142 research outputs found

    Reconhecimento de padrões em expressões faciais : algoritmos e aplicações

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O reconhecimento de emoções tem-se tornado um tópico relevante de pesquisa pela comunidade científica, uma vez que desempenha um papel essencial na melhoria contínua dos sistemas de interação humano-computador. Ele pode ser aplicado em diversas áreas, tais como medicina, entretenimento, vigilância, biometria, educação, redes sociais e computação afetiva. Há alguns desafios em aberto relacionados ao desenvolvimento de sistemas emocionais baseados em expressões faciais, como dados que refletem emoções mais espontâneas e cenários reais. Nesta tese de doutorado, apresentamos diferentes metodologias para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de reconhecimento de emoções baseado em expressões faciais, bem como sua aplicabilidade na resolução de outros problemas semelhantes. A primeira metodologia é apresentada para o reconhecimento de emoções em expressões faciais ocluídas baseada no Histograma da Transformada Census (CENTRIST). Expressões faciais ocluídas são reconstruídas usando a Análise Robusta de Componentes Principais (RPCA). A extração de características das expressões faciais é realizada pelo CENTRIST, bem como pelos Padrões Binários Locais (LBP), pela Codificação Local do Gradiente (LGC) e por uma extensão do LGC. O espaço de características gerado é reduzido aplicando-se a Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) e a Análise Discriminante Linear (LDA). Os algoritmos K-Vizinhos mais Próximos (KNN) e Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte (SVM) são usados para classificação. O método alcançou taxas de acerto competitivas para expressões faciais ocluídas e não ocluídas. A segunda é proposta para o reconhecimento dinâmico de expressões faciais baseado em Ritmos Visuais (VR) e Imagens da História do Movimento (MHI), de modo que uma fusão de ambos descritores codifique informações de aparência, forma e movimento dos vídeos. Para extração das características, o Descritor Local de Weber (WLD), o CENTRIST, o Histograma de Gradientes Orientados (HOG) e a Matriz de Coocorrência em Nível de Cinza (GLCM) são empregados. A abordagem apresenta uma nova proposta para o reconhecimento dinâmico de expressões faciais e uma análise da relevância das partes faciais. A terceira é um método eficaz apresentado para o reconhecimento de emoções audiovisuais com base na fala e nas expressões faciais. A metodologia envolve uma rede neural híbrida para extrair características visuais e de áudio dos vídeos. Para extração de áudio, uma Rede Neural Convolucional (CNN) baseada no log-espectrograma de Mel é usada, enquanto uma CNN construída sobre a Transformada de Census é empregada para a extração das características visuais. Os atributos audiovisuais são reduzidos por PCA e LDA, então classificados por KNN, SVM, Regressão Logística (LR) e Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB). A abordagem obteve taxas de reconhecimento competitivas, especialmente em dados espontâneos. A penúltima investiga o problema de detectar a síndrome de Down a partir de fotografias. Um descritor geométrico é proposto para extrair características faciais. Experimentos realizados em uma base de dados pública mostram a eficácia da metodologia desenvolvida. A última metodologia trata do reconhecimento de síndromes genéticas em fotografias. O método visa extrair atributos faciais usando características de uma rede neural profunda e medidas antropométricas. Experimentos são realizados em uma base de dados pública, alcançando taxas de reconhecimento competitivasAbstract: Emotion recognition has become a relevant research topic by the scientific community, since it plays an essential role in the continuous improvement of human-computer interaction systems. It can be applied in various areas, for instance, medicine, entertainment, surveillance, biometrics, education, social networks, and affective computing. There are some open challenges related to the development of emotion systems based on facial expressions, such as data that reflect more spontaneous emotions and real scenarios. In this doctoral dissertation, we propose different methodologies to the development of emotion recognition systems based on facial expressions, as well as their applicability in the development of other similar problems. The first is an emotion recognition methodology for occluded facial expressions based on the Census Transform Histogram (CENTRIST). Occluded facial expressions are reconstructed using an algorithm based on Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA). Extraction of facial expression features is then performed by CENTRIST, as well as Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Local Gradient Coding (LGC), and an LGC extension. The generated feature space is reduced by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms are used for classification. This method reached competitive accuracy rates for occluded and non-occluded facial expressions. The second proposes a dynamic facial expression recognition based on Visual Rhythms (VR) and Motion History Images (MHI), such that a fusion of both encodes appearance, shape, and motion information of the video sequences. For feature extraction, Weber Local Descriptor (WLD), CENTRIST, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) are employed. This approach shows a new direction for performing dynamic facial expression recognition, and an analysis of the relevance of facial parts. The third is an effective method for audio-visual emotion recognition based on speech and facial expressions. The methodology involves a hybrid neural network to extract audio and visual features from videos. For audio extraction, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based on log Mel-spectrogram is used, whereas a CNN built on Census Transform is employed for visual extraction. The audio and visual features are reduced by PCA and LDA, and classified through KNN, SVM, Logistic Regression (LR), and Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB). This approach achieves competitive recognition rates, especially in a spontaneous data set. The second last investigates the problem of detecting Down syndrome from photographs. A geometric descriptor is proposed to extract facial features. Experiments performed on a public data set show the effectiveness of the developed methodology. The last methodology is about recognizing genetic disorders in photos. This method focuses on extracting facial features using deep features and anthropometric measurements. Experiments are conducted on a public data set, achieving competitive recognition ratesDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computação140532/2019-6CNPQCAPE

    Gender and gaze gesture recognition for human-computer interaction

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. The identification of visual cues in facial images has been widely explored in the broad area of computer vision. However theoretical analyses are often not transformed into widespread assistive Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) systems, due to factors such as inconsistent robustness, low efficiency, large computational expense or strong dependence on complex hardware. We present a novel gender recognition algorithm, a modular eye centre localisation approach and a gaze gesture recognition method, aiming to escalate the intelligence, adaptability and interactivity of HCI systems by combining demographic data (gender) and behavioural data (gaze) to enable development of a range of real-world assistive-technology applications. The gender recognition algorithm utilises Fisher Vectors as facial features which are encoded from low-level local features in facial images. We experimented with four types of low-level features: greyscale values, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), LBP histograms and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The corresponding Fisher Vectors were classified using a linear Support Vector Machine. The algorithm has been tested on the FERET database, the LFW database and the FRGCv2 database, yielding 97.7%, 92.5% and 96.7% accuracy respectively. The eye centre localisation algorithm has a modular approach, following a coarse-to-fine, global-to-regional scheme and utilising isophote and gradient features. A Selective Oriented Gradient filter has been specifically designed to detect and remove strong gradients from eyebrows, eye corners and self-shadows (which sabotage most eye centre localisation methods). The trajectories of the eye centres are then defined as gaze gestures for active HCI. The eye centre localisation algorithm has been compared with 10 other state-of-the-art algorithms with similar functionality and has outperformed them in terms of accuracy while maintaining excellent real-time performance. The above methods have been employed for development of a data recovery system that can be employed for implementation of advanced assistive technology tools. The high accuracy, reliability and real-time performance achieved for attention monitoring, gaze gesture control and recovery of demographic data, can enable the advanced human-robot interaction that is needed for developing systems that can provide assistance with everyday actions, thereby improving the quality of life for the elderly and/or disabled

    Towards Realistic Facial Expression Recognition

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    Automatic facial expression recognition has attracted significant attention over the past decades. Although substantial progress has been achieved for certain scenarios (such as frontal faces in strictly controlled laboratory settings), accurate recognition of facial expression in realistic environments remains unsolved for the most part. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate facial expression recognition in unconstrained environments. As one major problem faced by the literature is the lack of realistic training and testing data, this thesis presents a web search based framework to collect realistic facial expression dataset from the Web. By adopting an active learning based method to remove noisy images from text based image search results, the proposed approach minimizes the human efforts during the dataset construction and maximizes the scalability for future research. Various novel facial expression features are then proposed to address the challenges imposed by the newly collected dataset. Finally, a spectral embedding based feature fusion framework is presented to combine the proposed facial expression features to form a more descriptive representation. This thesis also systematically investigates how the number of frames of a facial expression sequence can affect the performance of facial expression recognition algorithms, since facial expression sequences may be captured under different frame rates in realistic scenarios. A facial expression keyframe selection method is proposed based on keypoint based frame representation. Comprehensive experiments have been performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods

    Face modeling for face recognition in the wild.

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    Face understanding is considered one of the most important topics in computer vision field since the face is a rich source of information in social interaction. Not only does the face provide information about the identity of people, but also of their membership in broad demographic categories (including sex, race, and age), and about their current emotional state. Facial landmarks extraction is the corner stone in the success of different facial analyses and understanding applications. In this dissertation, a novel facial modeling is designed for facial landmarks detection in unconstrained real life environment from different image modalities including infra-red and visible images. In the proposed facial landmarks detector, a part based model is incorporated with holistic face information. In the part based model, the face is modeled by the appearance of different face part(e.g., right eye, left eye, left eyebrow, nose, mouth) and their geometric relation. The appearance is described by a novel feature referred to as pixel difference feature. This representation is three times faster than the state-of-art in feature representation. On the other hand, to model the geometric relation between the face parts, the complex Bingham distribution is adapted from the statistical community into computer vision for modeling the geometric relationship between the facial elements. The global information is incorporated with the local part model using a regression model. The model results outperform the state-of-art in detecting facial landmarks. The proposed facial landmark detector is tested in two computer vision problems: boosting the performance of face detectors by rejecting pseudo faces and camera steering in multi-camera network. To highlight the applicability of the proposed model for different image modalities, it has been studied in two face understanding applications which are face recognition from visible images and physiological measurements for autistic individuals from thermal images. Recognizing identities from faces under different poses, expressions and lighting conditions from a complex background is an still unsolved problem even with accurate detection of landmark. Therefore, a learning similarity measure is proposed. The proposed measure responds only to the difference in identities and filter illuminations and pose variations. similarity measure makes use of statistical inference in the image plane. Additionally, the pose challenge is tackled by two new approaches: assigning different weights for different face part based on their visibility in image plane at different pose angles and synthesizing virtual facial images for each subject at different poses from single frontal image. The proposed framework is demonstrated to be competitive with top performing state-of-art methods which is evaluated on standard benchmarks in face recognition in the wild. The other framework for the face understanding application, which is a physiological measures for autistic individual from infra-red images. In this framework, accurate detecting and tracking Superficial Temporal Arteria (STA) while the subject is moving, playing, and interacting in social communication is a must. It is very challenging to track and detect STA since the appearance of the STA region changes over time and it is not discriminative enough from other areas in face region. A novel concept in detection, called supporter collaboration, is introduced. In support collaboration, the STA is detected and tracked with the help of face landmarks and geometric constraint. This research advanced the field of the emotion recognition

    Expression Recognition for Severely Demented Patients in Music Reminiscence-Therapy

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    International audienceRecognizing expressions in severely demented Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients is essential, since such patients have lost a substantial amount of their cognitive capacity, and some even their verbal communication ability (e.g., aphasia). This leaves patients dependent on clinical staff to assess their verbal and non-verbal language, in order to communicate important messages, as of the discomfort associated to potential complications of the AD. Such assessment classically requires the patients' presence in a clinic, and time consuming examination involving medical personnel. Thus, expression monitoring is costly and logistically inconvenient for patients and clinical staff, which hinders among others large-scale monitoring. In this work we present a novel approach for automated recognition of facial activities and expressions of severely demented patients, where we distinguish between four activity and expression states, namely talking, singing, neutral and smiling. Our approach caters to the challenging setting of current medical recordings of music-therapy sessions, which include continuous pose variations, occlusions, camera-movements, camera-artifacts, as well as changing illumination. Additionally and importantly, the (elderly) patients exhibit generally less profound facial activities and expressions in a range of intensities and predominantly occurring in combinations (e.g., talking and smiling). Our proposed approach is based on the extension of the Improved Fisher Vectors (IFV) for videos, representing a video-sequence using both, local, as well as the related spatio-temporal features. We test our algorithm on a dataset of over 229 video sequences, acquired from 10 AD patients, with promising results, which have sparked substantial interest in the medical community. The proposed approach can play a key role in assessment of different therapy treatments, as well as in remote large-scale healthcare-frameworks

    Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics

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    This paper proposes a method to enhance video object detection for indoor environments in robotics. Concretely, it exploits knowledge about the camera motion between frames to propagate previously detected objects to successive frames. The proposal is rooted in the concepts of planar homography to propose regions of interest where to find objects, and recursive Bayesian filtering to integrate observations over time. The proposal is evaluated on six virtual, indoor environments, accounting for the detection of nine object classes over a total of ∼ 7k frames. Results show that our proposal improves the recall and the F1-score by a factor of 1.41 and 1.27, respectively, as well as it achieves a significant reduction of the object categorization entropy (58.8%) when compared to a two-stage video object detection method used as baseline, at the cost of small time overheads (120 ms) and precision loss (0.92).</p
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