346 research outputs found

    MEQSILHOUETTE: a mm-VLBI observation and signal corruption simulator

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    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) aims to resolve the innermost emission of nearby supermassive black holes, Sgr A* and M87, on event horizon scales. This emission is predicted to be gravitationally lensed by the black hole which should produce a shadow (or silhouette) feature, a precise measurement of which is a test of gravity in the strong-field regime. This emission is also an ideal probe of the innermost accretion and jet-launch physics, offering the new insights into this data-limited observing regime. The EHT will use the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at (sub)millimetre wavelengths, which has a diffraction limited angular resolution of order ~ 10 µ-arcsec. However, this technique suffers from unique challenges, including scattering and attenuation in the troposphere and interstellar medium; variable source structure; as well as antenna pointing errors comparable to the size of the primary beam. In this thesis, we present the meqsilhouette software package which is focused towards simulating realistic EHT data. It has the capability to simulate a time-variable source, and includes realistic descriptions of the effects of the troposphere, the interstellar medium as well as primary beams and associated antenna pointing errors. We have demonstrated through several examples simulations that these effects can limit the ability to measure the key science parameters. This simulator can be used to research calibration, parameter estimation and imaging strategies, as well as gain insight into possible systematic uncertainties

    Tactical Electronics Simulation Test System : Feasibility Assessment Briefing CDRL A003, B002

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    This volume entirely consists of viewgraphs used to present feasibility assessment contained in related volume, Feasibility assessment report CDRL A002

    Studies of scintillation on earth-space paths

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Proceedings of the 19th NASA Propagation Experimenters Meeting (NAPEX 19) and the 7th Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) Propagation Studies Workshop (APSW 7)

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    The NASA Propagation Experimenters Meeting (NAPEX), supported by the NASA Propagation Program, is convened annually to discuss studies made on radio wave propagation by investigators from domestic and international organizations. NAPEX 19 was held on 14 Jun. 1995, in Fort Collins, Colorado. Participants included representatives from Canada, Japan, and the United States, including researchers from universities, government agencies, and private industry. The meeting focused on mobile personal satellite systems and the use of 20/30-GHz band for fixed and mobile satellite applications. In total, 18 technical papers were presented. Following NAPEX 19, the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) Propagation Studies Workshop 7 (APSW 7) was held on 15-16 Jun. 1995, to review ACTS propagation activities with emphasis on the experimenters' status reports and dissemination of propagation data to industry

    Microwave propagation studies, measurements and education in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    GNSS-R as a source of opportunity for remote sensing of the cryosphere

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    This work evaluates the potential use of signals from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) that scatter off the Earth surface for the retrieval of geophysical information from the cryosphere. For this purpose, the present study is based on data collected with a dedicated reflectometry GNSS receiver during two field campaigns, which were focused on two types of characteristic surfaces of the cryosphere: thin sea ice covers and thick dry snow accumulations. During the first experiment, the complete process of formation, evolution and melting of sea ice was monitorized for more than seven months in a bay located in Greenland. This type of ice is typically characterized by its thickness, concentration and roughness. Different observables from GNSS reflections are analyzed to try to infer these properties. The ice thickness is linked to the free-board level, defined as the height of the sea ice surface. Accurate phase altimetry is achieved, showing good agreement with an Arctic tide model. In addition, the long term results of ellipsoidal height retrievals are consistent with the evolution of the ice surface temperature product given by MODIS, which is a key parameter in the rate of growth of sea ice. On the other hand, the presence of salinity in the sea ice modifies its dielectric properties, resulting in different amplitude and phase for the co- and cross-polar components of the complex Fresnel coefficients. The polarimetric measurements obtained show good agreement with visual inspections of ice concentration from an Arctic weather station. Finally, the shape of the reflected signals and its phase dispersion are tested as potential signatures of surface roughness. For comparison, ice charts of the experimental area are employed. In particular, maximums in roughness given by the GNSS observables coincide with fast ice events. Fast ice is defined as ice anchored to the coast, where the tidal movements contribute to the development of strange patterns, cracks, and fissures on its surface, thus consistent with the GNSS-R roughness retrievals. The second experiment took place on Antarctica, monitoring a pristine snow area which is well-known for the calibration of remote sensing instruments. Due to the relative stability of the snow layers, the data acquisition was limited to ten continuous days. Interferometric beats were found after a first analysis of the amplitude from the collected signals, which were consistent with a multipath model where the reflector lies below the surface level. Motivated by these results, a forward model is developed that reconstructs the complex received signal as a sum of a finite number of reflections, coming from different snow layers (a snow density profile obtained from in-situ measurements). The interferometric information is then retrieved from the spectral analysis applied to time series from both real and modeled signals (lag-holograms). We find that the frequency bands predicted by the model are in general consistent with the data and the lag-holograms show repeatability for different days. Then, we attempt a proper inversion of the collected data to determine the dominant layers of the dry snow profile that contribute to L-band reflections, which are related to significant gradients of snow density/permittivity.Aquest treball avalua el possible ús dels senyals dels sistemes mundials de navegació per satèl lit (GNSS) que es reflecteixen a la superfície terrestre, per a l’extracció de la informació geofísica de la criosfera. Amb aquest propòsit, el present estudi es basa en dades recollides amb un reflectòmetre GNSS durant dues campanyes experimentals, centrades en dos tipus de superfícies característiques de la criosfera: cobertes de gel marí i gruixudes acumulacions de neu seca. En el primer experiment, el procés complet de formació, evolució i fusió del gel marí va ser monitoritzat durant més de set mesos a una badia situada a Groenlàndia. Aquest tipus de gel es caracteritza típicament amb el seu gruix, concentració i rugositat. Diferents observables de les reflexions GNSS són analitzats per tractar de fer una estimació d’aquestes propietats. El gruix de gel està relacionat amb el nivell de francbord, que a la seva vegada està relacionat amb l’alçada de la superfície de gel marí. S’ha aconseguit altimetria de fase precisa, que mostra correlació amb un model de marea de l’Àrtic. A més, els resultats a llarg termini de l’alçada elipsoidal segueixen l’evolució de les mesures de temperatura de superfície de gel donades per MODIS. La temperatura és un paràmetre clau en el ritme de creixement del gel marí. Per altra banda, la presència de sal a aquest tipus de gel modifica les seves propietats dielèctriques, el que implica variacions d’amplitud i fase per als coeficients de Fresnel complexos amb polaritzacions oposades. Les mesures polarimètriques obtingudes mostren concordança amb els valors de concentració de gel obtinguts des d’una estació meteorològica propera. Finalment, la forma de la senyal reflectida i la dispersió de la seva fase s’evaluen com a potencials indicadors de la rugositat de superfície. Per a la seva comparació, es fan servir mapes del gel de la zona experimental. En concret, els valors màxims a la rugositat estimada a partir pels observables GNSS coincideixen amb el gel fixe, que es refereix a gel ancorat a la costa, on els moviments de les marees contribueixen al desenvolupament de patrons estranys, esquerdes i fissures en la seva superfície. El segon experiment es va dur a terme a l’Antàrtida, monitoritzant una àrea de neu pristina que és ben coneguda per al calibratge d’instruments de teledetecció. A causa de la relativa estabilitat de les capes de neu, l’adquisició de dades es va limitar a deu dies consecutius. Es van trobar pulsacions interferomètriques a partir d’un primer anàlisi de l’amplitud de les senyals recollides, les quals eren compatibles amb un model de propagació multicamí a on el reflector es troba per sota del nivell de superfície. Com a conseqüència d’aquests resultats, s’ha desenvolupat un model que reconstrueix el senyal complexe rebut com la suma d’un nombre finit de reflexions, procedents de diferents capes de neu (determinat per mesures locals). La informació interferomètrica es recupera després de l’anàlisi espectral aplicat a les sèries temporals tant de les senyals reals, com de les modelades (lag-hologrames). Trobem que les bandes de freqüències predites pel model són en general consistents amb les dades i que els lag-hologrames mostren repetibilitat per dies diferents. Posteriorment, es realitza un anàlisi de les dades recollides per determinar les capes dominants del perfil de neu seca que contribueixen a les reflexions en banda L, i que a la seva vegada, estan relacionades amb gradents significatius de densitat/permitivitat.Este trabajo evalúa el posible uso de las señales de los sistemas globales de navegación por satélite (GNSS) que se reflejan en la superficie terrestre para la extracción de información geofísica de la criosfera. Con este propósito, el presente estudio se basa en datos recogidos con un reflectómetro GNSS durante dos campañas experimentales, centradas en dos tipos de superficies características de la criosfera: capas de hielo marino y gruesas acumulaciones de nieve seca. Durante el primer experimento, el proceso completo de formación, evolución y fusión del hielo marino fue monitorizado durante más de siete meses en una bahía ubicada en Groenlandia. Este tipo de hielo se caracteriza típicamente por su grosor, concentración y rugosidad. Diferentes observables de las reflexiones GNSS son analizados para tratar de estimar dichas propiedades. El espesor de hielo está relacionado con el nivel de francobordo o borda libre, que a su vez está relacionado con la altura de la superficie de hielo marino. Se ha logrado altimetría de fase precisa, mostrando correlación con un modelo de marea del Ártico. Además, los resultados a largo plazo de la altura elipsoidal siguen la evolución de las mediciones de temperatura de superficie de hielo proporcionadas por MODIS. La temperatura es un parámetro clave en el ritmo de crecimiento del hielo marino. Por otro lado, la presencia de sal en este tipo de hielo modifica sus propiedades dieléctricas, lo que implica variaciones en las amplitudes y fases de los coeficientes complejos de Fresnel con polarizaciones opuestas. Los resultados polarimétricos concuerdan con los valores de concentración de hielo obtenidos mediante inspección visual desde una estación meteorológica cercana. Por último, la forma de la señal reflejada y la dispersión de su fase son evaluadas como potenciales indicadores de la rugosidad de superficie. Para su comparación, se emplean mapas del hielo de la zona experimental. En particular, valores máximos de rugosidad estimada por los observables GNSS coinciden con hielo fijo, que se refiere al hielo anclado a la costa, donde los movimientos de las mareas contribuyen al desarrollo de patrones extraños, grietas y fisuras en su superficie. El segundo experimento se llevó a cabo en la Antártida, monitorizando una área de nieve pristina que es bien conocida para la calibración de instrumentos de teledetección. Debido a la relativa estabilidad de las capas de nieve, la adquisición de datos se limitó a diez días consecutivos. Se encontraron pulsaciones interferométricas a partir de un primer análisis de la amplitud de las señales recibidas, las cuales eran compatibles con un modelo de propagación multicamino donde el reflector se encuentra por debajo del nivel de la superficie. Como consecuencia de estos resultados, se ha desarrollado un modelo que reconstruye la señal recibida como la suma de un número finito de reflexiones, procedentes de diferentes capas de nieve (caracterizados por mediciones locales). La información interferométrica se recupera después del análisis espectral aplicado a las series temporales tanto de las señales reales, como de las modeladas (lag-hologramas). Encontramos que las bandas de frecuencias predichas por el modelo son en general consistentes con los datos y que los lag-hologramas muestran repetibilidad para días diferentes. Posteriormente, se realiza un análisis de los datos recogidos para determinar las capas dominantes del perfil de nieve seca que contribuyen a las reflexiones en banda L, y que a su vez, están relacionadas con gradientes significativos de densidad/permitivida

    Tropospheric scintillation and attenuation on satellite-to-Earth links at Ka and Q band: modeling, validation and experimental applications

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    Link budget is a crucial step during the design of every communication system. For this reason it is fundamental to identify and estimate the effects of the atmosphere on the electromagnetic signal along the path from the source to the sink. Troposphere represent the bigger source of attenuation and scintillation for signals in the microwave and upper frequency spectrum. During last years we have participated in the European Space Agency “AlphaSat Aldo Paraboni” experimental campaigns to acquire up to date propagation data at two frequencies of interest for future communication systems. We realized two high performance low-noise receiver located in Rome, one at Ka and one at Q band (19.701 and 39.402 GHz) to detect the two signal beacons sent from the AlphaSat geostationary satellite to a wide area over Europe. Collected data from Rome receiving station have been analysed to measure excess attenuation and scintillation along the path. Such statistics collected in a database together with data from other experimenter will be in the near future a useful instrument, giving professionals updated data for their custom application design. Classical link budget techniques rely on climatological atmospheric statistics based on different time-scales, usually data collected for several years. In the background of the European Space Agency “STEAM” project, we proposed the use of high resolution 3D weather forecast models (up to 166m pixel resolution) for the calculation of excess attenuation and tropospheric scintillation for satellite to earth link. As a result, the estimation of these electromagnetic parameters to use in link budgets could be given no more as a statistical analysis of past events as in the case of Internation Telecommunication Union recommendation but as time-series forecast specific for the selected receiving station and along the slant path of the transmitted signal. Case studies for the use of this technique have been deeply analysed and results compared with data from the AlphaSat measurement campaign for the Rome and Spino d’Adda receiving station, confirming the validity even in different geographical regions. In everyday situations, propagation models based on statistics are often replaced by the use of easier to apply parametric models. Those have the advantage of the simplicity and the need of less input parameter to be applied. In particular, for what concerning the tropospheric scintillation, the Hufnagel-Valley refractive index structure constant (C2n ) parametric model is actually the most used, due to the simplicity and the relative accuracy. We here propose a new Cn2 polynomial parametric model (CPP) based just on the altitude z and a function C2 n0(to,RH0) that allow to calculate the ground refractive index structure constant just using the ground temperature (T0) and the relative humidity (RH0). In this work CPP and Hufnagel-Valley models are applied to different location around the globe to prove their accuracy. The obtained model could be also used in the future to realize a simulator able to generate random C2n vertical profiles specific for the receiver site