11,366 research outputs found

    Collapsed Variational Bayes Inference of Infinite Relational Model

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    The Infinite Relational Model (IRM) is a probabilistic model for relational data clustering that partitions objects into clusters based on observed relationships. This paper presents Averaged CVB (ACVB) solutions for IRM, convergence-guaranteed and practically useful fast Collapsed Variational Bayes (CVB) inferences. We first derive ordinary CVB and CVB0 for IRM based on the lower bound maximization. CVB solutions yield deterministic iterative procedures for inferring IRM given the truncated number of clusters. Our proposal includes CVB0 updates of hyperparameters including the concentration parameter of the Dirichlet Process, which has not been studied in the literature. To make the CVB more practically useful, we further study the CVB inference in two aspects. First, we study the convergence issues and develop a convergence-guaranteed algorithm for any CVB-based inferences called ACVB, which enables automatic convergence detection and frees non-expert practitioners from difficult and costly manual monitoring of inference processes. Second, we present a few techniques for speeding up IRM inferences. In particular, we describe the linear time inference of CVB0, allowing the IRM for larger relational data uses. The ACVB solutions of IRM showed comparable or better performance compared to existing inference methods in experiments, and provide deterministic, faster, and easier convergence detection

    Variational Particle Approximations

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    Approximate inference in high-dimensional, discrete probabilistic models is a central problem in computational statistics and machine learning. This paper describes discrete particle variational inference (DPVI), a new approach that combines key strengths of Monte Carlo, variational and search-based techniques. DPVI is based on a novel family of particle-based variational approximations that can be fit using simple, fast, deterministic search techniques. Like Monte Carlo, DPVI can handle multiple modes, and yields exact results in a well-defined limit. Like unstructured mean-field, DPVI is based on optimizing a lower bound on the partition function; when this quantity is not of intrinsic interest, it facilitates convergence assessment and debugging. Like both Monte Carlo and combinatorial search, DPVI can take advantage of factorization, sequential structure, and custom search operators. This paper defines DPVI particle-based approximation family and partition function lower bounds, along with the sequential DPVI and local DPVI algorithm templates for optimizing them. DPVI is illustrated and evaluated via experiments on lattice Markov Random Fields, nonparametric Bayesian mixtures and block-models, and parametric as well as non-parametric hidden Markov models. Results include applications to real-world spike-sorting and relational modeling problems, and show that DPVI can offer appealing time/accuracy trade-offs as compared to multiple alternatives.Comment: First two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Nonparametric Relational Topic Models through Dependent Gamma Processes

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    Traditional Relational Topic Models provide a way to discover the hidden topics from a document network. Many theoretical and practical tasks, such as dimensional reduction, document clustering, link prediction, benefit from this revealed knowledge. However, existing relational topic models are based on an assumption that the number of hidden topics is known in advance, and this is impractical in many real-world applications. Therefore, in order to relax this assumption, we propose a nonparametric relational topic model in this paper. Instead of using fixed-dimensional probability distributions in its generative model, we use stochastic processes. Specifically, a gamma process is assigned to each document, which represents the topic interest of this document. Although this method provides an elegant solution, it brings additional challenges when mathematically modeling the inherent network structure of typical document network, i.e., two spatially closer documents tend to have more similar topics. Furthermore, we require that the topics are shared by all the documents. In order to resolve these challenges, we use a subsampling strategy to assign each document a different gamma process from the global gamma process, and the subsampling probabilities of documents are assigned with a Markov Random Field constraint that inherits the document network structure. Through the designed posterior inference algorithm, we can discover the hidden topics and its number simultaneously. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world network datasets demonstrate the capabilities of learning the hidden topics and, more importantly, the number of topics

    Learning Hidden Structures with Relational Models by Adequately Involving Rich Information in A Network

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    Effectively modelling hidden structures in a network is very practical but theoretically challenging. Existing relational models only involve very limited information, namely the binary directional link data, embedded in a network to learn hidden networking structures. There is other rich and meaningful information (e.g., various attributes of entities and more granular information than binary elements such as "like" or "dislike") missed, which play a critical role in forming and understanding relations in a network. In this work, we propose an informative relational model (InfRM) framework to adequately involve rich information and its granularity in a network, including metadata information about each entity and various forms of link data. Firstly, an effective metadata information incorporation method is employed on the prior information from relational models MMSB and LFRM. This is to encourage the entities with similar metadata information to have similar hidden structures. Secondly, we propose various solutions to cater for alternative forms of link data. Substantial efforts have been made towards modelling appropriateness and efficiency, for example, using conjugate priors. We evaluate our framework and its inference algorithms in different datasets, which shows the generality and effectiveness of our models in capturing implicit structures in networks

    Max-Margin Nonparametric Latent Feature Models for Link Prediction

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    Link prediction is a fundamental task in statistical network analysis. Recent advances have been made on learning flexible nonparametric Bayesian latent feature models for link prediction. In this paper, we present a max-margin learning method for such nonparametric latent feature relational models. Our approach attempts to unite the ideas of max-margin learning and Bayesian nonparametrics to discover discriminative latent features for link prediction. It inherits the advances of nonparametric Bayesian methods to infer the unknown latent social dimension, while for discriminative link prediction, it adopts the max-margin learning principle by minimizing a hinge-loss using the linear expectation operator, without dealing with a highly nonlinear link likelihood function. For posterior inference, we develop an efficient stochastic variational inference algorithm under a truncated mean-field assumption. Our methods can scale up to large-scale real networks with millions of entities and tens of millions of positive links. We also provide a full Bayesian formulation, which can avoid tuning regularization hyper-parameters. Experimental results on a diverse range of real datasets demonstrate the benefits inherited from max-margin learning and Bayesian nonparametric inference.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Big Learning with Bayesian Methods

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    Explosive growth in data and availability of cheap computing resources have sparked increasing interest in Big learning, an emerging subfield that studies scalable machine learning algorithms, systems, and applications with Big Data. Bayesian methods represent one important class of statistic methods for machine learning, with substantial recent developments on adaptive, flexible and scalable Bayesian learning. This article provides a survey of the recent advances in Big learning with Bayesian methods, termed Big Bayesian Learning, including nonparametric Bayesian methods for adaptively inferring model complexity, regularized Bayesian inference for improving the flexibility via posterior regularization, and scalable algorithms and systems based on stochastic subsampling and distributed computing for dealing with large-scale applications.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Completely random measures for modeling power laws in sparse graphs

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    Network data appear in a number of applications, such as online social networks and biological networks, and there is growing interest in both developing models for networks as well as studying the properties of such data. Since individual network datasets continue to grow in size, it is necessary to develop models that accurately represent the real-life scaling properties of networks. One behavior of interest is having a power law in the degree distribution. However, other types of power laws that have been observed empirically and considered for applications such as clustering and feature allocation models have not been studied as frequently in models for graph data. In this paper, we enumerate desirable asymptotic behavior that may be of interest for modeling graph data, including sparsity and several types of power laws. We outline a general framework for graph generative models using completely random measures; by contrast to the pioneering work of Caron and Fox (2015), we consider instantiating more of the existing atoms of the random measure as the dataset size increases rather than adding new atoms to the measure. We see that these two models can be complementary; they respectively yield interpretations as (1) time passing among existing members of a network and (2) new individuals joining a network. We detail a particular instance of this framework and show simulated results that suggest this model exhibits some desirable asymptotic power-law behavior.Comment: This paper appeared in the NIPS 2015 Workshop on Networks in the Social and Information Sciences, http://stanford.edu/~jugander/NetworksNIPS2015

    RelNN: A Deep Neural Model for Relational Learning

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    Statistical relational AI (StarAI) aims at reasoning and learning in noisy domains described in terms of objects and relationships by combining probability with first-order logic. With huge advances in deep learning in the current years, combining deep networks with first-order logic has been the focus of several recent studies. Many of the existing attempts, however, only focus on relations and ignore object properties. The attempts that do consider object properties are limited in terms of modelling power or scalability. In this paper, we develop relational neural networks (RelNNs) by adding hidden layers to relational logistic regression (the relational counterpart of logistic regression). We learn latent properties for objects both directly and through general rules. Back-propagation is used for training these models. A modular, layer-wise architecture facilitates utilizing the techniques developed within deep learning community to our architecture. Initial experiments on eight tasks over three real-world datasets show that RelNNs are promising models for relational learning.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted at AAAI-201

    Deep Generative Models for Relational Data with Side Information

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    We present a probabilistic framework for overlapping community discovery and link prediction for relational data, given as a graph. The proposed framework has: (1) a deep architecture which enables us to infer multiple layers of latent features/communities for each node, providing superior link prediction performance on more complex networks and better interpretability of the latent features; and (2) a regression model which allows directly conditioning the node latent features on the side information available in form of node attributes. Our framework handles both (1) and (2) via a clean, unified model, which enjoys full local conjugacy via data augmentation, and facilitates efficient inference via closed form Gibbs sampling. Moreover, inference cost scales in the number of edges which is attractive for massive but sparse networks. Our framework is also easily extendable to model weighted networks with count-valued edges. We compare with various state-of-the-art methods and report results, both quantitative and qualitative, on several benchmark data sets
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