460 research outputs found

    Vision-based Human Fall Detection Systems using Deep Learning: A Review

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    Human fall is one of the very critical health issues, especially for elders and disabled people living alone. The number of elder populations is increasing steadily worldwide. Therefore, human fall detection is becoming an effective technique for assistive living for those people. For assistive living, deep learning and computer vision have been used largely. In this review article, we discuss deep learning (DL)-based state-of-the-art non-intrusive (vision-based) fall detection techniques. We also present a survey on fall detection benchmark datasets. For a clear understanding, we briefly discuss different metrics which are used to evaluate the performance of the fall detection systems. This article also gives a future direction on vision-based human fall detection techniques

    Using BlazePose on Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition

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    The ever-growing available visual data (i.e., uploaded videos and pictures by internet users) has attracted the research community’s attention in the computer vision field. Therefore, finding efficient solutions to extract knowledge from these sources is imperative. Recently, the BlazePose system has been released for skeleton extraction from images oriented to mobile devices. With this skeleton graph representation in place, a Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network can be implemented to predict the action. We hypothesize that just by changing the skeleton input data for a different set of joints that offers more information about the action of interest, it is possible to increase the performance of the Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for HAR tasks. Hence, in this study, we present the first implementation of the BlazePose skeleton topology upon this architecture for action recognition. Moreover, we propose the Enhanced-BlazePose topology that can achieve better results than its predecessor. Additionally, we propose different skeleton detection thresholds that can improve the accuracy performance even further. We reached a top-1 accuracy performance of 40.1% on the Kinetics dataset. For the NTU-RGB+D dataset, we achieved 87.59% and 92.1% accuracy for Cross-Subject and Cross-View evaluation criteria, respectively

    Skeleton Split Strategies for Spatial Temporal Graph Convolution Networks

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    Action recognition has been recognized as an activity in which individuals’ behaviour can be observed. Assembling profiles of regular activities such as activities of daily living can support identifying trends in the data during critical events. A skeleton representation of the human body has been proven to be effective for this task. The skeletons are presented in graphs form-like. However, the topology of a graph is not structured like Euclidean-based data. Therefore, a new set of methods to perform the convolution operation upon the skeleton graph is proposed. Our proposal is based on the Spatial Temporal-Graph Convolutional Network (ST-GCN) framework. In this study, we proposed an improved set of label mapping methods for the ST-GCN framework. We introduce three split techniques (full distance split, connection split, and index split) as an alternative approach for the convolution operation. The experiments presented in this study have been trained using two benchmark datasets: NTU-RGB + D and Kinetics to evaluate the performance. Our results indicate that our split techniques outperform the previous partition strategies and are more stable during training without using the edge importance weighting additional training parameter. Therefore, our proposal can provide a more realistic solution for real-time applications centred on daily living recognition systems activities for indoor environments
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