252 research outputs found

    Two-Round Stateless Deterministic Two-Party Schnorr Signatures From Pseudorandom Correlation Functions

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    Schnorr signatures are a popular choice due to their simplicity, provable security, and linear structure that enables relatively easy threshold signing protocols. The deterministic variant of Schnorr (where the nonce is derived in a stateless manner using a PRF from the message and a long term secret) is widely used in practice since it mitigates the threats of a faulty or poor randomness generator (which in Schnorr leads to catastrophic breaches of security). Unfortunately, threshold protocols for the deterministic variant of Schnorr have so far been quite inefficient, as they make non black-box use of the PRF involved in the nonce generation. In this paper, we present the first two-party threshold protocol for Schnorr signatures, where signing is stateless and deterministic, and only makes black-box use of the underlying cryptographic algorithms. We present a protocol from general assumptions which achieves covert security, and a protocol that achieves full active security under standard factoring-like assumptions. Our protocols make crucial use of recent advances within the field of pseudorandom correlation functions (PCFs). As an additional benefit, only two-rounds are needed to perform distributed signing in our protocol, connecting our work to a recent line of research on the trade-offs between round complexity and cryptographic assumptions for threshold Schnorr signatures

    A Survey on Exotic Signatures for Post-Quantum Blockchain: Challenges & Research Directions

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    Blockchain technology provides efficient and secure solutions to various online activities by utilizing a wide range of cryptographic tools. In this paper, we survey the existing literature on post-quantum secure digital signatures that possess exotic advanced features and which are crucial cryptographic tools used in the blockchain ecosystem for (i) account management, (ii) consensus efficiency, (iii) empowering scriptless blockchain, and (iv) privacy. The exotic signatures that we particularly focus on in this work are the following: multi-/aggregate, threshold, adaptor, blind and ring signatures. Herein the term exotic refers to signatures with properties which are not just beyond the norm for signatures e.g. unforgeability, but also imbue new forms of functionalities. Our treatment of such exotic signatures includes discussions on existing challenges and future research directions in the post-quantum space. We hope that this article will help to foster further research to make post-quantum cryptography more accessible so that blockchain systems can be made ready in advance of the approaching quantum threats

    One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort

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    Threshold ECDSA signatures have received much attention in recent years due to the widespread use of ECDSA in cryptocurrencies. While various protocols now exist that admit efficient distributed key generation and signing, these protocols have two main drawbacks. Firstly, if a player misbehaves, the protocol will abort, but all current protocols give no way to detect which player is responsible for the abort. In distributed settings, this can be catastrophic as any player can cause the protocol to fail without any consequence. General techniques to realize dishonest-majority MPC with identifiable abort add a prohibitive overhead, but we show how to build a tailored protocol for threshold ECDSA with minimal overhead. Secondly, current threshold ECDSA protocols (that do not rely on generic MPC) have numerous rounds of interaction. We present a highly efficient protocol with a non-interactive online phase allowing for players to asynchronously participate in the protocol without the need to be online simultaneously. We benchmark our protocols and find that our protocol simultaneously reduces the rounds and computations of current protocols, while adding significant functionality: identifiable abort and noninteractivity

    Network Agnostic MPC with Statistical Security

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    We initiate the study of the network agnostic MPC protocols with statistical security. Network agnostic protocols give the best possible security guarantees irrespective of the underlying network type. We consider the general-adversary model, where the adversary is characterized by an adversary structure which enumerates all possible candidate subsets of corrupt parties. The Q(k)\mathcal{Q}^{(k)} condition enforces that the union of no kk subsets from the adversary structure covers the party set. Given an unconditionally-secure PKI setup, known statistically-secure synchronous MPC protocols are secure against adversary structures satisfying the Q(2)\mathcal{Q}^{(2)} condition. Known statistically-secure asynchronous MPC protocols can tolerate Q(3)\mathcal{Q}^{(3)} adversary structures. Fix a set of nn parties P={P1,...,Pn}\mathcal{P} = \{P_1, ... ,P_n\} and adversary structures Zs\mathcal{Z}_s and Za\mathcal{Z}_a, satisfying the Q(2)\mathcal{Q}^{(2)} and Q(3)\mathcal{Q}^{(3)} conditions respectively, where ZaZs\mathcal{Z}_a \subset \mathcal{Z}_s. Then, given an unconditionally-secure PKI, we ask whether it is possible to design a statistically-secure MPC protocol resilient against Zs\mathcal{Z}_s and Za\mathcal{Z}_a in a synchronous and an asynchronous network respectively if the parties in P\mathcal{P} are unaware of the network type. We show that it is possible iff Zs\mathcal{Z}_s and Za\mathcal{Z}_a satisfy the Q(2,1)\mathcal{Q}^{(2,1)} condition, meaning that the union of any two subsets from Zs\mathcal{Z}_s and any one subset from Za\mathcal{Z}_a is a proper subset of P\mathcal{P}. We design several important network agnostic building blocks with the Q(2,1)\mathcal{Q}^{(2,1)} condition, such as Byzantine broadcast, Byzantine agreement, information checking protocol, verifiable secret-sharing and secure multiplication protocol, whose complexity is polynomial in nn and Zs|\mathcal{Z}_s|

    Advanced information processing system: The Army fault tolerant architecture conceptual study. Volume 2: Army fault tolerant architecture design and analysis

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    Described here is the Army Fault Tolerant Architecture (AFTA) hardware architecture and components and the operating system. The architectural and operational theory of the AFTA Fault Tolerant Data Bus is discussed. The test and maintenance strategy developed for use in fielded AFTA installations is presented. An approach to be used in reducing the probability of AFTA failure due to common mode faults is described. Analytical models for AFTA performance, reliability, availability, life cycle cost, weight, power, and volume are developed. An approach is presented for using VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) to describe and design AFTA's developmental hardware. A plan is described for verifying and validating key AFTA concepts during the Dem/Val phase. Analytical models and partial mission requirements are used to generate AFTA configurations for the TF/TA/NOE and Ground Vehicle missions

    UTT: Decentralized Ecash with Accountable Privacy

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    We present UnTraceable Transactions (UTT), a system for decentralized ecash with accountable privacy. UTT is the first ecash system that obtains three critical properties: (1) it provides decentralized trust by implementing the ledger, bank, auditor, and registration authorities via threshold cryptography and Byzantine Fault Tolerant infrastructure; (2) it balances accountability and privacy by implementing anonymity budgets: users can anonymously send payments, but only up to a limited amount of currency per month. Past this point, transactions can either be made public or subjected to customizable auditing rules; (3) by carefully choosing cryptographic building blocks and co-designing the cryptography and decentralization, UTT is tailored for high throughput and low latency. With a combination of optimized cryptographic building blocks and vertical scaling (optimistic concurrency control), UTT can provide almost 1,000 payments with accountable privacy per second, with latencies of around 100 milliseconds and less. Through horizontal scaling (multiple shards), UTT can scale to tens of thousands of such transactions per second. With 60 shards we measure over 10,000 transactions with accountable privacy per second. We formally define and prove the security of UTT using an MPC-style ideal functionality. Along the way, we define a new MPC framework that captures the security of reactive functionalities in a stand-alone setting, thus filling an important gap in the MPC literature. Our new framework is compatible with practical instantiations of cryptographic primitives and provides a trade-off between concrete efficiency and provable security that may be also useful for future work

    Distributed Protocols with Threshold and General Trust Assumptions

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    Distributed systems today power almost all online applications. Consequently, a wide range of distributed protocols, such as consensus, and distributed cryptographic primitives are being researched and deployed in practice. This thesis addresses multiple aspects of distributed protocols and cryptographic schemes, enhancing their resilience, efficiency, and scalability. Fundamental to every secure distributed protocols are its trust assumptions. These assumptions not only measure a protocol's resilience but also determine its scope of application, as well as, in some sense, the expressiveness and freedom of the participating parties. Dominant in practice is so far the threshold setting, where at most some f out of the n parties may fail in any execution. However, in this setting, all parties are viewed as identical, making correlations indescribable. These constraints can be surpassed with general trust assumptions, which allow arbitrary sets of parties to fail in an execution. Despite significant theoretical efforts, relevant practical aspects of this setting are yet to be addressed. Our work fills this gap. We show how general trust assumptions can be efficiently specified, encoded, and used in distributed protocols and cryptographic schemes. Additionally, we investigate a consensus protocol and distributed cryptographic schemes with general trust assumptions. Moreover, we show how the general trust assumptions of different systems, with intersecting or disjoint sets of participants, can be composed into a unified system. When it comes to decentralized systems, such as blockchains, efficiency and scalability are often compromised due to the total ordering of all user transactions. Guerraoui (Distributed Computing, 2022) have contradicted the common design of major blockchains, proving that consensus is not required to prevent double-spending in a cryptocurrency. Modern blockchains support a variety of distributed applications beyond cryptocurrencies, which let users execute arbitrary code in a distributed and decentralized fashion. In this work we explore the synchronization requirements of a family of Ethereum smart contracts and formally establish the subsets of participants that need to synchronize their transactions. Moreover, a common requirement of all asynchronous consensus protocols is randomness. A simple and efficient approach is to employ threshold cryptography for this. However, this necessitates in practice a distributed setup protocol, often leading to performance bottlenecks. Blum (TCC 2020) propose a solution bypassing this requirement, which is, however, practically inefficient, due to the employment of fully homomorphic encryption. Recognizing that randomness for consensus does not need to be perfect (that is, always unpredictable and agreed-upon) we propose a practical and concretely-efficient protocol for randomness generation. Lastly, this thesis addresses the issue of deniability in distributed systems. The problem arises from the fact that a digital signature authenticates a message for an indefinite period. We introduce a scheme that allows the recipients to verify signatures, while allowing plausible deniability for signers. This scheme transforms a polynomial commitment scheme into a digital signature scheme

    Actively Secure Two-Party Computation: Efficient Beaver Triple Generation

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    Töö kombineerib erinevaid ideid, et saavutada aktiivses mudelis turvalist kahe osapoolega ühisarvutust. Töö käigus defineerime Sharemindi raamistikku kaks uut turvaala. Kasutame aditiivset ühissalastust, sõnumiautentimisskeeme, aditiivselt homomorfset krüptosüsteemi ning nullteadmustõestusi. Protokollistikud jagame kahte osasse, vastavalt ettearvutamise ja töö faas. Ettearvutamise ajal valmistatakse ette juhuslikke väärtusi, mis võimaldavad töö faasis arvutusi kiirendada. Eelkõige keskendume korrutamise jaoks vajalike Beaveri kolmikute genereerimisele.This thesis combines currently popular ideas in actively secure multi-party computation to define two actively secure two-party protocol sets for Sharemind secure multi-party computation framework. This includes additive secret sharing, dividing work as online and precomputation phase, using Beaver triples for multiplication and using message authentication codes for integrity checks. Our protocols use additively homomorphic Paillier cryptosystem, especially in the precomputation phase. The thesis includes two different setups for secure two-party computation which are also implemented and compared to each other. In addition, we propose new ideas to use additively homomorphic cryptosystem to generate Beaver triples for any chosen modulus. The important aspects of Beaver triple generation are maximising the amount of useful bits we get from one generation and assuring that these triples are correct