51 research outputs found

    Recruitment characteristics of nerve fascicles stimulated by a multi-groove electrode

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    The recruitment characteristics of fascicle-selective nerve stimulation by a multigroove electrode have been investigated both theoretically and in acute experiments. A three-dimensional (3-D) volume conductor model of fascicles in a multigroove device and a model of myelinated nerve fiber stimulation were used to calculate threshold stimuli of nerve fibers in these fascicles. After their exposition, fascicles from rat sciatic nerve were positioned in different grooves of appropriate sizes and stimulated separately. The device appeared to be suitable for fascicle-selective stimulation, because both computer simulations and acute animal experiments showed that crosstalk between neighboring fascicles is not a problem, even when monopolar stimulation was used. The threshold stimulus was lower for a small fascicle than for a large one. When the amount of (conducting) medium between contact and perineurium or its conductivity was reduced, threshold stimuli were lower. Moreover, simulations predict that the slopes of recruitment curves are smaller and inverse recruitment order is less pronounced. Simulations also showed that a small contact is preferable to a large one, because a small contact gives a slightly smaller slope of the recruitment curve. Both experimentally and theoretically a significantly smaller slope of recruitment curves was obtained by stimulation with a cathode and an anode at opposite sides of the fascicle, driven by two current sources giving simultaneous pulses with different, but linearly dependent amplitude

    Efficiency of endoneural stimulation with 5- to 24-fold multielectrodes

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    Optimal selective stimulation of nerve with endoneurally (intrafascicularly) inserted multi-microelectrodes means that each electrode activates, with its own threshold stimulation current, as few distinct motoneurons as possible, preferably only one, If the latter is the case, the efficiency of a multi-electrode is 100%. However, neighbouring electrodes may control the same motor fiber(s), as there are generally more fibers than electrodes and because the position of fibers is largely unknown. In that case, efficiency is less than 100%. This paper reports on experiments in rat peroneal nerve with 5- and 24-fold wire multi-microelectrode arrays, The threshold force of the twitch recruitment curve of the corresponding EDL muscle was used to monitor nerve activation, It was found that on average the threshold force efficiency was 0.48=48%, After re-inspection of the data, taking into account that neighbouring electrodes have a higher probability to activate the same motor units, in contrast to distant electrodes, the average efficiency even rises to 81%. For several reasons, threshold forces do not correspond to motor unit forces, implying that the threshold-force-efficiency can not be regarded as motor-unit-efficienc

    3D Neuro-electronic interface devices for neuromuscular control: Design studies and realisation steps

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    In order to design the shape and dimensions of new 3D multi-microelectrode information transducers properly, i. e. adapted to the scale of information delivery to and from peripheral nerve fibres, a number of studies were, and still are, being performed on modelling and simulation of electrical volume conduction inside and outside nerves, on animal experiments on stimulation and recording with single wires and linear arrays, and on new technologies for 3D micro-fabrication. This paper presents a selection of the results of these `Neurotechnology¿ studies at the University of Twente. The experimental and simulation results apply primarily to the peripheral motor nerves of the rat, but are also of interest for neural interfacing with myelinated nerves in man, as fascicles in man are about the same size as in the rat

    Advancing Peripheral Nerve Interfaces in a Large Animal Model

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    Transverse tripolar stimulation of peripheral nerve:A modelling study of spatial selectivity

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    Various anode-cathode configurations in a nerve cuff are modelled to predict their spatial selectivity characteristics for functional nerve stimulation. A 3D volume conductor model of a monofascicular nerve is used for the computation of stimulation-induced field potentials, whereas a cable model of myelinated nerve fibre is used for the calculation of the excitation thresholds of fibres. As well as the usual configurations (monopole, bipole, longitudinal tripole, ‘steering’ anode), a transverse tripolar configuration (central cathode) is examined. It is found that the transverse tripole is the only configuration giving convex recruitment contours and therefore maximises activation selectivity for a small (cylindrical) bundle of fibres in the periphery of a monofascicular nerve trunk. As the electrode configuration is changed to achieve greater selectivity, the threshold current increases. Therefore threshold currents for fibre excitation with a transverse tripole are relatively high. Inverse recruitment is less extreme than for the other configurations. The influences of several geometrical parameters and model conductivities of the transverse tripole on selectivity and threshold current are analysed. In chronic implantation, when electrodes are encapsulated by a layer of fibrous tissue, threshold currents are low, whereas the shape of the recruitment contours in transverse tripolar stimulation does not change

    Acute peripheral nerve recording characteristics of polymer-based longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes

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    Journal ArticleWe examined the recording characteristics of two different types of polymer-based longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes (LIFEs) in peripheral nerve: single-stranded (s-polyLIFEs) and multistranded (m-polyLIFEs). Recordings were also made from Pt-Ir wire-based electrodes (PtIrLIFEs) as a control. The electrodes were implanted in either tibial or medial gastrocnemius branches of the rabbit sciatic nerve, and in the sciatic nerve of rats. Recorded neural activity induced by manually elicited afferent neural activity showed that both polyLIFE versions performed comparably to PtIrLIFEs

    Microwire regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces with wireless recording and stimulation capabilities

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    A scalable microwire peripheral nerve interface was developed, which interacted with regenerated peripheral nerves in microchannel scaffolds. Neural interface technologies are envisioned to facilitate direct connections between the nervous system and external technologies such as limb prosthetics or data acquisition systems for further processing. Presented here is an animal study using a handcrafted microwire regenerative peripheral nerve interface, a novel neural interface device for communicating with peripheral nerves. The neural interface studies using animal models are crucial in the evaluation of efficacy and safety of implantable medical devices before their use in clinical studies.16-electrode microwire microchannel scaffolds were developed for both peripheral nerve regeneration and peripheral nerve interfacing. The microchannels were used for nerve regeneration pathways as a scaffolding material and the embedded microwires were used as a recording electrode to capture neural signals from the regenerated peripheral nerves. Wireless stimulation and recording capabilities were also incorporated to the developed peripheral nerve interface which gave the freedom of the complex experimental setting of wired data acquisition systems and minimized the potential infection of the animals from the wire connections

    Biocompatible polymer coatings for implants in the peripheral nervous system : in vivo study of polymer-coated microbeads in the rat sciatic model

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    Introduction: Les implants dans le système nerveux périphérique (SNP) peuvent potentiellement restaurer les capacités sensorielles et motrices chez les patients avec des amputations des membres supérieures. Cependant, la réaction à un corps étrangers affecte significativement la fonction à long-terme et la biocompatibilité de ces systèmes avec le temps. Le dendrimère (DND) et la Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) sont deux polymères synthétiques qui peuvent potentiellement améliorer la performance de ces implants. Pour cette étude, notre objectif est de déterminer si ces polymères peuvent promouvoir la formation d’éléments présynaptiques sur des surfaces synthétiques in vivo dans un modèle animal. Méthodes: Pour l’étude in vivo, nous avons utilisé un modèle d’écrasement du nerf sciatique chez le rat. Des billes enduites de DND et PDL et contrôle ont été injectées dans le nerf sciatique aux sites d’écrasement et 5 mm distaux au site d’écrasement. Après 4, 6 et 8 semaines, les nerfs ont été retirés et marqués avec des anticorps spécifiques au neurofilament et à la synaptophysine. Nous avons ensuite compté le nombre d’éléments présynaptiques retrouvant sur la surface de chaque bille pour toutes les conditions. Pour l’étude de l’électrode, deux électrodes ont été implantées dans le nerf sciatique du rat. Nous avons ensuite effectué des enregistrements nerveux à chaque semaine, et le potentiel d’action dans le nerf a été mesuré en variant uniquement la largeur de l’impulsion. Résultats: L’étude in vivo a démontré que les billes enduites de DND pouvaient promouvoir une accumulation significative de synaptophysine sur leurs surfaces comparé aux billes contrôles de 4 à 8 semaines. À 4 semaines, les billes dans la condition DND avaient également une accumulation de synaptophysine significativement supérieure à celles dans la condition PDL pour le site distal à l’écrasement. L’étude de l’électrode a démontré que les deux électrodes pouvaient stimuler et acquérir des signaux nerveux du nerf sciatique jusqu’à 1 et 2 semaines respectivement avant de ne plus fonctionner. Conclusion: Les résultats de notre étude suggèrent que DND possède une propriété à promouvoir la synaptogenèse qui est supérieure à PDL in vivo et que notre modèle d’électrode peut être utilisé pour évaluer la stabilité du signal des implants SNP.Background: Implants in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) can potentially restore sensory feedback, improve motor control and alleviate phantom-limb pain in upper-limb amputees. However, nervous system implants have poor long-term function and biocompatibility when implanted into the body due to foreign body reaction. Dendrimer (DND) and Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) are two synthetic polymers with properties that could improve the performance of these interfaces. In my masters’ research, my objective is to determine whether these synthetic polymers could promote the formation of presynaptic elements on artificial surfaces in vivo making intraneural implants more biocompatible and long-lasting. Methods: In the coated microsphere in vivo experiment, a nerve crush injury model in the rat was used for the study. PDL-coated, DND-coated and uncoated beads were injected into the rat sciatic nerve at the crush site and 5 mm distal to the crush site. The nerves were then harvested after 4, 6 and 8 weeks and stained for neurofilament and synaptophysin. Synaptophysin puncta were then counted on the bead surface for each group. Additionally, in a proof-of-concept experiment, two uncoated electrodes were implanted into the rat sciatic nerve. Nerve recordings were then performed every week, and the threshold nerve potential in the sciatic nerve was measured by only varying the pulse duration of the stimulation. Results: The coated microsphere in vivo experiment demonstrated that DND-coated microspheres had a significantly higher number of synaptophysin puncta around their surface from 4 to 8 weeks compared to uncoated beads. At 4 weeks, the DND condition also showed a significantly higher number of synaptophysin puncta around its microbeads vs. the PDL condition for the distal site. In the uncoated electrode in vivo experiment, the results showed that the two implants could stimulate and record threshold nerve potentials in the rat sciatic nerve for one week and two weeks respectively before being non-functional. Conclusion: Our study showed for the first time that DND has a stable synapse-promoting property that is superior to PDL in vivo and that our electrode design can be used to assess the long-term signal stability of peripheral nerve implants

    Chronic multichannel neural recordings from soft regenerative microchannel electrodes during gait

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    Reliably interfacing a nerve with an electrode array is one of the approaches to restore motor and sensory functions after an injury to the peripheral nerve. Accomplishing this with current technologies is challenging as the electrode-neuron interface often degrades over time, and surrounding myoelectric signals contaminate the neuro-signals in awake, moving animals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of microchannel electrode implants to monitor over time and in freely moving animals, neural activity from regenerating nerves. We designed and fabricated implants with silicone rubber and elastic thin-film metallization. Each implant carries an eight-by-twelve matrix of parallel microchannels (of 120\u2009 7\u2009110\u2009\u3bcm2 cross-section and 4\u2009mm length) and gold thin-film electrodes embedded in the floor of ten of the microchannels. After sterilization, the soft, multi-lumen electrode implant is sutured between the stumps of the sciatic nerve. Over a period of three months and in four rats, the microchannel electrodes recorded spike activity from the regenerating sciatic nerve. Histology indicates mini-nerves formed of axons and supporting cells regenerate robustly in the implants. Analysis of the recorded spikes and gait kinematics over the ten-week period suggests firing patterns collected with the microchannel electrode implant can be associated with different phases of gait