53 research outputs found

    Flash-memories in Space Applications: Trends and Challenges

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    Nowadays space applications are provided with a processing power absolutely overcoming the one available just a few years ago. Typical mission-critical space system applications include also the issue of solid-state recorder(s). Flash-memories are nonvolatile, shock-resistant and power-economic, but in turn have different drawbacks. A solid-state recorder for space applications should satisfy many different constraints especially because of the issues related to radiations: proper countermeasures are needed, together with EDAC and testing techniques in order to improve the dependability of the whole system. Different and quite often contrasting dimensions need to be explored during the design of a flash-memory based solid- state recorder. In particular, we shall explore the most important flash-memory design dimensions and trade-offs to tackle during the design of flash-based hard disks for space application

    Flash-memories in Space Applications: Trends and Challenges

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    Nowadays space applications are provided with a processing power absolutely overcoming the one available just a few years ago. Typical mission-critical space system applications include also the issue of solid-state recorder(s). Flash-memories are nonvolatile, shock-resistant and power-economic, but in turn have different drawbacks. A solid-state recorder for space applications should satisfy many different constraints especially because of the issues related to radiations: proper countermeasures are needed, together with EDAC and testing techniques in order to improve the dependability of the whole system. Different and quite often contrasting dimensions need to be explored during the design of a flash-memory based solid- state recorder. In particular, we shall explore the most important flash-memory design dimensions and trade-offs to tackle during the design of flash-based hard disks for space applications

    Dependability Assessment of NAND Flash-memory for Mission-critical Applications

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    It is a matter of fact that NAND flash memory devices are well established in consumer market. However, it is not true that the same architectures adopted in the consumer market are suitable for mission critical applications like space. In fact, USB flash drives, digital cameras, MP3 players are usually adopted to store "less significant" data which are not changing frequently (e.g., MP3s, pictures, etc.). Therefore, in spite of NAND flash's drawbacks, a modest complexity is usually needed in the logic of commercial flash drives. On the other hand, mission critical applications have different reliability requirements from commercial scenarios. Moreover, they are usually playing in a hostile environment (e.g., the space) which contributes to worsen all the issues. We aim at providing practical valuable guidelines, comparisons and tradeoffs among the huge number of dimensions of fault tolerant methodologies for NAND flash applied to critical environments. We hope that such guidelines will be useful for our ongoing research and for all the interested reader

    Dependability Assessment of NAND Flash-memory for Mission-critical Applications

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    It is a matter of fact that NAND flash memory devices are well established in consumer market. However, it is not true that the same architectures adopted in the consumer market are suitable for mission critical applications like space. In fact, USB flash drives, digital cameras, MP3 players are usually adopted to store "less significant" data which are not changing frequently (e.g., MP3s, pictures, etc.). Therefore, in spite of NAND flash’s drawbacks, a modest complexity is usually needed in the logic of commercial flash drives. On the other hand, mission critical applications have different reliability requirements from commercial scenarios. Moreover, they are usually playing in a hostile environment (e.g., the space) which contributes to worsen all the issues. We aim at providing practical valuable guidelines, comparisons and tradeoffs among the huge number of dimensions of fault tolerant methodologies for NAND flash applied to critical environments. We hope that such guidelines will be useful for our ongoing research and for all the interested readers

    상변화 메모리 시스템의 간섭 오류 완화 및 RMW 성능 향상 기법

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021.8. 이혁재.Phase-change memory (PCM) announces the beginning of the new era of memory systems, owing to attractive characteristics. Many memory product manufacturers (e.g., Intel, SK Hynix, and Samsung) are developing related products. PCM can be applied to various circumstances; it is not simply limited to an extra-scale database. For example, PCM has a low standby power due to its non-volatility; hence, computation-intensive applications or mobile applications (i.e., long memory idle time) are suitable to run on PCM-based computing systems. Despite these fascinating features of PCM, PCM is still far from the general commercial market due to low reliability and long latency problems. In particular, low reliability is a painful problem for PCM in past decades. As the semiconductor process technology rapidly scales down over the years, DRAM reaches 10 nm class process technology. In addition, it is reported that the write disturbance error (WDE) would be a serious issue for PCM if it scales down below 54 nm class process technology. Therefore, addressing the problem of WDEs becomes essential to make PCM competitive to DRAM. To overcome this problem, this dissertation proposes a novel approach that can restore meta-stable cells on demand by levering two-level SRAM-based tables, thereby significantly reducing the number WDEs. Furthermore, a novel randomized approach is proposed to implement a replacement policy that originally requires hundreds of read ports on SRAM. The second problem of PCM is a long-latency compared to that of DRAM. In particular, PCM tries to enhance its throughput by adopting a larger transaction unit; however, the different unit size from the general-purpose processor cache line further degrades the system performance due to the introduction of a read-modify-write (RMW) module. Since there has never been any research related to RMW in a PCM-based memory system, this dissertation proposes a novel architecture to enhance the overall system performance and reliability of a PCM-based memory system having an RMW module. The proposed architecture enhances data re-usability without introducing extra storage resources. Furthermore, a novel operation that merges commands regardless of command types is proposed to enhance performance notably. Another problem is the absence of a full simulation platform for PCM. While the announced features of the PCM-related product (i.e., Intel Optane) are scarce due to confidential issues, all priceless information can be integrated to develop an architecture simulator that resembles the available product. To this end, this dissertation tries to scrape up all available features of modules in a PCM controller and implement a dedicated simulator for future research purposes.상변화 메모리는(PCM) 매력적인 특성을 통해 메모리 시스템의 새로운 시대의 시작을 알렸다. 많은 메모리 관련 제품 제조업체(예 : 인텔, SK 하이닉스, 삼성)가 관련 제품 개발에 박차를 가하고 있다. PCM은 단순히 대규모 데이터베이스에만 국한되지 않고 다양한 상황에 적용될 수 있다. 예를 들어, PCM은 비휘발성으로 인해 대기 전력이 낮다. 따라서 계산 집약적인 애플리케이션 또는 모바일 애플리케이션은(즉, 긴 메모리 유휴 시간) PCM 기반 컴퓨팅 시스템에서 실행하기에 적합하다. PCM의 이러한 매력적인 특성에도 불구하고 PCM은 낮은 신뢰성과 긴 대기 시간으로 인해 여전히 일반 산업 시장에서는 DRAM과 다소 격차가 있다. 특히 낮은 신뢰성은 지난 수십 년 동안 PCM 기술의 발전을 저해하는 문제다. 반도체 공정 기술이 수년에 걸쳐 빠르게 축소됨에 따라 DRAM은 10nm 급 공정 기술에 도달하였다. 이어서, 쓰기 방해 오류 (WDE)가 54nm 등급 프로세스 기술 아래로 축소되면 PCM에 심각한 문제가 될 것으로 보고되었다. 따라서, WDE 문제를 해결하는 것은 PCM이 DRAM과 동등한 경쟁력을 갖추도록 하는 데 있어 필수적이다. 이 문제를 극복하기 위해 이 논문에서는 2-레벨 SRAM 기반 테이블을 활용하여 WDE 수를 크게 줄여 필요에 따라 준 안정 셀을 복원할 수 있는 새로운 접근 방식을 제안한다. 또한, 원래 SRAM에서 수백 개의 읽기 포트가 필요한 대체 정책을 구현하기 위해 새로운 랜덤 기반의 기법을 제안한다. PCM의 두 번째 문제는 DRAM에 비해 지연 시간이 길다는 것이다. 특히 PCM은 더 큰 트랜잭션 단위를 채택하여 단위시간 당 데이터 처리량 향상을 도모한다. 그러나 범용 프로세서 캐시 라인과 다른 유닛 크기는 읽기-수정-쓰기 (RMW) 모듈의 도입으로 인해 시스템 성능을 저하하게 된다. PCM 기반 메모리 시스템에서 RMW 관련 연구가 없었기 때문에 본 논문은 RMW 모듈을 탑재 한 PCM 기반 메모리 시스템의 전반적인 시스템 성능과 신뢰성을 향상하게 시킬 수 있는 새로운 아키텍처를 제안한다. 제안된 아키텍처는 추가 스토리지 리소스를 도입하지 않고도 데이터 재사용성을 향상시킨다. 또한, 성능 향상을 위해 명령 유형과 관계없이 명령을 병합하는 새로운 작업을 제안한다. 또 다른 문제는 PCM을 위한 완전한 시뮬레이션 플랫폼이 부재하다는 것이다. PCM 관련 제품(예 : Intel Optane)에 대해 발표된 정보는 대외비 문제로 인해 부족하다. 하지만 알려져 있는 정보를 적절히 취합하면 시중 제품과 유사한 아키텍처 시뮬레이터를 개발할 수 있다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 PCM 메모리 컨트롤러에 필요한 모든 모듈 정보를 활용하여 향후 이와 관련된 연구에서 충분히 사용 가능한 전용 시뮬레이터를 구현하였다.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Limitation of Traditional Main Memory Systems 1 1.2 Phase-Change Memory as Main Memory 3 1.2.1 Opportunities of PCM-based System 3 1.2.2 Challenges of PCM-based System 4 1.3 Dissertation Overview 7 2 BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS WORK 8 2.1 Phase-Change Memory 8 2.2 Mitigation Schemes for Write Disturbance Errors 10 2.2.1 Write Disturbance Errors 10 2.2.2 Verification and Correction 12 2.2.3 Lazy Correction 13 2.2.4 Data Encoding-based Schemes 14 2.2.5 Sparse-Insertion Write Cache 16 2.3 Performance Enhancement for Read-Modify-Write 17 2.3.1 Traditional Read-Modify-Write 17 2.3.2 Write Coalescing for RMW 19 2.4 Architecture Simulators for PCM 21 2.4.1 NVMain 21 2.4.2 Ramulator 22 2.4.3 DRAMsim3 22 3 IN-MODULE DISTURBANCE BARRIER 24 3.1 Motivation 25 3.2 IMDB: In Module-Disturbance Barrier 29 3.2.1 Architectural Overview 29 3.2.2 Implementation of Data Structures 30 3.2.3 Modification of Media Controller 36 3.3 Replacement Policy 38 3.3.1 Replacement Policy for IMDB 38 3.3.2 Approximate Lowest Number Estimator 40 3.4 Putting All Together: Case Studies 43 3.5 Evaluation 45 3.5.1 Configuration 45 3.5.2 Architectural Exploration 47 3.5.3 Effectiveness of the Replacement Policy 48 3.5.4 Sensitivity to Main Table Configuration 49 3.5.5 Sensitivity to Barrier Buffer Size 51 3.5.6 Sensitivity to AppLE Group Size 52 3.5.7 Comparison with Other Studies 54 3.6 Discussion 59 3.7 Summary 63 4 INTEGRATION OF AN RMW MODULE IN A PCM-BASED SYSTEM 64 4.1 Motivation 65 4.2 Utilization of DRAM Cache for RMW 67 4.2.1 Architectural Design 67 4.2.2 Algorithm 70 4.3 Typeless Command Merging 73 4.3.1 Architectural Design 73 4.3.2 Algorithm 74 4.4 An Alternative Implementation: SRC-RMW 78 4.4.1 Implementation of SRC-RMW 78 4.4.2 Design Constraint 80 4.5 Case Study 82 4.6 Evaluation 85 4.6.1 Configuration 85 4.6.2 Speedup 88 4.6.3 Read Reliability 91 4.6.4 Energy Consumption: Selecting a Proper Page Size 93 4.6.5 Comparison with Other Studies 95 4.7 Discussion 97 4.8 Summary 99 5 AN ALL-INCLUSIVE SIMULATOR FOR A PCM CONTROLLER 100 5.1 Motivation 101 5.2 PCMCsim: PCM Controller Simulator 103 5.2.1 Architectural Overview 103 5.2.2 Underlying Classes of PCMCsim 104 5.2.3 Implementation of Contention Behavior 108 5.2.4 Modules of PCMCsim 109 5.3 Evaluation 116 5.3.1 Correctness of the Simulator 116 5.3.2 Comparison with Other Simulators 117 5.4 Summary 119 6 Conclusion 120 Abstract (In Korean) 141 Acknowledgment 143박

    Designs for increasing reliability while reducing energy and increasing lifetime

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    In the last decades, the computing technology experienced tremendous developments. For instance, transistors' feature size shrank to half at every two years as consistently from the first time Moore stated his law. Consequently, number of transistors and core count per chip doubles at each generation. Similarly, petascale systems that have the capability of processing more than one billion calculation per second have been developed. As a matter of fact, exascale systems are predicted to be available at year 2020. However, these developments in computer systems face a reliability wall. For instance, transistor feature sizes are getting so small that it becomes easier for high-energy particles to temporarily flip the state of a memory cell from 1-to-0 or 0-to-1. Also, even if we assume that fault-rate per transistor stays constant with scaling, the increase in total transistor and core count per chip will significantly increase the number of faults for future desktop and exascale systems. Moreover, circuit ageing is exacerbated due to increased manufacturing variability and thermal stresses, therefore, lifetime of processor structures are becoming shorter. On the other side, due to the limited power budget of the computer systems such that mobile devices, it is attractive to scale down the voltage. However, when the voltage level scales to beyond the safe margin especially to the ultra-low level, the error rate increases drastically. Nevertheless, new memory technologies such as NAND flashes present only limited amount of nominal lifetime, and when they exceed this lifetime, they can not guarantee storing of the data correctly leading to data retention problems. Due to these issues, reliability became a first-class design constraint for contemporary computing in addition to power and performance. Moreover, reliability even plays increasingly important role when computer systems process sensitive and life-critical information such as health records, financial information, power regulation, transportation, etc. In this thesis, we present several different reliability designs for detecting and correcting errors occurring in processor pipelines, L1 caches and non-volatile NAND flash memories due to various reasons. We design reliability solutions in order to serve three main purposes. Our first goal is to improve the reliability of computer systems by detecting and correcting random and non-predictable errors such as bit flips or ageing errors. Second, we aim to reduce the energy consumption of the computer systems by allowing them to operate reliably at ultra-low voltage level. Third, we target to increase the lifetime of new memory technologies by implementing efficient and low-cost reliability schemes

    Towards Successful Application of Phase Change Memories: Addressing Challenges from Write Operations

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    The emerging Phase Change Memory (PCM) technology is drawing increasing attention due to its advantages in non-volatility, byte-addressability and scalability. It is regarded as a promising candidate for future main memory. However, PCM's write operation has some limitations that pose challenges to its application in memory. The disadvantages include long write latency, high write power and limited write endurance. In this thesis, I present my effort towards successful application of PCM memory. My research consists of several optimizing techniques at both the circuit and architecture level. First, at the circuit level, I propose Differential Write to remove unnecessary bit changes in PCM writes. This is not only beneficial to endurance but also to the energy and latency of writes. Second, I propose two memory scheduling enhancements (AWP and RAWP) for a non-blocking bank design. My memory scheduling enhancements can exploit intra-bank parallelism provided by non-blocking bank design, and achieve significant throughput improvement. Third, I propose Bit Level Power Budgeting (BPB), a fine-grained power budgeting technique that leverages the information from Differential Write to achieve even higher memory throughput under the same power budget. Fourth, I propose techniques to improve the QoS tuning ability of high-priority applications when running on PCM memory. In summary, the techniques I propose effectively address the challenges of PCM's write operations. In addition, I present the experimental infrastructure in this work and my visions of potential future research topics, which could be helpful to other researchers in the area