447 research outputs found

    Propagation channel characterisation and modelling for high-speed train communication systems

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    High-mobility scenarios, e.g., High-Speed Train (HST) scenarios, are expected to be typical scenarios for the Fifth Generation (5G) communication systems. With the rapid development of HSTs, an increasing volume of wireless communication data is required to be transferred to train passengers. HST users demand high network capacity and reliable communication services regardless of their locations or speeds, which are beyond the capability of current HST communication systems. The features of HST channels are significantly different from those of low-mobility cellular communication systems. For a proper design and evaluation of future HST wireless communication systems, we need accurate channel models that can mimic the underlying channel characteristics, especially the non-stationarity for different HST scenarios. Inspired by the lack of such accurate HST channel models in the literature, this PhD project is devoted to the modelling and simulation of non-stationary Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels for HST communication systems. In this thesis, we first give a comprehensive review of the measurement campaigns conducted in different HST scenarios and address the recent advances in HST channel models. We also highlight the key challenges of HST channel measurements and models. Then, we study the characterisation of non-stationary channels and propose a theoretical framework for deriving the statistical properties of these channels. HST wireless communication systems encounter different channel conditions due to the difference of surrounding geographical environments or scenarios. HST channel models in the literature have either considered large-scale parameters only and/or neglected the non-stationarity of HST channels and/or only consider one of the HST scenarios. Therefore, we propose a novel generic non-stationary Geometry-Based Stochastic Model (GBSM) for wideband MIMO HST channels in different HST scenarios, i.e., open space, viaduct, and cutting. The corresponding simulation model is then developed with angular parameters calculated by the Modified Method of Equal Area (MMEA). The system functions and statistical properties of the proposed channel models are thoroughly studied. The proposed generic non-stationary HST channel models are verified by measurements in terms of stationary time for the open space scenario and the Autocorrelation Function (ACF), Level Crossing Rate (LCR), and stationary distance for the viaduct and cutting scenarios. Transmission techniques which are capable of utilising Three-Dimensional (3D) spatial dimensions are significant for the development of future communication systems. Consequently, 3D MIMO channel models are critical for the development and evaluation of these techniques. Therefore, we propose a novel 3D generic non-stationary GBSM for wideband MIMO HST channels in the most common HST scenarios. The corresponding simulation model is then developed with angular parameters calculated by the Method of Equal Volume (MEV). The proposed models considers several timevarying channel parameters, such as the angular parameters, the number of taps, the Ricean K-factor, and the actual distance between the Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx). Based on the proposed generic models, we investigate the impact of the elevation angle on some of the channel statistical properties. The proposed 3D generic models are verified using relevant measurement data. Most standard channel models in the literature, like Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), COST 2100, and IMT-2000 failed to introduce any of the HST scenarios. Even for the standard channel models which introduced a HST scenario, like IMT-Advanced (IMT-A) and WINNER II channel models, they offer stationary intervals that are noticeably longer than those in measured HST channels. This has inspired us to propose a non-stationary IMT-A channel model with time-varying parameters including the number of clusters, powers, delays of the clusters, and angular parameters. Based on the proposed non-stationary IMT-A channel model, important statistical properties, i.e., the time-variant spatial Cross-correlation Function (CCF) and time-variant ACF, are derived and analysed. Simulation results demonstrate that the stationary interval of the developed non-stationary IMT-A channel model can match that of relevant HST measurement data. In summary, the proposed theoretical and simulation models are indispensable for the design, testing, and performance evaluation of 5G high-mobility wireless communication systems in general and HST ones in specific

    Design principles of mobile railway networks

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    The basic principles of GSM railway network planning are examined. The method of the frequency channels distribution between cells is described. The development of frequency channel reuse scheme is performed. The procedure of an operational planning is proposed. The principles of even radio coverage are considered for cells with mainly free radio propagation and for urban areas

    A generic non-stationary MIMO channel model for different high-speed train scenarios

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This paper proposes a generic non-stationary wideband geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM) for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) high-speed train (HST) channels. The proposed generic model can be applied on the three most common HST scenarios, i.e., open space, viaduct, and cutting scenarios. A good agreement between the statistical properties of the proposed generic model and those of relevant measurement data from the aforementioned scenarios demonstrates the utility of the proposed channel model

    Statistical characterization of the 2.45 GHz propagation channel aboard trains

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    The propagation channel aboard trains is investigated with reference to the propagation path loss within cars, the delay spread and the coherence bandwidth. Results show that the path loss exponent is slightly smaller than in free space, possibly due to reflections by metal walls, and that it does not depend significantly on the position of transmitter and receiver. The delay spread and coherence bandwidth depend on both the polarization and distance between transmitter and receiver while the effect of interaction is not statistically significant. The best fit for both delay spread\u2019s and coherence bandwidth\u2019s experimental distribution is also investigated. Results show that it does not always match models suggested in the literature and that the fit changes with the values of the input parameters. Finally, the functional law between coherence bandwidth and delay spread is determined. Results typically match expectations although the specific measurement configuration effects the model parameters

    Channel Measurements and Models for High-Speed Train Communication Systems: A Survey

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    The recent development of high-speed trains (HSTs) as an emerging high mobility transportation system, and the growing demands of broadband services for HST users, introduce new challenges to wireless communication systems for HSTs. Accurate and efficient channel models considering both large-scale and non-stationary small-scale fading characteristics are crucial for the design, performance evaluation, and parameter optimization of HST wireless communication systems. However, the characteristics of the underlying HST channels have not yet been sufficiently investigated. This paper first provides a comprehensive review of the measurement campaigns conducted in different HST scenarios and then addresses the recent advances in HST channel models. Finally, key challenges of HST channel measurements and models are discussed and several research directions in this area are outlined

    Geometry-Based Stochastic Modeling for MIMO Channel in High-Speed Mobile Scenario

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    The geometry-based stochastic channel models are proposed in this paper for the terrain cutting, suburb, and urban scenarios in high-speed railway. First, the special scenarios in high-speed railway are described. And the channel models based on the geometry scenarios are introduced. Some channel parameters are based on measurement data. Then, the space-time correlation functions in analytical form are obtained in suburb and urban scenarios. Finally, the space correlation characteristics in three scenarios are compared

    A 3D GBSM for high-speed train communication systems under deep cutting scenarios

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This paper proposes a novel three-dimensional (3D) cylinder geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM) for non-isotropic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Rice fading channels in high-speed train (HST) wireless communications under deep cutting scenarios. Using a validated approximation, the closed-form expression of the space-time correlation function (ST CF) of the proposed GBSM is obtained. Different from two-dimensional (2D) channel models, in the 3D GBSM the elevation angles and the height of the base station (BS) antenna relative to the mobile station (MS) one are introduced. The numerical results show the rationality of the approximation and how the arrangements of antennas affect the ST CF

    Broadband wireless communication systems for high mobility scenarios

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicación en Redes Móbiles. 553V01[Resumen] A lo largo de los últimos años el uso de servicios multimedia y, en general, basados en el acceso a información “en la nube”, experimentó un auge sin precedentes. A diferencia respecto del pasado, los usuarios no solamente acceden a los servicios desde una ubicación estática; por contra, navegan libremente entre distintos lugares al tiempo que acceden, desde sus dispositivos móviles, a servicios en la nube. Debido al ritmo de vida actual, el tránsito entre zonas rurales y ciudades también se incrementó de modo notable, al ubicarse la mayor parte de los lugares de trabajo en ciudades o en sus respectivos entornos. Durante los períodos de transporte, cada vez más, los pasajeros emplean sus dispositivos móviles para trabajar, acceder a redes sociales o como dispositivos de entretenimiento. En la actualidad, GSM for Railways (GSM-R) es el sistema de comunicaciones más empleado entre los trenes y el resto de elementos involucrados en la infraestructura ferroviaria. Sin embargo, GSM-R no es adecuado para proporcionar servicios avanzados, tales como el control de piloto automático, así como para sustentar transmisiones de banda ancha a los operadores ferroviarios o proporcionar servicios de valor añadido a los pasajeros. Centrándonos en el mercado de dispositivos de comunicaciones de ámbito general, la explosión de usuarios y servicios multimedia de los últimos años motivó la migración, primero a las redes de tercera generación y, seguidamente, a las de cuarta, con Long Term Evolution (LTE) a la cabeza. Así, parece natural plantear a LTE como la tecnología candidata para la sustitución de GSM-R. En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un completo estudio de las prestaciones de sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas de banda ancha en vehículos de alta velocidad basado en campañas de medidas llevadas a cabo en entornos reales. Se estudió especialmente el caso de comunicaciones LTE en trenes de alta velocidad. Se proponen técnicas de reducción del coste y complejidad en relación a las evaluaciones en entornos de alta velocidad y se prueba su funcionamiento de modo analítico, mediante simulación y empíricamente. De cara a validar los desarrollos presentados en esta tesis en relación a los últimos avances en materia comunicaciones, se consideraron también las más novedosas propuestas para sistemas de quinta generación, actualmente aún en fase de definición. Es más, se evaluaron, tanto mediante simulación como vía medidas en entornos de alta velocidad, las prestaciones brindadas por las propuestas para sistemas de comunicaciones de quinta generación. El código fuente del GTEC Testbed y del GTEC 5G Simulator está disponible públicamente bajo la licencia GPLv3 en https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git.[Resumo] Ao longo dos últimos anos o uso de servizos multimedia e, en xeral, baseados no acceso a información contida “na nube”, experimentou un auxe sen precedentes. A diferencia respecto do pasado, os usuarios non soamente acceden aos servizos dende unha ubicación estática; pola contra, navegan libremente entre distintos lugares ao tempo que acceden, dende os seus dispositivos móbiles, a servizos na nube. Debido ao ritmo de vida actual, o tránsito entre zonas rurais e cidades tamén se incrementou de modo notable, ao ubicarse a maior parte dos lugares de traballo nas cidades ou nas súas respectivas contornas. Durante os períodos de transporte, cada vez máis, os pasaxeiros empregan os seus dispositivos móbiles para traballar, acceder a redes sociais ou como ferramenta de entretemento. O factor común da maior parte dos servizos típicamente empregados é a súa dependencia respecto do acceso á rede. Na actualidade, GSM for Railways (GSM-R), baseado no xa vetusto GSM, é o sistema de comunicacións máis empregado entre os trens e o resto dos elementos involucrados na infraestrutura ferroviaria. Sen embargo, GSM-R non é axeitado para proporcionar servizos avanzados, tales como o control de piloto automático, así como para sustentar transmisións de banda ancha aos operadores ferroviarios ou proporcionar servizos de valor engadido aos pasaxeiros. Botando unha ollada ao mercado de dispositivos de comunicacións de ámbito xeral, a explosión de usuarios e servizos multimedia dos últimos anos motivou a migración, primeiro ás redes de terceira xeración e, seguidamente, ás de cuarta, con Long Term Evolution (LTE) á cabeza. Así, parece natural plantexar LTE como o candidato para a substitución de GSM-R. No presente traballo lévase a cabo un completo estudo das prestacións de sistemas de comunicacións sen fíos de banda ancha en vehículos de alta velocidade baseado en campañas de medidas levadas a cabo en contornas reais de alta velocidade. Estudouse especialmente o caso de comunicacións LTE en trens de alta velocidade. Propóñense técnicas de redución de custo e complexidade en relación ás avaliacións en contornas de alta velocidade e valídase o seu funcionamento de xeito analítico, mediante simulación e empíricamente. Os desenvolvementos presentados nesta tese foron validados para os sistemas de quinta xeración, aínda en fase de definición. Avaliáronse, mediante simulación e experimentalmente en contornas de alta velocidade, as prestacións brindadas polas propostas para sistemas de comunicacións de quinta xeración. O código fonte do GTEC Testbed e do GTEC 5G Simulator está dispoñible públicamente baixo a licenza GPLv3 en https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git.[Abstract] Over the last few years multimedia and data-based services experienced a non-stopping growth. Unlike before, people do not use the services only from a static location, but they are continuously on the move between different scenarios, using their mobile devices to access data-based services. In parallel, commuter traffic from rural areas is also rising, since most of work places are in and around cities. During transportation, people intensively employ mobile devices to work, access to social networks, or as an entertainment means. Internet access is required for most of these services. Currently, GSM for Railways (GSM-R), which is based on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), is the most widely used communication system between trains and the elements involved in operation, control, and intercommunication within the railway infrastructure. However, GSM-R is not well suited for supporting advanced services such as automatic pilot applications or provisioning broadband services to the train staff and passengers. Besides trains, the increasing number of broadband services available for mobile devices motivated the migration from third-generation mobile networks to fourth generation ones, mainly Long Term Evolution (LTE). Therefore, LTE seems to be a good candidate to substitute the GSM as the fundamental technology for railway communications. In this work a complete study on the performance of high capacity broadband wireless communication systems for high speed vehicles is presented, based on measurement campaigns in actual high speed environments. Special attention is devoted to the case of LTE in high speed trains. Techniques to greatly reduce the cost and complexity of measurement-based evaluations in high speed scenarios are proposed and proven to work analytically, by means of simulations and by measurements in actual high speed environments. With the aim of checking the validity of the findings of this work for the latest advances in wireless communication systems, proposals for fifth generation (5G) communication systems, currently still under definition, were also considered. Moreover, the performance of the proposals for 5G communication systems was also evaluated by means of simulations as well as by measuring in high speed environments. The source code of both the GTEC Testbed and the GTEC 5G Simulator is publicly available under the GPLv3 license at https://bitbucket.org/tomas_bolano/gtec_testbed_public.git

    Asynchronous Resilient Wireless Sensor Network for Train Integrity Monitoring

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    To increase railway use efficiency, the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Level 3 requires all trains to constantly and reliably self-monitor and report their integrity and track position without infrastructure support. Timely train separation detection is challenging, especially for long freight trains without electrical power on cars. Data fusion of multiple monitoring techniques is currently investigated, including distributed integrity sensing of all train couplings. We propose a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) topology, communication protocol, application, and sensor nodes prototypes designed for low power timely train integrity reporting in unreliable conditions, like intermittent node operation and network association (e.g., in low environmental energy harvesting conditions) and unreliable radio links. Each train coupling is redundantly monitored by four sensors, which can help to satisfy the Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) SIL 4 requirements and contribute to the reliability of the asynchronous network with low rejoin overhead. A control center on the locomotive controls the WSN and receives the reports, helping the integration in railway or Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Software simulations of the embedded application code virtually unchanged show that the energy-optimized configurations check a 50-car train integrity (about 1 km long) in 3.6 s average with 0.1 s standard deviation and that more than 95 % of the reports are delivered successfully with up to one-third of communications or up to 15 % of the nodes failed. We also report qualitative test results for a 20-node network in different experimental conditions

    Towards the Internet of Smart Trains: A Review on Industrial IoT-Connected Railways

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    [Abstract] Nowadays, the railway industry is in a position where it is able to exploit the opportunities created by the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and enabling communication technologies under the paradigm of Internet of Trains. This review details the evolution of communication technologies since the deployment of GSM-R, describing the main alternatives and how railway requirements, specifications and recommendations have evolved over time. The advantages of the latest generation of broadband communication systems (e.g., LTE, 5G, IEEE 802.11ad) and the emergence of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for the railway environment are also explained together with the strategic roadmap to ensure a smooth migration from GSM-R. Furthermore, this survey focuses on providing a holistic approach, identifying scenarios and architectures where railways could leverage better commercial IIoT capabilities. After reviewing the main industrial developments, short and medium-term IIoT-enabled services for smart railways are evaluated. Then, it is analyzed the latest research on predictive maintenance, smart infrastructure, advanced monitoring of assets, video surveillance systems, railway operations, Passenger and Freight Information Systems (PIS/FIS), train control systems, safety assurance, signaling systems, cyber security and energy efficiency. Overall, it can be stated that the aim of this article is to provide a detailed examination of the state-of-the-art of different technologies and services that will revolutionize the railway industry and will allow for confronting today challenges.Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431C 2016-045Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED341D R2016/012Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España); TEC2016-75067-C4-1-