352 research outputs found

    An improved Levenshtein algorithm for spelling correction word candidate list generation

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    Candidates’ list generation in spelling correction is a process of finding words from a lexicon that should be close to the incorrect word. The most widely used algorithm for generating candidates’ list for incorrect words is based on Levenshtein distance. However, this algorithm takes too much time when there is a large number of spelling errors. The reason is that calculating Levenshtein algorithm includes operations that create an array and fill the cells of this array by comparing the characters of an incorrect word with the characters of a word from a lexicon. Since most lexicons contain millions of words, then these operations will be repeated millions of times for each incorrect word to generate its candidates list. This dissertation improved Levenshtein algorithm by designing an operational technique that has been included in this algorithm. The proposed operational technique enhances Levenshtein algorithm in terms of the processing time of its executing without affecting its accuracy. It reduces the operations required to measure cells’ values in the first row, first column, second row, second column, third row, and third column in Levenshtein array. The improved Levenshtein algorithm was evaluated against the original algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms Levenshtein algorithm in terms of the processing time by 36.45% while the accuracy of both algorithms is still the same

    Efficient Algorithm for Auto Correction Using n-gram Indexing

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    Auto correction functionality is very popular in search portals. Its principal purpose is to correct common spelling or typing errors, saving time for the user. However, when there are millions of strings in a dictionary, it takes considerable amount of time to find the nearest matching string. Various approaches have been proposed for efficiently implementing auto correction functionality. All of these approaches focus on using suitable data structure and few heuristics to solve the problems. Here, we propose a new idea which eliminates the need for calculating edit distance with each string in the dictionary. It uses the concept of Ngram based indexing and hashing to filter out irrelevant strings from dictionary. Experiments suggest that proposed algorithm provides both efficient and accurate results

    Finite-State Spell-Checking with Weighted Language and Error Models : Building and Evaluating Spell-Checkers with Wikipedia as Corpus

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    In this paper we present simple methods for construction and evaluation of finite-state spell-checking tools using an existing finite-state lexical automaton, freely available finite-state tools and Internet corpora acquired from projects such as Wikipedia. As an example, we use a freely available open-source implementation of Finnish morphology, made with traditional finite-state morphology tools, and demonstrate rapid building of Northern Sámi and English spell checkers from tools and resources available from the Internet.Peer reviewe

    Painolliset äärellistilaiset menetelmät oikaisulukuun

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    This dissertation is a large-scale study of spell-checking and correction using finite-state technology. Finite-state spell-checking is a key method for handling morphologically complex languages in a computationally efficient manner. This dissertation discusses the technological and practical considerations that are required for finite-state spell-checkers to be at the same level as state-of-the-art non-finite-state spell-checkers. Three aspects of spell-checking are considered in the thesis: modelling of correctly written words and word-forms with finite-state language models, applying statistical information to finite-state language models with a specific focus on morphologically complex languages, and modelling misspellings and typing errors using finite-state automata-based error models. The usability of finite-state spell-checkers as a viable alternative to traditional non-finite-state solutions is demonstrated in a large-scale evaluation of spell-checking speed and the quality using languages with morphologically different natures. The selected languages display a full range of typological complexity, from isolating English to polysynthetic Greenlandic with agglutinative Finnish and the Saami languages somewhere in between.Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkin äärellistilaisten menetelmien käyttöä oikaisuluvussa. Äärellistilaiset menetelmät mahdollistavat sananmuodostukseltaan monimutkaisempien kielten, kuten suomen tai grönlannin, sanaston sujuvan käsittelyn oikaisulukusovelluksissa. Käsittelen tutkielmassani tieteellisiä ja käytännöllisiä toteutuksia, jotka ovat tarpeen, jotta tällaisia sananmuodostukseltaan monimutkallisempia kieliä voisi käsitellä oikaisuluvussa yhtä tehokkaasti kuin yksinkertaisempia kieliä, kuten englantia tai muita indo-eurooppalaisia kieliä nyt käsitellään. Tutkielmassa esitellään kolme keskeistä tutkimusongelmaa, jotka koskevat oikaisuluvun toteuttamista sanarakenteeltaan monimutkaisemmille kielille: miten mallintaa oikeinkirjoitetut sanamuodot äärellistilaisin mallein, miten soveltaa tilastollista mallinnusta monimutkaisiin sanarakenteisiin kuten yhdyssanoihin, ja miten mallintaa kirjoitusvirheitä äärellistilaisin mentelmin. Tutkielman tuloksena esitän äärellistilaisia oikaisulukumenetelmiä soveltuvana vaihtoehtona nykyisille oikaisulukimille, tämän todisteena esitän mittaustuloksia, jotka näyttävät, että käyttämäni menetelmät toimivat niin rakenteellisesti yksinkertaisille kielille kuten englannille yhtä hyvin kuin nykyiset menetelmät että rakenteellisesti monimutkaisemmille kielille kuten suomelle, saamelle ja jopa grönlannille riittävän hyvin tullakseen käytetyksi tyypillisissä oikaisulukimissa

    Wavefront Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm On Multicore And Gpgpu Platform.

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    String comparison is a central operation in numerous applications. It has a critical task in many operations such as data mining, spelling error correction and molecular biology (Tan et al, 2007; Michailidis and Margaritis, 2000)