139 research outputs found

    Upravljanje vjetroagregatom otporno na me.uzavojske kvarove statorskog namota generatora

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    Faults of wind turbine generator electromechanical parts are common and very expensive. This paper introduces a generator fault-tolerant control scheme for variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbines that can be applied regardless to the AC generator used. The focus is on generator stator isolation inter-turn fault that can be diagnosed and characterised before triggering the safety device. An extension of the conventional wind turbine control structure is proposed that prevents the fault propagation while power delivery under fault is deteriorated as less as possible compared to healthy machine conditions. Fault-induced and inherent asymmetries of the generator are estimated and respected by the field-oriented control of the generator to eliminate torque oscillations. An approach for asymmetry detection based on an unscented Kalman filter is proposed. Presented fault-tolerant control strategy is developed taking into account its modular implementation and installation in available control systems of existing wind turbines to extend their exploitable life span and increase energy production. Simulation results for the case of a megawatt class wind turbine are presented.Kvarovi elektromehaničkih dijelova generatora vjetroagregata česti su i izrazito skupi. U ovom radu predstavljen je koncept na kvarove otpornog upravljanja generatorom vjetroagregata s promjenjivom brzinom vrtnje i zakretom lopatica primjenjiv bez obzira na tip korištenog izmjeničnog generatora. Naglasak je stavljen na oštećenje izolacije unutar namota jedne faze statora generatora koje se može dijagnosticirati i okarakterizirati prije aktiviranja sustava zaštite. Predložena je nadogradnja postojećeg sustava upravljanja vjetroagregatom koja sprječava širenje kvara i pritom postiže čim manje smanjenje proizvodnje električne energije u odnosu na normalan režim rada. Tako.er je prikazano vektorsko upravljanje generatorom koje uzima u obzir nesimetrije generatora, kako one nastale uslijed djelovanja kvara, tako i one inherentne. U radu je prikazan pristup za otkrivanje nesimetrija generatora zasnovan na nederivacijskom Kalmanovu filtru. Predstavljena strategija upravljanja razvijena je uvažavajući mogućnost modularnog nadovezivanja na postojeće algoritme upravljanja već postavljenih vjetroagregata s ciljem produženja njihova životnog vijeka i povećanja proizvodnje energije. Dani su simulacijski rezultati za slučaj vjetroagregata iz megavatne klase

    Upravljanje vjetroagregatom otporno na oštećenja kaveza asinkronog generatora

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    Wind turbines are usually installed on remote locations and in order to increase their economic competence malfunctions should be reduced and prevented. Faults of wind turbine generator electromechanical parts are common and very expensive. This paper proposes a fault-tolerant control strategy for variable-speed variable-pitch wind turbines in case of identified and characterised squirrel-cage generator rotor bar defect. An upgrade of the torque control loop with flux-angle-based torque modulation is proposed. In order to avoid or to postpone generator cage defects, usage of pitch controller in the low wind speed region is introduced. Presented fault-tolerant control strategy is developed taking into account its modular implementation and installation in available control systems of existing wind turbines to extend their life cycle and energy production. Practical implementation aspects such as estimation of variables used in control and estimate errors are considered and respected in operation, as well as fault-induced asymmetries. Simulation results for the case of a megawatt class wind turbine and the identified rotor bar fault are presented.Vjetroagregati se obično postavljaju na udaljene, nepristupačne lokacije te je potrebno spriječiti nastanak kvarova da bi se povećala njihova ekonomska konkurentnost. Kvarovi elektromehaničkih dijelova generatora vjetroagregata česti su i vrlo skupi. U ovom radu predstavljen je koncept upravljanja vjetroagregatima s promjenjivom brzinom vrtnje i zakretom lopatica za slučaj identificiranog i okarakteriziranog oštećenja kaveza asinkronog generatora. Predložena je nadogradnja na postojeći algoritam upravljanja momentom zasnovana na njegovoj modulaciji s obzirom na položaj magnetskog toka generatora. Da bi se izbjeglo ili usporilo širenje napuknuća kaveza generatora, predložena je primjena regulacijskog kruga za zakret lopatica i u režimu rada vjetroagregata ispod nazivne brzine vrtnje. Predstavljena strategija upravljanja razvijena je uvažavajući mogućnost modularnog nadovezivanja na postojeće metode upravljanja već postavljenih vjetroagregata s ciljem produženja njihova životnog vijeka i povećanja proizvodnje energije. Razmatrani su i uvaženi aspekti vezani uz praktičnu izvedbu, kao što je estimacija varijabli korištenih u upravljačkom algoritmu i pripadajuće pogreške estimata, kao i nesimetrije uzrokovane nastankom kvara. U radu su dani simulacijski rezultati za slučaj vjetroagregata iz megavatne klase s dijagnosticiranim napuknućem kaveza rotora

    Design and implementation of variable speed wind energy induction generator systems for fault studies

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves [136]-139).Due to the economical and environmental benefits, Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) have received tremendous growth in the past decade. The increased interest in wind energy has made it necessary to model and experimentally evaluate entire WECS, so as to attain a better understanding and to assess the performance of various systems. As a direct consequence of the increase in wind generation systems, comes the need for the reduction of operational and maintenance costs of these wind generators. The most efficient way of reducing these costs is by the early detection of the degeneration of these generators health, thus facilitating a proactive response, minimizing downtime, and maximizing productivity. The more common induction machine failures are caused by the deterioration of the stator insulation and by the breaking of rotor bars. The thesis describes the design, modeling and implementation of two different variable speed induction generator systems for studying faults in wind energy applications. This project served as a platform for further research into the development and evaluation of a non-stationary fault detection technique suitable for wind energy induction generator purposes. Some common faults are implemented on the wind generators in an attempt to identify them from measurements and by using a steady state fault analysis technique (Motor Current Signature Analysis). For variable speed wind generation, there are two systems using induction generators. The first consist of a squirrel cage induction generator, which uses back-to-back converters in the stator circuit, as shown in Fig. 0.1. The second consists of a wound rotor induction generator, whereby the stator is directly connected to the grid and the rotor circuit consists of back-to-back converters, as shown in Fig. 0.2. When both the rotor and stator are capable of delivering power as with the wound rotor induction generator, they are known as doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG)

    Cost and losses associated with offshore wind farm collection networks which centralise the turbine power electronic converters

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    Costs and losses have been calculated for several different network topologies, which centralise the turbine power electronic converters, in order to improve access for maintenance. These are divided into star topologies, where each turbine is connected individually to its own converter on a platform housing many converters, and cluster topologies, where multiple turbines are connected through a single large converter. Both AC and DC topologies were considered, along with standard string topologies for comparison. Star and cluster topologies were both found to have higher costs and losses than the string topology. In the case of the star topology, this is due to the longer cable length and higher component count. In the case of the cluster topology, this is due to the reduced energy capture from controlling turbine speeds in clusters rather than individually. DC topologies were generally found to have a lower cost and loss than AC, but the fact that the converters are not commercially available makes this advantage less certain

    Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Recently, research concerning electrical machines and drives condition monitoring and fault diagnosis has experienced extraordinarily dynamic activity. The increasing importance of these energy conversion devices and their widespread use in uncountable applications have motivated significant research efforts. This paper presents an analysis of the state of the art in this field. The analyzed contributions were published in most relevant journals and magazines or presented in either specific conferences in the area or more broadly scoped events.Riera-Guasp, M.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Capolino, G. (2015). Advances in Electrical Machine, Power Electronic, and Drive Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection: State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 62(3):1746-1759. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2375853S1746175962

    Design and construction of a laboratory bench system for the teaching and training of engineers on diagnostics of permanent magnet motors

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    Permanent magnet synchronous motors PMSM are widely used in industry due to their higher torque and higher power to volume ratio. Moreover they have a better dynamic performance compared to the motors with electromagnetic excitation. Despite its robustness electrical, mechanical and magnetic faults has been described. It has led to the development of specific diagnostic systems for such machines. These systems are constantly evolving according to the literature. In this situation of increasing use of PMSM it is necessary to teach and train professionals in diagnostic techniques. This paper describes the design process of an experimental bench on which can be studied all types of faults associated with the PMSM operation. The design of a PMSM prototype, which is the most important equipment of this bench, is described in more detail

    The induction machine in Eastern Europe: a research agenda

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    This paper aims to offer an overview of the research on induction machines in Eastern Europe. To this end, it reviews all papers published on the topic between 2010 and 2017, in the six most prestigious Eastern European journals. The main findings show that: (1) researchers focus on the induction machine as used in electrical drives, their major research interest being the torque or speed control improvement; (2) in spite of the International Electrotechnical Committee’s (IEC) new requirements to improve the efficiency of electric machines, this topic is almost inexistent among the studies published in Eastern European journal