41 research outputs found

    SPPL: Probabilistic Programming with Fast Exact Symbolic Inference

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    We present the Sum-Product Probabilistic Language (SPPL), a new probabilistic programming language that automatically delivers exact solutions to a broad range of probabilistic inference queries. SPPL translates probabilistic programs into sum-product expressions, a new symbolic representation and associated semantic domain that extends standard sum-product networks to support mixed-type distributions, numeric transformations, logical formulas, and pointwise and set-valued constraints. We formalize SPPL via a novel translation strategy from probabilistic programs to sum-product expressions and give sound exact algorithms for conditioning on and computing probabilities of events. SPPL imposes a collection of restrictions on probabilistic programs to ensure they can be translated into sum-product expressions, which allow the system to leverage new techniques for improving the scalability of translation and inference by automatically exploiting probabilistic structure. We implement a prototype of SPPL with a modular architecture and evaluate it on benchmarks the system targets, showing that it obtains up to 3500x speedups over state-of-the-art symbolic systems on tasks such as verifying the fairness of decision tree classifiers, smoothing hidden Markov models, conditioning transformed random variables, and computing rare event probabilities

    Fine-Grained Provenance And Applications To Data Analytics Computation

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    Data provenance tools seek to facilitate reproducible data science and auditable data analyses by capturing the analytics steps used in generating data analysis results. However, analysts must choose among workflow provenance systems, which allow arbitrary code but only track provenance at the granularity of files; prove-nance APIs, which provide tuple-level provenance, but incur overhead in all computations; and database provenance tools, which track tuple-level provenance through relational operators and support optimization, but support a limited subset of data science tasks. None of these solutions are well suited for tracing errors introduced during common ETL, record alignment, and matching tasks – for data types such as strings, images, etc.Additionally, we need a provenance archival layer to store and manage the tracked fine-grained prove-nance that enables future sophisticated reasoning about why individual output results appear or fail to appear. For reproducibility and auditing, the provenance archival system should be tamper-resistant. On the other hand, the provenance collecting over time or within the same query computation tends to be repeated partially (i.e., the same operation with the same input records in the middle computation step). Hence, we desire efficient provenance storage (i.e., it compresses repeated results). We address these challenges with novel formalisms and algorithms, implemented in the PROVision system, for reconstructing fine-grained provenance for a broad class of ETL-style workflows. We extend database-style provenance techniques to capture equivalences, support optimizations, and enable lazy evaluations. We develop solutions for storing fine-grained provenance in relational storage systems while both compressing and protecting it via cryptographic hashes. We experimentally validate our proposed solutions using both scientific and OLAP workloads


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    Technology enables space exploration and scientific discovery. At this amazing intersection of time, new software and hardware capabilities give rise to daring robotic exploration and autonomy. Close-proximity operations for spacecraft is a particularly critical portion of any robotic mission that enables many types of maneuvers, such as docking and capture, formation flying, and on-orbit assembly. These dynamic maneuvers then enable different missions, like sample return, spacecraft construction larger than a single rocket faring, and deep-space operations. Commonly, spacecraft dynamic control uses thrusters for position and attitude control, which rely on active sensing and consumable propellant. The development of other dynamic control techniques opens new capabilities and system advantages, and further offers a more diverse technological trade space for system optimization. This research comprehensively investigates the utilization of flux-pinning physics to manipulate spacecraft dynamics. Flux-pinned interfaces differ from conventional dynamic control through its passive and compliant behavior. These unique characteristics are extremely attractive for certain applications, but flux-pinned technology must mature considerably before adoption for spaceflight missions. A dynamic capture and docking maneuver in an upcoming mission concept, Mars Sample Return, motivates the technology design. This body of work as much as possible follows a progression from cradle to grave. A flux-pinning theoretical dynamics model and a system architecture are presented to specify general capabilities of such a spacecraft system. Different analyses on stability, state sensitivity, backwards reachability result from a physics-based dynamics model. An extensive literature review and basic science experiments inform a theoretical dynamics model about the incorporation of physical parameters when simulating realistic dynamics. A series of testbeds enable experimentation and precise investigation of flux-pinned interface capabilities in the context of docking and capture. The testbeds ranged from the simplest expression of dynamics, in a single degree of freedom, to a flight traceable expression, in all six degrees of freedom. Experiments from these testbeds define and characterize system level capabilities specific to flux-pinned capture. Data collected from these experiments then supports development of a predictive dynamics model of the hardware system. Various system identification methods aid in creating a dynamics model that accurately predicts the dynamics observed during experiments. Several objective metrics are considered to evaluate the model fidelity. The types of system identification methods are separated into analytical methods and numerical methods. The analytical method involves parameter estimation in a physics-based model. Numerical methods involve Taylor expansion, bag of functions, symbolic regression, and neural networks. Theoretical extensions towards verification further develops neural network approximation methods, driving at safe, real-time system identification

    Programmeerimiskeeled turvalise ühisarvutuse rakenduste arendamiseks

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    Turvaline ühisarvutus on tehnoloogia, mis lubab mitmel sõltumatul osapoolel oma andmeid koos töödelda neis olevaid saladusi avalikustamata. Kui andmed on esitatud krüpteeritud kujul, tähendab see, et neid ei dekrüpteerita arvutuse käigus kordagi. Turvalise ühisarvutuse teoreetilised konstruktsioonid on teada olnud juba alates kaheksakümnendatest, kuid esimesed praktilised teostused ja rakendused, mis päris andmeid töötlesid, ilmusid alles natuke enam kui kümme aastat tagasi. Nüüdseks on turvalist ühisarvutust kasutatud mitmes praktilises rakenduses ning sellest on kujunenud oluline andmekaitsetehnoloogia. Turvalise ühisarvutuse rakenduste arendamine on keerukas. Vahendid, mis aitavad kaasa arendusprotsessile, on veel väga uued, ning raamistikud on sageli liiga aeglased praktiliste rakenduste jaoks. Rakendusi on endiselt võimelised arendama ainult krüptograafiaeksperdid. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on teha turvalise ühisarvutuse raamistikke paremaks ning muuta ühisarvutusrakenduste arendamist kergemaks. Väidame, et valdkon- naspetsiifiliste programmeerimiskeelte kasutamine võimaldab turvalise ühisarvu- tuse rakenduste ja raamistike ehitamist, mis on samaaegselt lihtsasti kasutatavad, hea jõudlusega, hooldatavad, usaldusväärsed ja võimelised suuri andmemahtusid töötlema. Peamise tulemusena esitleme kahte uut programmeerimiskeelt, mis on mõeldud turvalise ühisarvutuse jaoks. SecreC 2 on mõeldud turvalise ühisarvutuse rakendus- te arendamise lihtsustamiseks ja aitab kaasa sellele, et rakendused oleks turvalised ja efektiivsed. Teine keel on loodud turvalise ühisarvutuse protokollide arenda- miseks ning selle eesmärk on turvalise ühisarvutuse raamistikke paremaks muuta. Protokollide keel teeb raamistikke kiiremaks ja usaldusväärsemaks ning lihtsustab protokollide arendamist ja haldamist. Kirjeldame mõlemad keeled nii formaalselt kui mitteformaalselt. Näitame, kuidas mitmed rakendused ja prototüübid saavad neist keeltest kasu.Secure multi-party computation is a technology that allows several independent parties to cooperatively process their private data without revealing any secrets. If private inputs are given in encrypted form then the results will also be encrypted, and at no stage during processing are values ever decrypted. As a theoretical concept, the technology has been around since the 1980s, but the first practical implementations arose a bit more than a decade ago. Since then, secure multi-party computation has been used in practical applications, and has been established as an important method of data protection. Developing applications that use secure multi-party computation is challenging. The tools that help with development are still very young and the frameworks are often too slow for practical applications. Currently only experts in cryptography are able to develop secure multi-party applications. In this thesis we look how to improve secure multy-party computation frame- works and make the applications easier to develop. We claim that domain-specific programming languages enable to build secure multi-party applications and frame- works that are at the same time usable, efficient, maintainable, trustworthy, and practically scalable. The contribution of this thesis is the introduction of two new programming languages for secure multi-party computation. The SecreC 2 language makes secure multi-party computation application development easier, ensuring that the applications are secure and enabling them to be efficient. The second language is for developing low-level secure computation protocols. This language was created for improving secure multi-party computation frameworks. It makes the frameworks faster and more trustworthy, and protocols easier to develop and maintain. We give give both a formal and an informal overview of the two languages and see how they benefit multi-party applications and prototypes