1,644 research outputs found

    The reduction of polynomial degrees using moving average filter and derivative approach to decrease the computational load in polynomial classifiers

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    Carbon monoxide is a type of pollutant that is harmful to human health and the environment. On the other hand, carbon monoxide also has benefits for industrial matter. Since the benefits and disadvantages of carbon monoxide, the measurement of carbon monoxide concentration is required. The measurement of carbon monoxide level is not easy moreover with low-cost sensors. The usage of 4 sensors namely TGS2611, TGS2612, TGS2610 and TGS2602 has been used along with feature extractor. The polynomial classifier is required to interpret the feature vector into the amount of substance concentration. The common classifier methods suffer fatal limitations. The polynomial classifiers method offers lower complexity in solution and lower computational effort. Since the involvement of a huge number of data points in the modelling process leads to high degree in the polynomial model. The occurrence of Runge's phenomenon is highly possible in this condition. This phenomenon affects the accuracy level of the generated model. The degree reduction algorithm is required to prevent the occurrence of Runge’s phenomenon. The combination of MAF (Mean Average Filter) and derivative approach as degree reductor algorithm has succeeded in reducing the polynomial model degree. The greater the number degree in the model means the greater the computational load. The model degree reductor algorithm has been succeeded to reduce computational load by 96.6%.Karbon monoksida merupakan salah satu jenis polutan yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan. Di sisi lain, karbon monoksida juga memiliki manfaat untuk keperluan industri. Karena kelebihan dan kekurangan karbon monoksida, maka diperlukan pengukuran konsentrasi karbon monoksida. Pengukuran kadar karbon monoksida tidak mudah apalagi dengan sensor yang murah. Penggunaan 4 sensor yaitu TGS2611, TGS2612, TGS2610 dan TGS2602 telah digunakan bersama dengan feature extractor. Pengklasifikasi polinomial diperlukan untuk menginterpretasikan vektor fitur ke dalam jumlah konsentrasi zat. Metode pengklasifikasi umum mengalami keterbatasan fatal. Metode pengklasifikasi polinomial menawarkan kompleksitas yang lebih rendah dalam solusi dan upaya komputasi yang lebih rendah. Karena keterlibatan sejumlah besar titik data dalam proses pemodelan mengarah ke derajat yang tinggi dalam model polinomial. Fenomena Runge sangat mungkin terjadi pada kondisi ini. Fenomena ini mempengaruhi tingkat akurasi model yang dihasilkan. Algoritma reduksi derajat diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya fenomena Runge. Kombinasi MAF (Mean Average Filter) dan pendekatan turunan sebagai algoritma pereduksi derajat telah berhasil mereduksi derajat model polinomial. Semakin besar angka derajat dalam model berarti semakin besar beban komputasinya. Algoritma pereduksi derajat model telah berhasil mengurangi beban komputasi sebesar 96,6%

    Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms

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    Many different machine learning algorithms exist; taking into account each algorithm's hyperparameters, there is a staggeringly large number of possible alternatives overall. We consider the problem of simultaneously selecting a learning algorithm and setting its hyperparameters, going beyond previous work that addresses these issues in isolation. We show that this problem can be addressed by a fully automated approach, leveraging recent innovations in Bayesian optimization. Specifically, we consider a wide range of feature selection techniques (combining 3 search and 8 evaluator methods) and all classification approaches implemented in WEKA, spanning 2 ensemble methods, 10 meta-methods, 27 base classifiers, and hyperparameter settings for each classifier. On each of 21 popular datasets from the UCI repository, the KDD Cup 09, variants of the MNIST dataset and CIFAR-10, we show classification performance often much better than using standard selection/hyperparameter optimization methods. We hope that our approach will help non-expert users to more effectively identify machine learning algorithms and hyperparameter settings appropriate to their applications, and hence to achieve improved performance.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Intrusion Detection Systems Using Adaptive Regression Splines

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    Past few years have witnessed a growing recognition of intelligent techniques for the construction of efficient and reliable intrusion detection systems. Due to increasing incidents of cyber attacks, building effective intrusion detection systems (IDS) are essential for protecting information systems security, and yet it remains an elusive goal and a great challenge. In this paper, we report a performance analysis between Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), neural networks and support vector machines. The MARS procedure builds flexible regression models by fitting separate splines to distinct intervals of the predictor variables. A brief comparison of different neural network learning algorithms is also given

    Comparative study of state-of-the-art machine learning models for analytics-driven embedded systems

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    Analytics-driven embedded systems are gaining foothold faster than ever in the current digital era. The innovation of Internet of Things(IoT) has generated an entire ecosystem of devices, communicating and exchanging data automatically in an interconnected global network. The ability to efficiently process and utilize the enormous amount of data being generated from an ensemble of embedded devices like RFID tags, sensors etc., enables engineers to build smart real-world systems. Analytics-driven embedded system explores and processes the data in-situ or remotely to identify a pattern in the behavior of the system and in turn can be used to automate actions and embark decision making capability to a device. Designing an intelligent data processing model is paramount for reaping the benefits of data analytics, because a poorly designed analytics infrastructure would degrade the system’s performance and effectiveness. There are many different aspects of this data that make it a more complex and challenging analytics task and hence a suitable candidate for big data. Big data is mainly characterized by its high volume, hugely varied data types and high speed of data receipt; all these properties mandate the choice of correct data mining techniques to be used for designing the analytics model. Datasets with images like face recognition, satellite images would perform better with deep learning algorithms, time-series datasets like sensor data from wearable devices would give better results with clustering and supervised learning models. A regression model would suit best for a multivariate dataset like appliances energy prediction data, forest fire data etc. Each machine learning task has a varied range of algorithms which can be used in combination to create an intelligent data analysis model. In this study, a comprehensive comparative analysis was conducted using different datasets freely available on online machine learning repository, to analyze the performance of state-of-art machine learning algorithms. WEKA data mining toolkit was used to evaluate C4.5, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, kNN, SVM and Multilayer Perceptron for classification models. Linear regression, Gradient Boosting Machine(GBM), Multilayer Perceptron, kNN, Random Forest and Support Vector Machines (SVM) were applied to dataset fit for regression machine learning. Datasets were trained and analyzed in different experimental setups and a qualitative comparative analysis was performed with k-fold Cross Validation(CV) and paired t-test in Weka experimenter

    Determining of Solar Power by Using Machine Learning Methods in a Specified Region

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    In this study, it is aimed to estimate the solar power according to the hourly meteorological data of the specified location measured between 2002 and 2006 by using different Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Data Mining Processes (DMP) were used to select the most appropriate input variables from these measured data. Data groups created using DMP were evaluated according to three different ML algorithms such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). It can be concluded that DMP-ML based prediction models are more successful than models developed using all available data. The most successful model developed among these models estimated the hourly solar power potential with an accuracy of 97%. Also, different error measurement statistics were used to evaluate ML algorithms. According to Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error, 6.12%, 7.22% and 12.72% values were found in the most successful prediction models developed using ANN, KNN and SVR, respectively. In addition, from the meteorological data used in this study the most effective data on solar power as a result of DMP were shown to be Temperature and Hourly Sunshine Duration