20 research outputs found

    Fast and Lean Immutable Multi-Maps on the JVM based on Heterogeneous Hash-Array Mapped Tries

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    An immutable multi-map is a many-to-many thread-friendly map data structure with expected fast insert and lookup operations. This data structure is used for applications processing graphs or many-to-many relations as applied in static analysis of object-oriented systems. When processing such big data sets the memory overhead of the data structure encoding itself is a memory usage bottleneck. Motivated by reuse and type-safety, libraries for Java, Scala and Clojure typically implement immutable multi-maps by nesting sets as the values with the keys of a trie map. Like this, based on our measurements the expected byte overhead for a sparse multi-map per stored entry adds up to around 65B, which renders it unfeasible to compute with effectively on the JVM. In this paper we propose a general framework for Hash-Array Mapped Tries on the JVM which can store type-heterogeneous keys and values: a Heterogeneous Hash-Array Mapped Trie (HHAMT). Among other applications, this allows for a highly efficient multi-map encoding by (a) not reserving space for empty value sets and (b) inlining the values of singleton sets while maintaining a (c) type-safe API. We detail the necessary encoding and optimizations to mitigate the overhead of storing and retrieving heterogeneous data in a hash-trie. Furthermore, we evaluate HHAMT specifically for the application to multi-maps, comparing them to state-of-the-art encodings of multi-maps in Java, Scala and Clojure. We isolate key differences using microbenchmarks and validate the resulting conclusions on a real world case in static analysis. The new encoding brings the per key-value storage overhead down to 30B: a 2x improvement. With additional inlining of primitive values it reaches a 4x improvement

    To-many or to-one? All-in-one! Efficient purely functional multi-maps with type-heterogeneous hash-tries

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    An immutable multi-map is a many-to-many map data structure with expected fast insert and lookup operations. This data structure is used for applications processing graphs or many-to-many relations as applied in compilers, runtimes of programming languages, or in static analysis of object-oriented systems. Collection data structures are assumed to carefully balance execution time of operations with memory consumption characteristics and need to scale gracefully from a few elements to multiple gigabytes at least. When processing larger in-memory data sets the overhead of the data structure encoding itself becomes a memory usage bottleneck, dominating the overall performance. In this paper we propose AXIOM, a novel hash-trie data structure that allows for a highly efficient and type-safe multi-map encoding by distinguishing inlined values of singleton sets from nested sets of multi-mappings

    Towards a software product line of trie-based collections

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    Collection data structures in standard libraries of programming languages are designed to excel for the average case by carefully balancing memory footprint and runtime performance. These implicit design decisions and hard-coded trade-offs do constrain users from using an optimal variant for a given problem. Although a wide range of specialized collections is available for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), they introduce yet another dependency and complicate user adoption by requiring specific Application Program Interfaces (APIs) incompatible with the standard library. A product line for collection data structures would relieve library designers from optimizing for the general case. Furthermore, a product line allows evolving the potentially large code base of a collection family efficiently. The challenge is to find a small core framework for collection data structures which covers all variations without exhaustively listing them, while supporting good performance at the same time. We claim that the concept of Array Mapped Tries (AMTs) embodies a high degree of commonality in the sub-domain of immutable collection data structures. AMTs are flexible enough to cover most of the variability, while minimizing code bloat in the generator and the generated code. We implemented a Data Structure Code Generator (DSCG) that emits immutable collections based on an AMT skeleton foundation. The generated data structures outperform competitive handoptimized implementations, and the generator still allows for customization towards specific workloads

    Persistent Data Structures for Incremental Join Indices

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    Join indices are used in relational databases to make join operations faster. Join indices essentially materialise the results of join operations and so accrue maintenance cost, which makes them more suitable for use cases where modifications are rare and joins are performed frequently. To make the maintenance cost lower incrementally updating existing indices is to be preferred. The usage of persistent data structures for the join indices were explored. Motivation for this research was the ability of persistent data structures to construct multiple partially different versions of the same data structure memory efficiently. This is useful, because there can exist different versions of join indices simultaneously due to usage of multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) in a database. The techniques used in Relaxed Radix Balanced Trees (RRB-Trees) persistent data structure were found promising, but none of the popular implementations were found directly suitable for the use case. This exploration was done from the context of a particular proprietary embedded in-memory columnar multidimensional database called FastormDB developed by RELEX Solutions. This focused the research into Java Virtual Machine (JVM) based data structures as the implementation of FastormDB is in Java. Multiple persistent data-structures made for the thesis and ones from Scala, Clojure and Paguro were evaluated with Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) and Java Object Layout (JOL) based benchmarks and their results analysed via visualisations

    Benchmark-driven Software Performance Optimization

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    Software systems are an integral part of modern society. As we continue to harness software automation in all aspects of our daily lives, the runtime performance of these systems become increasingly important. When everything seems just a click away, performance issues that compromise the responsiveness of a system can lead to severe financial and reputation losses. Designing efficient code is critical for ensuring good and consistent performance of software systems. It requires performance expertize, and encompasses a set of difficult design decisions that need to be continuously revisited throughout the evolution of the software. Developers must test the performance of their core implementations, select efficient data structures and algorithms, explore parallel processing when it provides performance benefits, among many other aspects. Furthermore, the constant pressure for high-productivity laid on developers, aligned with the increasing complexity of modern software, makes designing efficient code an even more challenging endeavor. This thesis presents a series of novel approaches based on empirical insights that attempt to support developers at the task of designing efficient code. We present contributions in three aspects. First, we investigate the prevalence and impact of bad practices on performance benchmarks of Java-based open-source software. We show that not only these bad practices occur frequently, they often distort the benchmark results substantially. Moreover, we devise a tool that can be used by developers to identify bad practices during benchmark creation automatically. Second, we design an application-level framework that identifies suboptimal implementations and selects optimized variants at runtime, effectively optimizing the execution time and memory usage of the target application. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of data structures from several popular collection libraries. Our findings show that alternative variants can be selected for substantial performance improvement under specific usage scenarios. Third, we investigate the parallelization of object processing via Java streams. We propose a decision-support framework that leverages machine-learning models trained through a series of benchmarks, to identify and report stream pipelines that should be processed in parallel for better performance

    Refactoring of Security Antipatterns in Distributed Java Components

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    The importance of JAVA as a programming and execution environment has grown steadily over the past decade. Furthermore, the IT industry has adapted JAVA as a major building block for the creation of new middleware as well as a technology facilitating the migration of existing applications towards web-driven environments. Parallel in time, the role of security in distributed environments has gained attention, as a large amount of middleware applications has replaced enterprise-level mainframe systems. The protection of confidentiality, integrity and availability are therefore critical for the market success of a product. The vulnerability level of every product is determined by the weakest embedded component, and selling vulnerable products can cause enormous economic damage to software vendors. An important goal of this work is to create the awareness that the usage of a programming language, which is designed as being secure, is not sufficient to create secure and trustworthy distributed applications. Moreover, the incorporation of the threat model of the programming language improves the risk analysis by allowing a better definition of the attack surface of the application. The evolution of a programming language leads towards common patterns for solutions for recurring quality aspects. Suboptimal solutions, also known as ´antipatterns´, are typical causes for quality weaknesses such as security vulnerabilities. Moreover, the exposure to a specific environment is an important parameter for threat analysis, as code considered secure in a specific scenario can cause unexpected risks when switching the environment. Antipatterns are a well-established means on the abstractional level of system modeling to inform about the effects of incomplete solutions, which are also important in the later stages of the software development process. Especially on the implementation level, we see a deficit of helpful examples, that would give programmers a better and holistic understanding. In our basic assumption, we link the missing experience of programmers regarding the security properties of patterns within their code to the creation of software vulnerabilities. Traditional software development models focus on security properties only on the meta layer. To transfer these efficiently to the practical level, we provide a three-stage approach: First, we focus on typical security problems within JAVA applications, and develop a standardized catalogue of ´antipatterns´ with examples from standard software products. Detecting and avoiding these antipatterns positively influences software quality. We therefore focus, as second element of our methodology, on possible enhancements to common models for the software development process. These help to control and identify the occurrence of antipatterns during development activities, i. e. during the coding phase and during the phase of component assembly, integrating one´s own and third party code. Within the third part, and emphasizing the practical focus of this research, we implement prototypical tools for support of the software development phase. The practical findings of this research helped to enhance the security of the standard JAVA platforms and JEE frameworks. We verified the relevance of our methods and tools by applying these to standard software products leading to a measurable reduction of vulnerabilities and an information exchange with middleware vendors (Sun Microsystems, JBoss) targeting runtime security. Our goal is to enable software architects and software developers developing end-user applications to apply our findings with embedded standard components on their environments. From a high-level perspective, software architects profit from this work through the projection of the quality-of-service goals to protection details. This supports their task of deriving security requirements when selecting standard components. In order to give implementation-near practitioners a helpful starting point to benefit from our research we provide tools and case-studies to achieve security improvements within their own code base.Die Bedeutung der Programmiersprache JAVA als Baustein für Softwareentwicklungs- und Produktionsinfrastrukturen ist im letzten Jahrzehnt stetig gestiegen. JAVA hat sich als bedeutender Baustein für die Programmierung von Middleware-Lösungen etabliert. Ebenfalls evident ist die Verwendung von JAVA-Technologien zur Migration von existierenden Arbeitsplatz-Anwendungen hin zu webbasierten Einsatzszenarien. Parallel zu dieser Entwicklung hat sich die Rolle der IT-Sicherheit nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Verdrängung von mainframe-basierten Systemen hin zu verteilten Umgebungen verstärkt. Der Schutz von Vertraulichkeit, Integrität und Verfügbarkeit ist seit einigen Jahren ein kritisches Alleinstellungsmerkmal für den Markterfolg von Produkten. Verwundbarkeiten in Produkten wirken mittlerweile indirekt über kundenseitigen Vertrauensverlust negativ auf den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Softwarehersteller, zumal der Sicherheitsgrad eines Systems durch die verwundbarste Komponente bestimmt wird. Ein zentrales Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erkenntnis zu vermitteln, dass die alleinige Nutzung einer als ´sicher´ eingestuften Programmiersprache nicht als alleinige Grundlage zur Erstellung von sicheren und vertrauenswürdigen Anwendungen ausreicht. Vielmehr führt die Einbeziehung des Bedrohungsmodells der Programmiersprache zu einer verbesserten Risikobetrachtung, da die Angriffsfläche einer Anwendung detaillierter beschreibbar wird. Die Entwicklung und fortschreitende Akzeptanz einer Programmiersprache führt zu einer Verbreitung von allgemein anerkannten Lösungsmustern zur Erfüllung wiederkehrender Qualitätsanforderungen. Im Bereich der Dienstqualitäten fördern ´Gegenmuster´, d.h. nichtoptimale Lösungen, die Entstehung von Strukturschwächen, welche in der Domäne der IT-Sicherheit ´Verwundbarkeiten´ genannt werden. Des Weiteren ist die Einsatzumgebung einer Anwendung eine wichtige Kenngröße, um eine Bedrohungsanalyse durchzuführen, denn je nach Beschaffenheit der Bedrohungen im Zielszenario kann eine bestimmte Benutzeraktion eine Bedrohung darstellen, aber auch einen erwarteten Anwendungsfall charakterisieren. Während auf der Modellierungsebene ein breites Angebot von Beispielen zur Umsetzung von Sicherheitsmustern besteht, fehlt es den Programmierern auf der Implementierungsebene häufig an ganzheitlichem Verständnis. Dieses kann durch Beispiele, welche die Auswirkungen der Verwendung von ´Gegenmustern´ illustrieren, vermittelt werden. Unsere Kernannahme besteht darin, dass fehlende Erfahrung der Programmierer bzgl. der Sicherheitsrelevanz bei der Wahl von Implementierungsmustern zur Entstehung von Verwundbarkeiten führt. Bei der Vermittlung herkömmlicher Software-Entwicklungsmodelle wird die Integration von praktischen Ansätzen zur Umsetzung von Sicherheitsanforderungen zumeist nur in Meta-Modellen adressiert. Zur Erweiterung des Wirkungsgrades auf die praktische Ebene wird ein dreistufiger Ansatz präsentiert. Im ersten Teil stellen wir typische Sicherheitsprobleme von JAVA-Anwendungen in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung, und entwickeln einen standardisierten Katalog dieser ´Gegenmuster´. Die Relevanz der einzelnen Muster wird durch die Untersuchung des Auftretens dieser in Standardprodukten verifiziert. Der zweite Untersuchungsbereich widmet sich der Integration von Vorgehensweisen zur Identifikation und Vermeidung der ´Sicherheits-Gegenmuster´ innerhalb des Software-Entwicklungsprozesses. Hierfür werden zum einen Ansätze für die Analyse und Verbesserung von Implementierungsergebnissen zur Verfügung gestellt. Zum anderen wird, induziert durch die verbreitete Nutzung von Fremdkomponenten, die arbeitsintensive Auslieferungsphase mit einem Ansatz zur Erstellung ganzheitlicher Sicherheitsrichtlinien versorgt. Da bei dieser Arbeit die praktische Verwendbarkeit der Ergebnisse eine zentrale Anforderung darstellt, wird diese durch prototypische Werkzeuge und nachvollziehbare Beispiele in einer dritten Perspektive unterstützt. Die Relevanz der Anwendung der entwickelten Methoden und Werkzeuge auf Standardprodukte zeigt sich durch die im Laufe der Forschungsarbeit entdeckten Sicherheitsdefizite. Die Rückmeldung bei führenden Middleware-Herstellern (Sun Microsystems, JBoss) hat durch gegenseitigen Erfahrungsaustausch im Laufe dieser Forschungsarbeit zu einer messbaren Verringerung der Verwundbarkeit ihrer Middleware-Produkte geführt. Neben den erreichten positiven Auswirkungen bei den Herstellern der Basiskomponenten sollen Erfahrungen auch an die Architekten und Entwickler von Endprodukten, welche Standardkomponenten direkt oder indirekt nutzen, weitergereicht werden. Um auch dem praktisch interessierten Leser einen möglichst einfachen Einstieg zu bieten, stehen die Werkzeuge mit Hilfe von Fallstudien in einem praktischen Gesamtzusammenhang. Die für das Tiefenverständnis notwendigen Theoriebestandteile bieten dem Software-Architekten die Möglichkeit sicherheitsrelevante Auswirkungen einer Komponentenauswahl frühzeitig zu erkennen und bei der Systemgestaltung zu nutzen

    Arquitectura, técnicas y modelos para posibilitar la Ciencia de Datos en el Archivo de la Misión Gaia

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 26/05/2017.The massive amounts of data that the world produces every day pose new challenges to modern societies in terms of how to leverage their inherent value. Social networks, instant messaging, video, smart devices and scientific missions are just mere examples of the vast number of sources generating data every second. As the world becomes more and more digitalized, new needs arise for organizing, archiving, sharing, analyzing, visualizing and protecting the ever-increasing data sets, so that we can truly develop into a data-driven economy that reduces inefficiencies and increases sustainability, creating new business opportunities on the way. Traditional approaches for harnessing data are not suitable any more as they lack the means for scaling to the larger volumes in a timely and cost efficient manner. This has somehow changed with the advent of Internet companies like Google and Facebook, which have devised new ways of tackling this issue. However, the variety and complexity of the value chains in the private sector as well as the increasing demands and constraints in which the public one operates, needs an ongoing research that can yield newer strategies for dealing with data, facilitate the integration of providers and consumers of information, and guarantee a smooth and prompt transition when adopting these cutting-edge technological advances. This thesis aims at providing novel architectures and techniques that will help perform this transition towards Big Data in massive scientific archives. It highlights the common pitfalls that must be faced when embracing it and how to overcome them, especially when the data sets, their transformation pipelines and the tools used for the analysis are already present in the organizations. Furthermore, a new perspective for facilitating a smoother transition is laid out. It involves the usage of higher-level and use case specific frameworks and models, which will naturally bridge the gap between the technological and scientific domains. This alternative will effectively widen the possibilities of scientific archives and therefore will contribute to the reduction of the time to science. The research will be applied to the European Space Agency cornerstone mission Gaia, whose final data archive will represent a tremendous discovery potential. It will create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our galaxy (the Milky Way), providing unprecedented position, parallax and proper motion measurements for about one billion stars. The successful exploitation of this data archive will depend to a large degree on the ability to offer the proper architecture, i.e. infrastructure and middleware, upon which scientists will be able to do exploration and modeling with this huge data set. In consequence, the approach taken needs to enable data fusion with other scientific archives, as this will produce the synergies leading to an increment in scientific outcome, both in volume and in quality. The set of novel techniques and frameworks presented in this work addresses these issues by contextualizing them with the data products that will be generated in the Gaia mission. All these considerations have led to the foundations of the architecture that will be leveraged by the Science Enabling Applications Work Package. Last but not least, the effectiveness of the proposed solution will be demonstrated through the implementation of some ambitious statistical problems that will require significant computational capabilities, and which will use Gaia-like simulated data (the first Gaia data release has recently taken place on September 14th, 2016). These ambitious problems will be referred to as the Grand Challenge, a somewhat grandiloquent name that consists in inferring a set of parameters from a probabilistic point of view for the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and Star Formation Rate (SFR) of a given set of stars (with a huge sample size), from noisy estimates of their masses and ages respectively. This will be achieved by using Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling (HBM). In principle, the HBM can incorporate stellar evolution models to infer the IMF and SFR directly, but in this first step presented in this thesis, we will start with a somewhat less ambitious goal: inferring the PDMF and PDAD. Moreover, the performance and scalability analyses carried out will also prove the suitability of the models for the large amounts of data that will be available in the Gaia data archive.Las grandes cantidades de datos que se producen en el mundo diariamente plantean nuevos retos a la sociedad en términos de cómo extraer su valor inherente. Las redes sociales, mensajería instantánea, los dispositivos inteligentes y las misiones científicas son meros ejemplos del gran número de fuentes generando datos en cada momento. Al mismo tiempo que el mundo se digitaliza cada vez más, aparecen nuevas necesidades para organizar, archivar, compartir, analizar, visualizar y proteger la creciente cantidad de datos, para que podamos desarrollar economías basadas en datos e información que sean capaces de reducir las ineficiencias e incrementar la sostenibilidad, creando nuevas oportunidades de negocio por el camino. La forma en la que se han manejado los datos tradicionalmente no es la adecuada hoy en día, ya que carece de los medios para escalar a los volúmenes más grandes de datos de una forma oportuna y eficiente. Esto ha cambiado de alguna manera con la llegada de compañías que operan en Internet como Google o Facebook, ya que han concebido nuevas aproximaciones para abordar el problema. Sin embargo, la variedad y complejidad de las cadenas de valor en el sector privado y las crecientes demandas y limitaciones en las que el sector público opera, necesitan una investigación continua en la materia que pueda proporcionar nuevas estrategias para procesar las enormes cantidades de datos, facilitar la integración de productores y consumidores de información, y garantizar una transición rápida y fluida a la hora de adoptar estos avances tecnológicos innovadores. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo proporcionar nuevas arquitecturas y técnicas que ayudarán a realizar esta transición hacia Big Data en archivos científicos masivos. La investigación destaca los escollos principales a encarar cuando se adoptan estas nuevas tecnologías y cómo afrontarlos, principalmente cuando los datos y las herramientas de transformación utilizadas en el análisis existen en la organización. Además, se exponen nuevas medidas para facilitar una transición más fluida. Éstas incluyen la utilización de software de alto nivel y específico al caso de uso en cuestión, que haga de puente entre el dominio científico y tecnológico. Esta alternativa ampliará de una forma efectiva las posibilidades de los archivos científicos y por tanto contribuirá a la reducción del tiempo necesario para generar resultados científicos a partir de los datos recogidos en las misiones de astronomía espacial y planetaria. La investigación se aplicará a la misión de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) Gaia, cuyo archivo final de datos presentará un gran potencial para el descubrimiento y hallazgo desde el punto de vista científico. La misión creará el catálogo en tres dimensiones más grande y preciso de nuestra galaxia (la Vía Láctea), proporcionando medidas sin precedente acerca del posicionamiento, paralaje y movimiento propio de alrededor de mil millones de estrellas. Las oportunidades para la explotación exitosa de este archivo de datos dependerán en gran medida de la capacidad de ofrecer la arquitectura adecuada, es decir infraestructura y servicios, sobre la cual los científicos puedan realizar la exploración y modelado con esta inmensa cantidad de datos. Por tanto, la estrategia a realizar debe ser capaz de combinar los datos con otros archivos científicos, ya que esto producirá sinergias que contribuirán a un incremento en la ciencia producida, tanto en volumen como en calidad de la misma. El conjunto de técnicas e infraestructuras innovadoras presentadas en este trabajo aborda estos problemas, contextualizándolos con los productos de datos que se generarán en la misión Gaia. Todas estas consideraciones han conducido a los fundamentos de la arquitectura que se utilizará en el paquete de trabajo de aplicaciones que posibilitarán la ciencia en el archivo de la misión Gaia (Science Enabling Applications). Por último, la eficacia de la solución propuesta se demostrará a través de la implementación de dos problemas estadísticos que requerirán cantidades significativas de cómputo, y que usarán datos simulados en el mismo formato en el que se producirán en el archivo de la misión Gaia (la primera versión de datos recogidos por la misión está disponible desde el día 14 de Septiembre de 2016). Estos ambiciosos problemas representan el Gran Reto (Grand Challenge), un nombre grandilocuente que consiste en inferir una serie de parámetros desde un punto de vista probabilístico para la función de masa inicial (Initial Mass Function) y la tasa de formación estelar (Star Formation Rate) dado un conjunto de estrellas (con una muestra grande), desde estimaciones con ruido de sus masas y edades respectivamente. Esto se abordará utilizando modelos jerárquicos bayesianos (Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling). Enprincipio,losmodelospropuestos pueden incorporar otros modelos de evolución estelar para inferir directamente la función de masa inicial y la tasa de formación estelar, pero en este primer paso presentado en esta tesis, empezaremos con un objetivo algo menos ambicioso: la inferencia de la función de masa y distribución de edades actual (Present-Day Mass Function y Present-Day Age Distribution respectivamente). Además, se llevará a cabo el análisis de rendimiento y escalabilidad para probar la idoneidad de la implementación de dichos modelos dadas las enormes cantidades de datos que estarán disponibles en el archivo de la misión Gaia...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Improving the Performance of User-level Runtime Systems for Concurrent Applications

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    Concurrency is an essential part of many modern large-scale software systems. Applications must handle millions of simultaneous requests from millions of connected devices. Handling such a large number of concurrent requests requires runtime systems that efficiently man- age concurrency and communication among tasks in an application across multiple cores. Existing low-level programming techniques provide scalable solutions with low overhead, but require non-linear control flow. Alternative approaches to concurrent programming, such as Erlang and Go, support linear control flow by mapping multiple user-level execution entities across multiple kernel threads (M:N threading). However, these systems provide comprehensive execution environments that make it difficult to assess the performance impact of user-level runtimes in isolation. This thesis presents a nimble M:N user-level threading runtime that closes this con- ceptual gap and provides a software infrastructure to precisely study the performance impact of user-level threading. Multiple design alternatives are presented and evaluated for scheduling, I/O multiplexing, and synchronization components of the runtime. The performance of the runtime is evaluated in comparison to event-driven software, system- level threading, and other user-level threading runtimes. An experimental evaluation is conducted using benchmark programs, as well as the popular Memcached application. The user-level runtime supports high levels of concurrency without sacrificing application performance. In addition, the user-level scheduling problem is studied in the context of an existing actor runtime that maps multiple actors to multiple kernel-level threads. In particular, two locality-aware work-stealing schedulers are proposed and evaluated. It is shown that locality-aware scheduling can significantly improve the performance of a class of applications with a high level of concurrency. In general, the performance and resource utilization of large-scale concurrent applications depends on the level of concurrency that can be expressed by the programming model. This fundamental effect is studied by refining and customizing existing concurrency models

    Enabling Model-Driven Live Analytics For Cyber-Physical Systems: The Case of Smart Grids

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    Advances in software, embedded computing, sensors, and networking technologies will lead to a new generation of smart cyber-physical systems that will far exceed the capabilities of today’s embedded systems. They will be entrusted with increasingly complex tasks like controlling electric grids or autonomously driving cars. These systems have the potential to lay the foundations for tomorrow’s critical infrastructures, to form the basis of emerging and future smart services, and to improve the quality of our everyday lives in many areas. In order to solve their tasks, they have to continuously monitor and collect data from physical processes, analyse this data, and make decisions based on it. Making smart decisions requires a deep understanding of the environment, internal state, and the impacts of actions. Such deep understanding relies on efficient data models to organise the sensed data and on advanced analytics. Considering that cyber-physical systems are controlling physical processes, decisions need to be taken very fast. This makes it necessary to analyse data in live, as opposed to conventional batch analytics. However, the complex nature combined with the massive amount of data generated by such systems impose fundamental challenges. While data in the context of cyber-physical systems has some similar characteristics as big data, it holds a particular complexity. This complexity results from the complicated physical phenomena described by this data, which makes it difficult to extract a model able to explain such data and its various multi-layered relationships. Existing solutions fail to provide sustainable mechanisms to analyse such data in live. This dissertation presents a novel approach, named model-driven live analytics. The main contribution of this thesis is a multi-dimensional graph data model that brings raw data, domain knowledge, and machine learning together in a single model, which can drive live analytic processes. This model is continuously updated with the sensed data and can be leveraged by live analytic processes to support decision-making of cyber-physical systems. The presented approach has been developed in collaboration with an industrial partner and, in form of a prototype, applied to the domain of smart grids. The addressed challenges are derived from this collaboration as a response to shortcomings in the current state of the art. More specifically, this dissertation provides solutions for the following challenges: First, data handled by cyber-physical systems is usually dynamic—data in motion as opposed to traditional data at rest—and changes frequently and at different paces. Analysing such data is challenging since data models usually can only represent a snapshot of a system at one specific point in time. A common approach consists in a discretisation, which regularly samples and stores such snapshots at specific timestamps to keep track of the history. Continuously changing data is then represented as a finite sequence of such snapshots. Such data representations would be very inefficient to analyse, since it would require to mine the snapshots, extract a relevant dataset, and finally analyse it. For this problem, this thesis presents a temporal graph data model and storage system, which consider time as a first-class property. A time-relative navigation concept enables to analyse frequently changing data very efficiently. Secondly, making sustainable decisions requires to anticipate what impacts certain actions would have. Considering complex cyber-physical systems, it can come to situations where hundreds or thousands of such hypothetical actions must be explored before a solid decision can be made. Every action leads to an independent alternative from where a set of other actions can be applied and so forth. Finding the sequence of actions that leads to the desired alternative, requires to efficiently create, represent, and analyse many different alternatives. Given that every alternative has its own history, this creates a very high combinatorial complexity of alternatives and histories, which is hard to analyse. To tackle this problem, this dissertation introduces a multi-dimensional graph data model (as an extension of the temporal graph data model) that enables to efficiently represent, store, and analyse many different alternatives in live. Thirdly, complex cyber-physical systems are often distributed, but to fulfil their tasks these systems typically need to share context information between computational entities. This requires analytic algorithms to reason over distributed data, which is a complex task since it relies on the aggregation and processing of various distributed and constantly changing data. To address this challenge, this dissertation proposes an approach to transparently distribute the presented multi-dimensional graph data model in a peer-to-peer manner and defines a stream processing concept to efficiently handle frequent changes. Fourthly, to meet future needs, cyber-physical systems need to become increasingly intelligent. To make smart decisions, these systems have to continuously refine behavioural models that are known at design time, with what can only be learned from live data. Machine learning algorithms can help to solve this unknown behaviour by extracting commonalities over massive datasets. Nevertheless, searching a coarse-grained common behaviour model can be very inaccurate for cyber-physical systems, which are composed of completely different entities with very different behaviour. For these systems, fine-grained learning can be significantly more accurate. However, modelling, structuring, and synchronising many fine-grained learning units is challenging. To tackle this, this thesis presents an approach to define reusable, chainable, and independently computable fine-grained learning units, which can be modelled together with and on the same level as domain data. This allows to weave machine learning directly into the presented multi-dimensional graph data model. In summary, this thesis provides an efficient multi-dimensional graph data model to enable live analytics of complex, frequently changing, and distributed data of cyber-physical systems. This model can significantly improve data analytics for such systems and empower cyber-physical systems to make smart decisions in live. The presented solutions combine and extend methods from model-driven engineering, [email protected], data analytics, database systems, and machine learning