26,429 research outputs found

    ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning: Empowerment of Education with Technology

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching learning means making the effective use of ICT to teach the subject matter in a more interesting manner to make learning easy and fast for the students. It makes use of projectors, internet, multimedia, audio- visual aids and much more for teaching. The use of ICT in teaching learning have changed the whole concept of education and had proved to be of great benefit both for the teachers as well as the students. Through ICT, teachers get an opportunity to use new innovations in their teaching and present the study material in a more refined manner which is easily understood by the students and apart from this, ICT usage in teaching learning by the teachers gives an opportunity to the teacher to get acquainted with the new innovation and become contributors to its use in education. The students gain a lot by learning through ICT and they learn to seek knowledge on their own by using ICT. They also get an opportunity to share their knowledge with others through ICT. But there are certain factors which effect the successful ICT integration in teaching learning. This paper throws light on the benefits of ICT usage in teaching learning, three phases to successful ICT integration, factors influencing ICT by teachers, the barriers to successful ICT integration, implications to check barriers, and the changed role of the teachers

    Teachers' Competency in Integration of Information Communication Technology in Early Learning in Bungoma County, Kenya

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    Integrating Information Communication Technology into curricula with the intent of positively influencing teaching and learning has been in a state of evolution over the past 20 years. The purpose of the study was to analyse teachers' competency in integration of ICT, into teaching and learning in early learning in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study was guided by Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK) by Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler’s. The study population included Early Childhood Development (ECD) teachers, education officers in charge of ECD in the county and public primary school headteachers. Simple random sampling was used to obtain 177 ECD teachers which is 10% of 1,768 ECD teachers from 884 public primary schools in Bungoma County. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A questionnaire and interview schedule were the main primary data tools for data collection. The findings showed that Integration of ICT in early education is highly related to teachers’ ICT competencies, planning for instruction, teaching methods, teaching and learning materials and how assessment is done. The central issue in the integration of ICT into early learning is pegged on the instructors having the requisite ICT training. ICT integration in early learning is often attributed to the teachers thus, those teachers who competency and higher confidence are expected to integrate ICT in their classes. Teacher's underutilization of ICT in the classroom and their resistance to embedding ICT across the curriculum can be detrimental to attempts to introduce new teaching and learning technologies in education. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor teacher's ICT utilization and examine factors that contribute to their skeptical practices of teaching with technology. Keywords: Integration, Competency, Information Communication Technology DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-30-11 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Predictors of portuguese teachers' use of information and communication technologies in literacy classes

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    In the last years, the teaching and learning of literacy has changed due to the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The use of ICT in the classroom depends largely on teachers, who are the key players in its integration. However, several factors influence teachers’ decisions to use ICT in their classroom, both internal (e.g., self-efficacy) and external (e.g., school support). Indeed, despite the potential benefits of using ICT, not all teachers use them in their teaching practice. In the present study, we examined which are the main factors influencing teachers’ effective use of ICT in literacy classrooms. A total of 125 teachers lecturing Portuguese Language in grades 5–12 participated in this study (M = 50.00 years, SD = 7.88; 89% women). Teachers filled in an online survey, comprising sociodemographic questions (viz., age, gender, education, years of teaching experience, teaching level, school type, and geographical area) and four questionnaires related to ICT and teaching. Results showed that effective use of ICT was predicted by both internal (ICT’ self-efficacy and constructivist conception of teaching) and external (lack of access and support, and gatekeepers) factors. These findings may help in the identification of key targets to facilitate the effective use of ICT in literacy classrooms

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Integrasi TIK Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Pada Pondok Pesantren Di Lombok Timur

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    The trend of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has become something that is very much needed for the development of education and learning in Indonesia. The integration of ICT in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools is still not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence ICT integration in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools in the East Lombok. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using several case studies. The data sources on the research were 32 Islamic Boarding School in east Lombok. While the technique of collecting data used survey, interview, and focus group discussion The results of this study revealed two main themes, barriers and support. Barriers are classified into two groups: teacher factors and institutional support factors (Islamic Boarding school). Teachers include lack of time, lack of qualified human resources and the complexity of ICT integration. At the same time, the factors are limited infrastructure, lack of training, lack of access, and lack of technical support. The use of ICT can increase students' creativity. As for the carrying capacity that they believe ICT use during teaching practice can improve their performance, leadership support is also a key factor determining the integration of ICT during the learning process.The trend of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has become something that is very much needed for the development of education and learning in Indonesia. The integration of ICT in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools is still not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence ICT integration in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools in East Lombok. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using several case studies to discuss more in-depth information about the factors that influence the integration of ICT in Islamic boarding school teachers in East Lombok during the learning process. The study revealed that the thematic analysis is divided into main themes, barriers, and drivers, which affect ICT integration during the learning process. Based on this theme, this research leads to developing a conceptual model of the factors influencing ICT integration.


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    The quality of education in rural areas has not risen to the expected standard due to lack of access, inadequate infrastructure, poor connectivity of ICT, and insufficient number of teachers, etc. This empirical study aims at finding out the factors influencing successful ICT integration in rural schools with special focus on the availability of ICT infrastructure, extent of ICT utilization in classrooms and the barriers encountered in its effective usage. The findings indicate that ICT infrastructure is inadequate and its use in teaching and learning were found to be minimal and has not brought about much improvement. Underutilization of the technology has resulted in lowering the digital competency of the students. Frequent utilization of smart-classrooms along with a strong ICT infrastructure and their integration into teaching activities can play a significant role in facilitating digital education in rural schools

    Information and communication technology in Cyprus primary schools : a study of the integration process, teachers' use, and the influential factors

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and specifically computer technology, was abruptly introduced in Cyprus primary schools in the early 1990s without ensuring that the facilitating conditions for its unhindered infusion into education’s core processes of teaching and learning were in place. Nevertheless, the recently launched overall reform of the Cypriot educational system intensified and systematised the process of ICT integration in schools. In this context, the thesis researches the process of ICT integration in Cyprus primary education, taking into consideration teachers’ perceptions on a diversity of issues related to ICT implementation, the factors that seem to be influencing ICT use, as well as their professional development in ICT.The analysis of the collected data resulted in several findings, indicating that the process of ICT integration is unsatisfactory, since teachers’ ICT use is low and restricted only to a small number of resources. Simultaneously, the applications of ICT are mostly for tasks that are not directly connected to actual teaching and learning. Overall, the study shows that ICT did not manage to be smoothly interwoven into teachers’ everyday instructional practices, nor did it manage to be naturally incorporated into students’ learning environment as an integral part of their everyday learning experiences.Teachers indicate that the lack of time, their uncertainty of how to integrate ICT in their work, the unsuitable curriculum, the problematic access to equipment, the frequent technical problems, as well as the lack of immediate technical support, are some of the most significant factors affecting ICT use. Nevertheless, the study shows that there is a positive ground on which ICT can be successfully and meaningfully integrated in schools, like teachers’ positive ICT attitudes, their willingness and demand for quality ICT training, and the positive impact that ICT seems to have on some of teachers’ professional responsibilities. Additionally, the study indicates that teachers’ use of audiovisual resources, their ICT self-efficacy beliefs, their attitudes toward ICT, their pedagogical beliefs, as well as their views on the barriers and enablers to ICT use are significant predictors of teachers’ ICT use.Based on the study’s results, the thesis suggests that the ongoing reform of the educational system provides a great opportunity to set up the right conditions that will facilitate the sound integration of ICT in schools. This includes the reconsideration of ICT integration’s theoretical background and objectives, the release of time to teachers as a result of the new curriculum, the reconsideration of teachers’ professional development in ICT, as well as the establishment of an updated technical infrastructure and a solid technical support mechanism

    Teacher factors influencing integration of information communication technology in teaching of english language in secondary schools in Eldoret-East Sub-County, Kenya

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    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Educational Management (MSc.EM) at Strathmore UniversityResearchers have identified several factors influencing the integration and adoption of ICT into teaching. Personal characteristics of a teacher such as gender, educational experience, training on ICT, attitudes and perceptions can influence the adoption of a technology. The focus of this study was to investigate teacher factors that influence the integration of ICTs in teaching English language in Secondary schools in Eldoret East Sub County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the influence of teachers‟ gender, teachers‟ attitude, ICT training and teachers‟ experience on ICT integration in teaching of English language in Secondary schools. The study was guided by the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and The Rand Change Agent Theory. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population was 56 public secondary schools and 168 English teachers. Simple random sampling was used to select 17 public secondary schools and a sample size of 51 English language teachers purposively selected. A questionnaire was used to collect data which was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. There was a significant correlation between gender and technology literacy only. Significant relationship exists between attitude on ICT use and technology literacy. A positive and significant correlation exists between training and technology literacy, knowledge deepening and knowledge creation. The level of training affects ICT integration in the teaching of English language. Significant relationship exists between teaching experience and technology literacy. Both male and female teachers need to be encouraged to develop ICT literacy through training to enable them integrate ICT for teaching thus enhancing on students‟ achievement of set goals. Computer hardware should be availed to all student teachers in order to enhance its use during learning process that will empower them with skills and content to use them in actual teaching practice. Schools should ensure that they equip computer labs with adequate facilities

    Perceived benefits and barriers to the use of high-speed broadband in Ireland’s second-level schools

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    As part of Ireland’s National Digital Strategy high-speed broadband is being rolled-out to all second-level schools to support greater use of ICT in education. This programme signals a move from slow and unreliable broadband connection for many schools to a guaranteed high-speed connection with technical support. Theoretically, this should allow for behaviours and pedagogies to adapt incorporating ICT into education. Research shows that integrating ICT into teaching and learning is a gradual process for most teachers and is influenced by a complex mix of socio-technical factors. Our dataset consists of survey data from teachers and principals from a sample of second-level schools. The survey collected factual and attitudinal variables including attitudes towards ICT integration, current availability of infrastructure and barriers to ICT use, before schools received high-speed broadband connectivity. We examine the factors influencing teachers’ attitudes to ICT and their perceived barriers in adopting new technologies in their day-to-day teaching. Analysis of this baseline period is essential in an iterative digital strategy, informing future strategies, targeting policy most effectively and achieving policy objectives. While attitudes towards the potential of high-speed broadband and use of ICT are consistently positive across sub-groups of schools and teachers, perceived barriers to ICT usage differ

    Perceived benefits and barriers to the use of high-speed broadband in Ireland’s second-level schools

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    As part of Ireland’s National Digital Strategy high-speed broadband is being rolled-out to all second-level schools to support greater use of ICT in education. This programme signals a move from slow and unreliable broadband connection for many schools to a guaranteed high-speed connection with technical support. Theoretically, this should allow for behaviours and pedagogies to adapt incorporating ICT into education. Research shows that integrating ICT into teaching and learning is a gradual process for most teachers and is influenced by a complex mix of socio-technical factors. Our dataset consists of survey data from teachers and principals from a sample of second-level schools. The survey collected factual and attitudinal variables including attitudes towards ICT integration, current availability of infrastructure and barriers to ICT use, before schools received high-speed broadband connectivity. We examine the factors influencing teachers’ attitudes to ICT and their perceived barriers in adopting new technologies in their day-to-day teaching. Analysis of this baseline period is essential in an iterative digital strategy, informing future strategies, targeting policy most effectively and achieving policy objectives. While attitudes towards the potential of high-speed broadband and use of ICT are consistently positive across sub-groups of schools and teachers, perceived barriers to ICT usage differ
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