349 research outputs found

    Risk Assessment of LNG Storages using LOPA and FTA: An Integrated Approach

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    PresentationLiquefied Natural Gas (LNG), an economically attractive and environmental friendly fuel is the current energy alternative across the globe. Its market potential and high demand is felt currently in the Indian subcontinent as well. Government and private players are seriously getting into this energy option and establishing many LNG facilities on the west and east coast of India. While establishing in this new energy sector it is vital to identify and analyse the safety hazards likely to affect public and environment. LNG being a flammable chemical, loss of its containment manifests to consequences in terms of fire, explosion and other impacts. There are several methods currently available to carry out the risk analysis of such projects. LOPA is a quick and simple technique applied to determine the risk by estimate consequence frequencies. But application of LOPA becomes constrained when failures are compound and safety systems are integrated. Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) was integrated into LOPA to eliminate this draw back. FTA was used to find out the probability of failure on demand (PFD) of integrated protection layers. This FTA-LOPA integrated approach was used as an effective tool in this work to study hazard potentials and estimate the consequences due to such hazards. Based on the technical specifications provided and description of the work, the LOC scenarios are identified in the facility from the HAZOP study

    Desain Fasilitas Pendukung Berbasis Risiko Pada Floating Storage Unit(FSU) Dengan Floating Regasification Unit (FRU) Studi Kasus: Pelabuhan Benoa, Bali

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    Meningkatnya ketergantungan gaya hidup masyarakat terhadap sarana transportasi mengakibatkan kebutuhan dan permintaan akan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) terus meningkat. Di lain sisi, ketersediaan BBM sebagai bahan bakar tak terbarukan justru semakin menipis. Menurut Kementrian ESDM (Energi Sumber Daya Mineral), kapasitas produksi BBM Indonesia tidak sebanding dengan konsumsi masyarakat yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya sebesar 4%. Hal ini menyebabkan pemerintah harus melakukan impor BBM dalam jumlah yang cukup besar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Terminal Penerima LNG (Liqueified Natural Gas) di Pelabuhan Benoa ini adalah fasilitas pendukung pengiriman gas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas di Pulau Bali dan sekitarnya. Dalam pengoperasian terminal penerima ini, tentunya mimiliki bahaya yang mungkin terjadi yang disebabkan oleh kegagalan dari peralatan masing- masing sistem. Maka dari itu perlunya dilakukan analisis risiko untuk menanggulangi bahaya yang mungkin terjadi. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan analisa risiko terhadap bahaya-bahaya yang ada, seperti pada FSU to FRU pipe, Regasification Unit, dan FRU to PIG Launcher pipe yang tujuannya adalah mengetahu seberapa besar risiko akibat bahaya-bahaya terhadap orang atau pekerja di sekitar fasilitas penerima ini pada saat proses unloading. Setelah mengetahui tingkat risiko yang dihasilkan oleh bahaya-bahaya tersebut, dapat diketahuivi pula risiko tersebut pada tahap yang diterima atau tidak diterima yang memerlukan tindakan mitigasi. Analisa risiko ini dimulai dengan hazard identification pada P&ID yang ada menggunakan metode HAZOP. Initiating event pada masingmasing komponen yang ada diperoleh dari DNV Failure Frequency dan EGIG Database. Setelah itu dilakukan analisa frekuensi yang menggunakan metode FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) dan ETA (Event Tree Analysis) dan dilakukan analisa konsekuensi menggunakan software ALOHA. Setelah didapatkan frekuensi dan konsekuensi, direpresentasikan mengginakan F-N curve standart UK HSE. Bila risiko yang dihasilkan tidak dapat diterima (unnacceptable) maka dilakukan tindakan mitigasi dengan metode LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis). Dalam pengerjaan Tugas Akhir ini didapatkan 9 skenario yang tingkat risikonya masuk dalam kategori unacceptable yaitu pada skenario gas dispersion pada semua ukuran kebocoran atau bore hole (<50 mm, 50- 150 mm, & >150 mm) pada seluruh node yang menghasilkan mitigasi dengan cara menambah komponen yaitu gas detector dan pressure detector ==================================================================================================== The increasing dependencies of society’s lifestyle on transportation are affecting the raise of the supply and demand for fuel oil. Meanwhile, the availability of fuel oil as a non-renewable energy is actually declining. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the capacity of Indonesian fuel oil consumption is incomparable to the nation’s consumption by 4%. It led government to import fuel oil in large quantities in order to fulfill the needs of our society throughout Indonesia. LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Receiving Terminal in Port of Benoa is one of the supporting facilities to fulfill the needs of gas in Bali and its surroundings region. In its operation, the receiving terminal has a potential hazards due to the failure of equipment in each system. Therefore, a risk analysis shall be conducted to prevent those hazards. In this final project, the risk analysis will be conducted to the hazards on FSU to FRU pipe, Regasification Unit and FRU to PIG Launcher pipe in order to determine the risks and its hazards towards the surrounding—on people or worker within the receiving facilities during the unloading process. After determining the risk level caused by those hazards, we can also determining whether the risks are acceptable or not and whether mitigation is needed. The risk analysis began with hazard identification on existing P&ID through HAZOP. The initiating event on each existing components are acquired from DNV Failure Frequency and EGIG Database. Afterviii conducting the frequency analysis using FTA (Fault Tree Analysis and ETA (Event Tree Analysis), a consequence analysis is later conducted using ALOHA Software. The result of frequencies and consequences are represented using F-N Curve with UK HSE Standard. If the resulting risks in unacceptable, therefore mitigation with LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis) is need to be conducted. In the process of making this final project, there are 9 scenarios with unacceptable risks acquired which is the gas dispersion scenario in all sizes of leaks or bore hole (<50mm, 50-150mm and >150mm) in each nodes that generates mitigation by adding gas and pressure detecto

    Profitability, reliability and condition based monitoring of LNG floating platforms: a review

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    The efficiency and profitability of Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading platform (FPSO) terminals depends on various factors such as LNG liquefaction process type, system reliability and maintenance approach. This review is organized along the following research questions: (i) what are the economic benefit of FPSO and how does the liquefaction process type affect its profitability profile?, (ii) how to improve the reliability of the liquefaction system as key section? and finally (iii) what are the major CBM techniques applied on FPSO. The paper concluded the literature and identified the research shortcomings in order to improve profitability, efficiency and availability of FPSOs

    Application of Risk Analysis in the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Sector: An Overview

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    In recent years, the global demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an energy source is increasing at a very fast rate. In order to meet this demand, a large number of facilities such as platforms, FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading), FSRU (floating storage and regasification unit) and LNG ships and terminals are required for the storage, processing and transportation of LNG. Failure of any of these facilities may expose the market, companies, personnel and the environment to hazards, hence making the application of risk analysis to the LNG sector a very topical issue throughout the world. To assess the risk of accidents associated with LNG facilities and carriers, various risk analysis approaches have been employed to identify the potential hazards, calculate the probability of accidents, as well as assessing the severity of consequences. Nonetheless, literature on classification of the risk analysis models applied to LNG facilities is very limited. Therefore, to reveal the holistic issues and future perspectives on risk analysis of LNG facilities, a systematic review of the current state-of-the-art research on LNG risk analysis is necessary. The aim of this paper is to review and categorize the published literature about the problems associated with risk analysis of LNG facilities, so as to improve the understanding of stakeholders (researchers, regulators, and practitioners). To achieve this aim, scholarly articles on LNG risk analysis are identified, reviewed, and then categorized according to risk assessment methods (qualitative, semi-qualitative or quantitative; deterministic or probabilistic; conventional or dynamic), tools (ETA, FTA, FMEA/FMECA, Bayesian network), output/strategy (RBI, RBM, RBIM, facility siting, etc.), data sources (OREDA handbook, published literature, UK HSE databases, regulatory agencies' reports, industry datasets, and experts’ consultations), applications (LNG carriers and LNG fuelled ships, LNG terminals and stations, LNG offshore floating units, LNG plants), etc. Our study will not only be useful to researchers engaged in these areas but will also assist regulators, policy makers, and operators of LNG facilities to find the risk analysis models that fit their specific requirements


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    ABSTRAK Yudistira Prabowo. (51145298 N), 2019, “Optimalisasi Penggunaan Cargo Compressor Pada Saat Proses Bongkar Muat di LPGC/C Gas Arjuna”. Skripsi, Program Studi Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Pembimbing I : Capt. I Kadek Laju, SH., M.M., M.Mar. Pembimbing II : Dr. Winarno, S.S.T., M.H. Dalam proses bongkar, penggunaan cargo compressor sangatlah penting karena digunakan untuk melakukan proses blowing yang bertujuan untuk memdorong sisa liquid yang ada di dalam pipa dan manifold ke darat dan pada pelepasan manifold kapal dengan darat dapat dilakukan dengan aman dan safety. Permasalahan yang dibahas pada skripsi ini adalah tidak optimalnya penggunaan cargo compressor pada saat proses bongkar muat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak optimalnya penggunaan cargo compressor dan untuk mengetahui upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk menambah optimalnya penggunaan cargo compressor. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif, kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisa data fishbone untuk menjabarkan faktor-faktor yang terjadi, dan FTA (fault tree analysis) digunakan untuk mencari upaya-upaya pemecahan masalah. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan beberapa faktor yang mengakibatkan tidak optimalnya penggunaan cargo compressor. Kerusakan yang terjadi pada komponen cargo compressor sehingga tidak bisa digunakan pada proses blowing. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang penggunaan cargo compressor yang diakibatkan dari tidak dilakukannya familiarisasi dengan baik. Penggunaan cargo compressor yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur pada saat proses blowing. Peneliti menyimpulkan upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan antara lain yaitu dengan lebih meningkatkan kegiatan maintenance yang baik dan sesuai dengan prosedur agar kerusakan dapat di minimalisir. Kegiatan familiarisasi harus dilakukan dengan baik dan di laksanakan oleh semua officer kapal. Pengguanaan cargo compressor harus dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur dan diawasi dengan ketat oleh Mualim I. Dapat disimpilkan bahwa kurangnya kedisplinan terhadap kegiatan maintenance dan tidak dilaksanakannya prosedur penggunaan cargo compressor dengan baik dan benar. Maka disarankan agar kegiatan pengunaan cargo compressor pada saat proses bongkar muat harus dilakukan dengan baik dan benar sesuai prosedur yang sudah diberikan oleh chief officer dan maintenance terhadap cargo compressor harus dilakukan sesuai prosedur dan waktu yang sudah di tentukan. ABSTRACT Yudistira Prabowo (51145298), 2019, ” Optimalization the use of Cargo Compressor when loading and Dishcharge process in LPG/C Gas Arjuna ".Thesis Diploma IV program , Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic. Supervisor I : Capt. I Kadek Laju.SH ,MM, M.Mar. Supervisor II: Dr. Winarno, S.S.T., M.H. In the discharging process, the use of cargo compressors is very important because it is used to carry out the blowing process which aims to push the remaining liquid in the pipe and manifold to land and on the release of ship manifolds by land can be carried out safely and safety. The problem discussed in this thesis is not optimal use of cargo compressors during the loading and discharge process. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that caused the optimal use of cargo compressors and to determine what efforts were made to increase the optimal use of cargo compressors. In this study researchers used descriptive methods, qualitative using fishbone data analysis to describe the factors that occur, and FTA (fault tree analysis) is used to look for problem solving efforts. The data sources used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study found several factors that resulted in not optimal use of cargo compressors. Damage to the components of the cargo compressor so that it cannot be used in the blowing process. Lack of knowledge about the use of compressor cargo caused by not doing familiarization properly. Use of compressor cargo that is not in accordance with the procedures during the blowing process. The researcher concluded that the efforts that can be made include increasing the maintenance activities that are good and in accordance with the procedure so that damage can be minimized. Familiarization activities must be carried out well and carried out by all ship officers. The use of compressor cargo must be carried out in accordance with the procedures and closely monitored by the Chief Officer. It can be concluded that there is a lack of discipline in maintenance activities and the procedure for using cargo compressors properly and correctly. It is recommended that the use of cargo compressors during the loading and unloading process be carried out properly and correctly according to the procedures provided by the chief officer and maintenance of the compressor cargo must be carried out according to the procedure and time specified

    Risk analysis of fire/explosion to the LNG fuelled passenger ferries

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    The ship-port interface safety management: case study of LNG ports and marine terminals in Algeria

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    INTISARI Rafif Zaky Darma Rizqi, 2022, NIT: 54171110634.N, “UPAYA PENCEGAHAN TERJADINYA OVERFILLING PADA SAAT LOADING OPERATION DI SS. TANGGUH TOWUTI”, skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Capt. Anugrah Nur Prasetyo., M.Si., Pembimbing II : Irma Shinta Dewi, M.Pd. Latar belakang yang menjadi dasar peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap “Upaya Pencegahan Terjadinya Overfilling Pada Saat Loading Operation di SS. Tangguh Towuti” adalah disebabkan oleh sedikitnya pelaut yang mengetahui tentang prosedur yang benar saat melaksanakan proses Loading Operation di kapal LNG, guna menghindari bahaya overfilling terjadi lagi. Dengan tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menemukan 1.) Faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang menyebabkan terjadinya overfilling pada saat loading operation? 2.) Bagaimana upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya overfilling pada saat loading operation? Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dangan metode analisa Fault Tree Analysis. Sumber data dari penelitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi, dokumentasi dan Record Operation selama peneliti melaksanakan Loading Operations pada saat praktek laut di kapal SS. Tangguh Towuti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1.) Faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya overfilling yaitu: Prosedur Loading Operation, Kesalahan alat dan Human Error. 2.) Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi faktor penyebab overfilling antara lain: Melaksanakan kegiatan Loading Operation sesuai dengan Standart Operational Procedure yang telah ditentukan, Melakukan perawatan secara rutin dan melakukan pergantian serta kalibrasi pada cargo equipment dan Melakukan familiarisasi dan safety meeting kepada seluruh kru kapal tentang loading operation. Saran peneliti untuk pelaksanaan Loading Operation harus berpatokan pada Ship's Cargo Handling Manual, IGC Code, SIGTTO dan ISGOTT agar tercipta operasi yang aman serta terhindar dari kejadian�kejadian yang dapat membahayakan kapal beserta isiny

    Compressor station facility failure modes: causes, taxonomy and effects

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    This report addresses the failure modes of compressor stations as key facilities of gas transmission networks. This is done by finding possible failure causes, establishing a taxonomy and identifying possible effects. Given the interest of this study to analyse and identify potential critical facilities in gas transmission networks, and their possible impact on energy security, loss of capacity (partial or total) has been identified as the effect of interest of the different failures. Probabilistic results provided are unavailability, expected number of failures per year, downtime and average downtime.JRC.C.3-Energy Security, Distribution and Market
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