature --- p.39Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.39Chapter 5.2 --- Definition --- p.40Chapter 5.2.1 --- Security Model --- p.41Chapter 5.2.2 --- Definitions of security notions --- p.41Chapter 5.3 --- Constructing blind SAG signatures --- p.43Chapter 5.3.1 --- Blind SAG signature: CDS-type [1] --- p.43Chapter 5.3.2 --- "Blind SAG signature: ring-type [2, 3]" --- p.44Chapter 5.4 --- Security Analysis --- p.44Chapter 5.4.1 --- Multi-key parallel one-more unforgeability of blind signature --- p.45Chapter 5.4.2 --- Security of our blind SAG signatures --- p.47Chapter 5.5 --- Discussion --- p.49Chapter 6 --- Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature --- p.51Chapter 6.1 --- introduction --- p.51Chapter 6.2 --- Related work --- p.51Chapter 6.3 --- Basic Building Blocks --- p.52Chapter 6.3.1 --- Proving the Knowledge of Several Discrete Logarithms --- p.53Chapter 6.3.2 --- Proving the Knowledge of d Out of n Equalities of Discrete Logarithms --- p.55Chapter 6.4 --- Security Model --- p.57Chapter 6.4.1 --- Syntax --- p.57Chapter 6.4.2 --- Notions of Security --- p.59Chapter 6.5 --- Our Construction --- p.63Chapter 6.5.1 --- An Linkable Threshold SAG Signature Scheme --- p.63Chapter 6.5.2 --- Security --- p.65Chapter 6.5.3 --- Discussions --- p.67Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.70Bibliography --- p.7

    Delayed-Input Non-Malleable Zero Knowledge and Multi-Party Coin Tossing in Four Rounds

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    In this work we start from the following two results in the state-of-the art: 1.4-round non-malleable zero knowledge (NMZK): Goyal et al. in FOCS 2014 showed the first 4-round one-one NMZK argument from one-way functions (OWFs). Their construction requires the prover to know the instance and the witness already at the 2nd round.2.4-round multi-party coin tossing (MPCT): Garg et al. in Eurocrypt 2016 showed the first 4-round protocol for MPCT. Their result crucially relies on 3-round 3-robust parallel non-malleable commitments. So far there is no candidate construction for such a commitment scheme under standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions. We improve the state-of-the art on NMZK and MPCT by presenting the following two results: 1.a delayed-input 4-round one-many NMZK argument IINMZKfrom OWFs; moreover IINMZKis also a delayed-input many-many synchronous NMZK argument.2.a 4-round MPCT protocol IIMPCTfrom one-to-one OWFs; IIMPCTuses IINMZKas subprotocol and exploits the special properties (e.g., delayed input, many-many synchronous) of IINMZK. Both IINMZKand IIMPCTmake use of a special proof of knowledge that offers additional security guarantees when played in parallel with other protocols. The new technique behind such a proof of knowledge is an additional contribution of this work and is of independent interest

    Practical Round-Optimal Blind Signatures in the ROM from Standard Assumptions

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    Blind signatures serve as a foundational tool for privacy-preserving applications and have recently seen renewed interest due to new applications in blockchains and privacy-authentication tokens. With this, constructing practical round-optimal (i.e., signing consists of the minimum two rounds) blind signatures in the random oracle model (ROM) has been an active area of research, where several impossibility results indicate that either the ROM or a trusted setup is inherent. In this work, we present two round-optimal blind signatures under standard assumptions in the ROM with different approaches: one achieves the smallest sum of the signature and communication sizes, while the other achieves the smallest signature size. Both of our instantiations are based on standard assumptions over asymmetric pairing groups, i.e., CDH, DDH, and/or SXDH. Our first construction is a highly optimized variant of the generic blind signature construction by Fischlin (CRYPTO\u2706) and has signature and communication sizes 447 B and 303 B, respectively. We progressively weaken the building blocks required by Fischlin and we result in the first blind signature where the sum of the signature and communication sizes fit below 1 KB based on standard assumptions. Our second construction is a semi-generic construction from a specific class of randomizable signature schemes that admits an all-but-one reduction. The signature size is only 96 B while the communication size is 2.2 KB. This matches the previously known smallest signature size while improving the communication size by several orders of magnitude. Finally, both of our constructions rely on a (non-black box) fine-grained analysis of the forking lemma that may be of independent interest

    Round and computational efficiency of two-party protocols

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    2016 - 2017A cryptographic protocol is defined by the behaviour of the involved parties and the messages that those parties send to each other. Beside the functionality and the security that a cryptographic protocol provides, it is also important that the protocol is efficient. In this thesis we focus on the efficiency parameters of a cryptographic protocol related to the computational and round complexity. That is, we are interested in the computational cost that the parties involved in the protocol have to pay and how many interactions between the parties are required to securely implement the functionality which we are interested in. Another important aspect of a cryptographic protocol is related to the computational assumptions required to prove that the protocol is secure. The aim of this thesis is to improve the state of the art with respect to some cryptographic functionalities where two parties are involved, by providing new techniques to construct more efficient cryptographic protocols whose security can be proven by relying on better cryptographic assumptions. The thesis is divided in three parts. In the first part we consider Secure Two-Party Computation (2PC), a cryptographic technique that allows to compute a functionality in a secure way. More precisely, there are two parties, Alice and Bob, willing to compute the output of a function f given x and y as input. The values x and y represent the inputs of Alice and Bob respectively. Moreover, each party wants to keep the input secret while allowing the other party to correctly compute f(x, y). As a first result, we show the first secure 2PC protocol with black box simulation, secure under standard and generic assumption, with optimal round complexity in the simultaneous message exchange model. In the simultaneous message exchange model both parties can send a message in each round; in the rest of this thesis we assume the in each round only one party can send a message. We advance the state of the art in secure 2PC also in a relaxed setting. More precisely, in this setting a malicious party that attacks the protocol to understand the secret input of the honest party, is forced to follow the protocol description. Moreover, we consider the case in which the parties want to compute in a secure way the Set-Membership functionality. Such a functionality allows to check whether an element belongs to a set or not. The proposed protocol improves the state of the art both in terms of performance and generality. In the second part of the thesis we show the first 4-round concurrent non-malleable commitment under one-way functions. A commitment scheme allows the sender to send an encrypted message, called commitment, in such a way that the message inside the commitment cannot be opened until that an opening information is provided by the sender. Moreover, there is a unique way in which the commitment can be open. In this thesis we consider the case in which the sender sends the commitment (e.g. trough a computer network) that can be eavesdropped by an adversary. In this setting the adversary can catch the commitment C and modify it thus obtaining a new commitment C0 that contains a message related to the content of C. A non-malleable commitment scheme prevents such attack, and our scheme can be proved secure even in the case that the adversary can eavesdrop multiple commitments and in turn, compute and send multiple commitments. The last part of the thesis concerns proof systems. Let us consider an NP-language, like the language of graph Hamiltonicity. A proof system allows an entity called prover to prove that a certain graph (instance) contains a Hamiltonian cycle (witness) to another entity called verifier. A proof system can be easily instantiated in one round by letting the prover to send the cycle to the verifier. What we actually want though, is a protocol in which the prover is able to convince the verifier that a certain graph belongs to the language of graph Hamiltonicity, but in such a way that no information about the cycle is leaked to the verifier. This kind of proof systems are called Zero Knowledge. In this thesis we show a non-interactive Zero-Knowledge proof system, under the assumption that both prover and verifier have access to some honestly generated common reference string (CRS). The provided construction improves the state of the art both in terms of efficiency and generality. We consider also the scenario in which prover and verifier do not have access to some honestly generated information and study the notion of Witness Indistinguishability. This notion considers instances that admit more than one witness, e.g. graphs that admit two distinct Hamiltonian cycle (as for the notion of Zero Knowledge, the notion of Witness Indistinguishability makes sense for all the languages in NP, but for ease of exposition we keep focusing our attention of the language of graph Hamiltonicity). The security notion of Witness-Indistinguishability ensures that a verifier, upon receiving a proof from a prover, is not able to figure out which one of the two Hamiltonian cycles has been used by the prover to compute the proof. Even though the notion of Witness Indistinguishability is weaker than the notion of Zero Knowledge, Witness Indistinguishability is widely used in many cryptographic applications. Moreover, given that a Witness-Indistinguishable protocol can be constructed using just three rounds of communication compared to the four rounds required to obtain Zero Knowledge (with black-box simulation), the use of Zero-Knowledge as a building block to construct a protocol with an optimal number of rounds is sometimes prohibitive. Always in order to provide a good building block to construct more complicated cryptographic protocols with a nice round complexity, a useful property is the so called Delayed-Input property. This property allows the prover to compute all but the last round of the protocol without knowing the instance nor the witness. Also, the Delayed-Input property allows the verifier to interact with the prover without knowing the instance at all (i.e. the verifier needs the instance just to decide whether to accept or not the proof received by the prover). In this thesis we provide the first efficient Delayed-Input Witness-Indistinguishable proof system that consists of just three round of communication. [edited by author]XVI n.s

    Post-Quantum Zero Knowledge, Revisited (or: How to do Quantum Rewinding Undetectably)

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    When do classical zero-knowledge protocols remain secure against quantum attacks? In this work, we develop the techniques, tools, and abstractions necessary to answer this question for foundational protocols: 1) We prove that the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson protocol for graph non-isomorphism and the Feige-Shamir protocol for NP remain zero-knowledge against quantum adversaries. At the heart of our proof is a new quantum rewinding technique that enables extracting information from multiple invocations of a quantum adversary without disturbing its state. 2) We prove that the Goldreich-Kahan protocol for NP is post-quantum zero knowledge using a simulator that can be seen as a natural quantum extension of the classical simulator. Our results achieve negligible simulation error, appearing to contradict a recent impossibility result due to Chia-Chung-Liu-Yamakawa (FOCS 2021). This brings us to our final contribution: 3) We introduce coherent-runtime expected quantum polynomial time, a simulation notion that (1) precisely captures all of our zero-knowledge simulators, (2) cannot break any polynomial hardness assumptions, (3) implies strict polynomial-time epsilon-simulation and (4) is not subject to the CCLY impossibility. In light of our positive results and the CCLY negative results, we propose coherent-runtime simulation to be the appropriate quantum analogue of classical expected polynomial-time simulation