5 research outputs found

    New approaches to data access in large-scale distributed system

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    Menci贸n Internacional en el t铆tulo de doctorA great number of scientific projects need supercomputing resources, such as, for example, those carried out in physics, astrophysics, chemistry, pharmacology, etc. Most of them generate, as well, a great amount of data; for example, a some minutes long experiment in a particle accelerator generates several terabytes of data. In the last years, high-performance computing environments have evolved towards large-scale distributed systems such as Grids, Clouds, and Volunteer Computing environments. Managing a great volume of data in these environments means an added huge problem since the data have to travel from one site to another through the internet. In this work a novel generic I/O architecture for large-scale distributed systems used for high-performance and high-throughput computing will be proposed. This solution is based on applying parallel I/O techniques to remote data access. Novel replication and data search schemes will also be proposed; schemes that, combined with the above techniques, will allow to improve the performance of those applications that execute in these environments. In addition, it will be proposed to develop simulation tools that allow to test these and other ideas without needing to use real platforms due to their technical and logistic limitations. An initial prototype of this solution has been evaluated and the results show a noteworthy improvement regarding to data access compared to existing solutions.Un gran n煤mero de proyectos cient铆ficos necesitan recursos de supercomputaci贸n como, por ejemplo, los llevados a cabo en f铆sica, astrof铆sica, qu铆mica, farmacolog铆a, etc. Muchos de ellos generan, adem谩s, una gran cantidad de datos; por ejemplo, un experimento de unos minutos de duraci贸n en un acelerador de part铆culas genera varios terabytes de datos. Los entornos de computaci贸n de altas prestaciones han evolucionado en los 煤ltimos a帽os hacia sistemas distribuidos a gran escala tales como Grids, Clouds y entornos de computaci贸n voluntaria. En estos entornos gestionar un gran volumen de datos supone un problema a帽adido de importantes dimensiones ya que los datos tienen que viajar de un sitio a otro a trav茅s de internet. En este trabajo se propondr谩 una nueva arquitectura de E/S gen茅rica para sistemas distribuidos a gran escala usados para c贸mputo de altas prestaciones y de alta productividad. Esta soluci贸n se basa en la aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas de E/S paralela al acceso remoto a los datos. As铆 mismo, se estudiar谩n y propondr谩n nuevos esquemas de replicaci贸n y b煤squeda de datos que, en combinaci贸n con las t茅cnicas anteriores, permitan mejorar las prestaciones de aquellas aplicaciones que ejecuten en este tipo de entornos. Tambi茅n se propone desarrollar herramientas de simulaci贸n que permitan probar estas y otras ideas sin necesidad de recurrir a una plataforma real debido a las limitaciones t茅cnicas y log铆sticas que ello supone. Se ha evaluado un prototipo inicial de esta soluci贸n y los resultados muestran una mejora significativa en el acceso a los datos sobre las soluciones existentes.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a Inform谩ticaPresidente: David Exp贸sito Singh.- Secretario: Mar铆a de los Santos P茅rez Hern谩ndez.- Vocal: Juan Manuel Tirado Mart

    Transport Layer solution for bulk data transfers over Heterogeneous Long Fat Networks in Next Generation Networks

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    Aquesta tesi per compendi centra les seves contribucions en l'aprenentatge i innovaci贸 de les Xarxes de Nova Generaci贸. 脡s per aix貌 que es proposen diferents contribucions en diferents 脿mbits (Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Campus, Smart Learning, Mitjana, eHealth, Ind煤stria 4.0 entre d'altres) mitjan莽ant l'aplicaci贸 i combinaci贸 de diferents disciplines (Internet of Things, Building Information Modeling, Cloud Storage, Ciberseguretat, Big Data, Internet de el Futur, Transformaci贸 Digital). Concretament, es detalla el monitoratge sostenible del confort a l'Smart Campus, la que potser es la meva aportaci贸 m茅s representativa dins de la conceptualitzaci贸 de Xarxes de Nova Generaci贸. Dins d'aquest innovador concepte de monitoritzaci贸 s'integren diferents disciplines, per poder oferir informaci贸 sobre el nivell de confort de les persones. Aquesta investigaci贸 demostra el llarg recorregut que hi ha en la transformaci贸 digital dels sectors tradicionals i les NGNs. Durant aquest llarg aprenentatge sobre les NGN a trav茅s de les diferents investigacions, es va poder observar una problem脿tica que afectava de manera transversal als diferents camps d'aplicaci贸 de les NGNs i que aquesta podia tenir una afectaci贸 en aquests sectors. Aquesta problem脿tica consisteix en el baix rendiment durant l'intercanvi de grans volums de dades sobre xarxes amb gran capacitat d'ample de banda i remotament separades geogr脿ficament, conegudes com a xarxes elefant. Concretament, aix貌 afecta al cas d'煤s d'intercanvi massiu de dades entre regions Cloud (Cloud Data Sharing use case). 脡s per aix貌 que es va estudiar aquest cas d'煤s i les diferents alternatives a nivell de protocols de transport,. S'estudien les diferents problem脿tiques que pateixen els protocols i s'observa per qu猫 aquests no s贸n capa莽os d'arribar a rendiments 貌ptims. Deguda a aquesta situaci贸, s'hipotetiza que la introducci贸 de mecanismes que analitzen les m猫triques de la xarxa i que exploten eficientment la capacitat de la mateixa milloren el rendiment dels protocols de transport sobre xarxes elefant heterog猫nies durant l'enviament massiu de dades. Primerament, es dissenya l鈥橝daptative and Aggressive Transport Protocol (AATP), un protocol de transport adaptatiu i eficient amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment sobre aquest tipus de xarxes elefant. El protocol AATP s'implementa i es prova en un simulador de xarxes i un testbed sota diferents situacions i condicions per la seva validaci贸. Implementat i provat amb 猫xit el protocol AATP, es decideix millorar el propi protocol, Enhanced-AATP, sobre xarxes elefant heterog猫nies. Per aix貌, es dissenya un mecanisme basat en el Jitter R脿tio que permet fer aquesta diferenciaci贸. A m茅s, per tal de millorar el comportament del protocol, s鈥檃dapta el seu sistema de fairness per al repartiment just dels recursos amb altres fluxos Enhanced-AATP. Aquesta evoluci贸 s'implementa en el simulador de xarxes i es realitzen una s猫rie de proves. A l'acabar aquesta tesi, es conclou que les Xarxes de Nova Generaci贸 tenen molt recorregut i moltes coses a millorar causa de la transformaci贸 digital de la societat i de l'aparici贸 de nova tecnologia disruptiva. A m茅s, es confirma que la introducci贸 de mecanismes espec铆fics en la concepci贸 i operaci贸 dels protocols de transport millora el rendiment d'aquests sobre xarxes elefant heterog猫nies.Esta tesis por compendio centra sus contribuciones en el aprendizaje e innovaci贸n de las Redes de Nueva Generaci贸n. Es por ello que se proponen distintas contribuciones en diferentes 谩mbitos (Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Campus, Smart Learning, Media, eHealth, Industria 4.0 entre otros) mediante la aplicaci贸n y combinaci贸n de diferentes disciplinas (Internet of Things, Building Information Modeling, Cloud Storage, Ciberseguridad, Big Data, Internet del Futuro, Transformaci贸n Digital). Concretamente, se detalla la monitorizaci贸n sostenible del confort en el Smart Campus, la que se podr铆a considerar mi aportaci贸n m谩s representativa dentro de la conceptualizaci贸n de Redes de Nueva Generaci贸n. Dentro de este innovador concepto de monitorizaci贸n se integran diferentes disciplinas, para poder ofrecer informaci贸n sobre el nivel de confort de las personas. Esta investigaci贸n demuestra el recorrido que existe en la transformaci贸n digital de los sectores tradicionales y las NGNs. Durante este largo aprendizaje sobre las NGN a trav茅s de las diferentes investigaciones, se pudo observar una problem谩tica que afectaba de manera transversal a los diferentes campos de aplicaci贸n de las NGNs y que 茅sta pod铆a tener una afectaci贸n en estos sectores. Esta problem谩tica consiste en el bajo rendimiento durante el intercambio de grandes vol煤menes de datos sobre redes con gran capacidad de ancho de banda y remotamente separadas geogr谩ficamente, conocidas como redes elefante, o Long Fat Networks (LFNs). Concretamente, esto afecta al caso de uso de intercambio de datos entre regiones Cloud (Cloud Data Data use case). Es por ello que se estudi贸 este caso de uso y las diferentes alternativas a nivel de protocolos de transporte. Se estudian las diferentes problem谩ticas que sufren los protocolos y se observa por qu茅 no son capaces de alcanzar rendimientos 贸ptimos. Debida a esta situaci贸n, se hipotetiza que la introducci贸n de mecanismos que analizan las m茅tricas de la red y que explotan eficientemente la capacidad de la misma mejoran el rendimiento de los protocolos de transporte sobre redes elefante heterog茅neas durante el env铆o masivo de datos. Primeramente, se dise帽a el Adaptative and Aggressive Transport Protocol (AATP), un protocolo de transporte adaptativo y eficiente con el objetivo maximizar el rendimiento sobre este tipo de redes elefante. El protocolo AATP se implementa y se prueba en un simulador de redes y un testbed bajo diferentes situaciones y condiciones para su validaci贸n. Implementado y probado con 茅xito el protocolo AATP, se decide mejorar el propio protocolo, Enhanced-AATP, sobre redes elefante heterog茅neas. Adem谩s, con tal de mejorar el comportamiento del protocolo, se mejora su sistema de fairness para el reparto justo de los recursos con otros flujos Enhanced-AATP. Esta evoluci贸n se implementa en el simulador de redes y se realizan una serie de pruebas. Al finalizar esta tesis, se concluye que las Redes de Nueva Generaci贸n tienen mucho recorrido y muchas cosas a mejorar debido a la transformaci贸n digital de la sociedad y a la aparici贸n de nueva tecnolog铆a disruptiva. Se confirma que la introducci贸n de mecanismos espec铆ficos en la concepci贸n y operaci贸n de los protocolos de transporte mejora el rendimiento de estos sobre redes elefante heterog茅neas.This compendium thesis focuses its contributions on the learning and innovation of the New Generation Networks. That is why different contributions are proposed in different areas (Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Campus, Smart Learning, Media, eHealth, Industry 4.0, among others) through the application and combination of different disciplines (Internet of Things, Building Information Modeling, Cloud Storage, Cybersecurity, Big Data, Future Internet, Digital Transformation). Specifically, the sustainable comfort monitoring in the Smart Campus is detailed, which can be considered my most representative contribution within the conceptualization of New Generation Networks. Within this innovative monitoring concept, different disciplines are integrated in order to offer information on people's comfort levels. . This research demonstrates the long journey that exists in the digital transformation of traditional sectors and New Generation Networks. During this long learning about the NGNs through the different investigations, it was possible to observe a problematic that affected the different application fields of the NGNs in a transversal way and that, depending on the service and its requirements, it could have a critical impact on any of these sectors. This issue consists of a low performance operation during the exchange of large volumes of data on networks with high bandwidth capacity and remotely geographically separated, also known as Elephant networks, or Long Fat Networks (LFNs). Specifically, this critically affects the Cloud Data Sharing use case. That is why this use case and the different alternatives at the transport protocol level were studied. For this reason, the performance and operation problems suffered by layer 4 protocols are studied and it is observed why these traditional protocols are not capable of achieving optimal performance. Due to this situation, it is hypothesized that the introduction of mechanisms that analyze network metrics and efficiently exploit network鈥檚 capacity meliorates the performance of Transport Layer protocols over Heterogeneous Long Fat Networks during bulk data transfers. First, the Adaptive and Aggressive Transport Protocol (AATP) is designed. An adaptive and efficient transport protocol with the aim of maximizing its performance over this type of elephant network.. The AATP protocol is implemented and tested in a network simulator and a testbed under different situations and conditions for its validation. Once the AATP protocol was designed, implemented and tested successfully, it was decided to improve the protocol itself, Enhanced-AATP, to improve its performance over heterogeneous elephant networks. In addition, in order to upgrade the behavior of the protocol, its fairness system is improved for the fair distribution of resources among other Enhanced-AATP flows. Finally, this evolution is implemented in the network simulator and a set of tests are carried out. At the end of this thesis, it is concluded that the New Generation Networks have a long way to go and many things to improve due to the digital transformation of society and the appearance of brand-new disruptive technology. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the introduction of specific mechanisms in the conception and operation of transport protocols improves their performance on Heterogeneous Long Fat Networks

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    GSI Scientific Report 2012 [GSI Report 2013-1]

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