121 research outputs found

    Improved training of generative models

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    Cette thèse explore deux idées différentes: — Une méthode améliorée d’entraînement de réseaux de neurones récurrents. Communément, l’entraînement des réseaux de neurones récurrents se fait à l’aide d’une méthode connue sous le nom de ‘teacher forcing’. Cette méthode consiste à utiliser les valeurs de la séquence observée en tant qu’entrées du réseau pendant la phase d’entraînement, alors que l’on utilise la séquence des valeurs prédites par le modèle lors de la phase de génération. Nous présentons ici un algorithme appelé ‘professor forcing’ qui utilise l’adaptation de domaine adversaire pour encourager la dynamique du réseau récurrent à être la même lors de la phase d’entraînement et lors de la phase de génération. Ce travail a été accepté a la session de posters de la conférence NIPS 2016. — Un nouveau modèle pour l’entraînement de modèles génératifs. Un obstacle connu lors de l’entraînement de modèles graphiques non orientés avec variables latentes, tels que les machines de Boltzmann, est que la procédure d’entraînement par maximum de vraisemblance nécessite une chaîne de Markov pour échantillonner. Or le temps de mixage de la chaîne de Markov dans la boucle interne de l’entraînement peut être très long. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’abord l’idée qu’il suffit de découper localement la fonction d´énergie de sorte que son gradient pointe dans la bonne direction (c'est-à-dire vers la génération des données). Cela correspond à une nouvelle procédure d’apprentissage qui s’éloigne d’abord des données en suivant l’opérateur de transition du modèle, et qui ensuite entraîne cet opérateur à revenir en arrière à chaque étape, en revenant vers les données. Ce travail a été accepté en tant que poster à la conférence NIPS 2017. Dans le premier chapitre, je présente quelques notions élémentaires sur les modèles génératifs (en particulier les modèles graphiques orientés et non orientés). Je montre en quoi la méthode proposée dans le chapitre 3 est liée à ces modèles. Dans le deuxième chapitre, je décris notre méthode proposée (appelée ‘professor forcing’) pour améliorer l’entraînement des réseaux de neurones récurrents. Dans le troisième chapitre, je décris notre méthode proposée pour entraîner un modèle génératif en paramétrant directement un opérateur de transition.This thesis explores ideas along 2 different directions: — Improved Training of Recurrent Neural Networks - Recurrent Neural Networks are trained using teacher forcing which works by supplying observed sequence values as inputs during training, and using the network’s own one-step ahead predictions to do multi-step sampling. We introduce the Professor Forcing algorithm, which uses adversarial domain adaptation to encourage the dynamics of the recurrent network to be the same when training the network and when sampling from the network over multiple time steps. This work was accepted as a conference poster at NIPS 2016. — Training iterative generative models A recognized obstacle to training undirected graphical models with latent variables such as Boltzmann machines is that the maximum likelihood training procedure requires sampling from Monte-Carlo Markov chains which may not mix well, in the inner loop of training, for each example. In this thesis, we first propose the idea that it is sufficient to locally carve the energy function everywhere so that its gradient points in the right direction (i.e., towards generating the data). This corresponds to a new learning procedure that first walks away from data points by following the model transition operator and then trains that operator to walk backwards for each of these steps, back towards the training example. This work was accepted as a conference poster at NIPS 2017. Chapter One is dedicated to background knowledge about generative models. This covers directed and undirectored graphical models and how the proposed method in Chapter 3 are related to these. In the following chapter, I will describe our proposed method to improve training of recurrent neural networks using Professor Forcing Goyal et al. [2016]. The third chapter describes the Variational Walkback [Goyal et al., 2017a] algorithm. This is an algorithm for training an iterative generative model by directly learns a parameterized transition operator

    Advances in deep learning methods for speech recognition and understanding

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    Ce travail expose plusieurs études dans les domaines de la reconnaissance de la parole et compréhension du langage parlé. La compréhension sémantique du langage parlé est un sous-domaine important de l'intelligence artificielle. Le traitement de la parole intéresse depuis longtemps les chercheurs, puisque la parole est une des charactéristiques qui definit l'être humain. Avec le développement du réseau neuronal artificiel, le domaine a connu une évolution rapide à la fois en terme de précision et de perception humaine. Une autre étape importante a été franchie avec le développement d'approches bout en bout. De telles approches permettent une coadaptation de toutes les parties du modèle, ce qui augmente ainsi les performances, et ce qui simplifie la procédure d'entrainement. Les modèles de bout en bout sont devenus réalisables avec la quantité croissante de données disponibles, de ressources informatiques et, surtout, avec de nombreux développements architecturaux innovateurs. Néanmoins, les approches traditionnelles (qui ne sont pas bout en bout) sont toujours pertinentes pour le traitement de la parole en raison des données difficiles dans les environnements bruyants, de la parole avec un accent et de la grande variété de dialectes. Dans le premier travail, nous explorons la reconnaissance de la parole hybride dans des environnements bruyants. Nous proposons de traiter la reconnaissance de la parole, qui fonctionne dans un nouvel environnement composé de différents bruits inconnus, comme une tâche d'adaptation de domaine. Pour cela, nous utilisons la nouvelle technique à l'époque de l'adaptation du domaine antagoniste. En résumé, ces travaux antérieurs proposaient de former des caractéristiques de manière à ce qu'elles soient distinctives pour la tâche principale, mais non-distinctive pour la tâche secondaire. Cette tâche secondaire est conçue pour être la tâche de reconnaissance de domaine. Ainsi, les fonctionnalités entraînées sont invariantes vis-à-vis du domaine considéré. Dans notre travail, nous adoptons cette technique et la modifions pour la tâche de reconnaissance de la parole dans un environnement bruyant. Dans le second travail, nous développons une méthode générale pour la régularisation des réseaux génératif récurrents. Il est connu que les réseaux récurrents ont souvent des difficultés à rester sur le même chemin, lors de la production de sorties longues. Bien qu'il soit possible d'utiliser des réseaux bidirectionnels pour une meilleure traitement de séquences pour l'apprentissage des charactéristiques, qui n'est pas applicable au cas génératif. Nous avons développé un moyen d'améliorer la cohérence de la production de longues séquences avec des réseaux récurrents. Nous proposons un moyen de construire un modèle similaire à un réseau bidirectionnel. L'idée centrale est d'utiliser une perte L2 entre les réseaux récurrents génératifs vers l'avant et vers l'arrière. Nous fournissons une évaluation expérimentale sur une multitude de tâches et d'ensembles de données, y compris la reconnaissance vocale, le sous-titrage d'images et la modélisation du langage. Dans le troisième article, nous étudions la possibilité de développer un identificateur d'intention de bout en bout pour la compréhension du langage parlé. La compréhension sémantique du langage parlé est une étape importante vers le développement d'une intelligence artificielle de type humain. Nous avons vu que les approches de bout en bout montrent des performances élevées sur les tâches, y compris la traduction automatique et la reconnaissance de la parole. Nous nous inspirons des travaux antérieurs pour développer un système de bout en bout pour la reconnaissance de l'intention.This work presents several studies in the areas of speech recognition and understanding. The semantic speech understanding is an important sub-domain of the broader field of artificial intelligence. Speech processing has had interest from the researchers for long time because language is one of the defining characteristics of a human being. With the development of neural networks, the domain has seen rapid progress both in terms of accuracy and human perception. Another important milestone was achieved with the development of end-to-end approaches. Such approaches allow co-adaptation of all the parts of the model thus increasing the performance, as well as simplifying the training procedure. End-to-end models became feasible with the increasing amount of available data, computational resources, and most importantly with many novel architectural developments. Nevertheless, traditional, non end-to-end, approaches are still relevant for speech processing due to challenging data in noisy environments, accented speech, and high variety of dialects. In the first work, we explore the hybrid speech recognition in noisy environments. We propose to treat the recognition in the unseen noise condition as the domain adaptation task. For this, we use the novel at the time technique of the adversarial domain adaptation. In the nutshell, this prior work proposed to train features in such a way that they are discriminative for the primary task, but non-discriminative for the secondary task. This secondary task is constructed to be the domain recognition task. Thus, the features trained are invariant towards the domain at hand. In our work, we adopt this technique and modify it for the task of noisy speech recognition. In the second work, we develop a general method for regularizing the generative recurrent networks. It is known that the recurrent networks frequently have difficulties staying on same track when generating long outputs. While it is possible to use bi-directional networks for better sequence aggregation for feature learning, it is not applicable for the generative case. We developed a way improve the consistency of generating long sequences with recurrent networks. We propose a way to construct a model similar to bi-directional network. The key insight is to use a soft L2 loss between the forward and the backward generative recurrent networks. We provide experimental evaluation on a multitude of tasks and datasets, including speech recognition, image captioning, and language modeling. In the third paper, we investigate the possibility of developing an end-to-end intent recognizer for spoken language understanding. The semantic spoken language understanding is an important step towards developing a human-like artificial intelligence. We have seen that the end-to-end approaches show high performance on the tasks including machine translation and speech recognition. We draw the inspiration from the prior works to develop an end-to-end system for intent recognition

    Metaheuristic approach on feature extraction and classification algorithm for handwrittten character recognition

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    Handwritten Character Recognition (HCR) is a process of converting handwritten text into machine readable form and it comprises three stages; preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. This study acknowledged the issues regarding HCR performances particularly at the feature extraction and classification stages. In relation to feature extraction stage, the problem identified is related to continuous and minimum chain code feature extraction at its starting and revisit points due to branches of handwritten character. As for the classification stage, the problems identified are related to the input feature for classification that results in low accuracy of classification and classification model particularly in Artificial Neural Network (ANN) learning problem. Thus, the aim of this study is to extract the continuous chain code feature for handwritten character along with minimising its length and then proceed to develop and enhance the ANN classification model based on the extracted chain code in order to identify the handwritten character better. Four phases were involved in accomplishing the aim of this study. First, thinning algorithm was applied to remove the redundancies of pixel in handwritten character binary image. Second, graph based-metaheuristic feature extraction algorithm was proposed to extract the continuous chain code feature of the handwritten character image while minimising the route length of the chain code. Graph theory was then utilised as a solution representation. Hence, two metaheuristic approaches were adopted; Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) and Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA). As a result, HSA graphbased metaheuristic feature extraction algorithm was proposed to extract the continuous chain code feature for handwritten character. Based on the experiment conducted, it was demonstrated that the HSA graph-based metaheuristic feature extraction algorithm showed better performance in generating the shortest route length of chain code with minimum computational time compared to FPA. Furthermore, based on the evaluation of previous works, the proposed algorithm showed notable performance in terms of shortest route length of chain code for extracting handwritten character. Third, a feature vector was derived to address the input feature issue. The derivation of feature vector based on proposed formation rule namely Local Value Formation Rule (LVFR) and Global Value Formation Rule (GVFR) was adopted to create the image features for classification purpose. ANN was applied to classify the handwritten character based on the derived feature vector. Fourth, a hybrid of Firefly Algorithm (FA) and ANN (FA-ANN) classification model was proposed to solve the ANN network learning issue. Confusion Matrix was generated to evaluate the performance of the model in terms of precision, sensitivity, specificity, F-score, accuracy and error rate. As a result, the proposed hybrid FA-ANN classification model is superior in classifying the handwritten characters compared to the proposed feature vector-based ANN with 1.59 percent incremental in terms of accuracy model. Furthermore, the proposed hybrid FA-ANN also exhibits better performances compared to previous related works on HCR

    Random sum-product networks: A simple and effective approach to probabilistic deep learning

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    Sum-product networks (SPNs) are expressive probabilistic models with a rich set of exact and efficient inference routines. However, in order to guarantee exact inference, they require specific structural constraints, which complicate learning SPNs from data. Thereby, most SPN structure learners proposed so far are tedious to tune, do not scale easily, and are not easily integrated with deep learning frameworks. In this paper, we follow a simple “deep learning” approach, by generating unspecialized random structures, scalable to millions of parameters, and subsequently applying GPU-based optimization. Somewhat surprisingly, our models often perform on par with state-of-the-art SPN structure learners and deep neural networks on a diverse range of generative and discriminative scenarios. At the same time, our models yield well-calibrated uncertainties, and stand out among most deep generative and discriminative models in being robust to missing features and being able to detect anomalies

    Advances in Character Recognition

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    This book presents advances in character recognition, and it consists of 12 chapters that cover wide range of topics on different aspects of character recognition. Hopefully, this book will serve as a reference source for academic research, for professionals working in the character recognition field and for all interested in the subject

    Object detection, distributed cloud computing and parallelization techniques for autonomous driving systems.

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    Autonomous vehicles are increasingly becoming a necessary trend towards building the smart cities of the future. Numerous proposals have been presented in recent years to tackle particular aspects of the working pipeline towards creating a functional end-to-end system, such as object detection, tracking, path planning, sentiment or intent detection, amongst others. Nevertheless, few efforts have been made to systematically compile all of these systems into a single proposal that also considers the real challenges these systems will have on the road, such as real-time computation, hardware capabilities, etc. This paper reviews the latest techniques towards creating our own end-to-end autonomous vehicle system, considering the state-of-the-art methods on object detection, and the possible incorporation of distributed systems and parallelization to deploy these methods. Our findings show that while techniques such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and long short-term memory can effectively handle the initial detection and path planning tasks, more efforts are required to implement cloud computing to reduce the computational time that these methods demand. Additionally, we have mapped different strategies to handle the parallelization task, both within and between the networks