584 research outputs found

    Animal Detection Using Histogram Oriented Gradient

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    Animal detection are useful for many real life applications. Animal detection methods are useful on research related identification of targeted animal and also prevented wild life animal intrusion in residential area. The animal detection becoming important is sue because of the accidents occurring in the residential area. For preventing this issue, the AHDS system is proposed. The system consists animal detection using HOOG - [Haar of Oriented Gradients]. The HOOG is used for extracting the shape and texture features separately and combined those features using joint Learning approach for animal detection. After combining the shape and texture feature, two detection algorithms h ave been used for identifying the animals

    Pedestrian Detection Algorithms using Shearlets

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    In this thesis, we investigate the applicability of the shearlet transform for the task of pedestrian detection. Due to the usage of in several emerging technologies, such as automated or autonomous vehicles, pedestrian detection has evolved into a key topic of research in the last decade. In this time period, a wealth of different algorithms has been developed. According to the current results on the Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark the algorithms can be divided into two categories. First, application of hand-crafted image features and of a classifier trained on these features. Second, methods using Convolutional Neural Networks in which features are learned during the training phase. It is studied how both of these types of procedures can be further improved by the incorporation of shearlets, a framework for image analysis which has a comprehensive theoretical basis

    Histogram of Oriented Phase (HOP): A New Descriptor Based on Phase Congruency

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    In this paper we present a low level image descriptor called Histogram of Oriented Phase based on phase congruency concept and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Since the phase of the signal conveys more information regarding signal structure than the magnitude, the proposed descriptor can precisely identify and localize image features over the gradient based techniques, especially in the regions affected by illumination changes. The proposed features can be formed by extracting the phase congruency information for each pixel in the image with respect to its neighborhood. Histograms of the phase congruency values of the local regions in the image are computed with respect to its orientation. These histograms are concatenated to construct the Histogram of Oriented Phase (HOP) features. The dimensionality of HOP features is reduced using PCA algorithm to form HOP-PCA descriptor. The dimensionless quantity of the phase congruency leads the HOP-PCA descriptor to be more robust to the image scale variations as well as contrast and illumination changes. Several experiments were performed using INRIA and DaimlerChrysler datasets to evaluate the performance of the HOP-PCA descriptor. The experimental results show that the proposed descriptor has better detection performance and less error rates than a set of the state of the art feature extraction methodologies

    Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Urban Context Using a Mono-camera

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    Jalakäijate tuvastus ja jälgimine on üks tähtsamaid aspekte edasijõudnud sõitja abisüsteemides. Need süsteemid aitavad vältida ohtlikke olukordi, juhendades sõitjaid ja hoiatades ettetulevate riskide eest. Jalakäijate tuvastuse ja jälgimise põhiideed on tuvastada jalakäijad siis, kui nad on turvalises tsoonis ja ennustada nende asukohta ja suunda. Selle lõputöö eesmärk on uurida võimalikke meetodeid ja arendada nende põhjal hea algoritm jalakäijate tuvastuseks ja jälgimiseks.Selles lõputöös arendatud lahendus keskendub jalakäija täpsele tuvastamisele ja jälgimisele. Süsteemi täpsuse hindamiseks on saadud tulemusi võrreldud olemasolevate lahendustega.Pedestrian detection and tracking are one of the important aspects in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. These systems help to avoid dangerous situations, by guiding drivers and warning them about the upcoming risks. The main ideas of pedestrian detection and tracking are to detect pedestrians, while they are in the secure zone, and predict their position and direction.The goal of this thesis is to examine possible methods and based on these, to develop a good pedestrian detection and tracking algorithm. The solution developed in this thesis, focuses on accurately detecting and tracking a pedestrian. In order to estimate the accuracy of the system, obtained results will be compared to the existing solutions

    Cyclist Detection, Tracking, and Trajectory Analysis in Urban Traffic Video Data

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    The major objective of this thesis work is examining computer vision and machine learning detection methods, tracking algorithms and trajectory analysis for cyclists in traffic video data and developing an efficient system for cyclist counting. Due to the growing number of cyclist accidents on urban roads, methods for collecting information on cyclists are of significant importance to the Department of Transportation. The collected information provides insights into solving critical problems related to transportation planning, implementing safety countermeasures, and managing traffic flow efficiently. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) employs automated tools to collect traffic information from traffic video data. In comparison to other road users, such as cars and pedestrians, the automated cyclist data collection is relatively a new research area. In this work, a vision-based method for gathering cyclist count data at intersections and road segments is developed. First, we develop methodology for an efficient detection and tracking of cyclists. The combination of classification features along with motion based properties are evaluated to detect cyclists in the test video data. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detector called You Only Look Once (YOLO) is implemented to increase the detection accuracy. In the next step, the detection results are fed into a tracker which is implemented based on the Kernelized Correlation Filters (KCF) which in cooperation with the bipartite graph matching algorithm allows to track multiple cyclists, concurrently. Then, a trajectory rebuilding method and a trajectory comparison model are applied to refine the accuracy of tracking and counting. The trajectory comparison is performed based on semantic similarity approach. The proposed counting method is the first cyclist counting method that has the ability to count cyclists under different movement patterns. The trajectory data obtained can be further utilized for cyclist behavioral modeling and safety analysis

    Computer Vision System-On-Chip Designs for Intelligent Vehicles

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    Intelligent vehicle technologies are growing rapidly that can enhance road safety, improve transport efficiency, and aid driver operations through sensors and intelligence. Advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) is a common platform of intelligent vehicle technologies. Many sensors like LiDAR, radar, cameras have been deployed on intelligent vehicles. Among these sensors, optical cameras are most widely used due to their low costs and easy installation. However, most computer vision algorithms are complicated and computationally slow, making them difficult to be deployed on power constraint systems. This dissertation investigates several mainstream ADAS applications, and proposes corresponding efficient digital circuits implementations for these applications. This dissertation presents three ways of software / hardware algorithm division for three ADAS applications: lane detection, traffic sign classification, and traffic light detection. Using FPGA to offload critical parts of the algorithm, the entire computer vision system is able to run in real time while maintaining a low power consumption and a high detection rate. Catching up with the advent of deep learning in the field of computer vision, we also present two deep learning based hardware implementations on application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) to achieve even lower power consumption and higher accuracy. The real time lane detection system is implemented on Xilinx Zynq platform, which has a dual core ARM processor and FPGA fabric. The Xilinx Zynq platform integrates the software programmability of an ARM processor with the hardware programmability of an FPGA. For the lane detection task, the FPGA handles the majority of the task: region-of-interest extraction, edge detection, image binarization, and hough transform. After then, the ARM processor takes in hough transform results and highlights lanes using the hough peaks algorithm. The entire system is able to process 1080P video stream at a constant speed of 69.4 frames per second, realizing real time capability. An efficient system-on-chip (SOC) design which classifies up to 48 traffic signs in real time is presented in this dissertation. The traditional histogram of oriented gradients (HoG) and support vector machine (SVM) are proven to be very effective on traffic sign classification with an average accuracy rate of 93.77%. For traffic sign classification, the biggest challenge comes from the low execution efficiency of the HoG on embedded processors. By dividing the HoG algorithm into three fully pipelined stages, as well as leveraging extra on-chip memory to store intermediate results, we successfully achieved a throughput of 115.7 frames per second at 1080P resolution. The proposed generic HoG hardware implementation could also be used as an individual IP core by other computer vision systems. A real time traffic signal detection system is implemented to present an efficient hardware implementation of the traditional grass-fire blob detection. The traditional grass-fire blob detection method iterates the input image multiple times to calculate connected blobs. In digital circuits, five extra on-chip block memories are utilized to save intermediate results. By using additional memories, all connected blob information could be obtained through one-pass image traverse. The proposed hardware friendly blob detection can run at 72.4 frames per second with 1080P video input. Applying HoG + SVM as feature extractor and classifier, 92.11% recall rate and 99.29% precision rate are obtained on red lights, and 94.44% recall rate and 98.27% precision rate on green lights. Nowadays, convolutional neural network (CNN) is revolutionizing computer vision due to learnable layer by layer feature extraction. However, when coming into inference, CNNs are usually slow to train and slow to execute. In this dissertation, we studied the implementation of principal component analysis based network (PCANet), which strikes a balance between algorithm robustness and computational complexity. Compared to a regular CNN, the PCANet only needs one iteration training, and typically at most has a few tens convolutions on a single layer. Compared to hand-crafted features extraction methods, the PCANet algorithm well reflects the variance in the training dataset and can better adapt to difficult conditions. The PCANet algorithm achieves accuracy rates of 96.8% and 93.1% on road marking detection and traffic light detection, respectively. Implementing in Synopsys 32nm process technology, the proposed chip can classify 724,743 32-by-32 image candidates in one second, with only 0.5 watt power consumption. In this dissertation, binary neural network (BNN) is adopted as a potential detector for intelligent vehicles. The BNN constrains all activations and weights to be +1 or -1. Compared to a CNN with the same network configuration, the BNN achieves 50 times better resource usage with only 1% - 2% accuracy loss. Taking car detection and pedestrian detection as examples, the BNN achieves an average accuracy rate of over 95%. Furthermore, a BNN accelerator implemented in Synopsys 32nm process technology is presented in our work. The elastic architecture of the BNN accelerator makes it able to process any number of convolutional layers with high throughput. The BNN accelerator only consumes 0.6 watt and doesn\u27t rely on external memory for storage