549 research outputs found

    Ongoing EEG Phase as a Trial-by-Trial Predictor of Perceptual and Attentional Variability

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    Even in well-controlled laboratory environments, apparently identical repetitions of an experimental trial can give rise to highly variable perceptual outcomes and behavioral responses. This variability is generally discarded as a reflection of intrinsic noise in neuronal systems. However, part of this variability may be accounted for by trial-by-trial fluctuations of the phase of ongoing oscillations at the moment of stimulus presentation. For example, the phase of an electro-encephalogram (EEG) oscillation reflecting the rapid waxing and waning of sustained attention can predict the perception of a subsequent visual stimulus at threshold. Similar ongoing periodicities account for a portion of the trial-by-trial variability of visual reaction times. We review the available experimental evidence linking ongoing EEG phase to perceptual and attentional variability, and the corresponding methodology. We propose future tests of this relation, and discuss the theoretical implications for understanding the neuronal dynamics of sensory perception

    Neural codes formed by small and temporally precise populations in auditory cortex

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    The encoding of sensory information by populations of cortical neurons forms the basis for perception but remains poorly understood. To understand the constraints of cortical population coding we analyzed neural responses to natural sounds recorded in auditory cortex of primates (Macaca mulatta). We estimated stimulus information while varying the composition and size of the considered population. Consistent with previous reports we found that when choosing subpopulations randomly from the recorded ensemble, the average population information increases steadily with population size. This scaling was explained by a model assuming that each neuron carried equal amounts of information, and that any overlap between the information carried by each neuron arises purely from random sampling within the stimulus space. However, when studying subpopulations selected to optimize information for each given population size, the scaling of information was strikingly different: a small fraction of temporally precise cells carried the vast majority of information. This scaling could be explained by an extended model, assuming that the amount of information carried by individual neurons was highly nonuniform, with few neurons carrying large amounts of information. Importantly, these optimal populations can be determined by a single biophysical marker—the neuron's encoding time scale—allowing their detection and readout within biologically realistic circuits. These results show that extrapolations of population information based on random ensembles may overestimate the population size required for stimulus encoding, and that sensory cortical circuits may process information using small but highly informative ensembles

    Frequency preference and reliability of signal integration

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    Die Eigenschaften einzelner Nervenzellen sind von grundlegender Bedeutung fĂŒr die Verarbeitung von Informationen im Nervensystem. Neuronen antworten auf Eingangsreize durch VerĂ€nderung der elektrischen Spannung ĂŒber die Zellmembran. Die Spannungsantwort wird dabei durch die Dynamik der IonenkanĂ€le in der Zellmembran bestimmt. In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich anhand von leitfĂ€higkeits-basierten Modellneuronen den Einfluss von IonenkanĂ€len auf zwei Aspekte der Signalverarbeitung: die Frequenz-SelektivitĂ€t sowie die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und zeitliche PrĂ€zision von Aktionspotentialen. ZunĂ€chst werden die zell-intrinsischen Mechanismen identifiziert, welche the Frequenz-SelektivitĂ€t und die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit bestimmen. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie IonenkanĂ€le diese Mechanismen modulieren können, um die Integration von Signalen zu optimieren. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird demonstriert, dass der Mechanismus der unterschwelligen Resonanz, so wie er bisher fĂŒr periodische Signale beobachtet wurde, auch auf nicht-periodische Signale anwendbar ist und sich ebenfalls in den Feuerraten niederschlĂ€gt. Im zweiten Teil wird gezeigt, dass zeitliche PrĂ€zision und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von Aktionspotentialen mit der Stimulusfrequenz variieren und dass, in AbhĂ€ngigkeit davon, ob das Stimulusmittel ĂŒber- oder unterhalb der Feuerschwelle liegt, zwei Stimulusregime unterschieden werden mĂŒssen. In beiden Regimen existiert eine bevorzugte Stimulusfrequenz, welche durch die GesamtleitfĂ€higkeit und die Dynamik spezifischer IonenkanĂ€le moduliert werden kann. Im dritten Teil wird belegt, dass IonenkanĂ€le die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit auch direkt ĂŒber eine VerĂ€nderung der SensitivitĂ€t einer Zelle gegenĂŒber neuronalem Rauschen bestimmen können. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit lassen auf eine wichtige Rolle der dynamischen Regulierung der IonenkanĂ€le fĂŒr die Frequenz-SelektivitĂ€t und die zeitliche PrĂ€zision und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Spannungsantworten schließen.The properties of individual neurons are of fundamental importance for the processing of information in the nervous system. The generation of voltage responses to input signals, in particular, depends on the properties of ion channels in the cell membrane. Within this thesis, I employ conductance-based model neurons to investigate the effect of ionic conductances and their dynamics on two aspects of signal processing: frequency-selectivity and temporal precision and reliability of spikes. First, the cell-intrinsic mechanisms that determine frequency selectivity and spike timing reliability are identified on the basis of conductance-based model neurons. Second, it is analyzed how ionic conductances can serve to modulate these mechanisms in order to optimize signal integration. In the first part, the frequency selectivity of subthreshold response amplitudes previously observed for periodic stimuli is proven to extend to nonperiodic stimuli and to translate into firing rates. In the second part, it is demonstrated that spike timing reliability is frequency-selective and that two different stimulus regimes have to be distinguished, depending on whether the stimulus mean is below or above threshold. In both cases, resonance effects determine the most reliable stimulus frequency. It is shown that this frequency preference can be modulated by the peak conductance and dynamics of specific ion channels. In the third part, evidence is provided that ionic conductances determine spike timing reliability beyond changes in the preferred frequency. It is demonstrated that ionic conductances also exert a direct influence on the sensitivity of the timing of spikes to neuronal noise. The findings suggest an important role for dynamic neuromodulation of ion channels with regard to frequency selectivity and spike timing reliability

    Determination of the dynamic gain function of cortical interneurons with distinct electrical types

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    Do somatosensory oscillations relate to tactile attention? Extracting the phase of transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) during stimulus presentation.

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    Attentional mechanisms allow for the prioritization of information depending on the task at hand. Evidence from Electroencephalography (EEG) suggests that lateralised changes in the amplitude of alpha oscillations (8-­‐14 Hz) are linked to orienting attention and that the phase of an oscillatory cycle can affect how behavioral and perceptual information is processed. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a non-­‐invasive brain stimulation method that involves the application of weak electric currents to the scalp. tACS provides the ability to entrain intrinsic oscillations to specific frequencies. Through the employment of new hardware, the timings of stimuli presentation and the phase of tACS signals were accurately recorded so that their timings could be compared. This setup was implemented in an ongoing study that utilised participant individualized alpha and beta (25 Hz) stimulation during two tactile attention tasks. Results indicated that during alpha stimulation, performance in an endogenous tactile attention was mediated by the phase of the tACS signal, with a distribution of reaction times (RTs) that approximately followed the pattern of the waveform signal. The phase of the tACS signal during beta stimulation was shown to mediate performance during an exogenous tactile attention task. Both these results indicate that the fastest and slowest RTs occur at opposite phase positions of the tACS signal, providing novel evidence for a phasic relationship between performance variability and somatosensory attention

    Entorhinal cortex dysfunction in rodent models of dementia

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    As both the major input and output of the hippocampal formation, the entorhinal cortex (EC) occupies a pivotal position in the medial temporal lobe. The discovery of grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) has led to this region being widely implicated in spatial information processing. Importantly, the EC is also the first area affected by dementia pathology, with neurons appearing particularly susceptible to degeneration. Despite this, little is known about how pathology affects the functional output of mEC neurons, either in their ability to coordinate firing to produce network oscillations, or to represent information regarding the external environment. This thesis will use electrophysiological techniques to examine how dementia pathology contributes to the breakdown of mEC neuronal networks using the rTg4510 mouse model of tauopathy. The first 2 results chapters will show how the anatomical organisation along the dorso-ventral axis of the mEC has profound influence on the network activity that can be observed both in brain slices and awake-behaving mice. It will further show how deficits in network activity in rTg4510 mice occur differentially across this axis, with dorsal mEC appearing more vulnerable to changes in oscillatory function than ventral. The third results chapter will begin to explore the relationship between global network activity and the external environment, showing that rTg4510 mice display clear deficits in the relationship between oscillation properties and locomotor activity. Finally, the underlying basis for these changes will be examined, through the recording of single-unit activity in these mice. It will show a decreased tendency for mEC neurons to display firing rates modulated by running speed, as well as an almost complete breakdown of grid cell periodicity after periods of tau overexpression. Understanding how dementia pathology produces changes to neuronal function and ultimately cognition is key for understanding and treating the disease. This thesis will therefore provide novel insights into the dysfunction of the EC during dementia pathology
