591 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze of factors influencing liquidation value of auction guarantees, case Study at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive research. The sample for this research is 35 collateral units that sell well during the 2019 to 2021 period at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. The analytical method uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that exposure time has a negative and significant effect on property market value at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. Economic growth has a positive and significant effect on property market value at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. Location has a positive and significant effect on property market value at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. Exposure time has a negative and significant effect on liquidation value of auction guarantees at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. Economic growth has a positive and significant effect on liquidation value of auction guarantees at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. Location has a positive and significant effect on liquidation value of auction guarantees at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region. Property market value has a positive and significant effect on liquidation value of auction guarantees at PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Remedial and Recovery in Palembang Region

    The System Requirement for the Online Auction Based on UUM Student Perspective

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    The main objective of this study is to develop an online auction for UUM students, the student can buy or sale their belonging through by using this system after to be developed for UUM students. The design is tested on the prototype and evaluated to test the usability and acceptability of the system. The Active Server Page.Net (ASP.Net)programming language have been used in this study to develop the system of online auction for UUM student, and SPSS have been used to analysis the data after collected form the student of UUM

    The Impact of Impression Management on Purchase Intentions in Online Auctions: The Moderating Effects of Relationship Norms

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    The IT-mediated nature of e-commerce creates the uncertainty in online buyer-seller relationships where online buyers are difficult to personally scrutinize sellers, leading to many challenges for online sellers to win buyers’ trust. In order to overcome this problem, according to impression management theory and relationship theory, this research proposes a research framework for understanding how impression management tactics can be used by sellers to create a positive impression in the minds of buyers, affect buyers’ trust in the sellers, and subsequently purchase from them. This research further examines the moderating role of relationship norms on the relationship between impression management tactics and trust. A Web-based survey is then conducted in Yahoo! Taiwan auction to validate our proposed framework. Our research is expected to contribute to the theories by first examining the impression management theory and relationship theory in the context of online auctions. We also expect to contribute to the practice by illustrating that sellers should adjust their impression management tactics to suit buyers’ relationship norms. Specifically, self-focused tactics are more useful for buyers in an exchange relationship; other-focused tactics are more effective for buyers in a communal relationship

    Ishodi percipirane kvalitete koji se odnose na online prodavaonicu: empirijski dokazi

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    Purpose – Despite tremendous growth of e-commerce, there are reports of concerns about the quality of products and services in online transactions. This study evaluates customer perceptions of product quality in online circumstances. Specifically, the study proposes a model for analyzing the prominent outcomes of perceived webshop quality. Design/Methodology/Approach – The data was obtained through an online survey using a structured questionnaire administered to 515 online customers. Furthermore, regression analyses tested the causal relationship proposed in the hypothesis. Findings and implications – The study found that both the dimensions of product quality and webshop quality affect customer loyalty and satisfaction. Besides, satisfaction and trust affect loyalty. Results also reveal that satisfaction affects trust. On the other hand, product quality has not been shown to affect customer trust. Limitations – Since there is no online customer database, a public online survey with screening questions was used. The sample consists only of the representatives of the student population who have purchased products online. As the sample may not reflect the entire population of online consumers worldwide, caution is to be applied when generalizing the findings. Originality – This study contributes the existing knowledge about how perceptions of quality, satisfaction, and trust combine to increase loyalty in the case of e-commerce. This is a step towards expanding and contextualizing research on perceived quality and its outcomes in a non-traditional Eastern context. This paper provides marketers with valuable insights into the perceptions and attitudes of young online shoppers.Svrha – Unatoč ogromnom rastu e-trgovine, postoje izvješća o zabrinutosti u vezi s kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga u online transakcijama. Istraživanje procjenjuje percepcije kupaca o kvaliteti proizvoda u online okolnostima. Konkretno, predlaže se model za analizu istaknutih ishoda percipirane kvalitete. Metodološki pristup – Podatci su prikupljeni pomoću strukturiranog online anketnog upitnika na uzorku 515 online kupaca. Za testiranje uzročnih odnosa predloženih u hipotezama korištena je regresijska analiza. Rezultati i implikacije – Istraživanje je pokazalo da obje dimenzije, kvaliteta proizvoda i kvaliteta online prodavaonice, utječu na lojalnost kupaca i zadovoljstvo. Osim toga, zadovoljstvo i povjerenje utječu na lojalnost. Rezultati također otkrivaju da zadovoljstvo utječe na povjerenje. S druge strane, pokazalo se da kvaliteta proizvoda ne utječe na povjerenje kupaca. Ograničenja – Budući da ne postoji online baza podataka o kupcima, provedeno je javno online istraživanje s eliminacijskim pitanjima. Uzorak je bio samo iz populacije studenata koji su kupili proizvode putem interneta. Stoga je potreban oprez pri generaliziranju nalaza istraživanja. Uzorak možda ne odražava cijelu populaciju online kupaca diljem svijeta. Doprinos – Istraživanje doprinosi proširenju postojećeg znanja o tome kako se percepcije kvalitete, zadovoljstva i povjerenja kombiniraju za povećanje lojalnosti u slučaju e-trgovine. To je korak prema proširenju i kontekstualizaciji istraživanja percipirane kvalitete i njezinih ishoda u netradicionalnom istočnjačkom kontekstu. Rad pruža marketinškim stručnjacima vrijedne uvide u percepcije i stavove mladih online kupaca

    Does Trustworthy Social Networking Sites Draw User’s Persistency Behaviors? Examining Role of Trust in Social Networking Sites Continuance Usage

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    While many researchers pointed out the importance of trust on Information Systems (IS) usage, this study explored the role of trust on usage of CMC media in the context of social networking sites (SNS). Social exchange theory (SET) and the expectation confirmation model of IS continuance (ECM-IS) were employed in the research model. The research model investigated SNS users’ continuous usage behaviors under antecedents from supporting theories and the impact of trust on all those antecedents simultaneously. The empirical research findings, using a Web survey in the context of Facebook, which is the most popular SNS, revealed that users trust in SNS impacts on overall perceptions of SNS and their usage. Discussions and limitation of research is addressed

    Online store brand experience impacting on online brand trust and online repurchase intention: The moderating role of online brand attachment

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    The scope of this research is to examine the impact of online store brand experience on online brand trust and online repurchase intention. Additionally, the study tests whether online brand attachment moderates these influences. Data was gathered in two cites in Pakistan and path relationships in the theoretical model were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. The study results confirm that onlinebrand attachment and online brand experience have a direct relationship with online brand trust and online repurchase intention. Conclusively, online brand attachment significantly moderates the two relationships between a) online brand experiences and online brand trust and b) online brand experiences and online repurchase intention.The study provides insights for online retail store managers to focus on improving the online experience for its customers in order to promote online brand trust and online repurchase intentions

    Understanding Repeat Purchase Intentions And Uncertainty In The Context Of Online Shopping

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    The distant and impersonal nature of e-commerce (EC) and the unpredictability of the Internet infrastructure generate an implicit uncertainty around online transactions. Moreover, customer repeat purchasing is critical to the e-commerce vendor’s survival and success. However, few studies explain online repeat purchase from an uncertainty perspective. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual model to examine the sources of uncertainty and types of uncertainty in an online transaction, which affect online repeat purchase intentions. We drew on uncertainty and online repeat purchase literature to formulate a conceptual model that identifies the sources of uncertainty, and three types of uncertainty (seller uncertainty, product uncertainty and environmental uncertainty) are respectively proposed as formative second-order constructs. The proposed structural model is empirically tested with data from 554 experienced online shoppers, and then analyzed using Structure Equation Model (SEM). The results show that seller uncertainty and environmental uncertainty have a negative effect on repeat purchase intentions. Implications for theory and practice and suggestions for future research are discussed