152 research outputs found

    The Design Space of Lightweight Cryptography

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    International audienceFor constrained devices, standard cryptographic algorithms can be too big, too slow or too energy-consuming. The area of lightweight cryptography studies new algorithms to overcome these problems. In this paper, we will focus on symmetric-key encryption, authentication and hashing. Instead of providing a full overview of this area of research, we will highlight three interesting topics. Firstly, we will explore the generic security of lightweight constructions. In particular, we will discuss considerations for key, block and tag sizes, and explore the topic of instantiating a pseudorandom permutation (PRP) with a non-ideal block cipher construction. This is inspired by the increasing prevalence of lightweight designs that are not secure against related-key attacks, such as PRINCE, PRIDE or Chaskey. Secondly, we explore the efficiency of cryptographic primitives. In particular, we investigate the impact on efficiency when the input size of a primitive doubles. Lastly, we provide some considerations for cryptographic design. We observe that applications do not always use cryptographic algorithms as they were intended, which negatively impacts the security and/or efficiency of the resulting implementations

    Optimal Forgeries Against Polynomial-Based MACs and GCM

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    Polynomial-based authentication algorithms, such as GCM and Poly1305, have seen widespread adoption in practice. Due to their importance, a significant amount of attention has been given to understanding and improving both proofs and attacks against such schemes. At EUROCRYPT 2005, Bernstein published the best known analysis of the schemes when instantiated with PRPs, thereby establishing the most lenient limits on the amount of data the schemes can process per key. A long line of work, initiated by Handschuh and Preneel at CRYPTO 2008, finds the best known attacks, advancing our understanding of the fragility of the schemes. Yet surprisingly, no known attacks perform as well as the predicted worst-case attacks allowed by Bernstein\u27s analysis, nor has there been any advancement in proofs improving Bernstein\u27s bounds, and the gap between attacks and analysis is significant. We settle the issue by finding a novel attack against polynomial-based authentication algorithms using PRPs, and combine it with new analysis, to show that Bernstein\u27s bound, and our attacks, are optimal

    SUNDAE: Small Universal Deterministic Authenticated Encryption for the Internet of Things

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    Lightweight cryptography was developed in response to the increasing need to secure devices for the Internet of Things. After significant research effort, many new block ciphers have been designed targeting lightweight settings, optimizing efficiency metrics which conventional block ciphers did not. However, block ciphers must be used in modes of operation to achieve more advanced security goals such as data confidentiality and authenticity, a research area given relatively little attention in the lightweight setting. We introduce a new authenticated encryption (AE) mode of operation, SUNDAE, specially targeted for constrained environments. SUNDAE is smaller than other known lightweight modes in implementation area, such as CLOC, JAMBU, and COFB, however unlike these modes, SUNDAE is designed as a deterministic authenticated encryption (DAE) scheme, meaning it provides maximal security in settings where proper randomness is hard to generate, or secure storage must be minimized due to expense. Unlike other DAE schemes, such as GCM-SIV, SUNDAE can be implemented efficiently on both constrained devices, as well as the servers communicating with those devices. We prove SUNDAE secure relative to its underlying block cipher, and provide an extensive implementation study, with results in both software and hardware, demonstrating that SUNDAE offers improved compactness and power consumption in hardware compared to other lightweight AE modes, while simultaneously offering comparable performance to GCM-SIV on parallel high-end platforms

    Another Look at the Cost of Cryptographic Attacks

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    This paper makes the case for considering the cost of cryptographic attacks as the main measure of their efficiency, instead of their time complexity. This allows, in our opinion, a more realistic assessment of the "risk" these attacks represent. This is half-and-half a position and a technical paper. Cryptographic attacks described in the literature are rarely implemented. Most exist only "on paper", and their main characteristic is that their estimated time complexity is small enough to break a given security property. However, when a cryptanalyst actually considers implementing an attack, she soon realizes that there is more to the story than time complexity. For instance, Wiener has shown that breaking the double-DES costs 2 6n/5 , asymptotically more than exhaustive search on n bits. We put forward the asymptotic cost of cryptographic attacks as a measure of their practicality. We discuss the shortcomings of the usual computational model and propose a simple abstract cryptographic machine on which it is easy to estimate the cost. We then study the asymptotic cost of several relevant algorithm: collision search, the three-list birthday problem (3XOR) and solving multivariate quadratic polynomial equations. We find that some smart algorithms cost much more than what their time complexity suggest, while naive and simple algorithms may cost less. Some algorithms can be tuned to reduce their cost (this increases their time complexity). Foreword A celebrated High Performance Computing paper entitled "Hitting the Memory Wall: Implications of the Obvious" [47] opens with these words: This brief note points out something obvious-something the authors "knew" without really understanding. With apologies to those who did understand, we offer it to those others who, like us, missed the point. We would like to do the same-but this note is not so short

    (Quantum) Collision Attacks on Reduced Simpira v2

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    Simpira v2 is an AES-based permutation proposed by Gueron and Mouha at ASIACRYPT 2016. In this paper, we build an improved MILP model to count the differential and linear active Sboxes for Simpira v2, which achieves tighter bounds of the minimum number of active Sboxes for a few versions of Simpira v2. Then, based on the new model, we find some new truncated differentials for Simpira v2 and give a series (quantum) collision attacks on two versions of reduced Simpira v2

    Related-Tweak Statistical Saturation Cryptanalysis and Its Application on QARMA

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    Statistical saturation attack takes advantage of a set of plaintext with some bits fixed while the others vary randomly, and then track the evolution of a non-uniform plaintext distribution through the cipher. Previous statistical saturation attacks are all implemented under single-key setting, and there is no public attack models under related-key/tweak setting. In this paper, we propose a new cryptanalytic method which can be seen as related-key/tweak statistical saturation attack by revealing the link between the related-key/tweak statistical saturation distinguishers and KDIB (Key Difference Invariant Bias) / TDIB (Tweak Difference Invariant Bias) ones. KDIB cryptanalysis was proposed by Bogdanov et al. at ASIACRYPT’13 and utilizes the property that there can exist linear trails such that their biases are deterministically invariant under key difference. And this method can be easily extended to TDIB distinguishers if the tweak is also alternated. The link between them provides a new and more efficient way to find related-key/tweak statistical saturation distinguishers in ciphers. Thereafter, an automatic searching algorithm for KDIB/TDIB distinguishers is also given in this paper, which can be implemented to find word-level KDIB distinguishers for S-box based key-alternating ciphers. We apply this algorithm to QARMA-64 and give related-tweak statistical saturation attack for 10-round QARMA-64 with outer whitening key. Besides, an 11-round attack on QARMA-128 is also given based on the TDIB technique. Compared with previous public attacks on QARMA including outer whitening key, all attacks presented in this paper are the best ones in terms of the number of rounds

    On the Security of Keyed Hashing Based on Public Permutations

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    Doubly-extendable cryptographic keyed functions (deck) generalize the concept of message authentication codes (MAC) and stream ciphers in that they support variable-length strings as input and return variable-length strings as output. A prominent example of building deck functions is Farfalle, which consists of a set of public permutations and rolling functions that are used in its compression and expansion layers. By generalizing the compression layer of Farfalle, we prove its universality in terms of the probability of differentials over the public permutation used in it. As the compression layer of Farfalle is inherently parallel, we compare it to a generalization of a serial compression function inspired by Pelican-MAC. The same public permutation may result in different universalities depending on whether the compression is done in parallel or serial. The parallel construction consistently performs better than the serial one, sometimes by a big factor. We demonstrate this effect using Xoodoo[3], which is a round-reduced variant of the public permutation used in the deck function Xoofff

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    Can Caesar Beat Galois?

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    The Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability and Robustness (CAESAR) has as its official goal to “identify a portfolio of authenticated ciphers that offer advantages over [the Galois-Counter Mode with AES]” and are suitable for widespread adoption.” Each of the 15 candidate schemes competing in the currently ongoing 3rd round of CAESAR must clearly declare its security claims, i.e. whether it can tolerate nonce misuse, and what is the maximal data complexity for which security is guaranteed. These claims appear to be valid for all 15 candidates. Interpreting “Robustness” in CAESAR as the ability to mitigate damage when security guarantees are void, we describe attacks with 64-bit complexity or above, and/or with nonce reuse for each of the 15 candidates. We then classify the candidates depending on how powerful does an attacker need to be to mount (semi-)universal forgeries, decryption attacks, or key recoveries. Rather than invalidating the security claims of any of the candidates, our results provide an additional criterion for evaluating the security that candidates deliver, which can be useful for e.g. breaking ties in the final CAESAR discussions

    Algoritmos criptográficos e o seu desempenho no Arduíno

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    O Arduíno é uma plataforma muito robusta e multifacetada utilizada em diversas situações e, cada vez mais, um elemento relevante na arquitetura da Internet das Coisas. Ao disponibilizar várias interfaces de comunicação sem fios, pode ser utilizado para controlar eletrodomésticos, portas, sensores de temperatura, etc. permitindo implementar facilmente a comunicação entre estas “coisas”. Nesta tese foram estudadas as principais redes sem fios utilizadas pelo Arduíno (Bluetooth Low Energy [BLE], Wi-Fi e ZigBee) para tentar perceber qual a que tem o melhor desempenho, vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma, quais os módulos necessários para permitir ao Arduíno utilizar esse tipo de rede sem fios, quais as principais funções para que foram projetadas quando criadas e qual o sistema de segurança utilizado nestas redes. Estas diferentes tecnologias sem fios permitem uma maior mobilidade e uma maior flexibilidade no desenho das estruturas de rede do que as redes com fios convencionais. Porém, este tipo de redes têm uma grande desvantagem já que qualquer um dentro do alcance da rede sem fios consegue intercetar o sinal que está a ser transmitido. Para solucionar e proteger a informação que é transmitida por estas redes foram desenvolvidos vários algoritmos de criptografia. Estes dados encriptados só podem ser lidos por dispositivos que tenham uma determinada chave. Os algoritmos de criptografia Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple DES (TDES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), eXtended TEA (XTEA) Corrected Block TEA (XXTEA) estão entre as técnicas mais conhecidos e usadas tualmente. Nesta tese foram analisados estes algoritmos e as suas vulnerabilidades, tendo também sido feito um levantamento dos principais ataques existentes para avaliar se ainda são seguros atualmente. De forma a avaliar a possibilidade de utilizar o Arduíno em aplicações que utilizem comunicações sem fios com segurança, foram realizados testes de desempenho com os algoritmos de criptografia estudados, usando bibliotecas já existentes. Nos testes de desempenho implementados verificou-se que o AES é bastante mais rápido do que as outras soluções, oferecendo ainda uma maior segurança. Já o TDES verificou-se ser bastante lento, justificando o porquê de o algoritmo ser pouco usado, sendo ao longo dos anos substituído pelo AES. O XXTEA ficou em posição intermédia no teste de desempenho, tendo uma relação segurança/desempenho interessante e revelando-se assim uma escolha melhor do que o TDES.The Arduino is a very robust and multifaceted platform used in many situations and, increasingly, a relevant element in the Internet of Things. By providing several wireless communication interfaces, it can be used to control household appliances, doors, temperature sensors, etc. Allowing easy implementation of communication between these "things". In this thesis the main wireless networks used by Arduino (Bluetooth Low Energy [BLE], Wi-Fi and ZigBee) were studied to try to understand which one has the best performance, the advantages and disadvantages of each one, the modules needed to implement each wireless network and what security system are used. These different wireless technologies allow for greater mobility and greater flexibility in the design of network structures than conventional wired networks. However, such networks have a major disadvantage since anyone within the range of the wireless network can intercept the signal being transmitted. Several cryptographic algorithms have been developed to solve and protect the information that is transmitted by these networks. This encrypted data can only be read by devices that have a certain key. Triple Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), eXtended TEA (XTEA) and Corrected Block TEA (XXTEA) encryption algorithms are among the best known and currently used algorithms. In this thesis these algorithms have been analyzed to compare their vulnerabilities and to identify the main existing attacks. In order to evaluate the possibility of using Arduino in applications that use wireless communications with security, performance tests were implemented using existing libraries. The results show that the AES is much faster than the other algorithms, offering even greater security. TDES was found to be quite slow, justifying why the algorithm has little used, and why over the years has been replaced by AES. The XXTEA was ranked in the middle of the performance test, having an interesting safety/performance ratio proving it to be a better choice than TDES
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