5,293 research outputs found

    Harmonic functions on multiplicative graphs and interpolation polynomials

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    We construct examples of nonnegative harmonic functions on certain graded graphs: the Young lattice and its generalizations. Such functions first emerged in harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group. Our method relies on multivariate interpolation polynomials associated with Schur's S and P functions and with Jack symmetric functions. As a by-product, we compute certain Selberg-type integrals.Comment: AMSTeX, 35 page

    Driven by Compression Progress: A Simple Principle Explains Essential Aspects of Subjective Beauty, Novelty, Surprise, Interestingness, Attention, Curiosity, Creativity, Art, Science, Music, Jokes

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    I argue that data becomes temporarily interesting by itself to some self-improving, but computationally limited, subjective observer once he learns to predict or compress the data in a better way, thus making it subjectively simpler and more beautiful. Curiosity is the desire to create or discover more non-random, non-arbitrary, regular data that is novel and surprising not in the traditional sense of Boltzmann and Shannon but in the sense that it allows for compression progress because its regularity was not yet known. This drive maximizes interestingness, the first derivative of subjective beauty or compressibility, that is, the steepness of the learning curve. It motivates exploring infants, pure mathematicians, composers, artists, dancers, comedians, yourself, and (since 1990) artificial systems.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, based on KES 2008 keynote and ALT 2007 / DS 2007 joint invited lectur

    Deep Unsupervised Learning using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

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    A central problem in machine learning involves modeling complex data-sets using highly flexible families of probability distributions in which learning, sampling, inference, and evaluation are still analytically or computationally tractable. Here, we develop an approach that simultaneously achieves both flexibility and tractability. The essential idea, inspired by non-equilibrium statistical physics, is to systematically and slowly destroy structure in a data distribution through an iterative forward diffusion process. We then learn a reverse diffusion process that restores structure in data, yielding a highly flexible and tractable generative model of the data. This approach allows us to rapidly learn, sample from, and evaluate probabilities in deep generative models with thousands of layers or time steps, as well as to compute conditional and posterior probabilities under the learned model. We additionally release an open source reference implementation of the algorithm

    Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation

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    This is the author's final version of the article, first published as E. Vincent, M. G. Jafari, S. A. Abdallah, M. D. Plumbley, M. E. Davies. Probabilistic Modeling Paradigms for Audio Source Separation. In W. Wang (Ed), Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Chapter 7, pp. 162-185. IGI Global, 2011. ISBN 978-1-61520-919-4. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-919-4.ch007file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04file: VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:v\VincentJafariAbdallahPD11-probabilistic.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.02.04Most sound scenes result from the superposition of several sources, which can be separately perceived and analyzed by human listeners. Source separation aims to provide machine listeners with similar skills by extracting the sounds of individual sources from a given scene. Existing separation systems operate either by emulating the human auditory system or by inferring the parameters of probabilistic sound models. In this chapter, the authors focus on the latter approach and provide a joint overview of established and recent models, including independent component analysis, local time-frequency models and spectral template-based models. They show that most models are instances of one of the following two general paradigms: linear modeling or variance modeling. They compare the merits of either paradigm and report objective performance figures. They also,conclude by discussing promising combinations of probabilistic priors and inference algorithms that could form the basis of future state-of-the-art systems

    Learning hard quantum distributions with variational autoencoders

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    Studying general quantum many-body systems is one of the major challenges in modern physics because it requires an amount of computational resources that scales exponentially with the size of the system.Simulating the evolution of a state, or even storing its description, rapidly becomes intractable for exact classical algorithms. Recently, machine learning techniques, in the form of restricted Boltzmann machines, have been proposed as a way to efficiently represent certain quantum states with applications in state tomography and ground state estimation. Here, we introduce a new representation of states based on variational autoencoders. Variational autoencoders are a type of generative model in the form of a neural network. We probe the power of this representation by encoding probability distributions associated with states from different classes. Our simulations show that deep networks give a better representation for states that are hard to sample from, while providing no benefit for random states. This suggests that the probability distributions associated to hard quantum states might have a compositional structure that can be exploited by layered neural networks. Specifically, we consider the learnability of a class of quantum states introduced by Fefferman and Umans. Such states are provably hard to sample for classical computers, but not for quantum ones, under plausible computational complexity assumptions. The good level of compression achieved for hard states suggests these methods can be suitable for characterising states of the size expected in first generation quantum hardware.Comment: v2: 9 pages, 3 figures, journal version with major edits with respect to v1 (rewriting of section "hard and easy quantum states", extended discussion on comparison with tensor networks
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