164 research outputs found

    Linguistically-constrained formant-based i-vectors for automatic speaker recognition

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Speech Communication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Speech Communication, VOL 76 (2016) DOI 10.1016/j.specom.2015.11.002This paper presents a large-scale study of the discriminative abilities of formant frequencies for automatic speaker recognition. Exploiting both the static and dynamic information in formant frequencies, we present linguistically-constrained formant-based i-vector systems providing well calibrated likelihood ratios per comparison of the occurrences of the same isolated linguistic units in two given utterances. As a first result, the reported analysis on the discriminative and calibration properties of the different linguistic units provide useful insights, for instance, to forensic phonetic practitioners. Furthermore, it is shown that the set of units which are more discriminative for every speaker vary from speaker to speaker. Secondly, linguistically-constrained systems are combined at score-level through average and logistic regression speaker-independent fusion rules exploiting the different speaker-distinguishing information spread among the different linguistic units. Testing on the English-only trials of the core condition of the NIST 2006 SRE (24,000 voice comparisons of 5 minutes telephone conversations from 517 speakers -219 male and 298 female-), we report equal error rates of 9.57 and 12.89% for male and female speakers respectively, using only formant frequencies as speaker discriminative information. Additionally, when the formant-based system is fused with a cepstral i-vector system, we obtain relative improvements of ∼6% in EER (from 6.54 to 6.13%) and ∼15% in minDCF (from 0.0327 to 0.0279), compared to the cepstral system alone.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CMC-V2: Caracterizacion, Modelado y Compensacion de Variabilidad en la Señal de Voz, TEC2012-37585-C02-01). Also, the authors would like to thank SRI for providing the Decipher phonetic transcriptions of the NIST 2004, 2005 and 2006 SREs that have allowed to carry out this work

    Reconocimiento automático de locutor e idioma mediante caracterización acústica de unidades lingüísticas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones . Fecha de lectura: 30-06-201

    A linguistically-motivated speaker recognition front-end through session variability compensated cepstral trajectories in phone units

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. González-Rodríguez, J. González-Domínguez, J. Franco-Pedroso, D. Ramos, "A linguistically-motivated speaker recognition front-end through session variability compensated cepstral trajectories in phone units" in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto (Japan), 2012, 4389 - 4392In this paper a new linguistically-motivated front-end is presented showing major performance improvements from the use of session variability compensated cepstral trajectories in phone units. Extending our recent work on temporal contours in linguistic units (TCLU), we have combined the potential of those unit-dependent trajectories with the ability of feature domain factor analysis techniques to compensate session variability effects, which has resulted in consistent and discriminant phone-dependent trajectories across different recording sessions. Evaluating with NIST SRE04 English-only 1s1s task, we report EERs as low as 5.40% from the trajectories in a single phone, with 29 different phones producing each of them EERs smaller than 10%, and additionally showing an excellent calibration performance per unit. The combination of different units shows significant complementarity reporting EERs as 1.63% (100×DCF=0.732) from a simple sum fusion of 23 best phones, or 0.68% (100×DCF=0.304) when fusing them through logistic regression.Supported by MEC grant PR-2010-123, MICINN project TEC09-14179, ForBayes project CCG10-UAM/TIC-5792 and Cátedra UAM-Telefónica

    Mapping across feature spaces in forensic voice comparison: the contribution of auditory-based voice quality to (semi-)automatic system testing

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    In forensic voice comparison, there is increasing focus on the integration of automatic and phonetic methods to improve the validity and reliability of voice evidence to the courts. In line with this, we present a comparison of long-term measures of the speech signal to assess the extent to which they capture complementary speaker-specific information. Likelihood ratio-based testing was conducted using MFCCs and (linear and Mel-weighted) long-term formant distributions (LTFDs). Fusing automatic and semi-automatic systems yielded limited improvement in performance over the baseline MFCC system, indicating that these measures capture essentially the same speaker-specific information. The output from the best performing system was used to evaluate the contribution of auditory-based analysis of supralaryngeal (filter) and laryngeal (source) voice quality in system testing. Results suggest that the problematic speakers for the (semi-)automatic system are, to some extent, predictable from their supralaryngeal voice quality profiles, with the least distinctive speakers producing the weakest evidence and most misclassifications. However, the misclassified pairs were still easily differentiated via auditory analysis. Laryngeal voice quality may thus be useful in resolving problematic pairs for (semi-)automatic systems, potentially improving their overall performance

    The case for automatic higher-level features in forensic speaker recognition

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    Abstract Approaches from standard automatic speaker recognition, which rely on cepstral features, suffer the problem of lack of interpretability for forensic applications. But the growing practice of using "higher-level" features in automatic systems offers promise in this regard. We provide an overview of automatic higher-level systems and discuss potential advantages, as well as issues, for their use in the forensic context

    The case for automatic higher-level features in forensic speaker recognition

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    Abstract Approaches from standard automatic speaker recognition, which rely on cepstral features, suffer the problem of lack of interpretability for forensic applications. But the growing practice of using "higher-level" features in automatic systems offers promise in this regard. We provide an overview of automatic higher-level systems and discuss potential advantages, as well as issues, for their use in the forensic context