1,308 research outputs found

    Development of Standardized Ethanol Extract of Fraxinus Griffithii as CNS Depressant

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    Background: Fraxinus griffithii has been widely used as CNS depressant. Its activity based on both empirical and preclinical data. However, standardization on raw material and process of extraction have not been conducted. Methods: Extraction of Fraxinus griffithii was conducted on different part of plants, as well as different solvents and extraction methods. Each extract was standardized both on specific and nonspecific parameters. Additionally, phenobarbital induced sleeping time test was performed on each extract. Results: Leaves of F. griffithii extracted with 70% ethanol by kinetic maceration yielded the highest extract. CNS depressant activity of 70% ethanol extract obtained from F. griffithii leaves by kinetic maceration was the highest compared to the others. Conclusion: All of the extracts have CNS depressant activity, but extract from the leaves, produced by 70% ethanol and kinetic maceration had the optimal activity and quality

    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN SALEP KUNYIT (CURCUMA DOMESTICA)UNTUK MENGURANGI STRIAE GRAVIDARUM : Studi Ibu Hamil Trimester II pada Bidan Praktik Mandiri Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Bukit Hindu Kota Palangka Raya

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    Latar Belakang : Striae Gravidarum (SG) adalah garis yang terlihat pada kulit perut wanita hamil akibat peregangan kulit sejalan dengan membesarnya rahim dan dinding perut. SG dapat menyebabkan rasa gatal, panas pada guratan dan sekitarnya. Walaupun tidak dapat dihilangkan penuh, keadaannya dapat diminimalisir dengan perawatan kulit. Pada penelitian ini melakukan terapi herbal yang merupakan salah satu metode pengobatan komplementer dan alternatif, lebih disukai karena komplikasinya lebih sedikit dan biaya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan prosedur invasif seperti terapi laser dan bedah kosmetik. Pencegahan Striae Gravidarum (SG)sama dengan penyembuhan luka dan bekas luka. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemberian salep kunyit (Curcuma Domestica)untuk mengurangi Striae Gravidarum. Metode : Penelitian Eksperimen dengan rancangan Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. Pada desain penelitian ini terdapat 2 (Dua) kelompok, yaitu 1 (Satu)kelompok intervensi dan 1 kelompok kontrol. Kelompok intervensi diberikan salep Kunyit dan kelompok kontrol diberikan salep Placebo. Hasil : Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang bermakna secara statistik pada kelompok intervensi (Salep Kunyit) untuk mengurangi garis Striae Gravidarum dengan nilai p-value = 0,004, sebaliknya tidak ada pengaruh yang bermakna secara statistik untuk mengurangi warna SG dengan nilai p-value = 0,510. Simpulan : Pemberian intervensi salep Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica) dapat mengurangi garis Striae Gravidarum (SG), tetapi tidak dapat mengurangi warna SG. Kata Kunci : Striae Gravidarum, Salep Kunyit. Introduction : Striae Gravidarum (SG) is a scratch on the stomach skin of pregnant women caused by the stretching skin as the uterus and abdominal wall are getting bigger. Sometimes woman experiences itchy and hot around the scratch. Eventhough, the scratch can not be diminished totally, it still can be minimized by skin care. Herbal therapy is one of alternative and complementer cures. It gives less complication and is cheaper than the invasive procedure, such as laser and cosmetic surgery. The prevention of SG is similar as curing of wound or scars. Objectives : The objective of this research is to analyse the influence of turmeric ointment in minimizing the Striae Gravidarum (SG). Method : The method of this research is an experiment with Pretest-Posttest with Control Group Design. In this design, there are two groups of experiment, namely one group of intervention and one group of controll. The respondents of intervention group are given turmeric ointment and the controll group is given Placebo ointment. Result : The bi-variat analysis result shows the score P-Value = 0,004 and the score of P is P0,05 Conclusion : The giving of given turmeric ointment enables to reduce the scratch of Striae Gravidarum (SG), but it can not reduce the its color. Key words : Striae Gravidarum, turmeric ointment (Curcuma Domestica)


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    Abstrak. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dari hasil belajar siswa pada kompetensi dasar mengklsifikasikan tumbuhan sebagai obat tradisional belum optimal. Masih banyak siswa yang hasil belajarnya memenuhi belum memenuhi Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulis melakukan penelitian untuk  membuktikan pengaruh penggunaan multimedia presentasi terhadap peningkatan kemampuan mengklasifikan tubuhan sebagai obat tradisional.  Tahapan dalam penelitian ini meliputi pemberian pretest, pemberian perlakuaan selama proses pembelajaran yaitu menggunkan multimedia presentasi powerpoint, kemudian dilakukan postest. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa melalui uji hipotesis mengunakan signifikansi antara hasil pretest dengan hasil uji postest melalui uji t paired dan diperoleh nilai sig 0,000 <α 0,005 , maka Ho ditolak dan H1 dterima, dengan demikian diperolah kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan penggunaan multimedia presentasi Powerpoint terhadap hasil belajar siswa tentang klasifikasi tumbuhan sebagai obat tradisional. Kata Kunci: Penguasaan Kompetensi Dasar, Multimedia Presentasi Powerpoint, Hasil Belajar.  Abstract Based on the results of observations of the results of student learning on the basic competence to identify plants as a traditional medicine is not optimal. There are still many students whose learning outcomes meet the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM). Based on the above, the authors conducted a study to prove the effect of the use of multimedia presentation to increase the ability to classify tubuhan as a traditional medicine. Stages in this study include giving pretest, giving perlakuaan during the learning process is using multimedia presentation powerpoint, then done postest. The results showed that through hypothesis test using the significance of pretest result with posttest test result through paired t test and obtained sig value 0.000 <α 0,005, hence Ho is rejected and H1 accepted, thus got conclusion that there is significant influence of multimedia presentation of Powerpoint presentation to result Students learn about the classification of herbs as a traditional medicine.Keywords: Mastery of Basic Competence, Multimedia Powerpoint Presentation, Learning Outcomes


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    Program pengabdian masyarakat oleh tim dosen S1-Farmasi ITK Avicenna mengusung tema edukasi pembuatan minuman herbal sederhana untuk kesehatan dari kulit labu kuning. Labu kuning selama ini dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan, sayuran atau menjadi bahan dasar pembuatan kue. Kulit labu kuning biasanya hanya menjadi limbah atau dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak. Kulit labu kuning sejauh ini disyalir memiliki kandungan kimia yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan alami. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan &nbsp;edukasi pembuatan minuman herbal dari kulit buah labu kuning. Kegiatan diikuti oleh 3 orang dosen dan mahasiswa/mahasiswa S1 Farmasi ITK Avicenna. Materi dibawakan langsung oleh seorang apoteker dengan basic farmasi &nbsp;komunitas dan klinis. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh kalangan ibu rumah tangga, lansia dan kader posyandu. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi bersama masyarakat disertai demo cara meramu dan penyajian minuman herbal. Output dari kegiatan ini berupa minuman herbal dalam bentuk sediaan teh seduh kulit labu kuning. Penyuluhan edukasi minuman herbal ini diharapkan memberikan dampak postif dan &nbsp;manfaat terkait pemanfaatan&nbsp; kulit labu kuning untuk kesehatan serta memberi informasi alternatif penggunaan obat tradisional untuk masyarakat di Kecamatan Abeli

    UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOLIK DAGING BUAH BUNI (Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng) TERHADAP Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25922 dan Escherichia coli ATCC 25923

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    Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the antibacterial activity of buni skin-pulpethanolic extract against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli ATCC25922. Profile of antibiotic resistance which is growing among Staphylococcus aureus andEscherichia coli need some exploration of antibacterial activity buni skin-pulp because thecontain of anthocyanin which has antibacterial activity. The research was purely experimentalresearch with randomized complete direct sampling design. The extraction method was done bymacerated in ethanol solvent. Tube tests and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) were used todetermine the content of the secondary metabolites substance in buni skin-pulp ethanolic extract.Antibacterial activity test was done by diffusion method, then followed with liquid dilutionmethod to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum BactericidalConcentration (MBC). The antibacterial activity was evaluated based on the result of inhibitionzone diameter then analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test followed with Mann-Whitney test.The results showed that the chemical substances of the buni skin-pulp ethanolic extract predictedwith TLC assay were phenolic, flavonoids, and anthocyanin compounds. The antibacterialactivity showed that the ethanolic extract only had antibacterial activity against Staphylococcusaureus ATCC 25923 with MIC and MBC values 30% and 33%, respectively.Keywords: antibacterial potency, buni skin-pulp, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia col

    Uji Aktivitas Antidiabetes Kombinasi Glibenklamid Dan Ekstrak Daun Salam (Syzygium Polyanthumwight.) Terhadap Mencit (Mus Musculus) Yang Diinduksi Aloksan

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    Pharmacological therapy of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is to use antidiabetic oral. Herbal medicine are also often used as an alternative treatment by patients. Even in some cases found patients combine drugs and herbal medicine to speed up the healing of DM. This study aims to know the effects of a combination of glibenclamide and bay leaf ethanol extract (BLEE) to decrease blood glucose levels and to determine its optimal combination dose as antidiabetic. The method was inducted alloxan at dose of 120 mg/kg BW intraperitoneally. The animal test used were mice which divided into 8 groups of tests, the negative control (Na CMC 0,5 %), positive control (glibenclamide 0,65 mg/kg BW), combination 1(glibenclamide+BLEE 250 mg/kg BW), combination 2 (glibenclamide+BLEE 500 mg/kg BW), combination 3 (glibenclamide+BLEE 750 mg/kg BW), BLEE 1 (250 mg/kg BW), BLEE 2 (500 mg/kg BW), and BLEE 3 (750 mg/kg BW). After 14 days study, data were analyzed by ANOVA showed the difference in decrease of blood glucose levels combination 2 (230±23,69) mg/dL and combination 3 (233,75±9,93) mg/dL were significantly different to the negative control (4±6,82) mg/dL, positive control (150,75±11,34) mg/dL, combination 1 (170±10,51) mg/dL, BLEE 1 (134,5±4,61) mg/dL, BLEE 2 (151,25±6,72) mg/dL, and BLEE 3 (158,75±17,64) mg/dL. While combination 2 and combination 3 were not significantly different. Combination of glibenclamide and bay leaf ethanol extract decreased blood glucose levels greater than a single dosage glibenclamide or bay leaf extract. Optimal doses decreased blood glucose levels was combination 2

    Uji Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pisang Ambon (Musa Paradisiaca L.) terhadap Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus L.) yang Diinduksi Karagenan

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    Anti-inflammatory activity test of ethanolic extract of banana leaf (Musa Paradisiaca L.) on carrageenan-induced paw edema in white male rats (Rattus novergicus L.) has been conducted. It was aimed to investigate and to determine the anti-inflammatory activity and its effective dose. The extract was prepared by maceration method using ethanol 96%. Anti-inflammatory activity test was performed in five different groups. Each group consisted of 5 rats. The 1st group (negative control) was given 0.5% CMC-Na suspension; the 2nd group (positive control) was given diclofenac sodium 9 mg/KgBW; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th groups were successively given the banana leaf extract as much as 500, 750 and 1000 mg/KgBW. Each rat was then induced by 1% carrageenan and tested using subplantar method. The inflamed paw diameter was measured using a calliper while the inflamed paw volume using pletysmometer. The measurements were done for 6 hours long with intervals of 60 minutes. The data was statistically analyzed using ANOVA (analysis of variance). The results showed that the negative control had a significant difference with the other treatment groups which did not show any anti-inflammatory effect. In conclusion, ethanolic extract of banana leaf has effective anti-inflammatory activity at a dose of 750 mg/KgB


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    Infectious disease is one of the diseases that is currently became a health problem in the community. Along with the increase in cases of infection, there is also an increase in cases of resistance to antibiotics. The biodiversity of Indonesia exhibit a potential at anti-bacterial which could be develop to become antibioctics candidate. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of Lamellodysidea herbacea sponge obtained from the waters of Poopoh village, Minahasa Regency against the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. Extraction was carried by maceration out using 95% ethanol solvent. Anti-bacterial testing using agar diffusion method (Disc diffusion Kirby and Bauer). The results showed that the ethanol extracts of Lamellodysidea herbacea sponge had the largest inhibition zone on Staphylococcus aureus bacteria at a concentration of 250 μL/disc of 7.5 mm and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria at a concentration of 250 μL/disc of 7.33 mm, both inhibition zones were in the medium category. Based on this study, it can be concluded that the largest inhibition zone is found in Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
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