47 research outputs found

    Feature and performance comparison of the V-REP, Gazebo and ARGoS robot simulators

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. In this paper, the characteristics and performance of three open-source simulators for robotics, V-REP, Gazebo and ARGoS, are thoroughly analysed and compared. While they all allow for programming in C++, they also represent clear alternatives when it comes to the trade-off between complexity and performance. Attention is given to their built-in features, robot libraries, programming methods and the usability of their user interfaces. Benchmark test results are reported in order to identify how well the simulators can cope with environments of varying complexity. The richness of features of V-REP and the strong performance of Gazebo and ARGoS in complex scenes are highlighted. Various usability issues of Gazebo are also noted

    Towards AGV Optimization using ROS and Stage Simulator

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    Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGV) are currently being used in industry to move materials efficiently. Simulators may be used to help calculate the right number of AGVs needed for a particular task and also which types better suit the necessity of a company. This paper analyzes the characteristics of many of the most used simulators and focus on evaluating an environment using Stage and Robot Operating System (ROS), to find experimentally if one AGV may complete a specific task taking into account eventual path blockages by random events.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SwarmLab: a Matlab Drone Swarm Simulator

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    Among the available solutions for drone swarm simulations, we identified a gap in simulation frameworks that allow easy algorithms prototyping, tuning, debugging and performance analysis, and do not require the user to interface with multiple programming languages. We present SwarmLab, a software entirely written in Matlab, that aims at the creation of standardized processes and metrics to quantify the performance and robustness of swarm algorithms, and in particular, it focuses on drones. We showcase the functionalities of SwarmLab by comparing two state-of-the-art algorithms for the navigation of aerial swarms in cluttered environments, Olfati-Saber's and Vasarhelyi's. We analyze the variability of the inter-agent distances and agents' speeds during flight. We also study some of the performance metrics presented, i.e. order, inter and extra-agent safety, union, and connectivity. While Olfati-Saber's approach results in a faster crossing of the obstacle field, Vasarhelyi's approach allows the agents to fly smoother trajectories, without oscillations. We believe that SwarmLab is relevant for both the biological and robotics research communities, and for education, since it allows fast algorithm development, the automatic collection of simulated data, the systematic analysis of swarming behaviors with performance metrics inherited from the state of the art.Comment: Accepted to the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    Systematic literature review of realistic simulators applied in educational robotics context

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    This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) about realistic simulators that can be applied in an educational robotics context. These simulators must include the simulation of actuators and sensors, the ability to simulate robots and their environment. During this systematic review of the literature, 559 articles were extracted from six different databases using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, Context (PICOC) method. After the selection process, 50 selected articles were included in this review. Several simulators were found and their features were also analyzed. As a result of this process, four realistic simulators were applied in the review’s referred context for two main reasons. The first reason is that these simulators have high fidelity in the robots’ visual modeling due to the 3D rendering engines and the second reason is because they apply physics engines, allowing the robot’s interaction with the environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SW Tools for Creation of Complex Simulation Models of Robotic Workstations and their Basic Characteristics

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá softwarovými nástroji pro tvorbu simulačních modelů robotizovaných pracovišť. V úvodu je vytvořen přehled existujících softwarových nástrojů, které jsou dále porovnávány. Na základě informací z odborných publikací jsou popsány hlavní funkcionality těchto softwarů. Je provedena analýza četnosti výskytu jednotlivých softwarů v publikačních databázích. Dále jsou popsány nejvíce citované publikace a příklady použití jednotlivých softwarů. Poslední kapitola obsahuje přehled potřebných parametrů k vytvoření simulačního modelu robotického systému.Bachelor thesis is dealing with software tools for creation of simulation models of robotics workstations. The introduction provides an overview of existing software tools, which are further compared. Based on information from professional publications, the main functionalities of these software are described. An analysis of the frequency of occurrence of individual software in publication databases is performed. The most cited publications and examples of the use of individual software are then described. The last chapter contains an overview of the necessary parameters to create a simulation model of a robotic system.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Inertial measurement unit modelling

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    Inerciální měřící jednotka (IMU) patří mezi základní senzorické vybavení současných mobilních robotů, kde se používá především pro odhadování ohamžité orientace robotu v prostoru. V této práci se komplexně zabývám simulací IMU v robotickém simulátoru Gazebo za účelem co nejvěrnějšího modelování odhadovaného úhlu natočení robotu, který je jedním z přímých výstupů IMU senzoru Bosch BNO055. Pro podporu vyhodnocení kvality IMU modelu vzhledem k reálným datům z BNO055 jsem navrhl a implementoval simulační prostřední v rámci Robotického Operačního Systému (ROS), které aproximuje zadanou trajektorii, uloží data ze simulovaného IMU a vygeneruje podklady pro vyhodnocení kvality IMU modelu vzhledem k reálným datům z BNO055. Na základě nejlepších dostupných IMU pluginů v Gazebu jsem implementoval dva URDF/SDF modely IMU sensoru, jejichž funkčnost byla následně ověřena řadou experimentů v simulátoru. Provedené simulace potvrdily funkčnost modelů a zároveň poukázaly na limity realističnosti současných pluginů v Gazebu a nastínily možnosti dalšího vývoje pro zvýšení věrnosti simulací IMU.The inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors are massively used in mobile service robots to provide orientation estimation. This thesis is concerned with modeling and simulation of IMU sensor in the robotics simulator Gazebo. The main goal of this thesis is to simulate the heading angle output of a real IMU sensor Bosch BNO055 with high fidelity. To enable the IMU model evaluation I designed and implmented a custom IMU simulation framework as a ROS package. This framework approximates the given trajectory with the help of a Gazebo simulation of a robot model with attached IMU sensor model, captures the simulated IMU output and generates data for the comparison concerning provided dataset measured by real BNO055. I used the best currently available IMU plugins to implement two different URDF/SDF IMU models. The simulations demonstrated the functionality of implemented IMU models, but also revealed the fidelity limitations of current IMU plugins in Gazebo, and led to a discussion about possible future improvements

    A realistic simulation environment as a teaching aid in educational robotics

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    The experimental component is an essential method in Engineering education. Sometimes the availability of laboratories and components is compromised, and the COVID-19 pandemic worsened the situation. Resorting to an accurate simulation seems to help this process by allowing students to develop the work, program, test, and validate it. Moreover, it lowers the development time and cost of the prototyping stages of a robotics project. As a multidisciplinary area, robotics requires simulation environments with essential characteristics, such as dynamics, connection to hardware (embedded systems), and other applications. Thus, this paper presents the Simulation environment of SimTwo, emphasizing previous publications with models of sensors, actuators, and simulation scenes. The simulator can be used for free, and the source code is available to the community. Proposed scenes and examples can inspire the development of other simulation scenes to be used in electrical and mechanical Engineering projects. © 2022 IEEE.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). Thadeu Brito was supported by FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/08598/2020 and Joao Braun received the ˜ support of a fellowship from ”la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434) with code LCF/BQ/DI20/11780028.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vision-based Robotic Grasping in Simulation using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    This thesis will investigate different robotic manipulation and grasping approaches. It will present an overview of robotic simulation environments, and offer an evaluation of PyBullet, CoppeliaSim, and Gazebo, comparing various features. The thesis further presents a background for current approaches to robotic manipulation and grasping by describing how the robotic movement and grasping can be organized. State-of-the-Art approaches for learning robotic grasping, both using supervised methods and reinforcement learning methods are presented. Two set of experiments will be conducted in PyBullet, illustrating how Deep Reinforcement Learning methods could be applied to train a 7 degrees of freedom robotic arm to grasp objects