342 research outputs found

    Impact of spruce bark beetle on valuation of forest properties

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    Under de senaste Ă„ren har förekomsten av granbarkborren stigit. Detta beror pĂ„ en ökad mĂ€ngd substrat som finns tillgĂ€ngliga för granbarkborren, det huvudsakliga substratet för arten Ă€r gran. Angreppen sker i de flesta fall pĂ„ granar vars vitalitet Ă€r nedsatt pĂ„ grund av exempelvis vĂ€rme och solexponering. Med en ökad risk för angrepp och spridning av granbarkborren kan en fastighets avkastningsvĂ€rde riskera att sjunka dĂ„ grantimret inte har samma vĂ€rde efter ett angrepp. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r dĂ€rav att kartlĂ€gga granbarkborrens inverkan pĂ„ överlĂ„telsesituationer och Ă€ven innehavssituationer. Studien genomfördes som en intervjustudie dĂ€r tre olika grupper intervjuades, skogsĂ€gare, fastighetsmĂ€klare och bankrĂ„dgivare, för att fĂ„ tre olika perspektiv pĂ„ granbarkborrens inverkan pĂ„ fastigheters vĂ€rdering. Resultatet frĂ„n intervjuerna med de tre grupperna visade att det finns en viss vĂ€rdeminskningseffekt frĂ„n granbarkborren men att det Ă€r vĂ€ldigt svĂ„rt att sĂ€tta en exakt siffra. Det behövs fortsatt forskning inom omrĂ„det dĂ„ det i nulĂ€get rĂ„der brist pĂ„ studier inom granbarkborrens inverkan pĂ„ fastighetspriser.The presence of spruce bark beetle has risen in the latest years. This is mainly because of an increase in substrate for the beetle, which is Norway spruce. The infestation usually occurs on Norway spruce individuals which have decreased vitality because of drought and sun exposure. With an increased risk of outbreaks and spreading of the spruce bark beetle a property’s yield value risk lowering because of lower timber values after an outbreak. The purpose of this study is to map the spruce bark beetle’s impact on conveyance and possession situations. The study was carried out as an interview study where three different groups were interviewed, forest owners, real estate agents and bank consultants, to get three different perspectives on the impact of spruce bark beetle on property valuation. The result from the interviews with the three groups showed that there is a certain value decreasing effect from the spruce bark beetle but that it is very difficult to say an exact number on the decrease. More research is needed within the field because of the current lack of studies on how the spruce bark beetle impacts property valuation

    Real estate agent views on wooden multistorey construction : a comparison of real estate roles

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    Sverige har en vĂ€l utvecklad tradition att bygga smĂ„hus i trĂ€ och mycket resurser till detta. Trots det sĂ„ Ă€r andelen flerbostadshus i trĂ€ pĂ„ marknaden lĂ„g. Tidigare studier visar att konsumenterna inte har sĂ„ stor kunskap om dessa bostĂ€der i trĂ€. Dialogen mellan alla inblandade aktörer, myndigheter och politiker mĂ„ste förbĂ€ttras för att frĂ€mja hĂ„llbar utveckling och flerbostadshus i trĂ€. Lagkrav om klimatdeklaration för nyproduktion frĂ„n regeringen leder till konsekvenser för byggbranschen. Valet av material mĂ„ste analyseras mer ingĂ„ende för att pĂ„verka miljön sĂ„ lite som möjligt. Denna studie syftar till att identifiera faktorer som pĂ„verkar hur mĂ€klare arbetar för att frĂ€mja flerbostadshus i trĂ€. För att identifiera dessa faktorer genomfördes en kvalitativ fallstudie med tre registrerade fastighetsmĂ€klare för tvĂ„ olika projekt av flerbostadshus i trĂ€. Studien avser att förstĂ„ och ge uttryck Ă„t respondenternas uppfattning om flerbostadshus i trĂ€ och dess position pĂ„ marknaden vilket lett till att ett teoretiskt ramverk tagits fram. Ramverket utformades utifrĂ„n teoretiska begrepp inom omrĂ„det. Dessa begrepp Ă€r institutionell teori, service dominant logic och varumĂ€rkesterritorium. LitteraturgenomgĂ„ng genomfördes för att fĂ„ en uppfattning om tidigare studier inom omrĂ„det. Empirin för studien baseras pĂ„ objektsbeskrivningar för projekten och skriftliga intervjuer med ansvarig fastighetsmĂ€klare. Empirin analyseras med det teoretiska ramverket. DĂ€refter tas empirin upp i diskussionen i dialog med tidigare forskningsresultat. Studien visar att respondenterna inte förmedlar nĂ„gon gemensam nĂ€mnare för vilka mervĂ€rden de förmedlar till kunden. De anger att kunden har ett större intresse för priset Ă€n konstruktionsmaterialet. I studien framgĂ„r det att mĂ€klarens roll i att frĂ€mja flerbostadshus i trĂ€ inte Ă€r omfattande. I detta fall tyder empirin istĂ€llet pĂ„ att de som kan pĂ„verka positionen pĂ„ marknaden frĂ€mst Ă€r byggbranschen.Sweden has a well-established tradition of building wooden houses and has a lot of resources suitable for this. Despite that, the proportion of wooden multistorey construction on the market is low. Previous studies show that the consumers lack knowledge of these kinds of buildings. To promote sustainable development and these wooden buildings, the dialogue between all the involved actors, governments and politicians needs to be improved. Legal requirements from the government of climate declaration for new production leads to consequences for the construction industry. The choice of material will have to be analyzed in depth to reduce the negative effect on the environment. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect how real estate agents work to promote multistorey wooden constructions. To identify these factors, a qualitative case study was implemented. The case study consists of three registered real estate agents for two different projects. The study refers to understand and give expression to the respondents’ perception of wooden multistorey constructions and its position on the market. Based on the purpose of the study, a theoretical review was conducted and a conceptual framework was selected. The framework is based on theoretical concepts for the subject area. These concepts are; institutional theory, service dominant logic and brand territory. The literature review was also made to get an understanding of previous studies of the subject. The empirical part of the study is based on descriptions of the real estate objects and written interviews with the responsible estate agents. The descriptions of the objects and the interview-answers were analyzed based on the conceptual framework. After the analysis, the findings are discussed in dialogue with results from previous studies in the discussion chapter. In conclusion, the study shows that the respondents do not have any common understanding of what added values they mediate to the customer. The respondents' answers also show that their understandings of the customers’ interests of apartments focuses on the price rather than of what material the building is made of. The study shows that the role of the real estate agent to promote wooden multistorey constructions is not well founded. In this case, the results instead suggest that the constructions industry are the ones that can affect the position on the market for wooden multistorey constructions

    Tillit pÄ bostadsmarknaden. Tillit, mellanhÀnder och redovisningsinformation

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    Titel: Tillit pĂ„ Bostadsmarknaden. Tillit, mellanhĂ€nder och redovisningsinformation Seminariedatum: 5 juni, 2015 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69 Examensarbete i redovisning pĂ„ kandidatnivĂ„, 15 hp Författare: Björn Tilly, Niclas Ulander och Sandra Nordin Handledare: Alexander Paulsson Nyckelord: Tillit, ekonomisk information, Ă„rsredovisning, mellanhĂ€nder, transaktionskostnadsteori. Syfte: VĂ„rt syfte med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka hur mycket av den ekonomiska information mĂ€klarna tillhandahĂ„ller som köparna kollar pĂ„ samt hur tilliten ser ut mellan köpare och mĂ€klare. Metod: En explorativ undersökning ligger till grund för uppsatsen, dĂ€r en enkĂ€tundersökning har resulterat i cirka 200 svar frĂ„n köpare av bostadsrĂ€tter och cirka 40 svar frĂ„n mĂ€klare. Teoretiska perspektiv: För att förklara hur tilliten ser ut mellan köpare och mĂ€klaren har vi tittat pĂ„ teorier om tillit, mellanhĂ€nder och transaktionskostnader. Detta har vi sedan kompletterat med information om hur lagar och regler ser ut kring Ă„rsredovisning och fastighetsmĂ€klare samt förklarat avskrivningssĂ€tt, Ă€kta och oĂ€kta förening. Empiri: Vi har tittat pĂ„ mĂ„lgrupper sĂ„ som köpare och mĂ€klare och presenterat resultaten i diagram. Dessa Ă€r sedan hypotesprövade för att se om resultaten Ă€r statistiskt sĂ€kerstĂ€llda. Resultat: VĂ„ra respondenter har endast ett förtroende pĂ„ 2,9 av vĂ„r 5-gradiga skala men bara 50 procent av köparna lĂ€ser den kompletterande ekonomiska informationen i form av Ă„rsredovisningen.Title: Trust on the real estate market Date fo examination: 5th of June, 2015 Subject/ course: FEKH69, Bachelor thesis in Accounting, 15 hp. Authors: Björn Tilly, Niclas Ulander and Sandra Nordin Mentor: Alexander Paulsson Keywords: Trust, financial information, annual reports, intermediaries, transaction cost theory. Purpose: Our purpose in this paper is to examine how much of the financial information brokerages provide that the buyers check on and how the trust is displayed between buyers and brokers. Method: An exploratory survey is the basis for the essay, where it has resulted in about 200 responses from buyers of condominiums and about 40 responses from brokers. Theoretical perspectives: To explain how the trust is displayed between the buyer and the realtor, we have looked at theories about trust, intermediaries and transaction costs. Then we have supplemented with information on laws and regulations around the annual accounts and real estate as well as explained the depreciation method, different types of housing associations. Empiricism: We have looked at target groups such as buyers and brokers, and presented the results in charts. These hypotheses are then tested to see if the results are statistically significant

    VarumÀrkesarbete vid intern konkurrens

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    VarumĂ€rkets betydelse har under de senaste Ă„rtiondena förĂ€ndrats, frĂ„n att enbart informera om en produkt eller tjĂ€nst till att ocksĂ„ fylla ett kĂ€nslomĂ€ssigt behov hos kunder. I denna studie undersöks hur RiksmĂ€klaren arbetar med sitt varumĂ€rke. Ett aktivt varumĂ€rkesarbete leder till att företag utvecklar ett starkare varumĂ€rke, vilket ofta förknippas med konsumentlojalitet. Inom mĂ€klarföretag förekommer intern konkurrens pĂ„ grund av provisionslön. SvĂ„righeten i RiksmĂ€klarens varumĂ€rkesarbete ligger dĂ€rför i att internt ha en gemensam uppfattning om varumĂ€rkets betydelse. Ett sĂ€tt att arbeta med varumĂ€rket Ă€r att bygga en kultur som Ă„terspeglar företagets kĂ€rnvĂ€rden. En vĂ€l fungerande kommunikation underlĂ€ttar ocksĂ„ för att samla alla medarbetare i riktning mot företagets mĂ„l. DĂ€rför Ă€r syftet med den hĂ€r studien att undersöka ett mindre företags varumĂ€rkesarbete utifrĂ„n organisationskultur och intern kommunikation. Det som studien Ă€mnar svara pĂ„ Ă€r hur företag fĂ„r alla medarbetare att arbeta mot samma mĂ„l nĂ€r intern konkurrens förekommer och i vilken mĂ„n en tydlig kultur och en god kommunikation kan leda till ett starkare varumĂ€rke i RiksmĂ€klaren. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en fallstudiedesign. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. RiksmĂ€klarens ledord Ă€r offensivitet, engagemang och ödmjukhet och de strĂ€var efter att dessa ska genomsyra allt i företaget. Företaget startades Ă„r 1974 av Tiit LĂŒllmaa och Ă€r en mĂ€klarbyrĂ„ som Ă€r verksam inom Uppsala, Knivsta och Östhammars kommun. Det Ă€r drygt 20 fastighetsmĂ€klare som jobbar fördelat pĂ„ 3 kontor i Uppsala. Deras slogan och vision Ă€r “MĂ€klaren genom livet” vilket betyder att företaget vill vara med frĂ„n första lĂ€genheten till att hitta drömvillan. TjĂ€nster Ă€r interaktiva processer och beroende pĂ„ hur dessa processer utvecklas internt skapas olika varumĂ€rkesbudskap. En tydlig kultur kan fungera som en riktlinje för vilka normer, vĂ€rderingar och attityder som gĂ€ller för att uppnĂ„ ett konsekvent agerande i företaget. Men det finns olika Ă„sikter om det Ă€r till fördel med enighet och entydighet i en förĂ€nderlig omgivning. Vissa menar att en komplex omgivning skapar mĂ„ngtydighet och att det skapar en dynamik i företaget. DĂ„ blir flexibiliteten en viktig faktor. Intern konkurrens anses ofta vara ett negativt fenomen men en fördel kan vara att det skapar flexibilitet. NĂ€r det finns ett informationsflöde genom hela verksamheten, bĂ„de vertikalt och horisontellt, skapas bĂ€ttre förutsĂ€ttningar för insamling av information, förankring av förslag och minskning av konflikter och missnöje. RiksmĂ€klaren arbetar aktivt med att utveckla en ”vi-kĂ€nsla” i företaget genom att ha en öppen kommunikation och en kultur som tydligt förmedlar kĂ€rnvĂ€rdena.During the last decade the meaning of brands has changed. From solely inform about a product or service to develop and fulfill a customer's emotional needs. This study explores branding within RiksmĂ€klaren, a real estate firm based in Uppsala. To obtain consumer loyalty the company needs to develop a strong brand, which will only happen if they actively work with branding. Commission salary is one of the underlying factors of internal competition in real estate firms. If internal competition occurs the common image of the brand can be negatively affected. Thus the problem with creating a common brand image arises. The research questions aim to answer how RiksmĂ€klaren works with branding. The questions in this study are; how do you get all employees to work towards the same goal when internal competition occurs at the firm? And how can a strong culture and a well functioning communication lead to a stronger brand in RiksmĂ€klaren? To answer these questions we have preformed a qualitative case study with an inductive approach. Four employees at RiksmĂ€klaren was interviewed. We found that one way to work against this problem is to make sure the organizational culture reflects the core values of the firm. Also, a well functional communication facilitates the work of getting all employees working towards the same goal. RiksmĂ€klaren are actively working to develop a team spirit within the company

    Survey of the issues that were important in the choice of Realtors

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    In this report I have compiled my thesis which was about investigating what sellers of real estates find important when they shall appoint a real estate agent. I have also looked into other parameters in my study, like whether the sellers at all use real estate agents and how they have proceeded in case they do not use an agent. In addition to that, I have tried to find out why sellers didnÂŽt chose LRF Konsult and what they know about the company. This analyses was made through questionnaires sent to those estate owners who didnÂŽt use LRF Konsult when they sold their estate. The questionnaires contained 8 questions. The questionnaires were distributed to 289 estate owners within VĂ€sternorrlands county. I got 132 in return with answers. A number that I find being satisfactory for the purpose with this study. As a result of this study I found that nearly 50% of those who were asked didnÂŽt use any agent when they sold their estate. Only a few of those who did sell without an agent involved have advertised in newspapers, whereas many sellers have used internet, e.g. the site Blocket.se. This is an interesting swift since some years back and is probably a trend. Many of the sellers also prefered not to involve any agent at all. The majority of those who appointed an agent made it clear that they found it important that the agent should be specialised in real estate, that he/she had a good reputation, that the agent was local and that the seller was well recieved. Some 50 % did know about LRF Konsult. By those who didnÂŽt chose LRF Konsult, many said that other agents were more qualified and made a better marketing. I find this subject interesting, especially as I intend to work as a real estate agent, but also for those who already are active in their profession. It is of vital importance to understand the seller as he/she is the most important stakeholder for the agent. Even for LRF Konsult this study is important as it points to some rooms for improvement

    SÀljarnas val av mÀklare

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    A favourable economic situation in Sweden has lead to a very good market for agricultural real estates. The estate agents' ads in the daily newspapers, where they actively are seeking assignments, give a hint that the supply is smaller than the demand for agricultural real estates. This situation ends up in a competition between real estate agents to get as many assignments as possible to meet the demand from the market. Describing and explaining the sellers' decision process may give a specific agent an advantage towards other agents. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of a seller's choice of estate agent. Differences between various sellers and their decision-making process have been investigated. A demarcation was made to limit the amount of work. This lead to that only sellers of agricultural estates in the southern part of Sweden were studied. This demarcation was made because the competition is very hard between estate agents in this part of the country. Nine sellers of agricultural estates in the region have been interviewed. In addition, a literature study on the subject has been made. The collected material was analyzed with the aid of a conceptual model constructed by the author, which was the basis for the discussion and conclusions of the work. The results indicate differences between sellers dependent on background and agricultural knowledge. Farmers generally know which of the real estate agents that are specialised on agricultural estates, and these farmers optimise their choice. The other sellers, who lack the knowledge about which of the estate agents that are specialised on agricultural estates, base often their choice on recommendations from people in their network. This causes these sellers to satisfy because they lack options in the decision-process.Ett gynnsamt konjunkturlĂ€ge i Sverige har bidragit till att marknaden för lantbruksfastigheter i nulĂ€get Ă€r mycket god. MĂ€klarnas annonser i dagspressen dĂ€r de söker uppdrag, ger en antydan till att utbudet Ă€r mindre Ă€n efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ lantbruksfastigheter. Detta resulterar i att det Ă€r viktigt för lantbruksmĂ€klarna att erhĂ„lla mĂ„nga uppdrag för att kunna möta marknadens behov av objekt. Att kartlĂ€gga sĂ€ljarens beslutsprocess skulle kunna ge mĂ€klaren en fördel i konkurrensen gentemot andra mĂ€klare. Studiens syfte Ă€r att utreda valet av mĂ€klare vid en försĂ€ljning av en lantbruksfastighet. Detta genom att identifiera om det finns nĂ„gon skillnad mellan de olika sĂ€ljarnas beslutsprocess och att identifiera om det finns nĂ„gon skillnad mellan sĂ€ljarna. En avgrĂ€nsning gjordes för att begrĂ€nsa arbetets omfattning, vilket ledde till att enbart sĂ€ljare av lantbruksfastigheter i SkĂ„ne lĂ€n intervjuades. Detta pĂ„ grund av att den skĂ„nska marknaden Ă€r den tuffaste i Sverige vad gĂ€ller lantbruk och konkurrensen Ă€r hĂ„rd mellan mĂ€klarna i regionen. För att besvara studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar har nio stycken sĂ€ljare av lantbruksfastigheter i SkĂ„ne lĂ€n intervjuats. Även en litteraturstudie pĂ„ omrĂ„det har genomförts. Det insamlade materialet har analyserats i en tolkningsram för att underlĂ€tta interpretationen av materialet. Modellens resultat ligger sedan till grund för arbetets diskussion och slutsatser. Resultatet av studien visar pĂ„ skillnader mellan olika sĂ€ljare beroende pĂ„ bakgrund och lantbrukskĂ€nnedom. Lantbrukare vet i större utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n andra vilka mĂ€klare som finns pĂ„ marknaden, dĂ„ de löpande följer mĂ€klarnas annonser i tidningarna. Resultatet av det Ă€r att lantbrukarna vĂ€nde sig till flera mĂ€klare och stĂ€llde dessa mot varandra, med andra ord sĂ„ optimerar dessa sĂ€ljare i större utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n övriga sĂ€ljare. De sĂ€ljare som inte hade lantbruksbakgrund anvĂ€nde sitt kontaktnĂ€t i större utstrĂ€ckning för att finna sin mĂ€klare. Detta resulterade i att de enbart vĂ€nde sig till en mĂ€klare som de fĂ„tt rekommenderad frĂ„n nĂ„gon kontakt, det vill sĂ€ga de satisfierar nĂ€r de vĂ€ljer mĂ€klare
