284 research outputs found

    Quantitation in MRI : application to ageing and epilepsy

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    Multi-atlas propagation and label fusion techniques have recently been developed for segmenting the human brain into multiple anatomical regions. In this thesis, I investigate possible adaptations of these current state-of-the-art methods. The aim is to study ageing on the one hand, and on the other hand temporal lobe epilepsy as an example for a neurological disease. Overall effects are a confounding factor in such anatomical analyses. Intracranial volume (ICV) is often preferred to normalize for global effects as it allows to normalize for estimated maximum brain size and is hence independent of global brain volume loss, as seen in ageing and disease. I describe systematic differences in ICV measures obtained at 1.5T versus 3T, and present an automated method of measuring intracranial volume, Reverse MNI Brain Masking (RBM), based on tissue probability maps in MNI standard space. I show that this is comparable to manual measurements and robust against field strength differences. Correct and robust segmentation of target brains which show gross abnormalities, such as ventriculomegaly, is important for the study of ageing and disease. We achieved this with incorporating tissue classification information into the image registration process. The best results in elderly subjects, patients with TLE and healthy controls were achieved using a new approach using multi-atlas propagation with enhanced registration (MAPER). I then applied MAPER to the problem of automatically distinguishing patients with TLE with (TLE-HA) and without (TLE-N) hippocampal atrophy on MRI from controls, and determine the side of seizure onset. MAPER-derived structural volumes were used for a classification step consisting of selecting a set of discriminatory structures and applying support vector machine on the structural volumes as well as morphological similarity information such as volume difference obtained with spectral analysis. Acccuracies were 91-100 %, indicating that the method might be clinically useful. Finally, I used the methods developed in the previous chapters to investigate brain regional volume changes across the human lifespan in over 500 healthy subjects between 20 to 90 years of age, using data from three different scanners (2x 1.5T, 1x 3T), using the IXI database. We were able to confirm several known changes, indicating the veracity of the method. In addition, we describe the first multi-region, whole-brain database of normal ageing

    Magnetic resonance imaging In Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and normal aging : Multi-template tensor-based morphometry and visual rating

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease preceded by a stage of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The structural brain changes in AD can be detected more than 20 years before symptoms appear. If we are to reveal early brain changes in AD process, it is important to develop new diagnostic methods. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique used in the diagnosis and monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging can detect the typical signs of brain atrophy of degenerative diseases, but similar changes can also be seen in normal aging. Visual rating methods (VRM) have been developed for visual evaluation of atrophy in dementia. A computer-based tensor-based morphometry (TBM) analysis is capable of assessing the brain volume changes typically encountered in AD. This study compared the VRM and TBM analysis in MCI and AD subjects by cross-sectional and longitudinal examination. The working hypothesis was that TBM analysis would be better than the visual methods in detecting atrophy in the brain. TBM was also used to analyze volume changes in the deep gray matter (DGM). Possible associations between TBM changes and neuropsychological tests performances were examined. This working hypothesis was that the structural DGM changes would be associated with impairments in cognitive functions. In the cross-sectional study, TBM distinguished the MCI from controls more sensitively than VRM, but the methods were equally effective in differentiating AD from MCI and controls. In the longitudinal study, both methods were equally good in the evaluation of atrophy in MCI, if the groups were sufficiently large and the disease progressed to AD. Volume changes were found in DGM structures, and the atrophy of DGM structures was related to cognitive impairment in AD. Based on these results, a TBM analysis is more sensitive in detecting brain changes in early AD as compared to VRM. In addition, the study produced information about the involvement of the deep gray matter in cognitive impairment in AD.Magneettikuvaus Alzheimerin taudissa, lievässä muistihäiriössä ja normaalissa ikääntymisessä: Tensoripohjainen muotoanalyysi ja visuaalinen arviointimenetelmä Alzheimerin tauti (AT) on yleisin dementoiva sairaus, jota edeltää yleensä lievä muistitoimintojen heikentyminen. AT:n aivomuutoksia voidaan todeta yli 20 vuotta ennen sairastumista. Jotta vielä varhaisempia AT:n aivomuutoksia voidaan todeta, on tärkeää kehittää uusia diagnostisia menetelmiä. Magneettikuvausta (MK) käytetään rappeuttavien aivosairauksien diagnostiikassa ja seurannassa. MK:lla voidaan havaita aivorappeumasairauksille tyypillistä kutistumista, mutta samanlaisia muutoksia voi esiintyä myös normaalissa ikääntymisessä. Aivorappeuman arviointiin on kehitetty silmämääräisiä arviointimenetelmiä. Tietokoneperusteinen tensoripohjainen muotoanalyysi (TPM) laskee esimerkiksi AT:lle tyypillisiä aivojen tilavuusmuutoksia. Tämä tutkimus vertaili silmämääräisiä arvioitimenetelmiä ja TPM:ä lievässä muistitoimintojen heikentymisessä ja AT:ssa poikittais- ja pitkittäistutkimuksella. TPM:n oletettiin olevan silmämääräisiä menetelmiä parempi tunnistamaan aivojen kutistumismuutoksia. Lisäksi TPM:llä tutkittiin AT:iin liittyviä aivojen syvän harmaan aiheen muutoksia, joita verrattiin neuropsykologisten testien tuloksiin. Syvän harmaan aineen kutistumisen oletettiin olevan yhteydessä tietojenkäsittelyn heikentymiseen. Tulosten perustella TPM tunnisti AT:iin liittyviä aivomuutoksia silmämääräistä menetelmää paremmin jo lievän muistitoimintojen heikentymisen vaiheessa. AT:iin liittyviä aivomuutoksia löytyi myös aivojen syvästä harmaasta aineesta ja ne olivat osittain yhteydessä neuropsykologisten testien tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella TPM voi parantaa AT:n varhaisdiagnostiikkaa verrattuna silmämääräisiin arviointimenetelmiin. Tutkimus antoi myös tietoa aivojen syvän harmaan aineen osallisuudesta ihmisen tietojenkäsittelyyn

    Evaluation of Cerebral Lateral Ventricular Enlargement Derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Candidate Biomarker of Alzheimer Disease Progression in Vivo

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    Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and has grievous mortality rates. Measuring brain volumes from structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) may be useful for illuminating disease progression. The goal of this thesis was to (1) help refine a novel technique used to segment the lateral cerebral ventricles from MRI, (2) validate this tool, and determine group-wise differences between normal elderly controls (NEC) and subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD and (3) determine the number of subjects necessary to detect a 20 percent change from the natural history of ventricular enlargement with respect to genotype. Three dimensional Ti-weighted MRI and cognitive measures were acquired from 504 subjects (NEC n = 152, MCI n = 247 and AD n = 105) participating in the multi-centre Alzheimer\u27s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Cerebral ventricular volume was quantified at baseline and after six months. For secondary analyses, all groups were dichotomized for Apolipoprotein E genotype based on the presence of an e4 polymorphism. The AD group had greater ventricular enlargement compared to both subjects with MCI (P = 0.0004) and NEC (P \u3c 0.0001), and subjects with MCI had a greater rate of ventricular enlargement compared to NEC (P =0.0001). MCI subjects that progressed to clinical AD after six months had greater ventricular enlargement than stable MCI subjects (P = 0.0270). Ventricular enlargement was different between apolipoprotein E genotypes within the AD group (P = 0.010). The number of subjects required to demonstrate a 20% change in ventricular enlargement (AD: N=342, MCI: N=1180) was substantially lower than that required to demonstrate a 20% change in cognitive scores (MMSE) (AD: N=7056, MCI: N=7712). Therefore, ventricular enlargement represents a feasible short-term marker of disease progression in subjects with MCI and subjects with AD for multi-centre studie

    Development and application of a human cortical brain atlas on MRI considering phylogeny = Développement et emploi d’un atlas du cortex cérébral humain réalisé sur IRM et tenant compte de la phylogénie

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    Le cortex cérébral est une structure en couches complexe qui remplit différents types de fonctions. Au cours de l’histoire des neurosciences, plusieurs atlas corticaux ont été développés pour classifier différentes régions du cortex en tant que zones aux caractéristiques structurelles ou fonctionnelles communes, afin d'étudier et de quantifier les changements aux états sain et pathologique. Cependant, il n'existe pas d'atlas suivant une approche phylogénétique, c'est-à-dire, basée sur les critères d'évolution communs. Ce mémoire présente les étapes de création d'un nouvel atlas dans un modèle d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) en espace standard (pseudo-Talairach) : le PAN-Atlas, basé sur l'origine phylogénétique commune de chaque zone corticale, et son application sur des scans d’IRM de dix individus pour évaluer sa performance. D’abord, nous avons regroupé les différentes régions corticales en cinq régions d'intérêt (RdI) d'origine phylogénétique connue (archicortex, paléocortex, périarchicortex, proïsocortex, isocortex ou néocortex) sur la base de protocoles de segmentation validés histologiquement par d'autres groupes de chercheurs. Puis, nous avons segmenté ces régions manuellement sur le modèle d’IRM cérébrale moyen MNI-ICBM 2009c, en formant des masques. Par la suite, on a utilisé un pipeline multi-étapes de traitement des images pour réaliser le recalage des masques de notre atlas aux scans pondérés T1 de dix participants sains, en obtenant ainsi des masques automatiques pour chaque RdI. Les masques automatiques ont été évalués après une correction manuelle par le biais de l’indice Dice-kappa, qui quantifie la colocalisation des voxels de chaque masque automatique vs. le masque corrigé manuellement. L’indice a montré une très bonne à excellente performance de notre atlas. Cela a permis l’évaluation et comparaison des volumes corticales de chaque région et la quantification des valeurs de transfert de magnétisation (ITM), qui sont sensibles à la quantité de myéline présente dans le tissu. Ce travail montre que la division régionale du cortex en IRM avec une approche phylogénétique est réalisable à l'aide de notre PAN-Atlas en espace standard et que les masques peuvent être utilisés pour différents types de quantifications, comme les volumes corticaux, ou l’estimation des valeurs de ITM. Notre atlas pourrait éventuellement servir à évaluer les différences entre personnes saines et celles atteintes par des maladies neurodégénératives ou d’autres maladies neurologiques.The cerebral cortex is a complex layered structure that performs different types of functions. Throughout the history of neuroscience, several cortical atlases have been developed to classify/divide different regions of the cortex into areas with common structural or functional characteristics, to then study and quantify changes in healthy and pathological states. However, to date, there is no atlas following a phylogenetic approach, i.e. based on the common evolution criteria. This thesis presents the steps of creation of a new atlas corresponding to a standard MRI template: the PAN-Atlas, based on the common phylogenetic origin of each cortical zone, and its application on MRI scans of ten healthy participants to assess its performance. First, we grouped the different cortical regions into five regions of interest (ROI) of known phylogenetic origin (archicortex, paleocortex, periarchicortex, proisocortex, isocortex or neocortex) based on MRI protocols previously validated through histology by other groups of researchers. Then, we manually segmented these ROIs on the MNI-ICBM 2009c average brain MRI template, creating corresponding masks. We then used a multi-step image processing pipeline to register the atlas’ masks to T1 weighted images of ten healthy participants, generating automatic masks for each scan. The accuracy of these automatic atlas’ masks was assessed after manual correction using Dice-kappa similarity index, to quantify the colocalization of the automatic vs. the manually corrected masks. The Dice-kappa values showed a very good to excellent performance of the automatic atlas’ masks. This allowed the evaluation and comparison of cortical volumes of each ROI, as well as the quantification of magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) values, which are sensitive to myelin content. This work shows that the division of the cortex on MRI following a phylogenetic approach is feasible using our PAN Atlas, and that the masks of the atlas can be used to perform different types of quantifications, such as the ones presented here (cortical volume and MTR per ROI). Our atlas could similarly be used to assess differences between the cortex of healthy individuals and people affected by neurodegenerative diseases and other neurological disorders

    Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Quantitative Analysis Approaches in Patients with Refractory Focal Epilepsy

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    Background Epilepsy has a high prevalence of 1%, which makes it the most common serious neurological disorder. The most difficult to treat type of epilepsy is temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with its most commonly associated lesion being hippocampal sclerosis (HS). About 30-50% of all patients undergoing resective surgery of epileptogenic tissue continue to have seizures postoperatively. Indication for this type of surgery is only given when lesions are clearly visible on magnetic resonance images (MRI). About 30% of all patients with focal epilepsy do not show an underlying structural lesion upon qualitative neuroradiological MRI assessment (MRI-negative). Objectives The work presented in this thesis uses MRI data to quantitatively investigate structural differences between brains of patients with focal epilepsy and healthy controls using automated imaging preprocessing and analysis methods. Methods All patients studied in this thesis had electrophysiological evidence of focal epilepsy, and underwent routine clinical MRI prior to participation in this study. There were two datasets and both included a cohort of age-matched controls: (i) Patients with TLE and associated HS who later underwent selective amygdalahippocampectomy (cohort 1) and (ii) MRI-negative patients with medically refractory focal epilepsy (cohort 2). The participants received high- resolution routine clinical MRI as well as additional sequences for gray and white matter (GM/WM) structural imaging. A neuroradiologist reviewed all images prior to analysis. Hippocampal subfield volume and automated tractography analysis was performed in patients with TLE and HS and related to post-surgical outcomes, while images of MRI- negative patients were analyzed using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and manual/automated tractography. All studies were designed to detect quantitative differences between patients and controls, except for the hippocampal subfield analysis as control data was not available and comparisons were limited to patients with persistent postoperative seizures and those without. Results 1. Automated hippocampal subfield analysis (cohort 1): The high-resolution hippocampal subfield segmentation technique cannot establish a link between hippocampal subfield volume loss and post-surgical outcome. Ipsilateral and contralateral hippocampal subfield volumes did not correlate with clinical variables such as duration of epilepsy and age of onset of epilepsy. 2. Automated WM diffusivity analysis (cohort 1): Along-the-tract analysis showed that ipsilateral tracts of patients with right/left TLE and HS were more extensively affected than contralateral tracts and the affected regions within tracts could be specified. The extent of hippocampal atrophy (HA) was not related to (i) the diffusion alterations of temporal lobe tracts or (ii) clinical characteristics of patients, whereas diffusion alterations of ipsilateral temporal lobe tracts were significantly related to age at onset of epilepsy, duration of epilepsy and epilepsy burden.Patients without any postoperative seizure symptoms (excellent outcomes) had more ipsilaterally distributed WM tract diffusion alterations than patients with persistent postoperative seizures (poorer outcomes), who were affected bilaterally. 3. Automated epileptogenic lesion detection (cohort 2): Comparison of individual patients against the controls revealed that focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) can be detected automatically using statistical thresholds. All sites of dysplasia reported at the start of the study were detected using this technique. Two additional sites in two different patients, which had previously escaped neuroradiological assessment, could be identified. When taking these statistical results into account during re-assessment of the dedicated epilepsy research MRI, the expert neuroradiologist was able to confirm these as lesions. 4. Manual and automated WM diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis (cohort 2): The analysis of consistency across approaches revealed a moderate to good agreement between extracted tract shape, morphology and space and a strong correlation between diffusion values extracted with both methods. While whole-tract DTI-metrics determined using Automated Fiber Quantification (AFQ) revealed correlations with clinical variables such as age of onset and duration of epilepsy, these correlations were not found using the manual technique. The manual approach revealed more differences than AFQ in group comparisons of whole-tract DTI-metrics. Along-the-tract analysis provided within AFQ gave a more detailed description of localized diffusivity changes along tracts, which correlated with clinical variables such as age of onset and epilepsy duration. Conclusions While hippocampal subfield volume loss in patients with TLE and HS was not related with any clinical variables or to post-surgical outcomes, WM tract diffusion alterations were more bilaterally distributed in patients with persistent postoperative seizures, compared to patients with excellent outcomes. This may indicate that HS as an initial precipitating injury is not affected by clinical features of the disorder and automated hippocampal subfield mapping based on MRI is not sufficient to stratify patients according to outcome. Presence of persisting seizures may depend on other pathological processes such as seizure propagation through WM tracts and WM integrity. Automated and time-efficient three-dimensional voxel-based analysis may complement conventional visual assessments in patients with MRI-negative focal epilepsy and help to identify FCDs escaping routine neuroradiological assessment. Furthermore, automated along-the-tract analysis may identify widespread abnormal diffusivity and correlations between WM integrity loss and clinical variables in patients with MRI-negative epilepsy. However, automated WM tract analysis may differ from results obtained with manual methods and therefore caution should be exercised when using automated techniques

    A Longitudinal Study of Closed Head Injury: Neuropsychological Outcome and Structural Analysis using Region of Interest Measurements and Voxel-Based Morphometry

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    Background: The hippocampus and corpus callosum have been shown to be vulnerable in head injury. Various neuroimaging modalities and quantitative measurement techniques have been employed to investigate pathological changes in these structures. Cognitive and behavioural deficiencies have also been well documented in head injury. Aims: The aim of this research project was to investigate structural changes in the hippocampus and corpus callosum. Two different quantitative methods were used to measure physical changes and neuropsychological assessment was performed to determine cognitive and behavioural deficit. It was also intended to investigate the relationship between structural change and neuropsychology at 1 and 6 months post injury. Method: Forty-seven patients with head injury (ranging from mild to severe) had undergone a battery of neuropsychological tests and an MRI scan at 1 and 6 months post injury. T1-weighted MRI scans were obtained and analysis of hippocampus and corpus callosum was performed using region-of-interest techniques and voxel-based morphometry which also included comparison to 18 healthy volunteers. The patients completed neuropsychological assessment at 1 and 6 months post injury and data obtained was analysed with respect to each assessment and with structural data to determine cognitive decline and correlation with neuroanatomy. Results: Voxel-based morphometry illustrated reduced whole scan signal differences between patients and controls and changes in patients between 1 and 6 months post injury. Reduced grey matter concentration was also found using voxel-based morphometry and segmented images between patients and controls. A number of neuropsychological aspects were related to injury severity and correlations with neuroanatomy were present. Voxel-based morphometry provided a greater number of associations than region-of-interest analysis. No longitudinal changes were found in the hippocampus or corpus callosum using region-of-interest methodology or voxel-based morphometry. Conclusions: Decreased grey matter concentration identified with voxel-based morphometry illustrated that structural deficit was present in the head injured patients and does not change between 1 and 6 months. Voxel-based morphometry appears more sensitive for detecting structural changes after head injury than region- of-interest methods. Although the majority of patients had suffered mild head injury, cognitive and neurobehavioural deficits were evidenced by a substantial number of patients reporting increased anxiety and depression levels. Also, the findings of relationships between reduced grey matter concentration and cognitive test scores are indicative of the effects of diffuse brain damage in the patient group

    Evaluation of recurrent glioma and Alzheimer’s disease using novel multimodal brain image processing and analysis

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    Novel analysis techniques were applied to two different sets of multi-modality brain images. Localised metabolic rate within the hippocampus was assessed for its ability to differentiate between groups of healthy, mildly cognitively impaired, and Alzheimer’s disease brains, and an investigation of its potential clinical diagnostic utility was conducted. Relative uptake and retention of two PET tracers (11Carbon Methionine and 18Fluoro Thymidine) in a post-treatment glioma patient cohort was utilized to perform survival prediction analysis