737 research outputs found

    Human Motion Analysis with Wearable Inertial Sensors

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    High-resolution, quantitative data obtained by a human motion capture system can be used to better understand the cause of many diseases for effective treatments. Talking about the daily care of the aging population, two issues are critical. One is to continuously track motions and position of aging people when they are at home, inside a building or in the unknown environment; the other is to monitor their health status in real time when they are in the free-living environment. Continuous monitoring of human movement in their natural living environment potentially provide more valuable feedback than these in laboratory settings. However, it has been extremely challenging to go beyond laboratory and obtain accurate measurements of human physical activity in free-living environments. Commercial motion capture systems produce excellent in-studio capture and reconstructions, but offer no comparable solution for acquisition in everyday environments. Therefore in this dissertation, a wearable human motion analysis system is developed for continuously tracking human motions, monitoring health status, positioning human location and recording the itinerary. In this dissertation, two systems are developed for seeking aforementioned two goals: tracking human body motions and positioning a human. Firstly, an inertial-based human body motion tracking system with our developed inertial measurement unit (IMU) is introduced. By arbitrarily attaching a wearable IMU to each segment, segment motions can be measured and translated into inertial data by IMUs. A human model can be reconstructed in real time based on the inertial data by applying high efficient twists and exponential maps techniques. Secondly, for validating the feasibility of developed tracking system in the practical application, model-based quantification approaches for resting tremor and lower extremity bradykinesia in Parkinson’s disease are proposed. By estimating all involved joint angles in PD symptoms based on reconstructed human model, angle characteristics with corresponding medical ratings are employed for training a HMM classifier for quantification. Besides, a pedestrian positioning system is developed for tracking user’s itinerary and positioning in the global frame. Corresponding tests have been carried out to assess the performance of each system

    Optimal Inertial Sensor Placement and Motion Detection for Epileptic Seizure Patient Monitoring

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    Use of inertial sensory systems to monitor and detect seizure episodes in patients suffering from epilepsy is investigated via numerical simulations and experiments. Numerical simulations employ a mathematical model that is able to predict human body dynamic responses during a typical epileptic seizure. An optimized inertial sensor placement procedure is developed to address achievement of highest possible sensing resolution in determining angular accelerations with minimal errors. In addition, a joint torque estimation procedure is formulated to assist in the future development of a possible detection scheme. Experimental motion data obtained from an epileptic seizure patient as well as a healthy subject via a cluster of inertial measurement sensors formed a basis for proposing a suitable detection scheme based on non-linear response analysis. In particular, preliminary experimental data analysis has shown that the proposed modified Poincaré Map based scheme can become an effective tool in detecting of seizure via inertial measurements

    Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning based Human Movement Analysis – Applications in Sports and Medicine

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    Die Analyse menschlicher Bewegung außerhalb des Labors unter realen Bedingungen ist in den letzten Jahren sowohl in sportlichen als auch in medizinischen Anwendungen zunehmend bedeutender geworden. Mobile Sensoren, welche am Körper getragen werden, haben sich in diesem Zusammenhang als wertvolle Messinstrumente etabliert. Auf Grund des Umfangs, der Komplexität, der Heterogenität und der Störanfälligkeit der Daten werden vielseitige Analysemethoden eingesetzt, um die Daten zu verarbeiten und auszuwerten. Zudem sind häufig Modellierungsansätze notwendig, da die gemessenen Größen nicht auf direktem Weg aussagekräftige biomechanische Variablen liefern. Seit wenigen Jahren haben sich hierfür Methoden des maschinellen Lernens als vielversprechende Instrumente zur Ermittlung von Zielvariablen, wie beispielsweise der Gelenkwinkel, herausgestellt. Aktuell befindet sich die Forschung an der Schnittstelle aus Biomechanik, mobiler Sensoren und maschinellem Lernen noch am Anfang. Der Bereich birgt grundsätzlich ein erhebliches Potenzial, um einerseits das Spektrum an mobilen Anwendungen im Sport, insbesondere in Sportarten mit komplexen Bewegungsanforderungen, wie beispielsweise dem Eishockey, zu erweitern. Andererseits können Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zur Abschätzung von Belastungen auf Körperstrukturen mittels mobiler Sensordaten genutzt werden. Vor allem die Anwendung mobiler Sensoren in Kombination mit Prädiktionsmodellen zur Ermittlung der Kniegelenkbelastung, wie beispielsweise der Gelenkmomente, wurde bisher nur unzureichend erforscht. Gleichwohl kommt der mobilen Erfassung von Gelenkbelastungen in der Diagnostik und Rehabilitation von Verletzungen sowie Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, festzustellen inwieweit tragbare Sensoren und Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens zur Quantifizierung sportlicher Bewegungsmerkmale sowie zur Ermittlung der Belastung von Körperstrukturen bei der Ausführung von Alltags- und Sportbewegungen eingesetzt werden können. Die Dissertation basiert auf vier Studien, welche in internationalen Fachzeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Prozess erschienen sind. Die ersten beiden Studien konzentrieren sich zum einen auf die automatisierte Erkennung von zeitlichen Events und zum anderen auf die mobile Leistungsanalyse während des Schlittschuhlaufens im Eishockey. Die beiden weiteren Studien präsentieren jeweils einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Schätzung von Belastungen im Kniegelenk mittels künstlich neuronalen Netzen. Zwei mobile Sensoren, welche in eine Kniebandage integriert sind, dienen hierbei als Datenbasis zur Ermittlung von Kniegelenkskräften während unterschiedlicher Sportbewegungen sowie von Kniegelenksmomenten während verschiedener Lokomotionsaufgaben. Studie I zeigt eine präzise, effiziente und einfache Methode zur zeitlichen Analyse des Schlittschuhlaufens im Eishockey mittels einem am Schlittschuh befestigten Beschleunigungssensor. Die Validierung des neuartigen Ansatzes erfolgt anhand synchroner Messungen des plantaren Fußdrucks. Der mittlere Unterschied zwischen den beiden Erfassungsmethoden liegt sowohl für die Standphasendauer als auch der Gangzyklusdauer unter einer Millisekunde. Studie II zeigt das Potenzial von Beschleunigungssensoren zur Technik- und Leistungsanalyse des Schlittschuhlaufens im Eishockey. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für die Standphasendauer und Schrittintensität sowohl Unterschiede zwischen beschleunigenden Schritten und Schritten bei konstanter Geschwindigkeit als auch zwischen Teilnehmern unterschiedlichen Leistungsniveaus. Eine Korrelationsanalyse offenbart, insbesondere für die Schrittintensität, einen starken Zusammenhang mit der sportlichen Leistung des Schlittschuhlaufens im Sinne einer verkürzten Sprintzeit. Studie III präsentiert ein tragbares System zur Erfassung von Belastungen im Kniegelenk bei verschiedenen sportlichen Bewegungen auf Basis zweier mobiler Sensoren. Im Speziellen werden unterschiedliche lineare Bewegungen, Richtungswechsel und Sprünge betrachtet. Die mittels künstlich neuronalem Netz ermittelten dreidimensionalen Kniegelenkskräfte zeigen, mit Ausnahme der mediolateralen Kraftkomponente, für die meisten analysierten Bewegungen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit invers-dynamisch berechneten Referenzdaten. Die abschließende Studie IV stellt eine Erweiterung des in Studie III entwickelten tragbaren Systems zur Ermittlung von Belastungen im Kniegelenk dar. Die ambulante Beurteilung der Gelenkbelastung bei Kniearthrose steht hierbei im Fokus. Die entwickelten Prädiktionsmodelle zeigen für das Knieflexionsmoment eine gute Übereinstimmung mit invers-dynamisch berechneten Referenzdaten für den Großteil der analysierten Bewegungen. Demgegenüber ist bei der Ermittlung des Knieadduktionsmoments mittels künstlichen neuronalen Netzen Vorsicht geboten. Je nach Bewegung, kommt es zu einer schwachen bis starken Übereinstimmung zwischen der mittels Prädiktionsmodell bestimmten Belastung und dem Referenzwert. Zusammenfassend tragen die Ergebnisse von Studie I und Studie II zur sportartspezifischen Leistungsanalyse im Eishockey bei. Zukünftig können sowohl die Trainingsqualität als auch die gezielte Verbesserung sportlicher Leistung durch den Einsatz von am Körper getragener Sensoren in hohem Maße profitieren. Die methodischen Neuerungen und Erkenntnisse aus Studie III und Studie IV ebnen den Weg für die Entwicklung neuartiger Technologien im Gesundheitsbereich. Mit Blick in die Zukunft können mobile Sensoren zur intelligenten Analyse menschlicher Bewegungen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt, dass die mobile Bewegungsanalyse zur Erleichterung der sportartspezifischen Leistungsdiagnostik unter Feldbedingungen beiträgt. Zudem zeigt die Arbeit, dass die mobile Bewegungsanalyse einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsdiagnostik und Rehabilitation nach akuten Verletzungen oder bei chronischen muskuloskelettalen Erkrankungen leistet

    Methods and good practice guidelines for human joint kinematics estimation through magnetic and inertial wearable sensors

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    According to the World Health Organization, the ability to move is recognized as a key factor for the human well-being. From the wearable Magnetic and Inertial Measurement Units (MIMUs) signals it is possible to extract several digital mobility outcomes including the joint kinematics. To this end, it is first required to estimate the orientation of the MIMUs by means of a sensor fusion algorithm (SFA). After that, the relative orientation is computed and then decomposed to obtain the joint angles. However, the MIMUs do not provide a direct output of the physical quantity of interest which can be only determined after an ad hoc processing of their signals. It follows that the joint angle accuracy mostly depends on multiple factors. The first one is the magnitude of the MIMU measurements errors and up to date there is still a lack of methods for their characterization. A second crucial factor is the choice of the SFA to use. Despite the abundance of formulations in the literature, no-well established conclusions about their accuracy have been reached yet. The last factor is the biomechanical model used to compute the joint angles. In this context, unconstrained methods offer a simple way to decompose the relative orientation using the Euler angles but suffer from the inherent issues related to the SFA. In contrast, constrained approaches aim at increasing the robustness of the estimates by adopting models in which an objective function is minimized through the definition of physiological constraints. This thesis proposed the methods to accurately estimate the human joint kinematics starting from the MIMU signals. Three main contributions were provided. The first consisted in the design of a comprehensive battery of tests to completely characterize the sources of errors affecting the quality of the measurements. These tests rely on simple hypotheses based on the sensor working principles and do not require expensive equipment. Nine parameters were defined to quantify the signal accuracy improvements (if any) of 24 MIMUs before and after the refinement of their calibration coefficients. The second contribution was focused on the SFAs. Ten among the most popular SFAs were compared under different experimental conditions including different MIMU models and rotation rate magnitudes. To perform a “fair” comparison it was necessary to set the optimal parameter values for each SFA. The most important finding was that all the errors fall within a range from 3.8 deg to 7.1 deg thus making it impossible to draw any conclusions about the best performing SFA since no statistically significant differences were found. In addition, the orientation accuracy was heavily influenced by the experimental variables. After that, a novel method was designed to estimate the suboptimal parameter values of a given SFA without relying on any orientation reference. The maximum difference between the errors obtained using optimal and suboptimal parameter values amounted to 3.7 deg and to 0.6 deg on average. The last contribution consisted in the design of an unconstrained and a constrained methods for estimating the joint kinematics without considering the magnetometer to avoid the ferromagnetic disturbances. The unconstrained method was employed in a telerehabilitation platform in which the joint angles were estimated in real time. Errors collected during the execution of a full-body protocol were lower than 5 deg (considered the acceptability threshold). However, this method may be inaccurate after few minutes since no solutions can be taken to mitigate the drift error. To overcome this limitation a constrained method was developed based on a robotic model of the upper limb to set appropriate constraints. Errors relative to a continuous robot motion for twenty minutes were lower than 3 deg at most suggesting the feasibility of employing these solutions in the rehabilitation programs to properly plan the treatment and to accurately evaluate the outcomes

    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation

    Moving On:Measuring Movement Remotely after Stroke

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    Most persons with stroke suffer from motor impairment, which restricts mobility on one side, and affects their independence in daily life activities. Measuring recovery is needed to develop individualized therapies. However, commonly used clinical outcomes suffer from low resolution and subjectivity. Therefore, objective biomechanical metrics should be identified to measure movement quality. However, non-portable laboratory setups are required in order to measure these metrics accurately. Alternatively, minimal wearable systems can be developed to simplify measurements performed at clinic or home to monitor recovery. Thus, the goal of the thesis was ‘To identify metrics that reflect movement quality of upper and lower extremities after stroke and develop wearable minimal systems for tracking the proposed metrics’. Section Upper Extremity First, we systematically reviewed literature ( Chapter II ) to identify metrics used to measure reaching recovery longitudinally post-stroke. Although several metrics were found, it was not clear how they differentiated recovery from compensation strategies. Future studies must address this gap in order to optimize stroke therapy. Next, we assessed a ‘valid’ measure for smoothness of upper paretic limb reaching ( Chapter III ), as this was commonly used to measure movement quality. After a systematic review and simulation analyses, we found that reaching smoothness is best measured using spectral arc length. The studies in this section offer us a better understanding of movement recovery in the upper extremity post-stroke. Section Lower Extremity Although metrics that reflect gait recovery are yet to be identified, in this section we focused on developing minimal solutions to measure gait quality. First, we showed the feasibility of 1D pressure insoles as a lightweight alternative for measuring 3D Ground Reaction Forces (GRF) ( Chapter IV ). In the following chapters, we developed a minimal system; the Portable Gait Lab (PGL) using only three Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) (one per foot and one on the pelvis). We explored the Centroidal Moment Pivot (CMP) point ( Chapter V ) as a biomechanical constraint that can help with the reduction in sensors. Then, we showed the feasibility of the PGL to track 3D GRF ( Chapters VI-VII ) and relative foot and CoM kinematics ( Chapter VIII-IX ) during variable overground walking by healthy participants. Finally, we performed a limited validation study in persons with chronic stroke ( Chapter X ). This thesis offers knowledge and tools which can help clinicians and researchers understand movement quality and thereby develop individualized therapies post-stroke