552 research outputs found

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Time-varying parametric modelling and time-dependent spectral characterisation with applications to EEG signals using multi-wavelets

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    A new time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) modelling approach is proposed for nonstationary signal processing and analysis, with application to EEG data modelling and power spectral estimation. In the new parametric modelling framework, the time-dependent coefficients of the TVAR model are represented using a novel multi-wavelet decomposition scheme. The time-varying modelling problem is then reduced to regression selection and parameter estimation, which can be effectively resolved by using a forward orthogonal regression algorithm. Two examples, one for an artificial signal and another for an EEG signal, are given to show the effectiveness and applicability of the new TVAR modelling method

    Fast Visualization by Shear-Warp using Spline Models for Data Reconstruction

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    This work concerns oneself with the rendering of huge three-dimensional data sets. The target thereby is the development of fast algorithms by also applying recent and accurate volume reconstruction models to obtain at most artifact-free data visualizations. In part I a comprehensive overview on the state of the art in volume rendering is given. Part II is devoted to the recently developed trivariate (linear,) quadratic and cubic spline models defined on symmetric tetrahedral partitions directly obtained by slicing volumetric partitions of a three-dimensional domain. This spline models define piecewise polynomials of total degree (one,) two and three with respect to a tetrahedron, i.e. the local splines have the lowest possible total degree and are adequate for efficient and accurate volume visualization. The following part III depicts in a step by step manner a fast software-based rendering algorithm, called shear-warp. This algorithm is prominent for its ability to generate projections of volume data at real time. It attains the high rendering speed by using elaborate data structures and extensive pre-computation, but at the expense of data redundancy and visual quality of the finally obtained rendering results. However, to circumvent these disadvantages a further development is specified, where new techniques and sophisticated data structures allow combining the fast shear-warp with the accurate ray-casting approach. This strategy and the new data structures not only grant a unification of the benefits of both methods, they even easily admit for adjustments to trade-off between rendering speed and precision. With this further development also the 3-fold data redundancy known from the original shear-warp approach is removed, allowing the rendering of even larger three-dimensional data sets more quickly. Additionally, real trivariate data reconstruction models, as discussed in part II, are applied together with the new ideas to onward the precision of the new volume rendering method, which also lead to a one order of magnitude faster algorithm compared to traditional approaches using similar reconstruction models. In part IV, a hierarchy-based rendering method is developed which utilizes a wavelet decomposition of the volume data, an octree structure to represent the sparse data set, the splines from part II and a new shear-warp visualization algorithm similar to that presented in part III. This thesis is concluded by the results centralized in part V

    Image registration and visualization of in situ gene expression images.

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    In the age of high-throughput molecular biology techniques, scientists have incorporated the methodology of in-situ hybridization to map spatial patterns of gene expression. In order to compare expression patterns within a common tissue structure, these images need to be registered or organized into a common coordinate system for alignment to a reference or atlas images. We use three different image registration methodologies (manual; correlation based; mutual information based) to determine the common coordinate system for the reference and in-situ hybridization images. All three methodologies are incorporated into a Matlab tool to visualize the results in a user friendly way and save them for future work. Our results suggest that the user-defined landmark method is best when considering images from different modalities; automated landmark detection is best when the images are expected to have a high degree of consistency; and the mutual information methodology is useful when the images are from the same modality

    Applications of nonlinear approximation for problems in learning theory and applied mathematics

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    A major pillar of approximation theory in establishing the ability of one class of functions to be represented by another. Establishing such a relationship often leads to efficient numerical approximation methods. In this work, several expressibility theorems are established and several novel numerical approximation techniques are also presented. Not only are these novel methods supported by the presented theory, but also, provided numerical experiments show that these novel methods may be applied to a wide range of applications from image compression to the solutions of high-dimensional PDE

    Exact and approximate Strang-Fix conditions to reconstruct signals with finite rate of innovation from samples taken with arbitrary kernels

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    In the last few years, several new methods have been developed for the sampling and exact reconstruction of specific classes of non-bandlimited signals known as signals with finite rate of innovation (FRI). This is achieved by using adequate sampling kernels and reconstruction schemes. An example of valid kernels, which we use throughout the thesis, is given by the family of exponential reproducing functions. These satisfy the generalised Strang-Fix conditions, which ensure that proper linear combinations of the kernel with its shifted versions reproduce polynomials or exponentials exactly. The first contribution of the thesis is to analyse the behaviour of these kernels in the case of noisy measurements in order to provide clear guidelines on how to choose the exponential reproducing kernel that leads to the most stable reconstruction when estimating FRI signals from noisy samples. We then depart from the situation in which we can choose the sampling kernel and develop a new strategy that is universal in that it works with any kernel. We do so by noting that meeting the exact exponential reproduction condition is too stringent a constraint. We thus allow for a controlled error in the reproduction formula in order to use the exponential reproduction idea with arbitrary kernels and develop a universal reconstruction method which is stable and robust to noise. Numerical results validate the various contributions of the thesis and in particular show that the approximate exponential reproduction strategy leads to more stable and accurate reconstruction results than those obtained when using the exact recovery methods.Open Acces


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    This contribution will be freewheeling in the domain of signal, image and surface processing and touch briefly upon some topics that have been close to the heart of people in our research group. A lot of the research of the last 20 years in this domain that has been carried out world wide is dealing with multiresolution. Multiresolution allows to represent a function (in the broadest sense) at different levels of detail. This was not only applied in signals and images but also when solving all kinds of complex numerical problems. Since wavelets came into play in the 1980's, this idea was applied and generalized by many researchers. Therefore we use this as the central idea throughout this text. Wavelets, subdivision and hierarchical bases are the appropriate tools to obtain these multiresolution effects. We shall introduce some of the concepts in a rather informal way and show that the same concepts will work in one, two and three dimensions. The applications in the three cases are however quite different, and thus one wants to achieve very different goals when dealing with signals, images or surfaces. Because completeness in our treatment is impossible, we have chosen to describe two case studies after introducing some concepts in signal processing. These case studies are still the subject of current research. The first one attempts to solve a problem in image processing: how to approximate an edge in an image efficiently by subdivision. The method is based on normal offsets. The second case is the use of Powell-Sabin splines to give a smooth multiresolution representation of a surface. In this context we also illustrate the general method of construction of a spline wavelet basis using a lifting scheme

    Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB

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    MATLAB is a software package used primarily in the field of engineering for signal processing, numerical data analysis, modeling, programming, simulation, and computer graphic visualization. In the last few years, it has become widely accepted as an efficient tool, and, therefore, its use has significantly increased in scientific communities and academic institutions. This book consists of 20 chapters presenting research works using MATLAB tools. Chapters include techniques for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), dynamic systems, electric machines, signal and image processing, power electronics, mixed signal circuits, genetic programming, digital watermarking, control systems, time-series regression modeling, and artificial neural networks

    Space-time Methods for Time-dependent Partial Differential Equations

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    Modern discretizations of time-dependent PDEs consider the full problem in the space-time cylinder and aim to overcome limitations of classical approaches such as the method of lines (first discretize in space and then solve the resulting ODE) and the Rothe method (first discretize in time and then solve the PDE). A main advantage of a holistic space-time method is the direct access to space-time adaptivity and to the backward problem (required for the dual problem in optimization or error control). Moreover, this allows for parallel solution strategies simultaneously in time and space. Several space-time concepts where proposed (different conforming and nonconforming space-time finite elements, the parareal method, wavefront relaxation etc.) but this topic has become a rapidly growing field in numerical analysis and scientific computing. In this workshop the focus is the development of adaptive and flexible space-time discretization methods for solving parabolic and hyperbolic space-time partial differential equations

    Analysis and synthesis techniques of nonlinear dynamical systems with applications to diagnostic of controlled thermonuclear fusion reactors

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    Nonlinear dynamical systems are of wide interest to engineers, physicists and mathematicians, and this is due to the fact that most of physical systems in nature are inherently non-linear. The nonlinearity of these systems has consequences on their time-evolution, which in some cases can be completely unpredictable, apparently random, although fundamentally deterministic. Chaotic systems are striking examples of this. In most cases, there are no hard and fast rules to analyse these systems. Often, their solutions cannot be obtained in closed form, and it is necessary to resort to numerical integration techniques, which, in case of high sensitivity to initial conditions, lead to ill-conditioning problems and high computational costs. The dynamical system theory, the branch of mathematics used to describe the behaviour of these systems, focuses not on finding exact solutions to the equations describing the dynamical system, but rather on knowing if the system stabilises to a steady state in the long term, and what are the possible attractors, e.g. a quasi-periodic or chaotic attractors. Regarding the synthesis, from both a practical and a theoretical standpoint, it is very desirable to develop methods of synthesizing these systems. Although extensive theory has been developed for linear systems, no complete formulation for nonlinear systems synthesis is present today. The main topic of this thesis is the solution of engineering problems related to the analysis and synthesis of nonlinear and chaotic systems. In particular, a new algorithm which optimizes Lyapunov exponents estimation in piecewise linear systems has been applied to PWL and polynomial chaotic systems. In the field of complex systems synthesis, a systematic method to project systems of order 2n characterized by two positive Lyapunov exponents, has been proposed. This procedure couples nth-order chaotic systems with a suitable nonlinear coupling function. Furthermore, a method for the fault detection has been developed. In the field of time series analysis, a new denoising method, based on the wavelet transform of the noisy signal, has been described. The method implements a variable thresholding, whose optimal value is determined by analysing the cross-correlation between the denoised signal and the residuals and by applying different criteria depending on the particular decomposition level. Finally, a study of dynamical behaviour of Type I ELMs has been performed for a future modelization of the phenomenon. In this context, a statistical analysis of time intervals between successive Type I ELMs has been proposed.---------------------------------- Il tema principale di questa tesi è la soluzione di problemi ingegneristici legati all’analisi e alla sintesi di sistemi dinamici non lineari. I sistemi dinamici non lineari sono di largo interesse per ingegneri, fisici e matematici, e questo è dovuto al fatto che la maggior parte dei sistemi fisici in natura è intrinsecamente non lineare. La non linearità di questi sistemi ha conseguenze sulla loro evoluzione temporale, che in certi casi può rivelarsi del tutto imprevedibile, apparentemente casuale, seppure fondamentalmente deterministica. I sistemi caotici sono un esempio lampante di questo comportamento. Nella maggior parte dei casi non esistono delle regole standard per l’analisi di questi sistemi. Spesso, le soluzioni non possono essere ottenute in forma chiusa, ed è necessario ricorrere a tecniche di integrazione numerica, che, in caso di elevata sensibilità alle condizioni iniziali, portano a problemi di mal condizionamento e di elevato costo computazionale. La teoria dei sistemi dinamici, la branca della matematica usata per descrivere il comportamento di questi sistemi, non si concentra sulla ricerca di soluzioni esatte per le equazioni che descrivono il sistema dinamico, ma piuttosto sull’analisi del comportamento a lungo termine del sistema, per sapere se questo si stabilizzi in uno stato stabile e per sapere quali siano i possibili attrattori, ad esempio, attrattori quasi-periodici o caotici. Per quanto riguarda la sintesi, sia da un punto di vista pratico che teorico, è molto importante lo sviluppo di metodi in grado di sintetizzare questi sistemi. Sebbene per i sistemi lineari sia stata sviluppata una teoria ampia e esaustiva, al momento non esiste alcuna formulazione completa per la sintesi di sistemi non lineari. In questa tesi saranno affrontati problemi di caratterizzazione, analisi e sintesi, legati allo studio di sistemi non lineari e caotici. La caratterizzazione dinamica di un sistema non lineare permette di individuarne il comportamento qualitativo a lungo termine. Gli esponenti di Lyapunov sono degli strumenti che permettono di determinare il comportamento asintotico di un sistema dinamico. Essi danno informazioni circa il tasso di divergenza di traiettorie vicine, caratteristica chiave delle dinamiche caotiche. Le tecniche esistenti per il calcolo degli esponenti di Lyapunov sono computazionalmente costose, e questo fatto ha in qualche modo precluso l’uso estensivo di questi strumenti in problemi di grandi dimensioni. Inoltre, durante il calcolo degli esponenti sorgono dei problemi di tipo numerico, per ciò il calcolo deve essere affrontato con cautela. L’implementazione di algoritmi veloci e accurati per il calcolo degli esponenti di Lyapunov è un problema di interesse attuale. In molti casi pratici il vettore di stato del sistema non è disponibile, e una serie temporale rappresenta l’unica informazione a disposizione. L’analisi di serie storiche è un metodo di analisi dei dati provenienti da serie temporali che ha lo scopo di estrarre delle statistiche significative e altre caratteristiche dei dati, e di ottenere una comprensione della struttura e dei fattori fondamentali che hanno prodotto i dati osservati. Per esempio, un problema dei reattori a fusione termonucleare controllata è l’analisi di serie storiche della radiazione Dα, caratteristica del fenomeno chiamato Edge Localized Modes (ELMs). La comprensione e il 16 controllo degli ELMs sono problemi cruciali per il funzionamento di ITER, in cui il type-I ELMy H-mode è stato scelto come scenario di funzionamento standard. Determinare se la dinamica degli ELM sia caotica o casuale è cruciale per la corretta descrizione dell’ELM cycle. La caratterizzazione dinamica effettuata sulle serie temporali ricorrendo al cosiddetto spazio di embedding, può essere utilizzata per distinguere serie random da serie caotiche. Uno dei problemi più frequenti che si incontra nell’analisi di serie storiche sperimentali è la presenza di rumore, che in alcuni casi può raggiungere anche il 10% o il 20% del segnale. È quindi essenziale , prima di ogni analisi, sviluppare una tecnica appropriata e robusta per il denosing. Quando il modello del sistema è noto, l’analisi di serie storiche può essere applicata al rilevamento di guasti. Questo problema può essere formalizzato come un problema di identificazione dei parametri. In questi casi, la teorie dell’algebra differenziale fornisce utili informazioni circa la natura dei rapporti fra l’osservabile scalare, le variabili di stato e gli altri parametri del sistema. La sintesi di sistemi caotici è un problema fondamentale e interessante. Questi sistemi non implicano soltanto un metodo di realizzazione di modelli matematici esistenti ma anche di importanti sistemi fisici reali. La maggior parte dei metodi presentati in letteratura dimostra numericamente la presenza di dinamiche caotiche, per mezzo del calcolo degli esponenti di Lyapunov. In particolare, le dinamiche ipercaotiche sono identificate dalla presenza di due esponenti di Lyapunov positivi
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